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六年级英语下册人教pep版Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试.docx

1、六年级英语下册人教pep版Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试六年级英语下册人教pep版Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试Unit 1 单元测试题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听 力 部 分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1.A.heavyBlowerCbigger()2.A.younger Blonger Cheavier()3.A.smarter Bsmaller Cstronger()4.A.size Bkilogram Cmetre()5.A.become Bboth Cdinosaur二、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是(

2、T)否(F)相符。(10分)1.,()2.,()3.,()4.,()三、听录音,根据所听到的问句选出合适的答语。(10分)()1.A.I wear size 37 shoes.BIm 1.6 metres. CIts 1.55 metres longs.()2.A.Size 38. BYes,I am. CNo.38.()3.A.Tom is taller than John. BJohn is 1.5 metres. CTom is 1.52 metres.()4.A.Im older than Jim. BJim is older than me. CIm 12 years old.()5

3、.A.He is 45 kilograms. BHe is 11 years old. CIm 47 kilograms.笔 试 部 分(70分)四、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)()1.A.countrysideBelephantCdinosaur()2.A.strong Blonger Cthinner()3.A.kilogram Bmetre Ctwelve()4.A.shadow Bsmaller Csmarter()5.A.both Bbigger Cyounger五、单项选择。(10分)()1.My arms are longer than _.Ayou Byours Cy

4、our()2.How _are you?Im 1.65 metres.Along Btall Cheavy()3.What _are your shoes?Asize Blong Cbig()4.Im 48 kilograms.Are you 50 kilograms?Yes,Im _than you.Athinner Bshorter Cheavier()5.Yao Ming is so tall.He is 2.26 _.Ametres Bkilograms Cyears六、看图片,根据首字母填写单词。(10分)1The man is s_ than the woman.2My grand

5、mother is o_ than Mrs White.3Li Ming is s_ than Tom.4The elephant is h_ than the dog.5The White cat is t_ than the black one.七、读句子,选择相应的答句。(10分)()1.Who is younger than Lily?()2.Who is taller,Tim or Jim?()3.How heavy are you?()4.How tall is Mike?()5.How old are you?ATim is taller.BMike is 1.58 metres

6、.CIm 12 years old.DIm 45 kilograms.EIm younger than Lily. 八、按要求改写句子。(10分)1Your schoolbag is bigger than mine.(改为同义句)My schoolbag _ _than yours.2I wear size_38 shoes.(对画线部分提问)_ _are your shoes?3Jim is 1.7_metres(对画线部分提问)_ _is Jim?4Amy is 1.57 metres.Sarah is 1.63 metres.(合并成一句)Sarah is _ _Amy.5Are yo

7、ur feet bigger than his?(作否定回答)No,_ _.九、连词成句,注意首字母大写和标点符号。(10分)1.,together) ,than) ,taller) ,of) ,both) ,its) ,us),.)_2.,feet) ,mine) ,your) ,bigger) ,are) ,than) ,.)_3.,hall),this),tallest),the),it),in),is ),.)_4.,37 ) ,my) ,size) ,shoes) ,are) ,.)_5.,are) ,how) ,heavy) ,you) ,?)_十、阅读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否

8、(F)正确。(10分)I have a big family.There are six people in my family.My grandpa is older than my grandma,and he is taller than her.My father is taller and stronger than my mother.My brother is heavier than me,but my hair is longer than his.()1.My grandma is younger than my grandpa.()2.My grandma is shor

9、ter than my grandpa.()3.My father is taller and stronger than my mother.()4.My brother is thinner than me.()5.My brothers hair is longer than mine.Unit 1单元测试听力原文一、1.lower2.heavier3.smaller4metre5.become二、1.The apple is bigger than the pear.2The woman is shorter than the man.3The dinosaur is the tall

10、est of all.4I wear size 36 shoes.5Sarahs fish is smaller than Johns.三、1What size are your shoes?2Who is taller,Tom or John?3Who is older than you?4How heavy is he?参考答案一、1.B2.C3.B4.C5.A二、1.T2.T3.F4.T三、1.B2.A3.A4.B5.A四、1.A2.A3.C4.A5.A五、1.B2.B3.A4.C5.A六、1.stronger2.older3.shorter4heavier5.thinner七、1.E2

11、.A3.D4.B5.C八、 smaller2.What size3.How tall4taller than5.they arent九、1.Its taller than both of us together.2Your feet are bigger than mine.3It is the tallest in this hall.4My shoes are size 37.5How heavy are you?十、1.T2.T3.T4.F5.F六年级英语下册人教pep版Unit 1 How tall are you_ PB & PC 同步练习(含答案) 六年级下册英语Unit

12、1 单元测试卷 (Part B- C)1、写出下列形容词的比较级形式。(8分)2、1.funny 2.tall 3、3.short 4.heavy 4、5.thin 6.big 5、7.strong 8.small 6、二、选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分)7、( )1.A.tall B.meter C.short8、( ) B.whale C.jump9、( )3.A.running B.diving C.bigger10、( )4.A.older B.young C.strong11、( )5.A.hall Ckg12、三、看图读句子,判断正(T)误(F)。(8分

13、)13、 1. Thedeeristaller.( ) 2.Thegiraffeistaller. ( )2. Thedeerisshorter.( ) Thegiraffeisshorter. ( )3. 4. Thismonkeyisthinner.( ) 4.Thatelephantisthinner.( )5. Thismonkeyisheavier.( ) Thatelephantisheavier.( )6. 四、英汉互译。(8分)7. 1.tallerthan 2.youareheavier 8. 3.39tons 4.size20 9. 5各自;每个 6多少岁 10. 7多大

14、8更大更壮 5. 单项选择。(16分)6. ( )1.Mybagis thanSarahs.7. A.big B.long C.heavier D.thinner8. ( )2.Howlongareyour 50cm.9. A.foot B.legs C.bed D.hand10. ( )3.Myfatheris10cm thanme.11. A.taller B.short C.heavier D.younger12. ( )4.Tomistenyearsold.Jimistwelveyearsold.SoTomis thanJim13. A.older B.bigger C.younger

15、 D.shorter14. ( )5.Myfishis thanyours.15. A.bigger B.tall C.heavier D.younger16. ( )6.- bagdoyoulike?17. -Iliketheyellowone18. A.How B.What C.Which D.When19. ( )7.-Howlargeisyourroom?20. -Itis25 .21. A.meter C.squaremeters D.tons22. ( )8.Hehas28 .23. A.toothes B.tooth C.teeth D.feet24. 六、连词成句。(

16、注意标点符号与大小写)(15分)25. 1. is,taller,who,you,than(?) 2.I,bigger,you,than,stronger,am,and(.) 3. whales,tooth,of,the,a,sperm,length,is,20cm(.) 4is,happening,what,there(?) 5.need.they,goalkeeper,new,a(.) 七、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(有一项多余)(8分)Sarah:Hi,Mary. Mary:Imfine,thankyou.Sarah: Mary:Im160cmtall.Andyou?Sarah:

17、Im10cmshorterthanyou.Mary: Sarah:Im50kg.Imheavierthanyou.Mary:Oh!Itstimetogohomenow.Goodbye.Sarah:Bye.A.Howistheweathertoday?B.Howareyou?C.Howheavyareyou?D.Im150cmtall.E.Howtallareyou?八、阅读理解。(12分) Aspermwhaleisabout15meterslong.Its 35tons.Ithas 50teeth.Eachtoothis20cmlong.Itstailis8meterslong.It lik

18、eseatingsquid,lobstersandsmallsharks.Itcandiveintothe deepcoldwater. A killerwhaleisabout8meterslong.Its3600kg.Ithas40 teeth.Eachtoothhas20cmlong.Itstailis6meterslong.Itsfood isfish,birds,sealsandevenwhales.Itsagoodswimmer.Itcan jumpoutofwater.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.Aspermwhaleis7meterslongerthanaki

19、llerwhale.( )2.Aspermwhaleisheavierthanakillerwhale.( )3.Aspermwhalecantdiveintothedeepcoldwater.( )4.Akillerwhalesfoodisvegetables.九、书面表达。(15分)测量你的房间,与父母房间中的物品比一比,写一篇短文。参考单词:longer,smaller,bigger 参 考 答 案一、 1funnier 2.taller 3.shorter 4.heavier5. thinner 6.bigger 7.stronger 8.smaller6. 二、1.B 2C 3C 4

20、A 5A7. 三、1F T 2T F 3T F 4F T8. 四、1比高 2你更重 339吨 4.20码 5.each 6.howold 7.howbig 8.biggerandstronger五、1C 2B 3A 4C 5A 6C 7C 8C六、1Whoistallerthanyou?2.Iambiggerandstrongerthanyou.3.Thelengthofaspermwhalestoothis20cm.4.Whatishappeningthere?5.Theyneedanewgoalkeeper.七、1B 2E 3D 4C八、1T 2T 3F 4F六年级英语下册人教pep版Un

21、it 3 Where did you go?单元测试(有答案)小学英语自主学习检测六年级(下)第三单元Class(班级) Name(姓名) Mark(成绩)_听力理解:听一听(40分)一、听音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1. A. how B. holiday C. hobby( ) 2. A. part B. pay C. pull( ) 3. A. parents B. presents C. pictures( ) 4. A. breath B. beach C. basket( ) 5. A. fell B. faster C. over( ) 6. A. we B. wa

22、s C. is( ) 7. A. that B. ate C. sat( ) 8. A. good B. bad C. better( ) 9. A. went fishing B. went camping C. went swimming( ) 10. A. ate fresh food B. took pictures C. rode a bike二、判断下列图片与你所听内容是否相符。相符打“”,不相符打“”。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听问题,选择正确的答语。(1

23、0分)( ) 1. A. I took pictures. B. Im going to take pictures. ( ) 2. A. Beijing. B. Last summer holiday. ( ) 3. A. I went by train. B. I go by bus. ( ) 4. A. Yes, its good. B. Yes, I did. ( ) 5. A. Sure. B. No, I didnt. 四、听短文,判断句子正误,正确打“”,错误打“”。(10分)( ) 1. I visited my grandparents last Saturday.( ) 2

24、. I went there by car.( ) 3. It was my grandfather s birthday.( ) 4. I went back home last Saturday.( ) 5. I went to the cinema last Sunday morning.基本知识:做一做(60分)五、选出与其它三项不同类的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A. hurt B. cat C. mule D. rabbit( ) 2. A. cute B. fine C. holiday D. nice( ) 3. A. swimming B. sing C. fishing

25、D. camping( ) 4. A. Turpan B. Hainan C. Canada D. Beijing ( ) 5. A. happened B. fell C. eat D. bought六、照样子,写一写(5分)Eg: see a film saw a film go fishing ride a bike buy gifts _ take pictures hurt my leg 七、单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. When did you go? -_A. Went swimming. B. Hangzhou. C. Yesterday.( ) 2. Did you cl

26、imb a mountain last weekend? _ .AI went to Beijing. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I am not.( ) 3. She_ to a park and _ football last Sunday.Awent; play B. go; played C. went; played( ) 4._you_ to Kunming by train? No, we didnt.A. Do; go B. Did; go C. Are; going( ) 5. Come and look at my photos _ the Labour Day holiday.A. from B.

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