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1、连云港市中考英语模拟试题与答案2018年连云港市中考英语模拟试题与答案(试卷满分100分钟,考试时间100分)第卷一、单项填空(本大题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. How was your trip in Shanghai?Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on _ of the days.A. neither B. all C. both2. If you dont like the green skirt, how abo

2、ut the red dress?OK, but do you have _ one? Its a bit small for me.A. a big B. a bigger C. the biggest3. What smells terrible?Sorry, Ill _ my shoes and wash them at once.A. put away B. take away C. move away4. Whose iPhone7 is that?I think it _. I heard that he has just bought a new one.A. is Toms B

3、. is Tom C. belong to Tom 5. _ can you finish your homework?In about one and a half hours.A. How long B. How often C. How soon6. I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long it _.For two weeks.A. is borrowed B. can be lent C. may be kept7. Could you please _be late again?Sorry, I wont be late

4、 again.A. to try not B. try not to C. try to not8. _ excellent work you have done!Its very kind of you to say so.A. What B. What an C. How9. The city _ I visited last year has changed a lot.Really? I hope to go there one day.A. where B. that C. when10. Guess _ yesterday !I think you went to a party.

5、A. where did I goB. how I enjoyed myselfC. what I did11. The class meeting was _ the afternoon of May 4th, 2017. Many students spoke at it.A. in B. on C. at D. to12. Who is our new math teacher?It _ be the one with long curly hair. I am not sure. A. must B. should C. might D. shall13. Why not take t

6、he _ for your trip? Good idea. I can read it on the train. A. backpack B. umbrella C. camera D. novel14. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Its just next to the post office over there. A. how could I get to the nearest bank B. where the nearest bank isC. which bus I should take to the bank D. which was

7、 the way to the nearest bank15. _ are you staying in Shanghai? For about half a month. A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How soon16. Julia, would you mind turning up the radio? I cant hear it at all. _. Ill do it right away. A. Of course B. Certainly not C. Its a pleasure D. Sure17. Henry felt

8、 _ becoming a volunteer to teach young kids. Yes, he loves kids and he wants to be a teacher in the future. A. tired B. proud C. worried D. bored18. Ms Li will tell us something about her trip to America when she _ back.A. came B. is coming C. comes D. will come19. Most students enjoy having lessons

9、 _ are interesting and lively. A. that B. what C. who D. whose20. Would you like to visit the newly-opened park or see a movie?_A. No,I dont . B. I agree. C. See a movie. D. Good luck.二、完形填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。Everyone has a beautiful memory 21 school that

10、is hard to forget. Among many things, relationships are the hardest to leave 22 . Some schools try to stop students puppy love in different ways. Anything about “love” relationship is not 23 . For example, a middle school in Fuan, Fujian Province forbids(禁止) boys and girls to sit together for meals

11、and forbids boys to look at girls for a long time;a middle school in Luohe, Henan Province sets 24 that boys and girls should meet in bright places with at least 5 other classmates, and 25 they meet in private they will be asked to go home with 46 for more than a week and even advised to leave schoo

12、l; a middle school in Jinan, Shandong Province 27 everyone to send food and gifts to or receive them from the opposite sex(异性). It also forbids students to help the opposite sex with bags and coats and requires a “44cm” distance between boys and girls.Some students are not 28 with such rules. “Why s

13、hould we have strict places for different sexes to eat in? Its not using bathrooms!” Some people 29 care about the intelligence development of the students say that they should be more creative with fewer rules. For this, Id like to say that middle school students are going through puberty(青春期). Its

14、 normal for them to have some feelings for the opposite sex. Schools should provide correct guidance and education instead of giving simple and cruel rules and asking the students to 30 .21. A.about C.from22. A.for B.behind C.with23. A.forbidden B.stopped C.allowed24. A.rules B.rulers C.goals25

15、. A.where B.what C.if 26. A.students B.parents C.teachers27. A.forbids B.allows C.encourages28. A.serious B.careful C.satisfied29. A.which B.whom C.who30. A.follow B.get C.become三、阅读理解(本大题共15 小题;3140 小题,每小题2 分;4145 小题,每小题1 分;共25 分)A)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe Spring Festival travel rush started on Friday Jan 13, 2017. It is the biggest thing for Chinese to travel in the Spring Festival. It has become the worlds largest human movement every ye

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