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1、优质u6新视野大学英语2上级练习题含答案Part 1 Fill in the Bianks (with the InitialLetters Provided)(每小题:分)Directi ons: Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing senten ces with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each bla nk.1.Whe n the police caught up with him, Mr. Foster had toconfessthat hed

2、broke n the speed limit.(Suggested first letter(s): con )2.After five years of careful study, he is going toqualifyin medicine as a doctor this summer.(Suggested first letter(s): qua )3.Because of my freque nt suggesti ons, fin ally Ken agreed toaccompanyme on a trip to Africa.4.Its wrong for a man

3、to(Suggested first letter(s): acc )conceal his feeli ngs from hiswife.(Suggested first letter(s): con )5.After the explosi on, the area has bee n out ofboundsto foreign news writers for the last few days.(Suggested first letter(s): bo )6.To be a good art critic, whe n comme nting on a painting, theo

4、bjectivemost importa nt thi ng is to be(Suggested first letter(s): obj )7.Because of the gather ing storm and high waves, theydespaired of reachi ng the shore safely.(Suggested first letter(s): des )8.But I must admit that I read his suggesti on with somereserve ;I dont agree with him in every detai

5、l.(Suggested first letter(s): re )9. prominentHe took a and active part in the criticismwhich led ultimately to some changes in the government policy.(Suggested first letter(s): pro )10. virtuallySupport for the strike was solid, not only athome but also abroad.(Suggested first letter(s): vir )Part

6、2 Vocabulary and Structure(每小题:分)Directi ons: Choose the best an swer from the four choicesmarked A, B, C and D.1.The mere fact most people believe a n uclearwar would be mad ness does nt mea n it will not occur.A.thatB.whichC.3.I had just started back to the house to cha nge my clothes I heard voic

7、es.厂 A. as厂 B. while厂 C. after亠 D. whe n4.Id rather read tha n watch televisio n; the programs get worse6. before we leave, the day after tomorrow, weshould have a won derful dinner party.A.Had they arrivedB.Would they arriveC.Were they arriv ing7.It is useful to be able to predict the exte

8、 nt which a price cha nge will affect supply and dema nd.A.from厂 B. with金 C. to亠 D. for8.There is a man at the recepti on desk who seems very angry.and I thi nk he means trouble.9.I dont think it advisable that Tim to the jobsince he has no experie assig ned10.The man in the corner eon fess

9、ed to a lie tothe man ager of the compa ny.A.have toldB.hav ing toldC.being told亠 D. be told10. a teacher in a uni versity, it is n ecessary to have atleast a Masters degree.A. To becomeB.BecomePart 3 Cloze (with Optio ns)(每小题:分)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best an

10、 swer from the choices.Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.success 1.Maybe there are a lot of veryI J Jeffs out therethat I dont know, but it seems that in gen eral, Jeffs arepleasantThere has n ever bee n anyone really famous n amed Jeff. Thoseactors who are n amed Jeff are not l

11、ead 3.characteristics,but rather play support ing roles inathletesn amed me Jeff? My mom liked the n ame, but she cant reallyfavoringthis n ame, so were many other pare nts; andbecame quite com mon. I won der what it was that 11.ledmy pare nts to choose my n ame. Was it in a bookof n ames or was the

12、re aI positive Ssin ger at the13.externaltime with the n ame? I dont know of anribbedPeople find some n ame funny and the 17.generalolds true for mine. Later, there were somein famous 18.criminalswho used their full n ame,appealpeople who were crazy.Part 4 Reading Comprehension (MultipleChoice)(每小题:

13、分)Directi ons: Read the followi ng passages carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage.If the population of the Earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left

14、 to support life on the pla net. One possible soluti on to the problem has rece ntly bee n suggested by an America n scie ntist, Professor Carl Saga n: he believes that before the Earths resources are completely used up it will be possible to change the atmosphere ( 大气圈)of Venus ( 金星) and so create

15、a new world almost as large as the Earth itself. The difficulty is that Venus is much hotter tha n the Earth and has only a tiny amou nt of water.Sagan suggests that algae ( 藻类),plant life that can live inextremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxyge n, should be produced in c

16、on diti ons similar to those on Ven us. The algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceships will the n fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the algae will break dow n the gasses in the atmosphere and cha nge them into oxyge n that people can breathe. But b

17、efore man can set foot on Ven us, it will be n ecessary for the oxyge n to produce rain to cool the planet, so that after a few years conditions like those on Earth will be produced.If the experiments are successful, life will become possible there but it will not be pleasant at first. When they go

18、to Ven us, the first citize ns will have to take ple nty of water with them and get used to days and nights lasting 60 Earth days. But there will also be some adva ntages. They will live lon ger because their hearts will suffer less stress tha n on Earth.1. Men may eve ntually move to Venus becauseA

19、. there are many people on the EarthB.we have used too much oil and waterC.the limited resources cant support life on the EarthD.people take up too much space2.Now it is difficult for us to move to Venus becauseA. it is too hot for men to land onA.there is no water thereB.we cannot cha nge the en vi

20、ro nment thereC.its a long dista nee for us to go there3.The algae play a very important role in the possible solution because .A. they can be produced easily on the EarthB. there are a lot of them on VenusC.they can be easily carried to VenusD.they can live in hot and cold con diti ons and produce

21、oxyge n4.The first citizens will find life on Venus not pleasant becauseA. their hearts will suffer more stressB. their days and ni ghts will last quite longD.there are not any houses thereE.there is too much water there5.One of the advantages the first citizens on Venus will enjoy isA. they will ha

22、ve much more spaceB. they wont suffer from heart diseaseC.their life will last longerD.they will have better liv ing con diti ons4、不管从什么时候开始,重要的是开始以后不要停止;不管在什么时候结束,重要的是结束以后不要后悔。爱情来了,你还在犹豫么?5、美女,我注意你好久啦,就是不知道怎么表白。我翻来覆去,思来想去,最终想到一个大胆的办法,我要俘虏你的心,让你爱上我。爱上了吗?6、对你的爱意,早已飞过万水千山,飞到你眼前,请你睁开眼,仔细看认真听,我的眼睛为你明亮,我

23、的嗓音为你歌唱,来吧,让我们一起舞动爱情之歌!7、爱你没商量,你的眼睛眨一下,我就死去,你的眼睛再眨一下,我就活过来,你的眼睛不停地眨来眨去,于是我便死去活来!&因为深爱,找不到词汇诠释,因为深爱,找不到言语概括,因为深爱,只能发条短信,轻声说一声 我爱你”这不是三个字,而是一辈子!9、我对你的心是鲜啤酒,清澈甘冽;我对你的情是葡萄酒,味美甘甜;我对你的爱是刀烧酒,热情浓烈;醉倒在怀,无限爱恋。10、人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。人生的苦闷有二,一是欲望没有被满足,二是它得到了满足。11、一片琼花天庭落,万里江山披银河,冰凌也有相


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