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1、高二英语下册第二单元英语15课时教案江 苏 省 技 工 学 校理论课程教师教案本( 2014 2015 学年 第 二 学期)第_3-4_周 共_5_课 时内 容 专业名称 文化课 课程名称 英语 第_二_章 That must be hard on you 第_1_节 Warm-up and Listening and Speaking 第_2_节 Reading A: Learn to Be Friendly and Charming第_3_节 Reading B: Myths about Relationships 第_4_节 Learn how to write the outline

2、第_5_节 Grammar: Main and Subordinate Clauses 授课教师:2015 年 3 月 16 日 3 月 27 日江 苏 省 职 业 学 校理论课程教师教案本( 2014 2015 学年 第 二 学期) 专业名称 汽修系 课程名称 英语 授课教师 李娟娟 学 校 盱眙中等专业学校 教 案 纸 首 页授课日期授课班级授课课时one授课形式new授课章节名称Unit2 That Must Be Hard on You (Wwrm-up and Listening and Speaking)使用教学器材准备Multimedia, Electrical book, Wh

3、iteboard教学目标1. Through free talk to lead students into new topic: That Must Be on You. 2. Learn the new words, and pay more attention to their vowels pronunciation.3. To train and practice the skills of listening and speaking, and encourage them mater some tips of these skills. 教学重点1. Through free t

4、alk to lead students into new topic: That Must Be on You. 2. Learn the new words, and pay more attention to their vowels pronunciation.教学难点To train and practice the skills of listening and speaking, and encourage them mater some tips of these skills.更新、补充、删节内容Some relevant practice课外作业Workbook教学后记教

5、案 纸 第_页板书设计或授课提纲Unit2 That Must Be Hard on YouPut the adjectives in Activity 1 into the three groups given below.Positive QualitiesGentleFunFairPatientcourageousNegative QualitiesSelf-centredAmbitiousBossyCould Be Positive or Negative教 案 纸 第_页课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程(含教学方法、进度安排与时间分配等)主 要 教 学 内 容 Step1 Warm-u

6、p (5-10mins)1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms Liu.T: Its cloudy today, isnt it?Ss: Yes. T: Do you have a good emotion todayr?Some of them: Of course.Some of them: No, its terrible. We dont like it.T: Be happy! Maybe we should get good emotion in everyday. Right?Ss : OK

7、, maybe.T: If you can control yourself, you may a patient person.Today we will talk about something about characteristics. Are you ready?Ss: OK,lets do it!2. Use the following or other adjectives to describe yourself or your friends.gentle self-centred patient courageousfair ambitious fun bossy教 案 纸

8、 第_页课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程(含教学方法、进度安排与时间分配等)主 要 教 学 内 容 Step2 Presentation(25-30mins)Step2 Presentation(25-30mins)Step3Homework(5mins)1. Put the adjectives in Activity 1 into the three groups given below.Positive QualitiesgentlefunfairpatientcourageousNegative Qualitiesself-centredambitiousbossyCould Be Po

9、sitive or Negative2. Learn some new words, pay more attention to their vowels pronunciation:How come? put sth. away be in a mess sinkApartment smell come through work outSort patient communicate improve3.Listening A and Listening B: In this part, I will play the record three times for students. Befo

10、re it, take them to look through the exercises, try to get their meanings.First time, encourage them to get their main idea.Second time, try to finish the exercises by themselves.Last time, check the answers together.4. Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation st

11、rategy in Activity 5.Situation 1: You are angry at your brother because he yelled at you. Now youre telling a friend what has happened.Situation 2: You friends grandpa is very sick. Your friend is worried about him.5.Translation;作为一名学生, 首要的品质是诚实.(very first)我们拥有不同的思维方式。(style of)你学得越多,就会越喜欢这门课程。(the

12、 more; the more)当我们不再不停的抱怨,而是学会接受,这个世界会变得更美好。(when we dontbut)1.Try to remember these new words by your heart.2.Finish the relevant exercises on workbook.教 案 纸 首 页授课日期授课班级授课课时one授课形式new授课章节名称Unit2 That Must Be Hard on You(Reading A: Learn to Be Friendly and Charming)使用教学器材准备Multimedia, Electrical bo

13、ok, Whiteboard教学目标1. To train the skill of reading, and catch the main idea of this text, and try to finish the exercises of text.2. To learn and mater some key language points of this text, pay more attention to their usages.教学重点To learn and mater some key language points of this text, pay more att

14、ention to their usages.教学难点To train the skill of reading, and catch the main idea of this text, and try to finish the exercises of text.更新、补充、删节内容Some relevant practice课外作业Workbook教学后记教 案 纸 第_页板书设计或授课提纲Unit2 That Must Be Hard on YouLearn to Be Friendly and CharmingRead passage A and match the qualit

15、ies with the functions.QualitiesFunctionsSmileA sincere compliment makes people feelgood. ListenIt makes your friends laugh and love youmore. Have something funnyto say It encourages people to talk more about their problems.AppreciateIt makes others feel pleased.教 案 纸 第_页课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程(含教学方法、进度安排与时

16、间分配等)主 要 教 学 内 容 Step1 Warm-up (5-10mins)Step2 Presentation(25-30mins)1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms Liu.T: Did you have a beautiful dream last night?Some of them: Yes.Some of them: No.T: It doesnt matter. Bad or good, it is just a dream, its new day today, right?Ss

17、 : Yes.T: So lets have a new start.Ss: OK.2. Do a dictation about new words what we learned last class.(After that, hand in their notebook to me.)1. Give students 2-3 minutes to read the text by themselves. Read passage A and match the qualities with the functions.教 案 纸 第_页课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程(含教学方法、进度安排

18、与时间分配等)主 要 教 学 内 容 Step2 Presentation(25-30mins)Step3Homework(5mins)QualitiesFunctionsSmileA sincere compliment makes people feel good. ListenIt makes your friends laugh and love you more. Have something funnyto say It encourages people to talk more about their problems.AppreciateIt makes others fee

19、l pleased.1. Language points:comfort n. 令人感到安慰的人或事comfort 表示“令人感到安慰的人或事”时用单数形式;表示“舒适的设施(或条件)”时常用复数。e.g. Its such a pity that money is the only comfort to fort 还常用作动词,意为“安慰,抚慰”e.g. Her friends always comfort her when she feels adj. 无限制的 open-ended 在本文中意为“开放的;自由回答的”a collection of 一些

20、collection 既可表示“(同类的)收集物”,也可以表示“一批物品;一群人”e.g. The watch comes from his private collection. Here is a collection of strange signs that you may enjoy.all sorts of 各种各样的 表示“一种”用a sort of ; 表示“多种”用sorts of; 表示“各种各样的”用all sorts of.e.g. She loves a sort of yellow flower.What sorts of cars are you looking

21、for?sort of 是一个副词词组,表示“有几分”e.g. I love him because he sort of likes the same things I do.the more, the more 意为“越越”,表示两个过程同时递增;more and more只是同一过程的递增。e.g. It becomes hotter and hotter outside. The older I get, the happier I am.Translation:1 他收藏了一些邮票。( a collection of )2 事实上,玩手机占据了我们太多时间。( in reality)

22、3 这条河过去很干净。( used to)4 这位年轻的父亲没办法让女儿停止哭泣。( stop doing)5 空气污染与经济发展有关系。( have to do with)教 案 纸 首 页授课日期授课班级授课课时one授课形式new授课章节名称Unit2 That Must Be Hard on You(Reading B: Myths about Relationships)使用教学器材准备Multimedia, Electrical book, Whiteboard教学目标2. To train the skill of reading, and catch the main idea

23、 of this text, and try to finish the exercises of text.3. To learn and mater some key language points of this text, pay more attention to their usages.教学重点To learn and mater some key language points of this text, pay more attention to their usages.教学难点To train the skill of reading, and catch the mai

24、n idea of this text, and try to finish the exercises of text.更新、补充、删节内容Some relevant practice课外作业Workbook教学后记教 案 纸 第_页板书设计或授课提纲Unit2 That Must Be Hard on YouMyths about RelationshipsComplete the following table based on page B.Common MythsAuthors SuggestionsOppositesDecide whats most important to yo

25、u and find someone who has a similar list. Love at first sightRemember that the attention can often fade as quickly as it arrives. Honesty is the best policyRemember to tell the truth about the important things, the small, unimportant lies wont be problem.教 案 纸 第_页课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程(含教学方法、进度安排与时间分配等)主

26、要 教 学 内 容 Step1 Warm-up (5-10mins)1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms. Liu.T: Its sunny day today, isnt it?Ss: Yes.T: Do you feel good?Ss: Of course. What about you, Ms. Liu?T: The same to you! And who can tell me something about passage A? Do you remember?Ss: No problem

27、.T: OK! Lets check!2. Review the passage A, retell the main idea:Para.1: Lead into the topic: How to make ourselves popular with friends?Para.2: Here are four tips for relationships: smile, listen, have something funny to say, appreciate. Para.3: Encourage readers to try these tips, and retell advan

28、tages of these tips.教 案 纸 第_页课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程(含教学方法、进度安排与时间分配等)主 要 教 学 内 容 Step2 Presentation(25-30mins)Step3Homework(5mins)1 Give2-3 minutes to students to read the text by themselves, and try to finish the following questions:What odes common myth mean in the passage?A. A traditional story or tale.

29、B. A popular but wrong idea about something.C. A famous and wonderful idea about something.Based on the passage , why do you many people believe that opposites attract ?A. Its exciting to be with someone who is very different.B. Youre less likely to have conflicts with someone who is very different.C. Its annoying to be with someone who is similar.The belief that we should always be honest with our partners might not work. The reason is that .A. if we are always honest, our partner might start lying to us instead.B. its more exciting to lie to a partner than to make him

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