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1、福建教师招聘中学英语真题2018年4月15日福建教师招聘中学英语本试卷满分:150分,考试时间:120分钟第一部分选择题一、选择题(本大题分为两个部分:单项选择和阅读理解,满分55分)(一)单项选择(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置上涂 黑。1 DO you mind if I ask you SOme questions? BUt I am OCCUPied at the moment.A.No, go ahead B. Yes5 PIeaSe C. NO PrOblem D. NeVer mind1.【答

2、案】CO解析:考查英语交际用语。本句意思是:你介意我问你一些问题吗?。不介意, 但我现在忙着呢。只有C项符合题意。故选C。2.A great number Of national ParkS have been Set UP to endangered SPeCieS from extinction.A.COnSerVe B. PreSerVre C. reserve D. ObSerVe2.【答案】Bo解析:考查动词辨析。本句意思是:为了保护濒危动物,很多国家已经建立了国家 公园。A保存,节约(水,能源等):B保护(使免受破坏);C预订:D观察。故选B。3.SinCe ancient tim

3、es, the ChineSe PeOPle that in the WOrld there is no SUCh Ihing as Sitting idle andenjoying all the benefits.A.have realized B. had realized C. realized D. WOUld realize3.【答案】A。解析:考查动词时态。本句意思是:中国人民自古就明白,世界上没有坐享其成的 好事。SinCe用于现在完成时态,表示“自从”。故选A。4.AlthOUgh he WaS busy With his work, he managed to SOmC t

4、ime to ViSit his parents.A.Set down B. Set Off C. Set aside D. Set UP4.【答案】CO解析:考查动词词组辨析。本句意思是:虽然他工作很忙,但是他还会抽出时间去 看望他的父母。A放下,记下;B出发,动身,爆炸:C留岀;D开业,建立。根据题意可知。故选C。5.HOng KOng billionaire Li Ka-Shing announced his retirement at age 89. OffiCiaIly PaSSing the empire to his eldest SOnA. POVerty B. PrOPert

5、y C. PriOrity D. PrOSPerity5.【答案】BO解析:考查劣词辨析。本句意思是:香港亿万富翁Li Ka Shing宣布,他在89岁时退 休,正式地将这个房地产帝国传给他的大儿子。A贫困;B房地产,财产,所有权;C优先;D繁荣, 兴旺。根据题意可知。故选Ba6.StePhen HaWking is a great SCientiSt and extraordinary man WOrk and IegaCy Will IiVe On formany yearsA. that B. WhiCh C. WhO D. WhOSe6.【答案】D。解析:考查左语从句。此句中缺少立语,

6、man与WorkandlCgaCy是从属的关系*故选DJ7 NOthing Can StOP US from achieving the ChineSe dream We Stay UnitCd and WOrk hard together.A. in OrdCr that B. even if C. as IOng as D. in CaSe7.【答案】C。解析:考査状语从句。本句意思是:只要精诚团结、共同奋斗,就没有任何力量能 够阻挡中国人民实现梦想的步伐!。A为了: B即使:C只要;D以防,万一。根据题意可知。故选CO8 NeW measures are introduced to en

7、sure that the business runs A. SmOOthly B. roughly C. frequently D. irregularly&【答案】AO解析:考査副词辨析。本句意思是:他们正采取新措施,以确保业务顺利进行。A 平稳地,顺利地:B粗略地;C频繁地:D不规则地,不左期地。根据题意可知。故选Aa9.The exercise is the abilities Of the majority Of the StUdentS.Its too difficultA. for B.beyond C.within D.under9【答案】B.解析:考査介词。本句意思是:这个练

8、习超过了大多数学生的能力,它太难了。beyond 表示超越、越过。根据题意可知。故选BoIQ ISOme remote InOuntainOUS areas WhiCh USed to be Only On foot now Can be reached by busA. available B. affordable C. achievable D. accessible10.【答案】D解析:考査形容词辨析。本句意思是:一些过去只能通过步行才可以到达的偏远 山 区,现在可以坐公交车到达了。A可获得的,有空的:B负担得起的;C可完成的:D可进入的, 易接近的。根据题意可知。故选DaIL rea

9、l benefits to OUr people, OUr government WiIl rise UP to all ChallengeS and PreSS ahead againstall odds.A. DeIiVer B. DeliVering C. TO deliver D. DeIiVeredH.【答案】C。解析:考査非谓语。本句意思是:为了给我们的人民带来真正的利益,我们的政府 将 而对所有的挑战,并在一切困难而前继续前进。此处为不泄式表示目的。故选Co12.While this SPeCifiC issue related to PriVaCy Ieaking ShOUld

10、 no IOnger happen again. doesn,tChange What happened in the past.A. that B. WhiCh C. What D. WhO12.【答案】BJ解析:考查非限制性定语从句。本句意思是:虽然这个与隐私泄露有关的具体问 题 不应该再发生,但这并不能改变过去发生的事情。空格处缺少主语,WhiCh指代前面的一句话。 that不能引导非限制性定语从句;What不能引导建语从句。故选BO13.Only by keeping Climbing however high the mountain is.A. COme to the SuInmi

11、t you Will B. you Win COme to the SUmmitC. Will you COme to the SUnlmit D. COme to the SUmInit Will you13.【答案】C。解析:考查倒装。本句意思是:只有不断攀登,你才能到达顶峰,无论山有多么高。OnIy+状 语位于句首要部分倒装。故选CO14.EXPCrtS and advisers in SPOrtS in China have Called for a greater emphasis On PrOmOting SPOrtSPartiCiPation.A. involve B. invo

12、lving C. to involve D. involved14.【答案】D解析:考査非谓语。本句意思是:在中国从事体冇运动的专家和顾问呼吁更重视 促 进体冇参与。EXPertS and advisers与involve之间是动宾关系。故选Do15.In his mastcipiece UIySSes. the IriSh novelist JameS JOyCe employed the narrative technique ,WhiCh WaS further developed by Virginia WOOlf in the 20th CentUry.A. flashback B.

13、 Stream Of COnSCiOUSneSSC. CharaCter POrtrayal D. POetiC imagination15 【答案】Bo 解析:考査英美文学。JameS JOyCe (乔伊斯):An IriSh born novelist, known for the technique Of the Streanl Of consciousness. HiS main works: UlySSeS (尤利西斯) 故选 Bo16.AmeriCan essayist RaIPh WaldO EmerSOn InOSt eloquently expressed in his ma

14、sterpiece Natlire the ideas Of A. namralism B. romanticism C. individualism D. transcendentalism16.【答案】D。解析:考查英美文学。WaldO RalPh EmerSOn (爱默生):Ieader Of the transcendentalism his essay NatUre( 论自然)is the manifesto Of transcendentalism HiS another essay The AmenCan SChOlCn美国学者)is COnSidered to be Anlen

15、Ca,s 4IiItelleCnIal DeClaratiOn Of IndePendenCe (思想上的独 立宣言故选De17.DUring the 18th century, new ideas about politics, PhilOSOPhy and SCienCe Were developed in Britaim this PeriOd is Often Called A. the EnlightennIent B. the IndUStrial revolutionC. the RenaiSSanCe D. the GlOriOUS revolution17.【答案】Ao解析:

16、考査英美文学。启蒙运动(EnIightenment),覆盖了各个知识领域,如自然科 学、哲学、伦理学、政治学、经济学、历史学、文学、教疗学等等。启蒙运动同时为美国独立战争与法国大革命提供了框架,并且导致了资本主义和社会主义的兴起,与音乐史上的巴洛克时期以及艺术史上 的新古典主义时期是同一时期。故选AO18.WhiCh Of the following ClUSterS Of WOrdS is an example Of alliteration?A. SIaP and Shatter B. Pride and PrejUdiCeC. KnOCk and kick D. PhilOSOPhy a

17、nd PSyChOIOgy18.【答案】B.解析:考査语言学。头韵(alliteration)指两个单词或两个单词以上的首个字母且发 音相同,形成悦耳的读音。简单来说,头韵仅第一部分或第一部分辅音群的第一个音素相同。故选Bo1嘛李华在英语学习过程中,利用笔记、图表、思维导图等收集和整理信息,他采用了学习策略中 的 0A.调整策略 B.认知策略 C.交际策略 D.资源策略19.【答案】B.解析:考査新课标。认知策略主要是借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系(如思维 导图):在学习中要善于抓住重点,做好笔记,并能对所学内容进行整理和归纳。故选B。20.林老师在英语教学中选用对话为体裁的教材,通过播放录音

18、让学生进行模仿,以句型教学为 中心培养学生的语言实践能力。该教师所采用的教学法被称为 OA.认知法 B.交际法 C.听说法 D.视听法20.【答案】CO解析:考査教学理论。听说法特点:以句型为中心,反复操练,以模仿、重复和 记忆的方式学习,大量实践,形成习惯,达到自动化运用。故选CO(二)阅读理解(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、B)中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡 的相应位置涂黑。FOr Chen Hua. 28, an automobile engineer in Shanghai, reading OUt EngIiSh text a

19、loud after taking PrOnUnCiatiOn IeSSOnS On a mobile app has become an evening routine. Chell IlIIght SkiP dinner, but WOUldn t trade even One IangUage ClaSS delivered by the app for anything.NOt having been USing EngIiSh InUCh SinCe IeaVing college, Chen feels the PreSSUre to PiCk it UP USing SPare

20、time. Tlle fc pressure arises from a COnStant fear OfbeIng Ieft behind as EngliSh-PrOfiCient PeerS appear to get ahead. ACadeniIC CirCleS Iefer to tlis as middle-class anxiety: Whleh is grasping SOme SeCtioilS Of Clllna S POPUlatiO n.In a report released by Ieading OnIine recruiter ZhaOPin in JanUar

21、y , one-fourth Of SUnfeyed White-COllar WOrkerS Said they feel more StreSSed than inspired. Citing reasons from UnStable PayCheCkS to gloomy CarCer PrOSPeCtS MOSt important Of all. many PeOPle WOrrr that the WOrth and UtiIity Of their knowledge and qualifications COUld erode due to thriving technolo

22、gical progress, globalism and entrepreneurshipIntensified Peer PreSSllre , especially at WOrkPIaces, is One factor that fuels OUr business/ SaId Wang Yi, CEO Of LiUliShUO , an EngIiSh-Iearning app that ChCn USeS every day. Wang, a PrinCetOn COInPUter SCienCe graduate and former PrOdUCt manager at GO

23、Ogle Inc, IaUnChed the app OVer five years ago With the intention to dsnpt China,s hidebound bck-and-mortar IangUage SChOOISLiUIiShUO-It IS ChmeSe for speaking fluently,brings SOCial media and gaming elements to the genre. Wang Said that UnIike Pre-SChOOl Or K12 educations, the adult-learning market

24、 is CharaCteriZed by an inherent desire for self-improvenment. StUdentS Of OnIine adult education COUrSeS feel the fee is money Well spent.TO PerSOnaliZe OfferingSt LiuIiShuO has introduced big data and algorithms ( 计算机程序)to quantify multiple dimensions Of SPeeCh. as Wen as automatically tailor COUr

25、SeS SO that the COUrSeS COUld WaIk a fine Iine between Chanenging the StUdCntS and discouraging them to the extent that they quit IearningActually, this is IlOt jst COnfiiled to IanglIage courses, Chinas growing IeanlerS have ShOwn they Will SPend time On the right educational PrOgrams.21.WhiCh Of t

26、he following Can be the best title for the text?A.White-COllar WOrkerS feeling StreSSedB.Online adult education gaining POPUIarityC.YOUng IearnerS Ieading the new trendD.MObiIe apps USed in EngliSh Iearning22.What dose the IUlderIined Word middle-class anxiety Ul ParagraPh 2 Iefer to ?A.USing mobile

27、 apps COnStantlyB.Being Unable to USe EngIiSh frequentlyC.Felling the PreSSUre to PiCk UP EngIiShD.WOiTring about being SUrPaSSed by EngIiSh-PrOfiCient PCerS23.PeOPle SUrVCyCd feel more StreSSed than inspired due to the following reasons EXCEPT A.UnStabIC PayCheCkSB.IeSS PrOmiSing CareCr PrOSPeCtSC.

28、1 ess SPare time for their OnIine educationD.1 ess WOrth and Utility Of their knowledge and qualifications24.What WaS the PUiPOSe Of Wallg Yi IaUnChing LiUIiShUO OVer five years ago?A.To PiCk UP English.B.To SatiSfy the desire for self-improvement.C.To break Chinas old-fashioned Way Of IeanIing.D To

29、 intensify Peer PreSSUre, especially at WOrkPlaCeS25.The text is mainly developed by A. giving examples B. making COmPariSOnSC. ShOWing differences D. making ClaSSifiCatiOnS【答案】BO解析:考査主旨题。根据全文可知现在的年轻人为了不被其他同龄人追赶上,利用空闲时间通过在线app学习英语,文章后而又提到这不仅限于语言的学AU故选B.COmPUter SCienCe graduate and former PrOdUCt ma

30、nager at GOOgle Inc, IaUnChed the app OVer five years ago With the intention to dismpt Chinas hidebound brick-and-mortar IangUage schools。故选 CO25. 【答案】AO解析:考查细节理解题。全文均是通过事例来说明在线教冇越来越受欢迎。故选第二部分非选择题二、填空题(本大题分为两个部分:短文填空和课程与教学论知识填空,满分30分) (一)短文填空(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下而的短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每

31、个空格内填人 一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地填写在答题卡上。所填单词要求意义准确、形式正确。The LadieS SOCiaI and Literary Society, more COniIilOnly Ieferred to as the fcfc Ieadmg CirCle WaS Started m 1876 by a group Of IadieS WhO already keen readers, and WU Wanteci to PrOmOte (26)_(智 力的)endeavors, PartiCUlarly reading At first the group WaS

32、 Very (27) i OrganiZedr but in 1884 the members WrOte and approved a COnStitUtion. ThiS document has been and Still (28) rjhc guide for the OrganiZatiOn for more than a CentUry. ACCOrding to this COnStitUtiOIL the goals Of the RCading CirCle are: to PUrSUe a SyStematiC COUrSe Of reading; to CliSCUSS (29) andforeign subjects; and to PrOmOte (30) (社 交 )and friendship. I believe those to

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