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1、具有竞争力的靠近家乡的旅游目的地的目标品牌定位外文翻译外文翻译之一Destination brand positions of a competitive set of near-home destinations 作者:Steven Pike国籍:Australia出处:Tourism Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 24 January 2009原文正文:Abstract:Although the branding literature commenced during the 1940s, the first

2、 publications related to destination branding did not emerge until half a century later. A review of 74 destination branding publications by 102 authors from the first 10 years of destination branding literature (19982007) found at least nine potential research gaps warranting attention by researche

3、rs. In particular, there has been a lack of research examining the extent to which brand positioning campaigns have been successful in enhancing brand equity in the manner intended in the brand identity. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an investigation of brand equity tracking

4、for a competitive set of destinations in Queensland, Australia between 2003 and 2007. A hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) provided an effective means to monitor destination brand positions over time. A key implication of the results was the finding that there was no change in brand pos

5、itions for any of the five destinations over the four year period. This leads to the proposition that destination position change within a competitive set will only occur slowly over a long period of time. The tabulation of 74 destination branding case studies, research papers, conceptual papers and

6、 web content analyses provides students and researchers with a useful resource on the current state of the field.Keywords: Destination branding; Consumer-based brand equity; Short breaks; Destination image; Destination positioning1. IntroductionEver since the brand literature commenced in the 1940s

7、(see for example Guest, 1942), there has been consistent recognition that branding offers organisations a means for differentiation in markets crowded with similar offerings (Aaker, 1991 D.A. Aaker, Managing brand equity, Free Press, New York (1991).Aaker, 1991, Gardner and Levy, 1955, Keller, 2003

8、and Kotler etal., 2007). For destinations, effective differentiation is critical given the increasingly competitive nature of tourism markets, where many places offering similar features are becoming substitutable (Pike, 2005). For example, around 70% of international travellers visit only 10 countr

9、ies, leaving the remainder of national tourism offices (NTOs) competing for 30% of total international arrivals (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2002). The pursuit of differentiation is explicit in brand definitions, which have most commonly been variations of that proposed by Aaker (1991, p. 7): A bran

10、d is a distinguishing name and/or symbol (such as a logo, trademark, or package design) intended to identify the goods or services of either one seller or a group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods from those of competitors. However, in the foreword to the first issue of Place Branding and

11、 Public Policy, editor Simon Anholt (2004, p. 4) suggested “almost nobody agrees on what, exactly, branding means” in describing place branding practice as akin to the Wild West. There has been a lack of consistency in defining what constitutes destination branding, both within industry and within a

12、cademia (see Blain etal., 2005, Park and Petrick, 2006 and Tasci and Kozak, 2006). The most comprehensive definition to date has been that proposed by Blain etal. (2005, p. 337), which followed Berthon, Hulbert, and Pitts (1999) model of the functions of a brand from both the buyer and seller perspe

13、ctives: Destination branding is the set of marketing activities that (1) support the creation of a name, symbol, logo, word mark or other graphic that readily identifies and differentiates a destination; that (2) consistently convey the expectation of a memorable travel experience that is uniquely a

14、ssociated with the destination; that (3) serve to consolidate and reinforce the emotional connection between the visitor and the destination; and that (4) reduce consumer search costs and perceived risk. Collectively, these activities serve to create a destination image that positively influences co

15、nsumer destination choice. Branding is therefore considered mutually beneficial from both the supply and demand perspectives. Enhancing the ability of the brand to differentiate effectively can generate advantages for products and services, such as increased purchase intent (Cobb-Walgren, Beal, & Do

16、nthu, 1995), lower costs (Keller, 1993), increased sales, price premiums, and customer loyalty (Aaker, 1991 and Aaker, 1996). Advantages for destination marketing organisations (DMO) include increased potential to differentiate against places offering similar benefits, increased destination loyalty

17、and increased yield for stakeholders such as local tourism businesses and travel intermediaries. Benefits for the traveller include ease of decision making through reduced search costs, reduced risk, and possibly enhanced brag value.The focus of most research reported to date has been concerned with

18、 the development of destination brand identities and the implementation of campaigns (see for example, Crockett and Wood, 1999, Hall, 1999, May, 2001 and Morgan etal., 2002). One area requiring increased attention is that of tracking the performance of destination brand positions over time. That is,

19、 the extent to which destination brands positioning and repositioning campaigns have been effective in enhancing brand equity consistent with that intended in the brand identity. This is an important gap in the tourism literature, given: i) increasing competition (see Morgan, Pritchard, & Piggot, 20

20、02), ii) the increasing level of investment by destination marketing organisations (DMO) in branding since the 1990s, iii) the complex political nature of DMO brand decision making and increasing accountability to stakeholders (see Pike, 2005), and iv) the long-term nature of repositioning a destina

21、tions image in the marketplace (see Gartner & Hunt, 1987). In terms of metrics for DMOs in general, a number of researchers in various parts of the world have pointed to a lack of market research monitoring effectiveness of destination marketing objectives, such as in Australia (see Carson etal., 20

22、03 and Prosser etal., 2000), North America (Masberg, 1999 and Sheehan and Ritchie, 1997), and Europe (Dolnicar & Schoesser, 2003).The aim of this study was to track the brand positions held by a competitive set of near-home destinations between 2003 and 2007. For this purpose the efficacy of a hiera

23、rchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) was trialled. CBBE was first promoted by (Aaker, 1991) and (Aaker, 1996) and more recently by (Keller, 1993) and (Keller, 2003) to supplement traditional balance sheet brand equity measures. The rationale underpinning CBBE as a brand performance metric is t

24、hat consumer perceptions of the brand underpin any financial estimate of future earnings estimated in the financial measure of brand equity. Since a financial balance sheet brand equity measure will be of little practical value to destination marketers, the concept of CBBE is worthy of consideration

25、 by DMOs. However, the potential of CBBE for destinations has only recently attracted the attention of academic researchers (see Boo etal., in press and Konecknik and Gartner, 2007).具有竞争力的靠近家乡的旅游目的地的目标品牌定位作者:史蒂文派克国籍:澳大利亚出处:旅游管理,新闻,更正的证明,可在线2009年1月24日中文译文:摘要:虽然品牌学在20世纪40年代就已经兴起,第一个与目的地品牌相关的出版物却直到半个世纪


27、领域内提供了有效的资源。关键词:目的地品牌;消费者的品牌资产;短休息;目的地形象;目标定位1.导言自从品牌学开始于1940年(参照盖斯特,1942),人们一致认识到品牌化提供给充满同质化产品的组织企业们以不同的手段去区分其产品(艾克, 1991 ,加德纳和利维, 1955 ,凯勒,2003 和科特勒等人,2007)。对于目的地来说,旅游供应市场的竞争正在变得越来越激烈,产品类似度惊人,而行之有效的市场区分使产品变得可替代。(派克,2005年)例如,约70%的国际旅游者仅仅访问10个国家,使剩余的国家旅游办事处(NTOS)争夺30%的国际游客总数。(摩根,普里查德,与自豪,2002年)追求分化是

28、品牌明确的定义,这里最常见的变化是艾克提出的(1991,第7页) :一个品牌是一个区分的名称和/或符号(如标志、商标或包装设计)旨在确定的商品或服务的任何一个卖方或一群卖主,并从这些竞争对手中区分这些物品。然而,在前言的第一个问题的地方品牌和公共政策,编辑西蒙安霍尔特(2004年,第4页)建议“几乎没有人同意,究竟是什么造成品牌的意思是”在描述的地方品牌做法类似于狂野的西部。一直缺乏连贯性,确定什么构成目的地的品牌,不仅在行业内和学术界(见布莱恩等人。2005 ,帕克和派崔克,2006 和塔什哲和科扎克,2006 )。迄今为止最全面的定义是由布莱恩等人提出。(2005年,第337页),而贝松

29、、赫伯特和皮特(1999)品牌功能的模型从买方和卖方的观点是这样表述的:目的地品牌的一系列营销活动包括:(1)支持建立一个名称,符号,标志,文字标记或其他图形,便于识别和区分的目的地;(2)不停传达一种和目的地相关的难忘的旅游经历的期望;(3)有利于巩固和加强游客和目的地之间的情感联系;(4)减少消费者的搜寻成本和感知风险。总的来说,这些活动有助于建立一个目的地形象,积极的影响消费目的地的选择。品牌话因此被认为可以为供求双方同时带来好处。提高品牌的区分度可以有效的形成产品的优势,例如,如增加购买意向(柯布瓦尔格伦,比尔和 敦修 ,1995年) ,降低成本(凯勒,1993年),增加销售,价格优惠

30、,提高客户忠诚度(艾克,1991和艾克,1996) 。旅游目的地营销机构的优势(DMO)包括增加分化对地方提供类似的福利的潜力,增加目的地的忠诚度和增加利益相关者的产量,如当地旅游企业和旅游中介机构。其优势包括便于决策通过降低搜寻成本,减少风险,并有可能增强炫耀的价值。大多数研究报告的重点与目的地品牌特征和应用相关见例如, 克罗克特和伍德,1999 , 豪尔,1999 , 2001年05月和摩根等。2002)。一个需要越来越多注重的区域是跟踪记录品牌随着时间推移的提高程度。也就是说,品牌标识在何种程度上目的地品牌的定位和重新定位的广告系列已有效地提高品牌资产相一致。这在旅游学里是一个重要的差别

31、,原因是:1.日益激烈的竞争(见摩根普里查德和皮哥特 ,2002年)2. 旅游目的地营销机构(DMO)从上世纪90年代以来越来越高的投资水平3. 复杂的政治性质, DMO的品牌决策和加强问责制,以利益相关者(见派克,2005年)4. 长期性的重新定位的目的地的形象在市场上(见加特纳与亨特, 1987年)。一般情况下,一些研究人员在世界各地都指出,目的地营销目标缺乏市场调研监测效力,如在澳大利亚(见卡森等人。 2003和普罗塞尔等。 2000) ,北美洲(马斯博格 ,1999年和希恩和里奇,1997)和欧洲( 多尼卡斯赛瑟 ,2003年) 。本研究的目的是跟踪2003年至2007年之间近距离目的

32、地品牌定位问题。为达到这一目的,要运用到以效能等级分级的消费为基础的品牌资产(CBBE )测试。CBBE首先倡导的(艾克,1991年)和(艾克,1996年)和最近的(凯勒,1993年)和(凯勒,2003年),以补充传统的资产负债表的品牌资产的措施。以目的地市场营销的概念,CBBE是值得考虑的目的地管理组织。然而,潜在的CBBE目的地最近才引起注意的学术研究(见布等人。在新闻发布会上和高耐尼克和加特纳 ,2007) 。外文翻译之二The attractiveness and competitiveness of tourist destinations: A study of Southern Italian regions 作者:Maria Francesca Cracolici and Peter Nijkamp 国籍:Italy出处:Tourism Management, Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2009, Pages 336-344原文正文:Abstract:The present paper aims to assess the relative attractiveness of competing tourist

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