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1、探究威尼斯商人中夏洛克的人物性格特征英语专业大学论文xxxx学院毕 业 论 文论文题目:探究威尼斯商人中夏洛克的人物性格特征 学 生: * 指导教师: * 讲师 专 业: 英语 班 级: 20xx级英语本科一班 201*年5月Heilongjiang University Cambridge CollegeGraduation Thesis Title Analysis of Sherlocks Personality in Merchant of Venice Student Supervisor Specialty English Class June 4, 201*xxx学院毕 业 论

2、文 任 务 书题目名称:Analysis of Sherlocks Personality in Merchant of Venice 探究威尼斯商人中夏洛克的人物性格特征立题意义: 1. 针对莎士比亚威尼斯商人中文章主旨的分析 2. 深入剖析莎士比亚文学作品,从性格角度剖析莎士比亚作品的人物形象特 征 3. 通过剧中男主人公所表现的资本主义和个人主义的象征技术条件与要求:1 调查语篇。利用多种途径查阅威尼斯商人的相关资料,如互联网、图书馆等。2 分析文献。根据导师的指导,从查阅到的大量资料中筛选精品来重点分析。3 在初稿的拟定以及多次修改当中深化对莎士比亚作品的理解。4 通过导师的指导和一系

3、列的分析得出人文主义和女权主义的影响,进而提出一些解决对策,并通过答辩来检验工作的成果。工作计划: 第一步:查找资料,确定论文选题为浅谈威尼斯商人中鲍西亚的性格特征。 第二步:完成关于论文资料的收集,取得威尼斯商人的相关资料。 第三步:根据掌握的资料,进行系统地分析、整理, 第四步:阅读与论文相关的书刊,深入针对威尼斯商人中鲍西亚形象加以分析。 第五步:组织、整理相关资料,准备论文撰写。 第六步:完成论文写作提纲。 第七步:根据论文提纲,开始论文写作,形成初稿。 第八步:根据导师提出的论文修改意见,不断对论文进行修改、完善,并完成论文写作。 第九步:论文定稿、打印、装订、准备答辩。 第十步:毕

4、业论文答辩。任务内容(包括内容、计划、时间安排、完成工作量与水平具体要求)内容: 通过在互联网上搜集各种与本文相关的信息和去图书馆查找关于小说威尼斯商人的各种资料,独立仔细的分析这些资料,得出自己的观点,进一步提高对该小说的理解,最终完成初稿的拟定和终稿的写作。计划: 第一步:使用多种方式寻找所需资料,如利用互联网信息、图书馆等,最终确定论文选题。第二步:完成关于论文的研究,查找相关各种资料,通过导师的指导,从已得到的多种资料中进行筛选重点来剖析。第三步:根据掌握的研究资料,进行仔细地分析、整理,找到问题切入点。第四步:阅读与论文相关的书籍与期刊,从客观的角度加以分析。第五步:组织、整理所查找

5、资料,准备开始论文撰写。第六步:完成论文大纲。第七步:按照论文大纲进行写作,形成初稿。第八步:根据导师所提出的各种修改意见,完成论文写作。第九步:论文定稿、打印、装订、准备答辩。第十步:进行毕业论文答辩。时间安排:1. 2011年11月25日12月4日为选题阶段,在导师指导下确定论文题目。2. 2011年12月5日12月25日搜集、查阅、整理相关资料,拟定论文大纲。3. 2011年12月26日03月11日撰写初稿并由导师审阅。4. 2012年03月12日04月8日修改初稿并由导师审定。5. 2012年04月9日04月15日第二次修改论文,导师审定。6. 2012年04月16日04月29日论文定

6、稿。7. 2012年05月7日05月20日论文评阅小组评审论文(设计)8. 2012年05月26日毕业论文答辩。完成工作量:2011年11月末至12月初完成论文选题和开题报告,2012年4月初完成初稿的拟定,4月至5月进行多次修改,论文定稿,5月26日答辩。水平要求:可以很好的完成对论文资料的查阅,并能独立进行分析,完成论文写作工作。专业负责人意见签名:年 月 日xxx学院毕 业 论 文 审 阅 评 语一、指导教师评语 是否同意答辩: 同意答辩 不同意答辩 指导教师(签名) 职 称 年 月 日 二、评阅人评语 是否同意答辩: 同意答辩 不同意答辩 评阅教师(签名) 职 称 年 月 日 xxx学

7、院毕 业 论 文 答 辩 评 语 及 成 绩三、答辩委员会评语四、毕业论文成绩 签 字(盖章):五、答辩委员会主任单位: 答辩委员会主任职称: 答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日摘 要威尼斯商人是莎士比亚最著名的喜剧之一。夏洛克成为英国文学史上不朽的人物之一。成功的性格塑造和许多人物性格的分析都引起了许多读者和学者的兴趣和争议。在这其中,夏洛克的性格是最具争议的一个。许多人鄙视夏洛克成为一个自私,不虔诚的,顽固的并且嗜血的人。然而,审视莎士比亚时期犹太人的观点,另一个人物浮出水面。本论文将简单介绍威尼斯商人以及它的宗教背,并且从三个不通方面分析了夏洛克的性格,那就是:夏洛克曾经因为反犹太主义而被

8、奴役,他作为一个贪财的高利贷者和基督教的受害者有着独立的精神的个体。关键词:威尼斯商人;夏洛克,高利贷者;反犹太主义AbstractThe Merchant of Venice is one of the greatest comedies written by William Shakespeare. Shylock has become one of the immortal characters in English literature. The successful characterization and analysis of many characters has arouse

9、d much interest and controversy for many readers and scholars. Among them, the character of Shylock is a most controversial one. Many people despise Shylock to be a man who is selfish, impious, stubborn, and bloodthirsty. However, after examine the view of Jews during Shakespeares time; another pers

10、onality comes to the surface. This papers talks briefly about The Merchant of Venice and its religious background, then analyses Shylocks complex personalities from three different perspectives as a Jew who was enslaved to anti-Semitism, as a usurer who are greedy for money and as a victim of Christ

11、ian and individual having independent spirit.Keywords:The Merchant of Venice;Shylock;usurer;anti-SemitismContents摘 要 iAbstract ii1 Brief introduction 11.1 Introduction to Shakespeare 11.2 Brief introduction to The Merchant of Venice 12 The tragic character of Shylock 32.1 The image of shylock 32.2 S

12、hylocks realistic life and his spiritual world 33 Shylocks complex personality 73.1 Shylock is a Jew 73.1.1 Shylock is the epitome of the Jew 73.1.2 Two views towards anti-Semitism. 73.2 Shylock as a usurer and a villain 93.2.1 Usury as Jews only occupation 93.2.2 Shylocks greedy desire for money 93

13、.3 Shylock as a victim and independent Indi dual 13Conclusion 15References 16Acknowledgement 171 Brief introduction1.1 Introduction to ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare (15641616) is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever know. With his 38 plays, 154sonnets and 2 long poems

14、, he has established his giant position in world literature. He has also been given the highest praises by various scholars and critics the world over. In the past four hundred years, books and essays on Shakespeare and his works have kept coming out in large quantities. Ben Jonson once wrote a pers

15、on once a poem eulogizing Shakespeare as being “not of age, but for all time”.Shakespeares greatness as a playwright and the success of his plays on the stage from Elizabethan England up to the presentday world chiefly depend upon his penetrating exposition of human nature, his lively paintings of h

16、uman life and his truthful reflections of human reality. His works provide us with a vivid and authentic panorama of his age. All this, for lofty ideal of humanism and his painstaking efforts in mastering various techniques. He is not only a master of English language but also a genius of character

17、portrayal and plot construction.1.2 Brief introduction to The Merchant of VeniceLong time ago, a man called Antonio lived in Venice. He was a merchant; he has many traded with distant countries. And he was a good man as well as a rich one. His best friend Bassano, who fell in love with a beautiful a

18、nd rich lady called Portia, was not a wealthy man. So he didnt ask Portia to marry him. At last, he asked Antonio to lend him some money, so that he could visit Portia at Belmont. It happened that time all Antonios shops were at sea, and he wouldnt have money to lend Bassano until the ships returned

19、. So they decided to go to a moneylender.Now, an old Jew named Shylock lived in Venice. The Jews in those days were the moneylenders of Venice. Shylock was one of the greediest Jews in Venice. And Antonio hated him for his wicked ways. Shylock also hated Antonio for the reason that Antonio often ins

20、ulted Jews and Shylock himself was anxious to revenge the results. He was delighted when he heard the Antonio had promised to pay back the loan, so he made a wicked plan. He asked Antonio to sign a bond promising that he might cut off a pound of flesh from Antonios body if the money was not paid. Ba

21、ssano didnt, like it, but Antonio said,” You need have no fear. My ships will come back a month before the day.” So Bassano unwillingly took the money, and sailed away to Belmont.In fact, Portia loved Bassano too. So they arranged to get married. However, their happiness was soon disturbed by a bad

22、news: Antonios six ships, full of riches, had all been wrecked at sea, which also meant Antonio lost all his money. Shylock was extremely happy after he heard the news and he went to cut off a pound of flesh from Antonios body. When he began sharpening the long knife he had brought with him, a lawye

23、r entered. Portia was the lawyer, but no one knew recognized her. Finally, Portia was so clever that she saved Antonios life.2 The tragic character of Shylock2.1 The image of shylock Shylockthe Jewish moneylender, is one of the most interesting and one of the most Controversial of Shakespeare charac

24、ter. Shylock is given the most passionate, most memorable speeches and actions in the play, and his character is etched in bold strokes across its entire surface, leaving an indelible human being as well as an outrageous villain and comic butt, and has become all things to all men. Some readers view

25、 Shylock as a proud and a passionate man who has long stored up in his heart the humiliation suffered at the hands of the hostile Christian world and are now ready for revenge. Shylock is the villain of the piece; there is no doubt about that. He hates Antonio for hindering his business and for trea

26、ting him with terrible contempt in public, and we must not doubt that from the very beginning Shylock had hoped to get his revenge on Antonio by arranging the fleshbond.Jessicas elopement and theft of his money and jewels increase Shylocks resentment against the Christian world, so that, although he

27、 might have had second thoughts about executing his revenge, they no longer trouble him after Jessicas elopement. Having found him victimized by Antonio, Shylock wants as well as he gets. Symbolizing the stern justice of Old Testament law, Shylock is a passionate man thirsting for revenge and the ri

28、diculous figure of stereotyped Jewish obstinacy, hatred. Usually comic, he is at times grotesque, and at times even touching “Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew lands”(Shakespeare795). He is a villain of perseverance and restless energy, who is, nevertheless, foiled by good Christians in the end.2.

29、2 Shylocks realistic life and his spiritual worldWe all know that the Jews in Bible were Gods chosen people, but in the end they betrayed the God. So the Jews obeyed The Old Testament, but the Christians obeyed The New Testament, because of which their beliefs were much different from each other. Du

30、ring the entire Middle Age, the Jewish people were alternately protected and persecuted by the temporal powers of what ever land they inhabited. It had been established by the church long before that Christians were not to lend the money at interests, for to do so world be a violation of The New Tes

31、tament concept of charity. So more and more Jews became tradesman and financiers. Although they were generally abused because of their religious differences, Jews were also frequently tolerated and invited into a country to stabilize its shaky financial structure. Often the binge became the heir of every Jew and took over his estate upon death. Consequently, moneylenders were forced to charge high interstates, which increased as the Kings demands grew. Thus the Jews became the buffer for the Kings extortion and the symbols of the hatred usurer. Religious persec

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