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1、高中英语选修7unit15同步练习Unit 1 Living WellPart One一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出完整的单词:1. An unexpected accident made Sang Lan a girl with a physical d_, but she never gave up.2. We often observe the tiny cells with m_ in our biology classes.3. The production of iron and steel is the most important i_ of the city.4. Taiwan

2、 is part of China and not an i_ state.5. I have passed all the exams and I am waiting to get the graduation c_.6. A place is a_ if it is possible to reach it.7. I was not alone on the journey. Instead, I had so many c_.8. You can refer to old people in general as the _.9. When something can help peo

3、ple or improve their lives, we say it is _ to people.10. We can use the word l_ to refer to the second of two people, things or groups just mentioned.11. A h_ is a small square piece of cloth or soft paper for wiping your nose with.12. When you organize an activity or a task and carry on it, you c_

4、it.13. When the disabled meet with difficulty, we should do what we can to give them a_.14. One of his _ (志向) is to become a world-wide famous pop singer.15. It was my teachers _ (鼓励) that left a deep impression on me. 16. He was _(笨拙的) with a tool.17. The patients _(呼吸) grew stronger and stronger.1

5、8. Who took his place and controlled the company during his _ (不在) ?19. Im going to give some suggestions to this famous _(建筑师).20. A mans _(尊严)doesnt depends on his wealth but on his character.二、根据中文意思完成句子1. 爬上山顶后,他上气不接下气。 He _ _ _ _after climbing to the top of the mountain. 2. 虽然他看起来有点笨拙,但决不能取笑他。A

6、lthough he looks a little _, he cant _ _ _ _at all.3. 张婷在竞赛中获得了第一名,她的所有同学都祝贺她的成功。 Zhang Ting got the first prize in the competition and all her classmates_ her _ her _.4. 被冰雪困在京珠高速公路的司机和旅客们得到了当地政府的援助。The drivers and the passengers trapped on the Beijing-Zhuhai Motorway by ice and snow _ _ _ the loca

7、l government.5. 由他的小说改编的电影现在已变得很受欢迎。 The film _ _ his novel has become very popular now.Part Two一、词形变换(用所给词的适当形式填空)1. The _ is good at _ TV plays from the stories he reads about or hears. (adapt)2. The country used to be _ on Britain in many ways, but now it has become absolutely_. (depend)3. We hav

8、e _ a lot from the co-operation and Im sure it will continue to be _ to both of us. (benefit)4. Her _ lecture _ all of us. We wont forget her _. (encourage)5. We couldnt avoid being _ when we heard their _ noise. (annoy)6. _ people should be treated equally in spite of their _. (disability)7. You we

9、re _ yesterday, Tom. Can you tell me the reason for you _? (absent)8. You _ us in the preparation for the conference. Thank you for your _.9. The _ serving the passengers on the train is of good_. (conduct)10. _ countries pay much attention to the development of _. (industry)三、翻译句子 1. 应该给残疾人尽可能多的鼓励和

10、援助。 _2. 换句话说,这些措施对我们的工业发展是有益的。 _3. 总之,在学校寄宿(board)能帮助学生学会独立。 _4. 你是否同意品行好的人不易惹恼? _5. 他辞职了,因为他无法适应这里的新工作要求。 _四、语法填空(A)Marty has a muscle disease, _1_ makes him too weak to run or climb stairs as quickly as other people, but he has learned to adapt _2_ it. This disease started when he was about ten ye

11、ars old. He stayed at the hospital for tests for nearly three months. _3_ (fortunate), no one could give his disease a name after all the tests. Sometimes kids laugh at him. Sometimes he is too weak to go to school and he feels stupid because of being behind the others after a long _4_ (absent) from

12、 school. His life becomes much easier at high school. Now he has a busy and good life. He likes writing and computer programming. His ambition is to work in the computer industry _5_ he grows up. Besides _6_ (go) to the movies and football matches, he looks after his pets. He is growing stronger and

13、 _7_ independent. He hopes that healthy kids dont feel sorry for disabled people or make fun _8_ them. He also wishes the disabled not _9_ (ignore), but to be accepted for who they are and given encouragement to live as rich and full a life as healthy kids _10_. Part Three Grammar一、单项选择1. - Is Bob s

14、till performing? - Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already, as he has become an official. A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left 2. _ this cake, youll need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour. A. Having made B. Make C. To make D. Making3. Mr. Green stood up in defense of

15、the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one_. A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed4. I dont know whether you happen _, but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard 5. _ on the subject for half an hour, Liu Ying sud

16、denly realized that she had done the wrong subject. A. To be working B. Work C. Having been working D. Have worked 6. My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take7. The building _ by the building team from Anhui p

17、rovince next month is a new school. A. to build B. to be built C. built D. being built 8. He got used _ in winter but he cant now. A. to swim B. swim C. to swimming D. to be swam9. I dont know whether you happen_, but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.A. to be heard B. to be hearing C.

18、to hear D. to have heard 10. They are said _ the prices of cars but it still doesnt help. The sale is still low.A. to reduce B. to have reduced C. reduce D. reducing 二、单句填空1. Zhang Hong is said _ (learn) by heart 2000 words up to now.2. Everyone here will thank the students for what they have done _

19、 (make) the river cleaner. 3. Which do you enjoy _ (spend) your holiday, taking art courses or _ (watch) TV at home?4. _(clean) the classroom, the students went to the playground _ (watch) the football match.5. She felt it a great shame _ ( criticize) so severely in the presence of her boy friend.6.

20、 Rather than _(ride) on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ (ride) a bicycle. 7. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered_(issue) clear warnings before _(fire) any shots.8. The speaker was asked _ (pay) a visit to a special student after _ ( give) a talk at a high school,9. _

21、 (master) a language one must be able to speak and understand the _ (speak) language as well as _ (read) and write.10. It remains _ (see) whether they will agree _ (do) what they can _ ( help ) disabled people _ (live) a happy life.三、运用动词不定式把下面句子翻译成英语1. 据说他已经完成了他的工作。 _2. 有许多种类的照相机供你选择。 _3. 除了在这儿等到停雪

22、,我们没什么可做。 _4. 我想他们不可能允许我无票进入电影院。 _5. 下个月将由来自安徽省的建筑队建造的那栋楼是一座新学校。 _四、语法填空Thirteen-year-old Andrew will never forget that Saturday. He was relaxing on his familys sofa with his sister, Susan. Suddenly the heater exploded. His sister, 1_ _was unhurt, managed to pull him away from the fire 2 _ his mum d

23、ialed for an ambulance. The ambulance soon arrived and rushed him to Childrens Hospital 3_he was operated on immediately. Doctors told his mum there was little chance of Andrew 4 _ able to walk again. The damage to his body was so bad and the cuts in his legs so deep that the 5_ (operate) took 11 ho

24、urs. After a couple of weeks, he 6_ (allow) to go home but had to spend the next six weeks in a wheelchair. 7 _ the help of his doctor, this brave young boy returned to school after only two and a half months. 8_ (look) back on the accident, Andrew says he believes children can do 9 _ they want 10 _

25、 they put their mind to it. Part Four A test一、单项选择1. Im not used to the way you speak to me. _, I dont want to continue the conversation. A. In word B. At all C. In other words D. In another word2. He drank so much wine that he _ the wall on his way home.A. knocked down B. bumped into C. bumped down D. knocked over.3. He _ his post because he had been offered a better job.A. resigned B. retired C. dismissed D. fired4. Dictionaries should

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