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1、欧洲需要团结欧洲需要团结部门: xxx 时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑特里谢:欧洲需要团结 There are more reasons now for Europe to unite英国金融时报 莱昂内尔巴贝尔 , 拉尔夫阿特金斯 伦敦报道 For 30 years, whenever economic crises hit the world, Jean-Claude Trichet has been at the centre of the action. As his career draws to a close his eight-year term as Eur

2、opean Central Bank president ends in three weeks the former French finance official and Banque de France governor is in the midst of his biggest crisis yet.30年来,无论全球何时爆发经济危机,让-克洛德特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet都是负责应对行动的关键人物之一。在其职业生涯走向终点之际行长的8年任期将在3周后画上句号),这位法国前财政官员、法国央行(Banque de France前行长正在面对他遭遇过的最严重的危机。“I

3、t is undoubtedly a historical event of the first magnitude, the worst financial crisis since the second world war,” he exclaims. “It could have produced a Great Depression had appropriate decisions not been taken at the appropriate time.”特里谢大声说道:“毫无疑问,这是一个极其重要的历史性事件,是自二战以来最严重的金融危机。如果我们不是在恰当的时间做出了恰当的

4、决定,它可能已把世界带入大萧条。”At its epicentre is the 17-nation eurozone. The blocs leaders are scrambling to assemble a rescue package that will finally restore the stability of Europes 13-year-old monetary union. In an interview with the Financial Times, however, Mr Trichet sees the crisis as broader as a cris

5、is of the west. “All advanced economies are being X-rayed by the present crisis and revealing their skeletons and the weaknesses in their skeletons. Its true for all of us for Japan, for the US, for Europeans.”位于“震中”的是拥有17个成员国的欧元区。欧元区国家领导人正在匆忙拼凑一套纾困方案,以求最终将使已有13年历史的欧洲货币联盟恢复稳定。然而,在接受英国金融时报采访时,特里谢却把这场

6、危机视为一场更广泛的危机、一场西方的危机。他表示:“所有发达经济体都在接受当前这场危机的X光透视,把它们的骨架和骨架上的毛病暴露给大家。我们所有国家都是如此,无论是日本、美国还是欧洲国家。”Drawing lessons in his final days in office, Mr Trichet is convinced the long-term result will be that Europe is propelled towards greater economic integration extending the European “project” for which he

7、 has pushed for much of his life. “We are presently experiencing history in the making in Europe. All that I know makes me think that no leader, no individual and no country will take the responsibility of going backwards. Thats the reason why I am confident in the future of Europe.”在总结自己任期最后这段日子的教训

8、时,特里谢充满信心地认为,长远来看,这场危机将推动欧洲走向更深层次的经济整合,从而推进他为之奋斗大半生的欧洲一体化“计划”。“欧洲正在经历历史性的时刻。我所知道的一切让我相信,任何领导人、个人和国家都不愿承担走回头路的责任。这正是我对欧洲未来充满信心的原因所在”。The burden on him, especially over the past four years, has been enormous. At endless global meetings, he has helped co-ordinate or at least avoid clashes between the w

9、orlds central banks. In Europe, he has pushed for action at emergency summits that have sometimes descended into haranguing matches. In Germany, the ECB has faced fierce resistance over the massive extension of its lending to banks and intervention in government bond markets.特里谢一直承受着巨大的压力,尤其是在过去的4年里

10、。在没完没了的全球会议上,他帮助协调世界各国的央行,或者至少是避免它们之间发生冲突。在欧洲,他努力在紧急峰会上推动各方采取行动这类峰会有时会沦落为领导人高谈阔论的竞技场)。在德国,欧洲央行在向银行业大规模放贷和干预主权债券市场方面遭到该国的强烈抵制。Resting his spectacles on his iPad in the Financial Times London offices, his silver hair neatly trimmed, Mr Trichet looks weary. But in an hour-long discussion he is as comba

11、tive as ever. For Europe, he says, what the “X-rays” have exposed are not weaknesses in the euro as a currency the ECB president says it is “credible and solid” but in eurozone governance.在英国金融时报伦敦办公室,特里谢摘下眼镜放在自己的iPad上,一头银发修剪得整整齐齐,面容带着些疲倦。但在一个小时的采访过程中,他却表现得同以往一样斗志昂扬。他表示,就欧洲而言,“X光透视”暴露出来的并非欧元作为一种货币的缺

12、陷这位欧洲央行行长表示,欧元是“可靠而稳健的”),而是欧元区治理的缺陷。The regions crisis erupted after Greece and others pumped up their economies on cheap credit and allowed international competitiveness to plunge. Eurozone fiscal rules were ignored, including by Germany, while financial markets encouraged a period of “benign negle

13、ct” for instance, by demanding only the same low interest rate on Greeces government debt as on Germanys.欧元区爆发危机以前,希腊等国用廉价信贷吹大了本国经济,听任自己的国际竞争力大幅下滑。包括德国在内的成员国对欧元区的财政规定视而不见,金融市场则对一段“善意的忽视”时期起到推波助澜的作用比方说,只要求希腊国债提供与德国国债一样低的利率。Eurozone policymakers, says Mr Trichet, now have to break a vicious cycle in w

14、hich government debt woes are fuelling investor nervousness about banks. Their responsibilities are twofold. Attention has focused in recent days on the need to strengthen banks balance sheets. But the central bank chief also wants steps “to restore as completely as possible the credibility” of sove

15、reign debt.特里谢表示,欧元区政策制定者现在必须打破一个恶性循环主权债务危机正在加剧投资者对银行业的担忧。他们的责任有双重。最近,他们的注意力已集中在巩固银行资产负债表的必要性上。但特里谢还希望,他们能采取措施“尽可能彻底地恢复和法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy,称这一要求可能只会推升借款成本。Since then, his warnings have been vindicated but have gone unheeded. In July, eurozone leaders agreed on a “private sector involvement”

16、in Greeces bail-out that implied a 21 per cent writedown on Greek debt holdings. Now, Germany and others are pushing for more. In its monthly bulletin on Thursday, the ECB warned of the dangers of such steps, saying they put financial stability in jeopardy.在那之后,他的警告已被证明是正确的,但并未有人理睬。今年7月,欧元区国家领导人就“私人

17、部门参与”希腊纾困计划达成一致。该计划包括,将希腊债务减记21%。如今,德国等国正力主进行更多减记。欧洲央行在上周四发布的月度公报中,就这类措施的危险性发出警告,称它们会危及金融稳定。Whatever his private thoughts, Mr Trichet famously disciplined in his communication chooses his words carefully. He is clearly anxious not to add public spats to the eurozones problems. Its political leaders

18、“have said very clearly that Greece is a special case and that as regards all other countries, they reaffirm their inflexible determination to honour fully their own individual sovereign signature. I would say it was important to avoid any ambiguity in this respect,” he says in a well-rehearsed resp

19、onse.不管私下里抱何种看法,特里谢在发表意见时都对措辞相当谨慎他的讲话是出了名的严谨。他显然不希望欧元区的问题引起公众更多的争议。欧元区政治领导人“已非常明确地表示,希腊是个特例;至于其它国家,它们已反复申明,坚决全面兑现本国作出的承诺。我想说,在这方面避免含糊不清具有重要的意义,”他在反复斟酌措辞后回答说。The ECB itself has reached the limits of what it can do, Mr Trichet argues. If Greece is pushed into default, the central bank would no longer

20、be able to accept its governments bonds as collateral from Greek banks seeking its lifesaving liquidity. As a result, other eurozone governments would have to backstop Athens financial system to avert economic catastrophe.特里谢认为,欧洲央行的努力已达到自身能力的极限。如果希腊被迫违约,欧洲央行将无力再把寻找救命钱的希腊银行提供的希腊国债当作抵押品。因此,欧元区其它国家的政府

21、必须出面支撑希腊金融体系,避免爆发经济灾难。For the eurozone as a whole, Mr Trichet stresses measures it has taken to support banks last week it announced two offers of unlimited one-year loans, on top of the unlimited weekly, monthly and three-monthly liquidity already available. But he makes clear that the ECB will not

22、 act as a “lender of last resort” to governments. Its bond-buying programme more than 160bn ($220bn so far in mostly southern European government debt is aimed simply at ensuring monetary policy decisions are “transmitted” via functioning bond markets into the real economy.就整个欧元区而言,特里谢强调,欧洲央行已采取多项措施

23、来支撑银行业近日,欧洲央行宣布向银行业提供两笔无限额一年期贷款,此前它已提供了无限额一周期、一月期和三月期贷款。但特里谢明确表示,欧洲央行不会充当欧元区国家政府的“最后贷款人”。欧洲央行国债购买计划迄今已逾1600亿欧元。特里谢表示,这个工具可以用来提供一道防火墙,比如阻止危机蔓延至西班牙和意大利。In seeing a restricted role for the central bank, Mr Trichet is in line with the tradition of Germanys conservative Bundesbank, on which the ECB was m

24、odelled. When he arrived in Frankfurt in November 2003, he was seen especially by his own countrymen as an inflation “hawk” and as much of a “Bundesbanker” as was possible for a Frenchman.由于认识到欧洲央行发挥的作用有限,特里谢遵循了保守的德国央行(Bundesbank的传统路线。欧洲央行是以德国央行为模板建立的。当特里谢在2003年11月抵达法兰克福时,人们在公开反对国债购买计划之后,辞去了德国央行行长和欧

25、洲央行管理委员会委员的职务。今年9月,韦伯的同胞于尔根斯塔克(Jrgen Stark出于类似原因宣布辞去在欧洲央行理事会的职务。Asked if he has lost German support for Europes economic integration, Mr Trichet is, again, diplomatic. “I dont know what the Germans means.We are living in cultures that are very deep, very profoundand very complex, obviously, and wher

26、e fortunately you have a lot of different opinions.” He pays tribute to Mr Stark, who has not spoken out publicly against ECB policy, as “a very close friend” and committed European although notably fails to mention the more forthright Mr Weber.在被问及德国人是否已不再支持欧洲经济整合的时候,特里谢再次以外交辞令作答:“我不知道你说的德国人是什么意思我们显然生活在非常深厚、深远和复杂的多种文化当中,在这里,你拥有许多不同的选择,这是很幸运的。”他称赞没有

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