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1、数据结构与算法常用词汇 数据结构与算法Data Structures第一节 绪论Section 1 Introduction数据元素 data element数据对象 data object数据类型 data type抽象 abstract*数据结构 data structure*逻辑结构 logical structure*物理结构 physical structure*存储结构 storage structure*顺序(存储结构) sequential / (storage structure)*链式(存储结构) linked (storage structure)算法分析 analysi

2、s of an algorithm*渐进分析 asymptotic analysis渐进复杂度 asymptotic complexity问题规模 problem scope基本语句 basic statement*大O记法 Big-O notation正确性 correctness可读性 readability鲁棒性 robustness频度 frequency count计算理论 computability theory计算复杂性理论 computational complexity theory1. *抽象数据类型 abstract data type(ADT): Abstract Da

3、ta Type(ADT) defines the domain and structure of the data, along with a collection of operations that access the data. It creates a user-defined data type whose operations specify how a client may manipulate the data.抽象数据类型定义了数据取值范围和表现结构,以及对数据的操作。ADT给出了一种用户定义的数据类型,其运算符指明了用户如何操作数据。2. *时间复杂度 time comp

4、lexity: Time complexity analysis looks at the internal structure of an algorithm by analyzing its design, including the number of comparison tests, the number of iterations, the number of assignment statements used by the algorithm. 时间复杂度分析旨在检查算法的内部结构,所使用的方法是分析算法的设计,包括算法中使用的比较、赋值等各种语句的次数。Time comple

5、xity analysis is independent of any particular computer system. The criteria measure the computational complexity of the algorithm relative to n, the number of data items in the collection.时间复杂度分析是独立于特定的计算机系统,它用算法处理的数据元素的个数n来衡量算法的计算复杂度。 3. *空间复杂度 space complexity: Space complexity is a measure of th

6、e relative amount of internal memory used by an algorithm. It can dictate what kind of computer is capable of running the algorithm and the overall system efficiency of the algorithm.空间复杂度用来测定算法需要的内存空间大小,它可以用来说明算法适合在何种计算机上运行及算法的总体系统性能。第二节 线性表Section 2 Linear Lists直接前驱 immediate predecessor直接后继 immed

7、iate successor随机存取 random access顺序存取 sequential access结点 node尾标志 tail mark*线性链表 linear linked lists链表 linked list单链表 singly linked lists双链表 doubly linked lists头指针 head pointer尾指针 rear pointer存储密度 storage density*循环链表 circular linked lists指示器 cursor静态链表 implementing linked lists using array间接寻址 indir

8、ect address1. *线性表 linear lists: A linear list is the collection of objects that are sequentially accessed. It has a unique first and last element and each interior item has a unique successor. A linear list is a general description for structures that include arrays, stacks, queues, and linked list

9、s.线性表是顺序访问的对象集合。它只有唯一一个头元素和一个尾元素,中间各项都有唯一一个后继。线性表是数组、堆栈、队列和链表等结构的统称。2. *顺序表 sequential list: Sequential list is a kind of storage structure of linear lists that stores elements in a sequential order. The structure holds an arbitrary number of items. The size of the list is modified by adding or dele

10、ting an item from the list, and the items in the list are referenced by their positions. 顺序表是线性表的一种存储结构,这种线性表的结构存放着任意个数的元素。表的大小通过增加或删除表中的元素来改变,表中元素通过其位置来访问。In a linear list, the first element occurs at the head or front of the list, and the last element occurs at the rear of the list. Each element e

11、xcept the first and the last has a unique predecessor and a unique successor.在线性表中,第一个元素位于表头,最后一个元素是表尾,除第一个元素和最后一个元素外,每一个元素都有唯一的前趋和唯一的后继。3. 头节点 head node or header: An empty linked list contains a node, which has an uninitialized data field. This node is called the header and initially points to its

12、elf. The role of the header is to point the first real node in the list and hence the header is often referred to as a sentinel node.一个空链表中包含一个结点,它有一个未经初始化的数据域。该结点叫头结点,初始化时它指向自己。头结点的作用是指向表中第一个“真正的”结点,因此它常被称为“哨位”结点。4. 有序表 ordered list: An ordered list is a special type of list that maintains the elem

13、ents in ascending order.有序表是一种特殊的表,其元素按升序排列。5. 双向链表 doubly linked lists 或bi-directional linked lists: 6. In cases where we need to access nodes in either direction, a doubly linked list is helpful. A node in a doubly linked list contains two pointers and the data field.当我们需要双向访问节点时,双向链表是很有用的。双向链表中的节

14、点含有两个指针域,一个数据域。第三节 栈和队列Section 3 Stacks and Queues顺序栈 sequential stack链栈 linked stack栈顶 top 栈底 bottom*后进先出 Last In First Out (LIFO)上溢 overflow / 表达式求值 expression evaluation后缀表达式 postfix expression汉诺塔算法 Tower of Hanoi algorithm递归 recursion队头(元素) front(element)队尾(元素) rear (element)*先进先出 First In First

15、 Out (FIFO)双向队列 double-ended queue*循环队列 circular queue链队列 linked queue共享 share离散事件模拟 discrete event simulation1. *栈 stack: A stack is a list of items that are accessible at only one end of the list. Items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the stack. A stack is said to have LIFO(l

16、ast-in/first-out) ordering.栈是一种只能在表的一端访问元素的表,其元素只能从栈顶端增加或删除。出入栈的顺序为后进先出(LIFO, last-in/first-out)。A stack structure features operations that add and delete items. A Push operation adds an item to the top of the stack. The operation of removing an element from the stack is said to pop the stack.栈结构就出增

17、加和删除元素的操作。压入(push)操作往栈顶增加一个元素。从栈顶删除一个元素的操作称为弹出(pop)。2. 递归过程 recursive procedure: An algorithm is defined recursively if its definition consists of: (1)One or more stopping conditions which can be evaluated for certain parameters.(2)A recursive step in which a current value in the algorithm can be de

18、fined in terms of a previous value. Eventually, the recursive step must lead to stopping conditions. 如果一种算法的定义组成如下,则它就是递归的。(1)对应于某些参数可以求值的一个或多个终止条件。(2)一个递归步骤,它根据先前某次值求当前值。递归步骤最终必须导致终止条件。3. *队列 queue: A queue is a data structure that stores elements in a list and permits data access only at the two e

19、nds of the list. An element is inserted at the rear of the list and is deleted from the front of the list.队列是以表形式存放元素,但只允许在表的两端访问元素的数据结构,其元素只能在表尾插入(入队),在表头删除(出队)。Elements are removed from the queue in the same order in which they are stored and hence a queue provides FIFO (first-in/first-out) or FCF

20、S(first-come /first-served) ordering.队列删除元素的顺序和元素到达队列的顺序相同,可称为先进先出(FIFO, first-in/first-out)或先到先服务(FCFS,first-come/first-served)。4. 优先级队列 priority queue: A queue is a data structure that provides a FIFO ordering of elements. The queue removes the “oldest” item from the list. Applications often requi

21、re a modified version of queue storage in which the item of highest priority is removed from the list. This structure is called a priority queue.一个队列是以FIFO顺序访问元素的数据结构,它从中删除“最老”的元素。实际应用中常需要另外一种队列,它删除优先级最高的元素,这种结构我们称为优先级队列。第四节 串和数组Section 4 Strings and Arrays*子串 substring主串 primary string 空串 null stri

22、ng空格串 blank string文本编辑 text editing模式 pattern存储密度 storage density*三元组表 list of 3-tuples三元组顺序表 sequential list of 3-tuples十字链表 orthogonal list *特殊矩阵 special matrix*稀疏矩阵 sparse matrix1. *串 string: A string is a special form of an array that holds character data that identify names, words, sentences, a

23、nd so forth. It treats the characters as a single entity and provides operations to access character sequences within the string.串是一种特殊形式的数组,它存放着组成名字、单词、句子等的字符数据。它将字符视为单元实体,并提供得到字符在串中位置的操作。2. *模式匹配 pattern matching: A common pattern matching problem involves searching for one or more occurrences of

24、a string in a text.一个最普通的模式匹配问题就是在文本文件中查找串。3. *数组 array: An array is an example of a data collection. It defines a structured data type that holds a homogeneous list of items. A one-dimensional array is a finite, sequential list of elements of the same data type (homogeneous array). A two-dimensiona

25、l array, often called a matrix, is a structured data type that is created by nesting one-dimensional arrays. Items are accessed by row and columns indices. 数组是一个数据集的例子。它定义了一个可以存放多个相同类型元素的结构化数据类型。一维数组是一个具有有限个相同数据类型元素的顺序表(同构数组)。二维数组通常成为矩阵,是一种由多个一维数组合成的结构化数据类型。其元素通过行和列下标存取。The element type of an array

26、can include not only the built-in data type such as int or char but also user-defined class type.数组元素的类型不但可以是原始类型如整型或字符型,也可以是用户定义的类类型。4. 一维数组的存储 storage of one-dimensional array: A C+ one-dimensional array A is logically stored as a consecutive sequence of items in memory. Each item is of the same d

27、ata type.C+的一维数组A逻辑上在内存中连续存放,其每个元素的类型相同。5. 二维数组的存储 storage of two-dimensional arrays: A two-dimensional array can be initialized by assigning the items a row at a time.二维数组可以通过一次赋值一行元素来初始化。第五节 树和二叉树Section 5 Trees and Binary Trees根 root结点 node(结点的)度 degree叶子结点 leaf node孩子结点 children node分支结点 branch

28、node双亲 parents兄弟 sibling / 祖先 ancestors / 子孙 descendant*深度 depth*层、层次 level有序树 ordered tree无序树 unordered tree*森林 forest(表达式的)中缀表示 infix notation(表达式的)后缀表示 postfix notation同构 isomorphic遍历 traverse双亲表示法 parent expression孩子表示法 child expression双亲孩子表示法 parent-child expression孩子兄弟表示法children-brother expre

29、ssion *先序遍历 preorder traversal*后序遍历 postorder traversal*完全二叉树 complete binary tree*满二叉树 full binary tree二叉链表 binary linked list三叉链表 trident linked list 判定树 decision tree线索 thread *线索二叉树 threaded binary trees线索链表 threaded lists等价关系 equivalence relation等价类 equivalence class*哈夫曼树 Huffman tree*最优树 optim

30、al tree前缀编码 prefix code哈夫曼编码 Huffman code*路径 path路径长度 path length带权路径长度 weighted path length(表达式的)前缀表示 prefix notation*树的遍历 tree traversal 树的计数 enumeration of tree1. *树 tree: A tree is a hierarchical structure that consists of nodes emanating from a root. A tree structure is characterized as a set o

31、f nodes that originates from a unique starting node called the root. Each node in a tree is the root of a subtree, which is defined by the node and all descendants of the node. 树是一种由根发散的节点所组成的层次结构由若干个节点和叶子组成的。它的特点是它是由唯一的起始点“根(root)”开始的“节点”集合。树中的每个节点都是一棵“子树”的根,这个子树是由节点和节点的后代定义的。2. *二叉树 binary tree: A

32、 binary tree is a restricted class of tree in which each parent has no more than two children.A binary tree is a recursive structure. Each node is the root of its own subtree and has children, which are roots of the tree called the left and right subtrees of the node, respectively.叉树是一种特定的树,在这类树中,每个双亲的孩子数不超过两个

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