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高考考前大冲刺卷 英语十二.docx

1、高考考前大冲刺卷 英语十二绝密 启用前2020年高考大冲刺卷英 语 (十二)注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ARichard Hosford fu

2、lfilled an ambition of founding a music festival his home county in 1991.Richard said, “At that time, my aim was to create a festival with an informal atmosphere and the highest possible artistic standards.”The festival was first planned in Canon Ray Nichols. The Gaudier Ensemble(乐团), of which Richa

3、rd is a member, has returned each year to perform a wide range of chamber music(室内乐) at the festival.Richard said, “Over many years we have built a special relationship with our audience. Teaching and encouraging a love of music are important elements of the festival, which has always included a con

4、cert for children, and now runs classes for promising young local musicians. Arriving from across Europe, the members of the Ensemble stay with hosts in the village and enjoy making music with old friends in the wonderful St. Marys Church.”The event is now an established favourite on the South West

5、music festival scene and this year will mark its 25th year with a programme that includes pieces by Mozart, Francaix, Schubert and Bruch from Dec 9 to Dec 12.There will also be a late-night concert of light American gems by Gershwin, a family concert and a new commission by poet and broadcaster Jame

6、s Crowden and Lillie Harris from the Royal College of Music.The festival will also welcome a group of recent Royal College of Music students who will perform alongside the Gaudier Ensemble at some concerts and work with talented local musical youngsters.For more information about the festival, visit

7、 Booking forms are also available at local tourist information centres or by calling07527 528673.21. When can people enjoy the music of Mozart?A. On Dec 2. B. On Dec 6.C. On Dec 9. D. On Dec 15.22. Who will give a late-night concert of light American gems?A. Richard Ho

8、sford. B. Gershwin.C. James Crowden. D. Lillie Harris.23. What is the main idea of the text?A. To introduce the information of the music festival.B. To provide people with information about music.C. To tell people how to do well in giving performances.D. To show how to visit cerneabbasmusicfestival.

9、co.ukBSam Allred suffers from a rare and incurable kidney(肾脏) disease. One day, when his sister was playing a song repeatedly, Sam sang along. His sister thought it was funny so she recorded it and posted the video online. The videoand Sambecame a hit. Only 8 years old at that time, he couldnt have

10、expected the response.“(The television show) The Doctors called and wanted me on their show so they paid for me to go to California,” says Sam, now 13, “and we got to stay in a hotel where all the movie stars stayed.”During that visit to California, Angle Allred, Sams mother, had an idea about Sam w

11、riting a childrens book. Together, she and Sam wrote Opening Hearts, which tells Sams experience of living with a chronic(慢性的) illness.“I wrote the book to teach people to be kinder to people,” Sam says.Moreover, Sam wanted to send pillows to sick children staying in hospitals around the country to

12、make their stay more comfortable, an idea that came from a time when he was in the hospital.“A few kind boys came in with pillows and they gave me one and it meant a lot to me that someone cared about kids in the hospital,” says Sam.Angie thought of starting a nonprofit organization to provide a way

13、 for people to contribute money to realize Sams ideas. She named the nonprofit organization Kindness for Kids.Since then, Sam has taken pillows to children staying at Providence Hospital in Anchorage.Sams father, Scott Allred, owns a small business that contracts(承包) shipping services with FedEx Gro

14、und. He asked the company for help.“FedEx Ground learned about Sams pillow project,” says Erin Truxal, manager of public relations for FedEx Ground. “We thought, What a perfect way for us to get involved.”The company provided shipping services for Sam to ship about 5,000 pillows to hospitals.Sam wan

15、ts to send more pillows to all of the childrens hospitals in every state. His goal is simple: Kids in the hospital as happy as they were before they got sick.24. We can learn from the text that Sam Allred_.A. was a healthy boyB. was popular at an early ageC. sang the song with his sisterD. worked in

16、 his fathers company25. Opening Hearts is a book that_.A. is a best sellerB. is about Sams sisterC. was published when Sam was 13D. was written by Sam and his mother26. What is FedEx Grounds attitude towards Sams career?A. Doubtful. B. Surprised.C. Approving. D. Uninterested.27. Which of the followi

17、ng can best describe Sam Allred?A. Optimistic and warm-hearted.B. Honest and responsible.C. Unusual and confident.D. Friendly and brave.CPangolins(穿山甲) are the most trafficked(非法交易) mammals in the world and are facing extinction. To draw attention to these scaly(有鳞片的), anteater-like animals, a new w

18、ildlife documentary, Eye of the Pangolin, is attempting a unique way to inspire action and conservation. Partnering with the non-profit organization Pangolin. Africa, the documentary was made available on YouTube in May 2019. The intention is to reach communities wherever the Internet is available,

19、especially African communities, who live near the animals habitats.Over two years, the documentary crew traveled to South Africa, Ghana, Central African Republic and Gabon in search of the four unique species of pangolin, which has never been achieved before. Filmmakers Bruce Young and Johan Vermeul

20、en say that they went into the shoot knowing relatively little about pangolins, but grew to respect and appreciate the animals. Getting close to the creatures over two years was a crash course in these secretive creatures. Johan Vermeulen said, “One thing however that might seem unimportant is that

21、they are actually quite fussy eaters. You would think they would eat any type of ant, but they all prefer a specific type ant.”Pangolins are hunted illegally across Africa for their scales, which are used for traditional medicine, and their meat. In April 2019, Singaporean customs officials conducte

22、d two separate seizures of 24 tons of pangolin scales, which equals to the death of 69,000 pangolins.Though the documentary focuses less on the trafficking of pangolins, and more on the animals in their natural habitat, the aim of the documentary is to inspire viewers around the world to call for ac

23、tion to end trafficking and protecting these unique creatures.Filmed on location in South Africa, Ghana, Central African Republic, and Gabon, this powerful documentary is the story of two men on a mission to get all four species of African pangolin on camera for the very first time.28. What is the p

24、urpose of the documentary?A. To study the situation of pangolins.B. To collect fund to protect pangolins.C. To raise awareness of pangolin protection.D. To propose setting up pangolin reserves.29. What is the meaning of the underlined word “fussy” in paragraph 2?A. Picky. B. Messy.C. Showy. D. Heavy

25、.30. Whats the documentary mainly about?A. The illegal trade of pangolins.B. The medical function of pangolins scales.C. The life of pangolins in their natural habitats.D. The efforts of Pangolin, Africa to save pangolins.31. Where is the text most likely from?A. A brochure. B. A diary.C. A novel. D

26、. A magazine.DWind farms have been considered as the way to fight global warming, but a new study suggests they could actually heat the planet up.The study found that the US would get warmer if the number of turbines(涡轮机) were increased markedly. Researchers say theyll require much more land than pr

27、eviously thought, needing five to 20 times more space than earlier studies have suggested. And winds created by vast fields of turbines could mix warm and cool air, which makes the surface quite warm.Despite the potential drawbacks, however, the researchers argue wind energy still makes more sense f

28、or the environment than fossil fuels. Study coauthor and Harvard University scientist Professor David Keith argued that, when it comes to energy production, there is no free lunch. “Wind beats coal by any environmental measure, but that doesnt mean that its effects can be ignored. We must use fewer

29、fossil fuels to stop carbon production. In doing so, we must make choices between various low-carbon technologies, all of which have some environmental effects,” he said.More than ten previous studies have now observed local warming caused by US wind farms. Researchers suggested that solar power off

30、ers a less damaging energy source in the fight against climate change. In terms of temperature difference per unit of energy generation, solar power has about 10 times less effect than wind, and the solar power energy is mature in a wide range of fields. But there are other considerations. For examp

31、le, solar farms are dense(密集的), while the land between wind turbines can be co-used for agriculture.Tidal power is an environmentally-friendly energy source. In addition to being a renewable energy, it does not give off any climate gases and does not take up a lot of space. However, there are curren

32、tly very few examples from real tidal power plants and their effects on the environment. Also, it is important to realize that the methods for generating electricity from tidal energy are relatively new technologies. It is projected that tidal power will be commercially profitable within2030 with better technology and larger scales.32. What is the purpose of the text?A. To introduce a study finding.B. To discuss the global warming problem.C. To prove the benefits of win

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