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1、大连八中高一期末考试英语2011-2012学年度下学期期末考试高一年级英语科试卷单选21. Shenzhou-9 is the first Chinese spacecraft to carry a female astronaut into _ space. It adds to _ national pride and excitement of the Chinese people. A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /22. -_ shall we have to go? -Just one more mile. Keep walking. A

2、. How much farther B. How far C. How many longer D. How long23. Could you do me a favor? it seems that my strength has_. A. used up B. run out C. been given out D. been run out24. For the past two months micro blog have been filled with concern and admiration for Zhang Lili, the most beautiful teach

3、er in China, _ touched the whole nation. A. the actions of who B. the actions of her C. the actions of whom D. the actions of which25. He feels relaxed and even begins to sing because _ of the distance _ covered. A. three fifth; were B. three fifth; was C. three fifths ; have been D three fifths; ha

4、s been26. when hunting for a job, youre supposed to discover what exactly the job will involve and how your skills will fit the _. A. situation B. condition C. position D. state27. He _ come and worry her with questions, just when she was busy cooking the dinner. A. must B. may C. can D. should28. _

5、 urgent the problem is, he faces it calmly. A. No matter B. However C Whatever D Although29. -Five sharp in the morning? -No, dont ring me up that early in the morning. I _. A. sleep B. will sleep C. am sleeping D. will be sleepmg30. I was going to do some shopping in New Mart, but _ watching TV at

6、home because of tiredness. A. ended up B. took up C. got down D. settled down31. The success of a government should be measured _ the health and happiness of the people as well as the development of economy. A. in agreement with B in place of C. in terms of D. in line with32. -This is my treat and n

7、ext is yours. How is that? -Ok. _. A. It doesnt matter B. It depends C. No way D. Its a deal33. _ scientists know where a storm will happed, winds will suddenly change, carrying the storm to a new direction. A. Even if B. Since C. If D. Unless34. When in Rome, do as the Romans do suggests you should

8、 _ to local conditions. A. switch B.adapt C. indicate D. attach35. Cassettes or Mp3 _ in the examination must be prepared with great care to make sure nothing goes wrong in operation. A. having used B . being used C. to use D. to be used完形 Recently three of us were walking through a hall. A 5-year-o

9、ld boy carrying a _36_ was ahead of us, with his parents several meters in front of him _37_, the boy fell down and half of his drink spilled(洒出) onto the floor. Seemg the mess he had made, he ran to _38_ up with his parents. We watched as he _39_ his parents, they turned, and he pointed to the spil

10、l. However, his parents _40_, and kept walking, leaving the spill for someone else to clean up-not their _41_, I said to myself. I could _42_ that this bothered the child because he kept looking back to _43_ on that spill all the way out of the building. His parents? Not once did they turn _44_ look

11、 back. Not once.What _45_ did those parents send to their child? He _46_ knew that he had made the mess and _47_ to clean it up. They taught him that if you just _48_, someone else will clean up your mess.It was the end of a long day and everyone was really _49_. But as parents, we need to always be

12、 _50_ of what lesson we are teaching our children. _51_ on a different day, when the parents hadnt been _52_ out from having walked miles in a hall, they might have stopped to clean up the messes. But this day, they ignored(忽视)it, and that boy will never forget the lesson they taught him. Lets all t

13、ry to know that children are _53_ us, whether it is _54_ or not, and they want us to show them how to be good _55_. 36. A. bag B. drink C. milk D. juice37 .A. In his case B. On this site C. At one point D. At one time38. A. catch B. keep C. put D get39. A. approached B. greeted C prevented D. stoppe

14、d40. A. turned over B. turned up C. turned out D. turned around41. A. purpose B. problem C. interest D. goal42. A. say B. talk C tell D. speak43. A. complain B. check C charge D. claim 44. A. then B. so C. but D. and 45. A. news B. impression C. message D. principle 46 A. clearly B. hardly C. surpri

15、singly D. always 47. A. needed B. managed C. refused D. preferred 48. A. turn up B. look away C. give up D. walk away 49. A. worried B. tired C. delighted D. relaxed 50. A. careful B. unmindful C concerned D. proud 51. A. Specially B. Usually C. Maybe D. Even 52. A. sent B. pulled C. left D. worn 53

16、. A. watching B. seeing C. observing D. staring 54. A. natural B predictable C. convenient D. conscious 55. A. Inhabitants B. citizens C. students D. children阅读 A I was eighteen years old, fresh out of high school with a bright future to look forward to, when I received the big news that I got cance

17、r. This was a big deal for some one of my age to stand. What should I do? Lost in self pity or fight for myself? I chose the second. After four months of treatments. I overcame my difficulties and started to be a new person- someone who took nothing for granted and who learned to appreciate everythi

18、ng and everyone around me. Years passed and I received my certificate (证书) in medical assisting, met a wonderful man, moved to New York and got married. Truly, life couldnt have been any better.For years, I had always kept in touch with St.Jude Childrens Hospital in Memphis, TN and the children livi

19、ng with cancer who were being treated there. What a truly beautiful place!No patient was ever turned away regardless of ability to pay. As my 20-year anniversary(纪念日) of being a cancer survivor approached, I wanted to do something special. I organized a fund raiser. calling it“A Mission of Love. and

20、 Thanks to my generous family and friends, raised $4,000 for St.Judes. Three quarters of the money would be given as a donation(捐献)to the hospital, and what was left would go toward buying toys for the children. I also had organized a T-shirt painting activity for the hospital. My husband and I flew

21、 to Memphis with 50 T-shirts and a huge bag of cloth paint the day before Thanksgiving. We went to the toy store and filled three shopping carts with all kinds of toys. It was as though we were celebrities when the employees and other shoppers knew what we were doing. On Thanksgiving Day we pulled i

22、nto the front gate of St.Jude. After dropping the toys off, we went to a waiting area where some children were waiting anxiously to begin painting. They picked out their shirts and my husband and I helped them get started. To see them smile was one of the greatest gifts I could have ever received. W

23、hen the activity was over, we dropped off the donation to a kind worker, and our visit came to an end. 56. How did the writer feel when she was told she had cancer? A She was shocked but decided to fight the disease bravely. B. She felt that her promising future would be ruined for ever. C. She thou

24、ght it was unfair for a girl of her age to experience so much. D. She was hopeless about her disease and accepted the fact. 57. What did the writer get from the cancer? A. A certificate in medical assisting. B. A different attitude toward life. C. A wonderful marriage and family. D. A chance to test

25、 herself. 58. How did people in the toy store react to the writer and her husbands behavior? A. They thought some celebrities entered the store. B. They thought highly of them and their behavior. C. They wondered why they bought so many toys. D. They mistook them for workers in the hospital. 59. Fro

26、m the text we can infer_. A. the writer had a quite rich family. B. the writer went back to St.Jude Childrens Hospital at her 20th anniversary. C. the writer prepared carefully for her visit to St.Jude Childrens Hospital. D the writer organized a fund raiser to thank St.Jude Childrens Hospital. B Do

27、rothy Lee and her husband were driving home from a study group one night when their car suddenly hit something. Mrs.Lee looked at her husband, who was driving, and saw his head move down and up several times and fall. In the next minutes Mrs Lee managed to avoid a serious accident while stopping the

28、 car, called 911 on her cellphone and tried to make her husband come back to life before an ambulance arrived. But at the hospital, soon after learning her husband had died of sudden heart trouble. Dorothys heart appeared to give out as well. She experienced sudden sharp pains in her chest (胸腔), los

29、t senses and knew nothing. Doctors of that hospital were surprised at finding: There wasnt any evidence of heart trouble. Finally. doctors thought that Mrs.Lee had suffered from a broken-heart syndrome (伤心综合症). The disease looks like heart trouble, but appears to have little connection with heart tr

30、ouble. It is caused mainly by stress and other strong feelings. The disease is uncommon, making up for about 1% to 2% of people -and about 6% of women- who are likely to suffer such sudden heart trouble. It can be very dangerous sometimes, but for the most part patients recover quickly, with no last

31、ing damage to their hearts.If patients are hospitalized with the broken-heart syndrome, their hearts might be beating as little as 20% 0f what it should work. But within 48 t0 72 hours, many recover to the 60% level that is considered healthy. It is uncommon.Mrs.Lees heart was so weakened by her husbands death that she nearly died. The 63-year-old woman needed a special balloon pump(球囊泵) during the first days in the hospital. But in spite of warnings by her doctors, she attended her husbands funeral (葬礼) five days later.

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