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1、寄托蓝宝书英文释义版蓝宝书英文解释简化版(注:这个版本共有35个list 单词总数其实和完整版一样的,只是分list的方式不同,大家放心)List 1 abandon (to give up without intent to return)(surrender oneself to)abase (to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem)abash (to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of)abate (to reduce in degree or intensity)abbreviate (

2、to make briefer)abdicate (to relinquish formally)aberrant (deviating from the usual or natural type)abet (to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose)abeyance (temporary inactivity)abhor (to regard with extreme repugnance)abiding (to remain stable or fixed in a state)abject (cast down in sp

3、irit)abjure (renounce upon oath)abnegation (renunciation;self-sacrifice)abolition (the act of doing away with or the state of being done away with; annulment)abominate (to hate or loathe intensely)aboveboard (be in a straightforward manner)abrade (to rub or wear away especially by friction:ERODE)abr

4、idge (To cut short; curtail)abrogate (to abolish by authoritative action)abscission (the act of cutting off)abscond (to depart secretly and hide oneself)absolute (complete;totally unlimited;certain)absolve (to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt)abstain (to refrain from somethin

5、g by ones own choice)abstemious (restraint especially in the consumption of food)abstract vt 1 摘要, 提炼, 抽象化 2 心不在焉abstruse (difficult to comprehend;recondite)abuse (to attack in words;revile)abut (to touch along a border or with a projecting part)abysmal (immeasurably low or wretched)accede (to expre

6、ss approval or give consent:give in to a request or demand)accelerate (to move fastergain speed)accessible (easy to approach;obtainable)accessory (additional object;useful but not essential thing)accidental (occurring unexpectedly or by chance)acclimate (to adapt to a new climate, environment)accola

7、de (an expression of praise)accommodate (to provide with something desired, needed, or suitedaccost (greet, hail, salute)accretion (the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup)accumulate (to gather or pile up especially little by little;amass)acerbic (acid in temper, mood, or tone)achr

8、omatic (possessing no hue)acme (the highest point or stage)acquiesce (to accept tacitly or passively)acquisition (the act of acquiring)acre (a unit of area in the U.S)acrid (sharp and harsh in taste or odor)acrimonious (caustic , biting , or rancorous especially in feeling)acumen (keenness and depth

9、 of perception)acute (having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course)adage (a saying often in metaphorical form that embodies a common observation)adamant (unshakable or immovable especially in opposite)adapt (to bring into correspondence or make suitable)addendum (a supplement to a book)addict

10、 (to devote(oneself)to something habitually or obsessively)adhere (to hold fast or stick by gluing or grasping)adjourn (to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place)adjunct (something joined to another thing but not essentially a part of it)ad-lib (spoken, composed, or performed wit

11、hout preparation)admission (the act or process of admitting)admonish (to reprove or express warning in a gentle, earnest manner)adore (to regard with loving admiration and devotion)adulate (to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly)adulterate (to make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or in

12、ferior ingredients)adumbrate (to suggest or disclose partially)adversary (an opponent; an enemy)advert (to turn the mind or attention)advertise (to announce publicly esp by a printed notice or a broadcast)advocate (to plead in favor of)aerate (to supply or impregnate with air)aesthetic (relating to

13、the philosophy or theories of aesthetics)affable (characterized by ease and friendliness)affected (assumed artificially or falsely)affection (a tender feeling toward another; fondness)affidavit (a sworn statement in writing made esp under oath)affiliate (to bring or receive into close connection as

14、a member)affinity (implies a susceptibility or predisposition on something)affluent (having a generously sufficient material possessions)agenda (a list or outline of things to be considered or done)aggrandize (to make appear great or greaterpraise highly)aggravate (to make worse, more serious, or mo

15、re severe)aggregate (to collect or gather into a mass or whole)aggressive (Inclined to behave in a hostile fashion)aggrieve (to give pain or trouble to)agony (intense pain of mind or body)airtight (impermeable to air or nearly so)alacrity (promptness in responsecheerful readiness)albino (an organism

16、 exhibiting deficient pigmentation)alchemy (medieval chemistry)alibi (an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment)align (to arrange in a line or so as to be parallel)allay (assuage)allegiance (devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause)alleviate (as suffering) more bearablealienate

17、 (to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent)list 2alliterate (the repetition of initial consonant sounds)allowance (a fixed or available amount)allude (to make indirect reference)ally (a sovereign or state associated with another by treaty or league)aloft (in the air;especially:in flight)aloof (re

18、moved or distant either physically or emotionally)alphabetical (arranged in the order of the letters)altruism (devotion to the welfare of others)amalgamate (to merge into a single body)ambiguous (doubtful from obscurity)amble (to walk slowly or leisurely;stroll)ambrosial (delicious)ameliorate (to ma

19、ke better or more tolerable)amenable (responsive to advice, authority;tractable)amenity (agreeableness)(courtesy)(convenience, facility)amiable (being friendly, sociable, and congenial)amicable (friendly, neighborly)amorphous (having no definite form)amulet (an object worn, especially around the nec

20、k, as a charm against evil or injury)anaerobic (living in the absence of free oxygen)analgesic (insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness)anarchist (one who rebels against any authority or ruling power)anathema (one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority)ancillary (SUBORDINATE, SUBSIDI

21、ARY)anecdote (a usually short narrative of an interesting incident)anemic (lacking force, vitality, or spirit)anesthetic (lacking awareness or sensitivity)anhydrous (free from water)animate (to give life to; fill with life)animus (hostile feeling or intent)annals (a record of events arranged in year

22、ly sequence)annoy (to disturb especially by repeated acts)annul (to declare or make legally invalid or void)anomalous (abnormal;irregular)anonymous (not named or identified)antagonize (to incur or provoke the hostility of)antediluvian (antiquated;ancient)anterior (coming before in time or developmen

23、t)anthology (a collection of selected literary works of art)antic (characterized by clownish absurdity)antidote (a remedy to counteract the effects of poison)apathy (lack of feeling or emotion)aphorism (pithy maxim)apiary (a place where bees and beehives are kept, especially a place where bees are r

24、aised for their honey)apocalyptic (prophetic)apocryphal (untrue;made up)apophasis (allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned, as in I will not bring up my opponents questionable financial dealings)apoplectic (greatly agitated) apostasy (renunciation of a religious faith) apostrophe

25、()(表示省略或所有格,如 IM) apothecary (one who prepares and sells drugs) appall (to overcome with consternation) apparel (clothing, especially outer garments; attire)(to adorn or embellish)appeal (to make an earnest request) appealing (having appealPLEASING) appellation (a name, title, or designation) applau

26、se (approval publicly expressed) apposite (highly pertinent or appropriateAPT) appreciable (capable of being perceived or measured) apprehension (suspicion or fear especially of future evil) apprise (inform) approbation (warmly commending acceptance or agreement) appropriate (to take use of without

27、authority)apron (a garment, usually fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing)apropos (with reference to;regarding)apt (unusually fitted or qualified)aquatic (growing or living in water)aqueduct (a conduit for water)aquifer (a water-bearing stratum of p

28、ermeable rock)arachnid (including the spiders, scorpions, mites)arbor (A shady resting place in a garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown)arboreal (of a tree)(inhabiting trees)archaic (antiquated)archetype (prototype;primi

29、tive pattern)(paradigm ;model)archipelago (group of closely located islands)archive (place where public records are kept)ardor (heat;passion;zeal)arduous (hard to accomplish or achieve)argot (secret vocabulary peculiar to a particular group)arid (excessively dry)arrest (check)(to make inactive)arres

30、ting (conspicuous;salient)arrhythmic (lacking rhythm or regularity)arrogance (pride, haughtiness)arroyo (a brook;a creek ;a water-carved gully or channel)arsenal (a governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materi

31、el)artery (a major route of transportation into which local routes flow)articulate (composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words, as human speech)artifacts (products of primitive culture)artifice (false or insincere behavior)artless (free from guile or craft:sincerely simple)ascendant (同ascendent)ascetic (austere in appearance, manner, or attitude)aseptic (preventing infection)askew (out of line:awry)aspect (appearance to the eye or mind)asperity (sharpness of temper)aspersion (slanderous remark)aspirant (seeker after position or status)

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