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1、美国大学英语写作课后习题答案Suggested Answers for “The Yellow Ribbon”by Pete Hamill (P. 210)1.Vingo returned from prison to find that his wife still loved him and wanted him back.2. b3. a4. B5.Two examples: Vingo tells his story slowly and painfully and with great hesitation. Vingo tells his story “slowly and pai

2、nfully and with great hesitation.”6. Examples of Vingos being honorable: He doesnt express any self-pity about being in jail. He owns up to his crime. He offers his wife her freedom.7. Place names: Fort Lauderdale, New Jersey, Washington, Jacksonville, the 34th Street Other transition: Terminal in N

3、ew York, Philadelphia, Brunswick8. But if she didnt.9. Maybe the author Hamill asked one of the young people in the story about her traveling experience.10. The author ends this essay by describing how the young people shouted excitedly when they saw the yellow ribbons on the oak tree and how Vingo

4、rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home nervously. We may expect that Vingo would receive an amazing and warm welcome when he walks into his home. The author just wants to leaves some space for the readers to think and imagine freely. the Anger Monster: by Anne Davidso

5、n1. d2. Anger has become an increasingly common problem in our society.3. “According to Carol Tavris, author of Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion, the keys to dealing with anger are common sense and patience.”4. Effect: An epidemic of anger Three causes: Lack of time, technology, tension6. B7. 8. To

6、begin with Technology is also Tension, the third major culprit9. D10. The first paragraph presents a story about a person with anger problems. The last paragraph shows how that story was successfully resolved. to Be Different?: by Camille Lewisc 2. a 3. D4. She lists a series of examples where the “

7、empathizing” mindset is evident:female-dominated careers, female reading matter, and female relationships5. Brain anatomyWays of interacting with the worldWays of problem solving6. Lewis presents her essay point by point. The first point is about brain anatomy, thesecond is about interacting with th

8、e world, and the third is about problem solving.For each point, she discusses women and then men.7. 8. On the other hand (7) In contrast (9) But (11)9. d 10 a Answers for “Shame”Dick Gregory Note: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Question

9、s, 584-585 1. A 2. D 3. b Answers a, c, and d are too narrow. 4. a Answers b, c, and d are too narrow. 5. c See Paragraph 6 6. True See Paragraph 23 7. a See Paragraph 5 8. B. The entire incident with the Community Chest Fund shows Richards pride 9. b Richards teacher ignores his problems and humili

10、ates him in front of the entire class; see paragraphs 5 through 26.10. b Helene cries over Richards humiliation; see paragraph 23.Structure and Technique, 585 1. In paragraphs 1 and 2, Gregory mentions several steps he took to impress Helene Tucker. What were they? Why does he include them in his es

11、say?Answer:In order to impress Helene, Gregory brushed his hair, got a handkerchief, washed his socks and shirt every night, shoveled the snow off her walk, tried to make friends with her mother and aunts, and left money on her stoop. He describes those steps in detail because, besides demonstrating

12、 his devotion to Helene, they give a clear picture of Gregorys poverty.2. A metaphor is a suggested comparison. What metaphor does Gregory use in paragraph 5, and what is its purpose? What metaphor does he use in the second sentence of paragraph 7, and what does it mean?Answer:In paragraph 5, Gregor

13、y uses the metaphor that he was pregnant to suggest the effects of poverty on himit gave him strange tastes, which pregnant people get. It also filled him (as pregnancy fills someone), but with negative things: poverty, dirt, “smells that made people turn away,” and so on.In the second sentence of p

14、aragraph 7, Gregory uses the metaphor of a flying eagle to represent the movement of money. (A picture of an eagle is engraved on one side of a quarter).3. In narrating the incidents in the classroom and in the restaurant, Gregory chooses to provide actual dialogue rather than merely to tell what ha

15、ppened. Why?Answer:By using the exact words spoken by Helene, the teacher, and himself, Gregory gives a very clear picture of what happened by allowing the reader to “experience” it, rather than simply hear a general summary. The dialogue between Helene and the teacher shows Helene as an ideal littl

16、e student who received approval from the teacher. The dialogue between Gregory and the teacher, however, clearly demonstrates Gregorys eagerness to impress Helene and his unsuccessful, embarrassing attempt to gain the teachers approval. If Gregory had merely described what had happened, we would hav

17、e a much less vivid impression of the characters involved.4. At the end of the essay, Gregory shifts his focus from the classroom to the scene involving the wino at the restaurant. What is the connection between this closing scene and the rest of the essay?Answer:In the body of the essay, Gregory is

18、 narrating a time that he was shamed publicly and no one came to his defense. In the closing scene, Gregory realizes that he has done the same thingthat he, too, has witnessed a person being shamed without assisting him. He feels a new kind of “shame,” that of having failed to help another man in ne

19、ed.Critical Reading and Discussion,5861. When Gregory writes, “I never learned hate at home, or shame. I had to go to school for that” (paragraph 1), he is using ironyan inconsistency between what is expected and what actually occurs. What does he mean by these two statements? What is the effect of

20、his irony?Answer:Gregory means that although his home life was one of poverty and want, his home was not a place of inhumane values, such as hatred and shame. But at school, which on its surface was a more positive place, he was made to feel hatred and shame. The ironic statement intrigues the reade

21、r and makes him or her want to know more about what Gregory means.2. What are Gregorys feelings about his teacher? What were your feelings about her as you read this essay? What could the teacher have done or said that wouldnot have made Gregory feel ashamed?Answer:Gregory seems sad and resentful th

22、at the teacher did not understand why he misbehaved in class and that she assumed he was stupid and a troublemaker. But he also wanted her approval badly, as seen by the Community Chest incident and the fact that he got a “big thrill” out of being chosen to clean the blackboard. Students suggestions

23、 about the teacher will vary. One possibility: She could have merely thanked Gregory in class and then spoken to him privately later if she doubted that he could contribute to Community Chest.3. Gregory shows how a childhood incident taught him shame. What other important lessons does Gregory learn

24、in this essay? Explain.Answer:From paragraph 3, in which Gregory talks about his accomplishments later in life, we can conclude that he learned he could boost his self-esteem through his own efforts. Paragraph 5 shows that from his own experiences, he learned that children who are hungry and poor ma

25、y feel invisible and so behave in ways that attract attention. From his experience with the wino, he learned that in order to feel good about himself, he would have to start standing up for other people who were shamed.4. At the end of his essay, Gregory says, “I waited too long to help another man.

26、” Why do you think he waited so long to assist the wino? What are some reasons people do not always help others who are in need (for example, ignoring a homeless person seated on the sidewalk)?Answer:Gregory probably had many reasons for not helping the wino sooner: embarrassment at drawing attentio

27、n to himself, reluctance to part with his hard-earned money, not wanting to get in trouble with Mr. Williams, not knowing the wino and thus feeling the affair wasnt his business, etc. People have similar reasons for not helping others in need. In addition, people who ignore a homeless man may feel t

28、hat the mans problemsmaybe including substance abuse or mental illnessare so big and deep-rooted that they are not qualified to help him in any effective way.Thesis-and-Support OutlineThesis: Living poor was, for the author, a humiliating experience. 1. He was embarrassed in front of his classmates

29、and, worse, in front of Helene Tucker (7-23). 2. Everybody knew he was a “worthy boy” who had no Dad and no money (28). 3. His self-pity prevented him from helping another poor man, the wino (29-37). Suggested Answers for “Propaganda Techniques in Todays Advertising” by Ann McClintockNote: The numbe

30、rs in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Questions,648-6491. b 2. d 3. b Answer a is too broad; answers c and d are too narrow. 4. c Answers a and b are too narrow; answer d is too broad. 5. b Paragraph 9 6. d Paragraphs 18-19 7. c Paragraph 16 8. c Parag

31、raph 23 9. b 10. aStructure and Technique, 649-6501. In paragraph 1, McClintocks choice of words reveals her attitudes toward both propagandists and the public. What specific words reveal her attitudes, and what attitudes do they represent?Answer:McClintock describes propagandists as “seducers” and

32、“brainwashers.” She refers to their “alluring images,” their “tricks,” and their “charm.” She describes the public as “content” and “eager . . . victims.” Her choice of words makes it clear that she thinks propagandists are untrustworthy and interested in taking unfair advantage of a too-trusting public.2. What key term does McClintock define in paragraph 2? Why does she define it here? Where else in the essay does she use the technique of definition?Answer:She def

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