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1、简单句并列句和复合句用法及习题七年级上册:Unit 1Unit 9:侧重于陈述句和疑问句。七年级下册:Unit 4:祈使句 Dont eat in the classroom.Unit 8:倒装句 There is a zoo in my neighborhood.Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 5,Unit 9,Unit 11,Unit 12:特殊疑问句。八年级上册: Unit 7:There will be more people. There will be more pollution.(Unit 8:First,peel the bananas. Next, put the b

2、ananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender.八年级下册:Unit 3:For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I.九年级:Unit 2 :What fun the Water Festival is! How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!一、陈述句和疑问句1.陈述句用来陈述一个事实或表达说话者看法的句子叫“陈述句”,句末用句号表示句子的陈

3、述结束。陈述句分为肯定句和否定句。!(1)肯定句的基本结构:“主语+谓语+宾语”。例如:I play basketball after school.(2)否定句又分为完全否定和部分否定。完全否定词有not,no,no one,nobody,nothing,neither,none,never。例如:None of us have been to Canada.部分否定词有hardly,seldom,few,little以及not与both,all,each,every,quite,always等连用所表示的部分否定。例如:I can hardly see anything in the al

4、l students come to school by bus.2.疑问句用来表示提问的句子叫作“疑问句”,句末用问号。疑问句包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句4种。(1)一般疑问句以系动词be开头的疑问句。例如:Are you a student以助动词开头的疑问句。例如:Do you speak French以情态动词开头的疑问句。例如:Can you dance(2)特殊疑问句用特殊疑问词引导的疑问句叫“特殊疑问句”。特殊疑问词包括疑问代词、疑问副词和由疑问词构成的疑问短语。常用疑问代词:what什么;who谁;whom谁(who的宾格);which哪个(些);whos

5、e谁的。例如:What are you doing常用疑问副词:when何时;where何地;how怎么;why为什么。例如:Where are you going tomorrow常用疑问短语:what time什么时刻;how many/much多少;how often多久一次;how soon多久;how long多长时间;how far多远;how old多大(年龄);how big多大。例如:How long have you been hereFor 10 minutes.(3)选择疑问句用来在两种或两种以上情况中进行选择的疑问句叫作“选择疑问句”。答语不能用Yes/No回答,而应

6、从问句中选择一种情况进行回答。一般选择疑问句的构成:一般疑问句+or+被选择的内容例如:Are you a teacher or a doctorIm a teacher.特殊选择疑问句的构成:特殊疑问句+A or B例如:Which do you like better,tea or coffee(4)反意疑问句%附在陈述句后对陈述内容进行反问的句子叫“反意疑问句”,也叫“附加疑问句”。反意疑问句前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是简短问句。陈述部分用逗号结尾,疑问部分用问号结尾。例如:Its a nice day,isnt it疑问部分的主语必须与陈述部分的主语一致;当陈述部分的主语是名词或代词时

7、,疑问部分要用相应的人称代词。例如: comes from the UK,doesnt he 疑问部分要与陈述部分的时态保持一致。例如:Tom went to the cinema yesterday,didnt he答语是肯定的用 “Yes”;答语是否定的用 “No”。前否后肯的反意疑问句的答语yes译为“不”,no译为“是的”。例如:Ann didnt come to school last week,did sheNo,she didn was ill.特别提醒反意疑问句的特殊形式陈述部分是I am.,疑问部分用arent I。例如:Im your best friend,arent I

8、当陈述部分是there be结构时,疑问部分用there。例如:There are many birds in the tree,arent there当陈述部分的主语是指示代词this,that时,疑问部分的主语用it;当陈述部分的主语是these或those时,疑问部分的主语用they。例如:This is an English car,isnt it These are Russian planes,arent they当陈述部分含有never/nothing/none/no one/seldom/hardly/few/little等否定词时,疑问部分用肯定形式。例如:She has n

9、ever been abroad,has she如果陈述部分含有由否定前缀im-,dis-,un-等构成的否定意义的词,则陈述部分作肯定处理,疑问部分仍用否定形式。例如:Mary is unhappy,isnt she当陈述部分的主语是不定代词something/anything/everything/nothing等时,疑问部分中代词用it。例如:Nothing is wrong with the computer,is it当陈述部分的主语为somebody/someone/anybody/anyone/everybody/everyone等时,疑问部分中代词用they或he,注意问句动词

10、的数应与they/he保持一致。例如:Everyone has known the news,hasnt he/havent they祈使句的反意疑问句a.祈使句是肯定形式,其反意疑问句中的疑问部分用will you或 wont you皆可。例如:Be sure to write to us,will/wont youb.祈使句是否定形式,其反意疑问句中的疑问部分通常只用will you。例如:Dont smoke in the meeting room,will youc.以let开头的祈使句构成反意疑问句时, lets用shall we构成反意疑问句,其他均用will you。例如:Let

11、s take a walk after supper,shall we Let the boy go first,will you当陈述部分是I think/I suppose/I believe/I consider等结构时,疑问部分一般与从句保持一致。注意“否定前移”。例如:I think you can do it better next time,cant you I dont believe there will be robots at peoples homes,will there二、感叹句1.以what引导:(1)What + a/an +adj.+单数可数名词 + 主语 +

12、 谓语!例如:What a beautiful mountain it is!(2)What +adj.+可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语!例如:What great inventions he has made!(3)What +adj.+不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语!例如:What bad weather it is today!2.以how引导(1)How +adj. +a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!例如:How clever a boy he is!(2)How +adj./adv.+主语+谓语!例如:How quickly Tom runs!三、祈使句祈使句表达说话人对对方的

13、劝告、叮嘱、建议、请求或命令等。主语you通常省略,谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号或句号。表达请求或劝告时,祈使句句末或句首可以加上please表示委婉的语气。1.肯定祈使句#(1)Do型:动词原形(+宾语)+其他成分。例如:Please have a seat.(2)Be型:Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其他成分。例如:Be quiet.(3)Let型:Let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分。例如:Let me help you.2.否定祈使句(1)Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加dont构成。例如:Dont forget me! Dont be late for school!(2)Let型的否定

14、式有两种:“Dont +let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分”和“Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他成分”。例如:Dont let him go./Let him not go.(3)有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止。例如:No smoking!四、倒装句英语句子一般主语在前,谓语在后。但有时因为语法结构的要求或为了表达特殊的强调部分,会把句中的谓语提到主语前面,这种句子叫“倒装句”。倒装句的常见句式: be句型&(1)There be句型表示“存在”,主语在be的后面。例如:There is some coffee in the cup.特别提醒there be与have的区别There be结

15、构表示“某地有某人/某物”,强调客观存在。have表示“(某人)拥有某物”,强调所属关系。例如: has two daughters. (2)There be句型的句式变化对There be句型中的主语提问:Whats + 地点状语/时间状语例如:There are many birds in the forests.Whats in the forests对There be句型中数量的提问:How many +可数名词复数 + are there + 地点状语How much +不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语、There be句型中,反意疑问句的疑问部分应用there。例如:

16、Theres no air on the moon,is there+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语,表示“也是”。表示与上文中所述肯定情况相同。例如:Jack likes rice for lunch.So do I.特别提醒“So+主语+助动词/系动词be/情态动词”表示“确实如此”,表示对上文所述情况的认可和肯定。例如:Jack likes rice for lunch.So he does.+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语表示与上文中所述否定情况相同。例如:Peter has never been to Japan.Neither have I.4.以副词开头的倒装句以here

17、,there,out,in,down,away等表示方位的副词开头的句子中,如果主语是名词,要用倒装句。谓语动词的形式由倒装句句尾的主语决定。例如:There comes the are the results of the test.1._ Its cloudy. s the weather was the weather likes the weather like is the weather2. does Linda want to be when she grows upA tennis player like Li Na. me an e-mail before you come

18、to ll meet you at the airport. send too much rubbish and waste by the side of the road. me collect these books,_ you you you you6. weather it is!We can go boating on the Dongchang Lake. bad good good bad7. interesting the film is! have seen it twice. an an8.Mum, must I go shopping with youNo, you .Y

19、ou can watch the film Monster Hunt with your brothers.t tt t9. do you like Huo Zuns “Roll of Bead Curtain”Very know I love songs that both have great lyrics and beautiful rhythm., 10. The radio says it will rain next Sunday. .Were going for a picnic that day. hope it will m afraid not dont think so

20、hope not is raining go out. better not better not to not better had better 12. do the children take art lessons a week)Three or four times. long many times soon often13._ smoke here, has been banned(禁止) in public places.Sorry, I promise I_ .; will t; wontt; dont ; wont 14. He can remember 100 groups

21、 of numbers in five minutes. man he is! a smart smart】 a stupid stupid15.We failed in the singing competition. times are waiting for you. done wishes up job16. If you go for a picnic, .t;so will I t;so I will t;neither will I t;neither I will17. are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition,AmyTo l

22、earn about different styles of school uniforms. 18.Mona has never been to Disneyland, has she .s been there twice with her parents., she hasnt , she has, she has , she hasnt19.Sorry sir,Ive made so many mistakes in this paper.Its OK. .This paper is very difficult. have other students do other studen

23、ts do other students have other students20. role she played in the movie!Thats why she has a lot of fans. interesting an interesting interesting an interesting21.Gina has made great progress this term.) and . she has; so have you she has ;so you have has she; so you have has she; so have you22. ,Emm

24、aI need should I buy for my mothers birthdays it going s on s up /s your mother23.Do you like a small, medium or large pizza.d like a medium pizza , I liked like some cheese on it want buy some24.Its very hot in the room! the door open dont keep dont to keep not keep not you to keep25.Im not going s

25、wimming this afternoon. . I have to help my mother do some cleaning. am I I am am I I am26.My grandpa is used to living in the city. . my grandpa is is my grandpa my grandpa did、 my grandpa does27.Remember to write down your name on the paper. . mind pleasure,I will s all right 28. can you hand in y

26、our homework, TimIn about ten minutes, . long soon often far by practising a few hours every day be able to become a pianist one day. can you( you will 30. I dont think they would believe her, I they t they I1.(2018滨州) _ convenient it is to live in China!Yes, weve got WeChat, shared bikes, Alipay, e

27、tc. a a 2.(2018福建) _ does Liu Chuanjian do/Hes a pilot of Sichuan s a hero! 3.(2018安顺) There is little money for to buy a ticket for todays show,_ Exactly! there t theret there there4.(2018恩施) _, or you wont do well in your lessons. will. work hard t work hard 5.(2018南京) _ is it from the Childrens P

28、alace to Nanjing South Railway Station, TomAbout 10 minutes ride by bus. soon long far much6.(2018重庆)_ me a chance and Ill bring you a surprise. give七年级上册:Unit 5:We go to the same school and we love soccer.-Unit 6:I like ice-cream.but I dont eat it.七年级下册:Unit 5:Why dont you like tigers Because theyr

29、e really scary.八年级上册: Unit 3:Tina thinks she works harder than me.Unit 10:What will happen if they have the party today八年级下册:Unit 4:He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry.Unit 5:While Linda was sleeping ,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.Unit 6:Because they were so big that

30、 it took a long time to walk to the other side.He cannot turn himself into a man unless he can hide his tail.九年级:Unit 2:I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.Unit 3:Could you tell us when the band starts playing this eveningUnit 9:She likes musicians who play

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