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7Aunit6 Food and Lifestyle强化练习.docx

1、7Aunit6 Food and Lifestyle强化练习Unit 6 Food and Lifestyle一、翻译词组: 1、一碗米饭 _ 2、三盒鸡蛋 _3、两袋大米 _ 4、一片面包 _5、五瓶桔子汁 _ 6、十公斤梨 _7、吃一些汉堡 _ 8、需要很多能量 _9、走到那只碗那儿 _10、从不锻炼 _11、一天很多次 _ 12、关于不同种类食物的信息 _13、一个健康的人 _ 14、不喜欢鱼和蔬菜 _15、讨厌鸡肉和胡萝卜_16、轮流问问题 _二、根据中文意思,完成下列句子:1. You must take much _(锻炼) to keep fit.2. As a _(舞蹈演员),

2、 she needs much _(能量).3. Chinese people eat _(月饼) at Mid-autumn Festival.4. He doesnt eat much, so he is _(健康).5. A _(厨房) is a place for cooking.6. My mother is very busy, so she _(很少) watches TV.7. Though he is very tall, he _(讨厌) playing basketball.8. Hobo walks to his _(碗) many times a day.9. He

3、_(从不) gets up early on Saturday morning.10. He had to have a job or go _(饿).三、动词填空:1. We are going to have a party. Can you _(come) and _(join) us?2. Its fun _ (wear) a tiger costume.3. Everybody _(need) _(exercise) every day.4. I am too tired _(work) on. I want _(have) a good rest.5. She hates _(tr

4、avel) by plane and she dislikes _ (travel) by car as well.6. Miss Gao is coming. Please stop _(talk).7. His mother made him _ (do) a lot of homework yesterday.8. What about _(go) skating tomorrow afternoon?9. We dont have _ (eat) so many sweet snacks.10. Each student must _(make) a card _(show) his

5、love to his teachers on Teachers Day.四、句子翻译:1、 让我们吃些汉堡吧!_2、 他需要大量的能量。_3、 她从不锻炼。_4、 你是一个健康的人吗?_5、 你最喜欢的食物是什么?_6、 我喜欢香蕉。你喜欢什么食物?_7、 我讨厌踢足球,你呢? _8、 她不喜欢肉和甜食。_Reading (1)一、翻译词组:1、我们所吃的 _ 2、想当一名歌星 _3、一天跳舞2小时 _ 4、在每餐之间很少吃甜品 _5、太多的糖分 _ 6、提供给我能量 _7、六听可乐 _ 8、对某人的健康有益 _9、变得疲劳 _ 10、想要保持健康 _11、早餐吃个苹果 _ 12、喝点牛奶和

6、果汁 _13、饭后吃个橘子 _ 14、在网上和我的朋友聊天 _15、成为一名尖子生 _16、健康的生活方式 _二、填入合适的介、副词:1. What do they have _ dinner?2. There is no food _ the fridge.3. The supermarket is full _ people.4. She has a basketball _ her hand.5. Smoking is not good _ health.6. kitty wants to be a dancer when she grows up, so she dances _ tw

7、o hours every day.7. _ dinner, I sometimes have an orange or a banana.8. He goes to visit his teacher _ foot.9. Judy does exercises _ the morning.10. _ Monday evening, he listens to English on the radio.三、句型转换:1. Kitty dances every day. (对划线部分提问) _2. Kate dances for two hours every day. (对划线部分提问) _

8、3. He wants to play basketball. (对划线部分提问) _ 4. Daniel plans to have juice and bread for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _5. We have a class meeting once a week. (对划线部分提问) _6. Lily is going to visit her grandparents this Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _7. Chocolates give us energy. (改为同义句) Chocolates _ _ _ _.8. What is your

9、 favourite food? (改为同义句) What _ do you _ _?9. Sandy seldom walks to school. (改为同义句) Sandy seldom _ _ school _ _.10. Its suppertime. (改为同义句) Its time _ _. Its time _ _ _.四、句子翻译:1、对于舞蹈演员来说,保持健康是重要的。 _2、因为我想要更健康一些,所以我改变了我的日常饮食。 _3、以前,我很少吃水果和蔬菜。 _4、我知道甜点对我没有好处。 _5、我不再在餐食之间吃甜点心了。 _6、如果你想成为一个健康的人,你得少吃点,多锻

10、炼。 _7、人人知道她每天所吃的东西和她如何生活的。 _8、我们计划改变我们的饮食习惯和生活方式。 _Reading (2)一、首字母填空:1. She needs a lot of e_ to dance every day.2. He hates dumplings, so he n_ eats them.3. I e_ every day, so I am fit and healthy.4. He o_ goes to KFC. He likes hamburgers very much.5. We cut meat with a k_.6. It usually t_ me twen

11、ty minutes to have lunch.7. Yang Liping is a famous d_. She can dance very well.8. I am not good at Maths, so I n_ your help.9. After a whole days work, my mother feels t_.10. Kitty is c_ with her diet because she wants to be healthy.二、句子翻译: 1、老师说学好英语很重要。 _2、我们需要许多能量来做运动。 _3、你早饭通常吃什么? 我吃点面包和果汁。 _4、我

12、每周去一次我爷爷家。 _5、甜食对你没有好处。 _6、我再也不在马路上踢足球了。 _7、他喜欢玩电脑游戏,而我喜欢和朋友聊天。 _8、你想做健康的食物吗? _三、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. There are many _(tomato) and _(potato) in the basket.2. We can drink _(many) water without _(get) fat.3. There _(be) two bowls of rice on the table.4. We should exercise _(many), watch _(little) TV and ea

13、t _(health) food.5. He needs _(spend) two hours _(do) his homework.6. Its difficult _(finish) _(read) this book today.7. Would you like _(go) _(skate) with _(we)?8. The students are very _(excite) when they know the _(excite) news.四、根据课文内容填空:Kitty is a girl of twelve. She w_ to be a dancer. She n_ l

14、ots of e_, so she changed her d_. Now she eats an apple, bread, vegetables f_ meals. She doesnt eat sweet snacks any m_. Daniel is a boy of twelve, too. He is a t_ student in his class. He likes h_ very much. Now he e_ every day for about 30 minutes. And he doesnt eat f_ food any more.五、完型填空:From Mo

15、nday to Friday students usually get up at seven. Then they wash their faces and have breakfast. They usually have eggs, bacon(熏肉), bread, fruit and a glass of milk. After breakfast they go to school on foot or by yellow school 1 . Some students ride bikes. They get to school at about half past eight

16、. Then they put their 2 in their lockers(柜子) and take only one book, a notebook and a pencil to each class. In middle school students have 3 for six hours. Their classes are English, writing, maths, 4 and so on.At noon students have lunch at school. They usually 5 meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and

17、a drink. 6 most students like pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers better. Students dont have a short 7 . They go back to have classes 8 lunch until three oclock. Then they go home.Students usually play or watch TV before 9 . They have supper at six in the evening. The supper usually has soup, meat, 10 ,

18、rice or pasta(面食). After supper they do their homework. Sometimes they play or talk with their parents.( ) 1. A. car B. bike C. bus D. plane( ) 2. A. school bags B. clothes C. pencil-boxes D. money( ) 3. A. meals B. a rest C. each class D. classes( ) 4. A. music, playing football B. Chinese, running

19、 C. music, art(艺术) D. P.E, listening to music( ) 5. A. buy B. have C. eat D. bring( ) 6. A. So B. And C. Because D. But( ) 7. A. sleep B. talk C. drink D. holiday( ) 8. A. at B. before C. after D. in( ) 9. A. a supper B. supper C. the dinner D. a dinner( )10. A. vegetables B. dumplings C. fishes D.

20、potatoesVocabulary一、首字母填空:1. Young people like a cold brown drink named c_.2. C_ is sweet and brown, many children like it.3. Chinese people like to have a hot drink-t_.4. F_ lives only in water.5. A m_ is a round and sweet cake. People eat it on Mid-autumn Day.6. L_ is a yellow fruit.二、根据句意及中文提示填空:

21、1. I want some _(猪肉) and _(胡萝卜).2. We can buy some _ (芒果). They are my grandpas _(最喜欢的).3. We need some _ (卷心菜) for supper.4. Would you like some more _(牛肉)?5. He has some _(饼干) and _ (牛奶) for breakfast.6. You must have _(足够的) _(蔬菜) every day.三、句型转换:1. I like apples. (用orange 改写成选择疑问句) _2. The students chat with each other at lunchtime. (对划线部分提问) _3. Kitty and Daniel often have milk and bread for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _4. There are two bottles of orange juice on the table. (对划线部分提问) _5. Uncle Wang is watching TV now. (对划线部分提问) _四、句子翻译:1、我们必须当心我们的饮食习惯。 _2、你多久度假一次?一年一次。 _

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