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江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列解析版 8.docx

1、江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列解析版 82020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)20一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.The _ of this illness in the area is of concern to all doctors.A. fluency B. frequency C. determination D. guidance【答案】B【解析】fluency流畅;frequency频率;determination决心;guidance引导。句意:这种疾病在该地区发生的频率引起了所有医生的关注。2.There i

2、s so much information on the Internet that it is often difficult for children to distinguish clearly between fact and _.A. friction B. foundation C. fiction D. function【答案】C【解析】friction摩擦,摩擦力,冲突,不和;foundation基础,根基,地基;fiction杜撰,虚构;function 职能,功能,作用。句意:在互联网上有如此多的信息,以至于孩子们很难清楚地分辨事实和虚构。3.When I wanted t

3、o express my thanks to him, words _ me. I just held his hands firmly and choked.A. left B. fled C. forgot D. failed【答案】D【解析】words failed me任何语言都表达不出我现在的(心情,状态等)。句意:当我想对他表示感谢时,我一句话都说不出来,只是紧紧地抓着他的手,哽咽着。leave 表示离开,不表示遗忘;flee“逃跑”;forget表示人遗忘了某事。4.A recent study shows that being pulled into the world of

4、a _ fascinating novel can make some actual, measurable changes in the brain.A. fascinated B. flaming C. fascinating D. freezing【答案】C【解析】fascinating迷人的;fascinated着迷的,被深深吸引的;flaming火红的,火焰般的;freezing冻结的,极冷的。句意:最近的一项研究表明,被吸引到一个迷人的小说世界里,能使大脑做出一些实际的、重大的改变。5.There is no reason to be disappointed. _, this c

5、ould be rather amusing.A. Above all B. As a result C. Apart from that D. As a matter of fact【答案】D【解析】Above all最重要的是;As a result结果;Apart from that除之外;As a matter of fact事实上。句意:没有理由感到失望。事实上,这可能相当有趣。6.Chinahasgoneintothepeakperiodofinternationaltrade _.Weshouldanalyzethe causeofitandmust attach great i

6、mportance to it.A. fiction B. friction C. foundation D. function【答案】B【解析】fiction杜撰,虚构;friction摩擦,冲突;foundation基础,根基,地基;function职能,功能,作用。句意:中国已经进入了国际贸易摩擦的高发期,我们应该认真分析国际贸易摩擦的原因必须对此给予高度的重视。7.The information you give in the application is too general. You should _ something special about yourself.A. fal

7、l back on B. depend on C. cut back on D. focus on【答案】D【解析】fall back on求助于,依赖,转而依靠;depend on依靠,依赖;cut back on缩短,削减;focus on集中注意力于,聚焦于。句意:你在申请中提及的信息太大众化了,你应该集中在关乎你自己的一些特别的东西上。8.If you dont get any response, you should _ your fax by giving them a call.A. fix up B. follow up C. fill up D. fold up【答案】B【解

8、析】fix up安装,安排;follow up跟踪/进;fill up装满,挤满;fold up折叠。句意:如果你没有得到回应,你应该给他们打个电话,然后跟进你的传真。9.When television was first introduced, the extent to which it would affect society could not have been _.A. furthered B. forwarded C. followed D. foreseen【答案】D【解祈】further增进,推进;forward促进,有助于的发展;follow跟随,跟着;foresee预见。

9、句意:当电视一开始被引入的时候,它对世界会有什么影响程度不可能被预见的。10.He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined _ in South American, set off from his home.A. seeking his fortune B. making his fortune C. to spend a fortune D. to make his fortune【答案】D【解析】be determined to do sth下定决心做某事;make ones fortune发财;句意:他很早就离开了学校,在

10、年轻的时候就决心到南美去发财,就离开了家。11.After his father died suddenly without finishing his research, Xiao Jun determined to _ his track to complete it.A. flee B. follow C. float D. flow 【答案】B【解析】follow ones track追随某人的足迹。句意:当他父亲没有完成研究而突然去世后,小军决定沿着追随父亲的足迹完成它。12.The five children _ in fear as the small house in whic

11、h they were playing hide-and-seek caught fire.A. fled B. frightened C. fascinated D. fastened【答案】A【解析】根据caught fire得知是逃离,故选A。句意:因为玩捉迷藏的地方着火了,这五个孩子在惊恐中逃离了这个小房子。13.I suggest you take Jack to Italy with you, for he speaks _ Italian.A. frequent B. firm C. fluent D. fluently【答案】C【解析】frequent频繁的,firm坚定的,f

12、luent流利的;注意不要误选fluently,这里不是用来修饰动词speak的,故不可以用副词。句意:我建议你带杰克去意大利,因为他能说流利的意大利语。14.Did you get my iPhone 4S broken last night?_ I didnt mean it.A. forgiveandforget. B. Forgive me. C. Forget it. D. Fortunately,【答案】B【解析】句意:“昨天晚上你把我的iPhone 4S弄坏了吗?”“请原谅,我不是有意的。”根据答语中的“I didnt mean it.”可知,答话人请求问话人的谅解,故选B项。f

13、orgiveandforget.既往不咎,不念旧恶;Forget it.没关系;Fortunately幸运地。15.Bruno still wished that he could go back home to Berlin, although the memories of that place were beginning to _.A. flash B. float C. fail D. fade【答案】D【解析】flash使闪光,使闪烁;float浮动;fail失败;fade衰退,消失。句意:布鲁诺仍然希望他能回到柏林的家,尽管那个地方的记忆已经开始消失。A. appear出现;B.

14、 show展示;C.指记忆的衰退用fade。16.Before giving evidence, a witness has to swear an oath. If he deliberately gives _ evidence, he shall take legal responsibility.A.fierce B. false C. foggy D. flexible【答案】B【解析】false不对的,错误的;fierce严厉的;foggy模糊的;flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的。句意:证人作证前要先发誓。如果他故意提供虚假证据,他就要负法律责任。17.Sometimes

15、, people dont like asking questions _ appearing stupid and ignorant.A. in search of B. for fear that C. for fear of D. in favour of【答案】C【解析】in search of寻找;for fear that生怕,唯恐(后面跟句子);for fear of为了避免;唯恐;in favour of 赞成。句意:有时,人们不喜欢问问题,因为害怕被认为愚蠢和无知。18.Your lateness today really impressed our interviewer.

16、_, Mike, and shut up!A. You got me B. Forget it C. Do me a favor D. Forgive me【答案】C【解析】You got me你难住我了;Forget it.没关系,算了吧,别想了;Do me a favor帮我的忙;Forgive me见谅。句意:“你今天迟到了,给面试官留下了深刻的印象。”“帮我个忙,迈克,别多嘴!”19.Though our football boys are faced with four goals behind, they are still struggling hard in the field

17、 to _.A. face the music B. save face C. fly off the hand D. lose face【答案】B【解析】face the music勇敢地面对困难;save face挽回颜面,保住面子;flyoffthehandle勃然大怒。句意:我们的足球队落后四个球,但队员们仍在球场上努力挽回面子。20.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of _, most of which are beyond our controlA. features B. forms C. factor

18、s D. formulas【答案】C【解析】feature特征,特点;form形式,结构;factor因素;formula公式,准则。句意:植物的生长速度受很多因素的影响,其中大多数是超出我们控制的。21.What happened in the next 30 seconds was one of _ events of the story.A. fantastic B. flexible C. fan D. figure【答案】A【解析】fantastic奇妙的,极好的;flexible有弹性的;fan风扇;figure人物。分析句子可知,修饰名词event用形容词,故选A符合语境。句意:

19、接下来的30秒内发生的事情是整个故事中奇妙的事情之一。22.To be honest, the role John plays in this film doesnt come up to my expectations, though he is one of my _ actors.A. fortunate B. favorite C. future D. forward【答案】B【解析】fortunate幸运的,侥幸的;favorite最喜爱的;future将来的,未来的forward将来的,未来的。句意:老实说,虽然约翰是我最喜欢的演员之一。但他在这部电影中扮演的角色没有达到我的期望。

20、23.When the organization _ in March, 2019, there was almost no money in the bank and more than $1 million of debt.A. folded B. flashed C. fixed D. fancied【答案】A【解析】folded“失败垮台”,符合语境。句意:当该组织于2019年3月倒闭时,银行里几乎没有钱,债务超过100万美元。24.The new building must _ its surroundings.A. fit into B. fit for C. fix up D.

21、fit in with【答案】D【解析】fit into使适合;fit for适合;fix up修理,固定;fit in with适合,一致。句意:这座新的建筑必须要融入新的环境。25.The worlds attention is being _ Chinas Belt and Road Initiative, as it has great influence on the worlds economy.A. focusing upon B. flooded with C. fixed on D. founded on【答案】C【解析】fix/focus ones attention on

22、集中注意力于,专注;A选项改为focused upon也对。(be)flooded with充满,如潮水涌至。句意:全世界的注意力都集中在中国的“一带一路”计划上,因为它对世界经济有很大的影响。26.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely _ dust.A. set free B. for free C. free from D. free with【答案】C【解析】set free释放;for free免费的;free from免于;free with坦白。根据常识可知,雨季灰尘减少,故选

23、C。句意:雨季最好的事情就是完全没有灰尘。27.Bathing crabs are raised in the Yangcheng Lake for at least six months, which is what makes them authentic and_ a high price. A. fine B. fetch C. find D. foresee【答案】B【解析】fetch“卖得,售得”,符合语境。fine罚款;find找到,发现;foresee预见,预知。句意:阳澄湖大闸蟹饲养至少需要六个月的时间,这就使得它们是正宗的,卖出高价。28.She is quite _ to

24、 office work. You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary.A. familiar B. flesh C. fresh D. flash【答案】C【解析】fresh“新鲜的,新的”,符合语境。句意:她刚到办公室工作,你最好在必要时提供给她一些建议。29.Never lie to your friends for honesty and trust are the _ of true friendship.A. distinction B. acquisition C. foundation D. function

25、【答案】C【解析】distinction区别;acquisition获得;foundation基础;function 功能。句意:不对密友撒谎和信任是真正友谊的基础。30.Even if you are not _our city, the road signs can show clearly the direction in which you are driving.A. familiar to B. free from C. familiar with D. far from【答案】C【解析】be familiar to(为某人所)熟悉的;free from摆脱,免于,没有be fam

26、iliar with(某人)熟悉的;far from 离远。句意:即使你对我们城市不熟悉,路标也可以清楚地显示你开车的方向。二、完形填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)In storm-ravaged(风暴肆虐的)Santa Clarita, California, last March, Martinez approached Runner Road carefully. A _1_ creek(小溪)had flooded it. Martinez, driving a Toyota SUV, _2_ hed be OK. Big _3_. Halfway acros

27、s, the rushing waters grabbed hold of his vehicle, sweeping it off the road. It finally _4_ a good 80 feet away, when the _5_ somehow lifted the SUV and put it into the ground at a 45-degree angle. Shaken, and trapped inside with the water rising quickly, Martinez was certain he was going to _6_.On

28、the road right behind Martinez were a delivery _7_ and his niece. They _8_ the horror unfold, and when Martinezs SUV came to _9_ in the middle of the pouring creek, the man leaped to _10_. First, he grabbed heavy-duty(结实的) _11_ from the back of his van and tied the unsteady SUV to _12_ posts. Then h

29、e climbed on the top of Martinezs _13_ and hit a rear window with his fists. Frustrated, he _14_to his niece and yelled, “Give me a _15_!”Over and over he hit the rock into the _16_ very hard, but in vain. “We were scared that something else was going to come down and take the SUV, take him, take my

30、 uncle,” Krystina Reyes, 27, said. But her uncles name was not publicly known.Reyess uncle shouted to Martinez to _17_ away from the window. He _18_ and threw the rock. _19_, the glass broke. Soon, a soaked Martinez went out of the window, and the men escaped to dry land.Martinez was saved by a(n) _20_ delivery driver.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。去年3月,在风暴肆虐的加利福尼亚州圣克拉丽塔,马丁内斯开着一辆丰田SUV车被湍急的水冲出公路,被困在车里,多亏一位不知名的货司机立即采取救援行动,救了他。1. A. deserted B. swollen C. forbidden D. floated【答案】B【解析】A. deserted被抛弃的;B. swollen膨胀的,涨满的;C. fo

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