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环境管理洪恩环境英语初级 精品.docx

1、环境管理洪恩环境英语初级 精品Lesson 1Im Susan Webster SCENE ONE: THE INTERIOR OF WEFL STATION Carol: Good morning,Steven. Steven: Good morning,Carol. Carol: Hi,Mike. Mike: Good morning,Carol. Carol: Hello,Linda. Linda: Good morning,Carol. Jake: Good morning. My name is Jake Seltzer. My names Jake Seltzer. Hello.

2、I am Jake Seltzer. Im Jake Seltze Good morning. My name is Jake Seltzer. My names Jake Seltzer. Hiya. Im Jake Seltzer. Carol: Hi,Im Carol Green. Jake: Oh,hi,Carol. Good morning. My name is Jake Seltzer SCENE TWO Jake: My names Jake Seltzer. Hiya.Im Jake Seltzer. Carol: I likeMy name is Jake Seltzer.

3、 Jake: My name is Jake Seltzer. Carol: Hello.My name is Carol Green. Susan: Im Susan Webster.Its nice to meet you,Carol. Carol: Its nice to meet you too. Carol: Coffee? Susan: Yes,please. Carol: This is the chair for the host. Susan: Im the host. Carol: Maybe. Susan: Maybe? Carol: Maybe. Maybe Jake

4、is the host. Maybe John is the host. Maybe youre the host. Susan: This letter says Im the host. Susan: Linda Marino,please. Carol: Shes Linda Marino. Susan: Shes Linda Marino? Really?Shes very young. Carol: Linda.Linda! Linda: Hi.Im Linda Marino. Susan: Im Susan Webster. Linda: Excuse me,Susan. Susa

5、n: Hes John P Banks. Carol: Susan,this is John Banks. John,this is Susan. Susan: Hello,John.Its nice to meey you. John: Susan.Nice to meet you. Whats your last name? Susan: Webster. John: What? Susan: Webster.W-e-b-s-t-e-r. John: Oh.Wele to WEFL,Susan Webster. Susan: Thank you. Jake: Well,hello.My n

6、ame is Jake Seltzer. Whats your name? Carol: Jakereally,Jake.This is Susan Webster. Jake: Miss or Mrs Susan Webster? Susan: Ms Susan Webster. Linda: Susan,Steven. Susan: Nice to see you again,Steven. Steven: Call me Steve. Susan: John P Banks. John: Susan Webster. Jake: Ms Susan Webster. Carol: Ug,J

7、akeLesson2Steven,whos that? SCENE ONE:THE COFFEE MACHINE THE NEXT DAY Susan: Steven,whos that? Steven: Thats Mike Davis.Hs a cameraman. Steven: Susan,this is Mike Davis. Mike,Susan. Mike: Hello,Susan. Susan: Hello,Mike. Rita: And whos this? Susan: Im Susan Webster. Rita: Hello. Steven: Ritas a makeu

8、p artist. Susan: Oh,makeup. SCENE TWO:THE MAKEUP ROOM Rita: So,whats your job? Susan: Im a newscaster. Rita: Yeah.Jake is a newscaster too. Susan: Yes.Hes a newscaster. And John is a newscaster. And Im a newscaster. Rita: But only one newscaster is the host. Susan: Yes,Rita.Only one.But who? Carol:

9、One minute. Rita: OK,OK. Susan: What time is it? Carol: Its eight oclock. Susan: Eight oclock! Carol: Good luck! Susan: Thanks,Carol. Rita: So,newscaster,whats weather like today? Susan: Its cool and windy. Steven: Ready? Susan: Ready. Rita: Good luck. Susan: Thanks. SCENE THREE:THEHELLO AMERICASET

10、Jake: Well,hello,Susan. Susan: Hi,Jake.Wheres John? Carol: Hes in Chicago. Susan: Right. Steven: Ready,Susan?Ready,Jake? Susan: Yes. Steven: Five,four,three,two,one Jake: Hello,America. Susan: this is the eight oclock news,and Im Susan Webster. Jake: My name is Jake Seltzer. John: And Im John P Bank

11、s in Chicago. Jake: Whats weather like today,Susan? Susan: Well,Jake,its cool and winday in Stamford. Whats weather like in Chicago,John? John: Its wet in Chicago,Susan. Susan: So its rainy in Chicago? John: Yes.Its rainy and windy. Susan: Later,a Hello America news report from John Banks in Chicago

12、. Jake: Im Jake Seltzer.Now a mercial. Steven: Great,Susan. Linda: Good job,Jake. Jake: Thanks.Congratulations,Webster. Susan: Thank you.Lesson3See you later. SCENE ONE:BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE STUDIO THE SAME DAY Linda: Well? Mike: Shes great. Linda: Yes. Mike: So,whos the host? Susan?John?Jake? St

13、even: Hi,Mike.Hi,Linda. Linda: Well? Steven: Shes great. Mike: Yes.So whos the new host? Linda: See you later. Steven: See you later,Linda. Steven: Hi,Carol.Good job. Carol: Yeah,great.Steven,what time is it? Steven: Its twelve oclock. Carol: Where is Jake? Mike,wheres Jake? SCENE TWO Susan: So,Jake

14、,what time is it in Chicago? Jake: Chicago.Elven oclock. Oh,Johns in Chicago. Susan: John Banks. Jake: John P Banks. Susan: P.Whats his middle name? Jake: Prescott.pfor Prescott. Susan: John Prescott Banks. Jake: Thats his name. Susan: Hi,Carol. Carol: Jake,what time is it? Jake: Its twelve oclock.

15、Carol: Right,Jake.Its twelve oclock. Jake: Yeah,its twelve oclock. Carol: Uh-huh.Time for lunch. Jake: Oh,twelve oclock.Carol,I Susan: Well,goodbye.See you tomorrow. Jake: Susan,I Susan: Tomorrow.Bye,Carol. Carol: Bye,Susan.Jake!Lesson4Where are you from,Loy? SCENE ONE:BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE STUDI

16、O THE NEXT DAY John: My job is newscaster.Im a newscaster. Steven: Yes,John.Youre a newscaster, and Susans a newscaster. Linda: This is a television show with news,weather,sports John: And cooking? Linda: Yes. SCENE TWO:THEHELLEO AMERICA SET Jake: Im Jake Seltzer.And now Susan Webster and John P Ban

17、ks. SCENE THREE Susan: And now cooks from different countries. John,this is Loy Chung. Where are you from,Loy? Loy: Im form China. John: whats this? Loy: Its an egg roll.Its Chinese. John: No,thank you. Susan: Thnks,Loy.Mmmmm.Delicious. John,this is very good. John: And whats your name? Ricardo:Im R

18、icardo Gomez. Susan: Ricardo is Mexican. Ricardo:Yes.Im from Mexican City. Susan: Youre from Mexican City? Im from Mexican City too. Ricardo:Really?Whats your last name? Susan: Webster. Ricardo:Webster? Susan: Yes.But my mothers name is Herrera.And,Ricardo, Whats this? Ricardo:A Mexican taco! Susan:

19、 Yummy.Here,John. John: Delicious,but no,thanks. Susan: Mmmmmm.Delicious.A taco from Mexico. John: And whats your name? Pierre: My name is Pierre. Susan: Good morning,Pierre. How are you? Pierre: Im fine,thank you. John: Pierre is French. Pierre: Yes,Im from Paris.And this is an omelet. John: An ome

20、let with eggs. Pierre: Yes. Pierre: Voila! John: Oh,thank you. John: Its cold. Pierre: Its from France. Susan: Were at the WEFL studio in Stamford with Loy,Ricardo, and pierre. They are from different countries. Loy is from China,Ricardo is from Mexico, and pierre is from France. Three great cooks f

21、rom three great countries, I am Susan Webster. Its ten oclock.Lesson5Are you married? SCENE ONE:OUTSIDE THE WEFL STUDIO THE SAME DAY Susan: Hi. John: Hi. Susan: Are you OK? John: Yes,fine. Susan: Really? John: No,Im not fine. Susan: Oh.Is it the omelet? John: Its the cooking show.Im a newscaster. Im

22、 not a cook. Susan: Oh,yes.Youre a good newscaster. John: Thank you. A cigarette? Susan: No,thanks. A lollipop. John: A lollipop?How old are you? Susan: Excuse me? John: Oh,Im sorry. Susan: Its OK.Im 25 years old. John: Youre 25. Susan: Yes,Im 25.How old are you? John: Very old. Susan: No,you arent.

23、 John: Yes,I am.My son is 17 years old. Susan: Your son? John: Yes.My son. Susan: Your son is 17? John: Yes. Susan: No.He isnt 17. John: He is. Susan: So you are married? John: No.Im not married. Susan: You arent married?But your son John: Im divorced. Susan: Youre divorced. John: Are you married? S

24、usan: No,Im not. John: Are you divoried? Susan: No,Im single. John: Youre 25 years old and single. Susan: Yes,I am.Please,how old are you,really! John: Im 38. Suan: You arent 38. John: Yes,I am.Im a 38-year-old newscaster. Susan: Youre a good newscaster. John: Thank you.How about some coffee? Susan:

25、 Well,the movers are at my apartment. How about coffee at my place? Its near the studio. John: Great.Whats youer address? susan: Its 340 Ocean Drive. Lesson6Is she from France? SCENE ONE:SUSANS APARTMENT THE SAME DAY Susan: Thats my father.Patrick Baines Webster. John: Is he Irish. Susan: Yes.Hes fr

26、om Dublin,Ireland. John: Yours fathers from Ireland,and your mothers from Mexico. Susan: Yes.Im Mexico and Irish. Im from Mexico, but Im America. And you? Where are your parents from? John: My parents are English. Susan: What does your father do? John: My fathers a journalist. Susan: Oh.And what doe

27、s your mother do? John: Shes a singer. Susan: A singer! John: Yes.My mother is a singer. Who are they? Susan: They are my brothers. John: Six brothers! Its hot. Susan: Mmmmmm.Good. Dennis is an engineer.Dan is a police officer. Petter is a businessman. John: How old is he? Susan: Hes 35.Joe is a law

28、yer. Jeff is a teacher. And Bill is a student. Excuse me. HelloHi,Carol.How are you? Im fine,thanks Its Carol. Personal information? OKIm 25 years oldMy middle name is Ana Webster.You spell Ana A-n-aMy phone number is 555-2340My address is 340 Ocean Drive.OK? Oh,Carol,whats your phone number?555-789

29、4。 OkYesAn interview? What time? Whos that Whats her occupation? Oh,OKThanks.See you tomorrow. Goodbye. John: Whats that? Susan: My information for the interview tomorrow with Nancy Marquet. John: Nancy marquet?Is she form France? Suan: No,shes form England. John: Marquet.Is Marquet an English name?

30、 How do you spell it? Susan: M-a-r-q-u-e-t. John: What time is it? Susan: Twelve oclock. John: Well,see you tomorrow. Susan: OK. John? John: Yes? Susan: See you tomorrow. John: Goodbye,Susan.Lesson7SCENE ONE:SUSANS APARTMENT THE NEXT MORNING Susan: Oh,my contact lenses! Susan: Who was it? Jake: Its Jake. Susan: Jake? Jake: Jake Seltzer form the station. Susan: Jake. Jake: Th

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