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1、茂名市实验中学届高下上学期期中考试英语含答案茂名市实验中学2014届高一上学期期中考试英 语第一部分:单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Soon after the quakes,one thousand soldiers were sent out tothe miners from the local coal mine.Ashelter Brescue Cbury Dinjure2As we know, two thirds of the earth _ covered with water.Aare Bwas Cis Dwer

2、e3Dont leave Tom alonehe isin such a large house.Afrightening Bto frighten Cfrightened Dfrighten4The mothers actionsher love more than any words could do.Aexpressed Bsaid Cmeant Djudged5They talked about their classmates and thingsthey still remembered in the middle school.Awho Bwhom Cthat Dwhich6Th

3、e Chinese arethe 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008.Aproud of Bproud in Cpride in Dpride of7the teachers who paid a visit to our school this year was smaller than that of last year.AThe number of BA number of CA great deal of DPlenty of8Part of his spare time has been _ to_the violin every d

4、ay. A. devoted, play B. devoted, playing C. devoting, play D. devoting, playing9I have to tell myself to think of ways to solve the problem because worrying is.Auseless Bextreme Cboring Dgenerous10He knows how to _ doing these things. A. set down B. set out C. set about D. set off11He doesnt mind. _

5、, hes pleased. A. As a matter of fact B. However C. Or D. But12He was a lucky dog, for he narrowly escaped_by a car yesterday.Akilled Bkilling Cbeing killed Dfrom killing13Nothing can_planes in speed(速度) and comfort(舒适).Aequal Bhonour Cmatch with Dcompare to14Mrs. Smith rewarded the boy_$10_ bringin

6、g back the lost dog.Aat; of Bwith; for Cfor; with Dfor; for15Can I see the doctor today?You could, but as you havent got an appointment(预约), it would mean_for a few hours.Ato wait Bwait Cwaiting Dhaving waited第二部分:语言知识应用(共两节;满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)Mr. Baker lived in a small town. Nobody was

7、 16 than him there, but he wished to get 17 money all the time. One day, on his way home, he found there was a 18 on the ground. He picked it up and put it into his pocket. That evening after he had supper, he brought it out and began to 19 it in the room. He was interested in a piece of news on it.

8、 Some gold 20 in a desert. He was 21 that someone would know about it and he started off alone, without telling anybody about it. He tried to find the place 22 gold was.The greedy (贪婪的) man walked on the desert for two weeks, but he didnt find any gold and his bag of food and water was 23 . His hors

9、e was so weak that he couldnt 24 it. He had to go back to his hometown, but it was too 25 . His horse died at last and he was too hungry and thirsty to go any 26 . He looked around, there was nothing except sand. 27 , he saw a man 28 on the ground far away. He crawled (爬) to him and found he was dea

10、d, with a bag in his hand. He hurried to open the bag to find something to 29 , but it was full of gold. He threw it away. As he was dying, he cried and said, “Now, a bag of bread is far more 30 than a bag of gold. How foolish I am!”16. A. happier B. sadder C. richer D. poorer17. A. little B. less C

11、. a little D. more18. A. newspaper B. picture C. photo D. map19. A. copy B. read C. improve D. touch20. A. discover(发现) B. invent(发明) C. was discovered D. was invented21. A. afraid B. happy C. frightened D. glad22. A. how B. where C. when D. which23. A. lifted B. lost C. wasted D. empty24. A. mend B

12、. drive C. ride D. feed25. A. early B. late C. easy D. possible26. A. near B. nearer C. far D. further27. A. Suddenly B. Slowly C. Quickly D. Sometimes28. A. standing B. running C. lying D. singing29. A. wear B. eat C. write D. draw30. A. beautiful B. use C. useful D. nice第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分

13、)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卷标号为3140的相应位置上。 One day Mary was busy working in her office in London _31_ she received an E-mail from her friend Joan .In Joans e-mail, she persuaded Mary _32_( look) for a flat in London for her. As she had _33_ (little) money at her

14、 command than before, the flat had to be cheap, but it had to be modern, with elevators, gas lines. It had to be in the _34_ (east) part of London, with petrol and subway stations nearby. Though Mary found it difficult to find such a flat, she still went _35_(care) from one block(街区) to another, loo

15、king for a flat _36_would meet(满足) Joans requirements. Having tried too many times, Mary met her boss and politely asked him _37_advice. It was the first time that she _38_ (talk) with his boss about her personal problems. It happened that the boss just had such a flat for rent, so they quickly reac

16、hed _39_agreement(协议). But to her surprise, when she e-mailed Joan, telling her the good news, Joan said that she had changed _40_ mindshe was not returning to London.第三部分:阅读理解(共25题;满分50分)第一节阅读下列两篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分;满分40分)AA six-year-old British girl, Mollie

17、Price, is opening up her third candy store. She is said to be one of Britains youngest bosses. Her stores are called “Mollies.” She sells both British and American candy. The girl would like to open more candy stores. “It might sound crazy, but believe me,” Mollie says. “It was Mollies idea to open

18、up the shop. It is Mollie who runs(经营) the candy stores,” her mother Becky, her “business partner” says.Her mother says all the stores are put together and stocked(进货)by Mollie. Mollie works in one of the stores every Saturday, then gets up early Sunday to go to the companys product supplier(供应商). S

19、he asks her friends to test the sweets to decide which ones are good. Shes good at smart marketing. For example, if the weather is really cold, she sells the Mr Whippy ice cream cheaper than when its hot outside.“Children have the best ideas. I tell my mum what I think and she always says I have goo

20、d ideas. Its just because I know what other children like,” Mollie says.41. Whats Mollies plan for the future?A. Become Britains youngest boss. B. Open more candy stores.C. Work as a product supplier. D. Make the best ice cream products.42. How does Mollie know which kinds of candy are good?A. Her m

21、other decides it.B. She has her friends test the candy.C. She goes to the market to research.D. She asks the companys product supplier.43. The prices of some ice cream products in Mollies stores change according to _.A. the number of the products B. her friends ideaC. the weather D. the dates 44. Ac

22、cording to the passage, whats the key(关键)to Mollies success?A. She works hard and she is good at smart marketing.B. The companys supplier makes good products.C. She would like to open more candy stores.D. Her mother always has good ideas.45. According to the passage, Mollie is a(n)_ girl.A. kind B.

23、honest C. smart D. polite BI am my mothers third girl. When I was born, the doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was missing, below the elbow(肘). Then he gave her some advice, “Dont treat her any differently from the other girls.” And she did! There were five girls in our family and

24、 we all had to help out. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the kitchen, “Mum, I cant peel(削皮)potatoes. I only have one hand.” “You get back to peel those potatoes, and dont ever use that as an excuse for anything again!” Of course I could peel potatoeswith my good hand and my other arm. “Je

25、nny, if you try hard enough,” she said, “you can do anything.” Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar(攀爬架).When it was my turn, I said no, Some kids laughed. I went home crying. The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground. “Now, pull up with

26、your right arm,” she advised. She praised me when I made progress. Ill never forget when I was crossing the bar, the kids were standing there with their mouths open. It was the way with everything. Mum had the courage to face anything. And she taught me I could, too.46. How many younger sisters do I

27、 have?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five47. What does the doctors advice mean?A. My arms are could be all right soon.B. The other girls had the same arms as me.C. My mum should look after me differently.D. My mum should treat me the same as others.48. Who peeled the potatoes at last?A. Jenny. B. Jen

28、nys mum. C. Jennys sister. D. Nobody.49. Why did Mum take me back to the school playground the next day?A. she wanted to tell me I could do anything.B. she wanted the teacher to let me try again.C. she would punish the kids who laughed at me.D. she would like to praise me before the other kids.50. W

29、hats the best title of the passage?A. My bad-tempered mother B. Different mother loveC. A doctors advice D. My childhood(童年)CDear Mom and Dad, Im afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school master is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must com

30、e and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette(香烟) in bed. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unluckily,

31、the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket. It caught fire.There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket. It caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning. The master phoned the fire brigade. The school is a long way from the town and before the fire brigade arrived, the whole school was on fire. The master said that the fire was all my fault and I must pay fo

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