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1、contraction英文简写 the - or- . to - or- . ofn/aacouplanp.a couple ofI have acoupla shoes.ahicynv.Ah, I seeAhicy, thats how it not - or -is not - or -are not - or -have not - or -has notI aint hungry.aintchas.p.are you notAintcha hungry?algoi.s.

2、I will goAlgo next.alottanp.a lot ofI have alotta fish.ans.andGet me some bread an milk.ans.p. thann/aaortas.p.I ought toAorta get some milk.appearc.p.p.up hereThere are alotta farms him - or -at themUp and atom!awayzawayc.adj.a ways awayThe last day of school is quite awayzaway,

3、 sadly.awreddys.alreadyWe have to leave awreddy?Bbackwardsc.n.back woodsI like it in the youThe crayons are bayou.beatchanv.beat youI betcha Ican beatcha! youI betcha Ican beatcha!betteran s.p.better thanChocolate is betteran vanilla.bleevs.believeI bleev thatll h

4、appen!bouts.aboutTis bout 3 oclock.bruddas.brotherHes m brudda.byei.s.good byeBye!Ccantc.adv.v.can notI cant do that.cantchaq.can you notCantcha get me a glass of coffeecannac.adv.v.can notI canna take that class.canucomq.can you comeCanucom to the party? ofI take cara yo car.certainlydc

5、.adv.v.certainly hadHe certainlyd done that yesterday.chas.youCha cant do that!charq.which areChar yours?chilluns.childrenI take cara the chillun.chizq.which isChiz the right car?chlookinatq.are you looking atChlookinat me?chores.yourIs that chore ball?chotherc.n.each otherYall should help chother o

6、ut.chouti.s.Watch out!Chout! Im hittin the ball!chus.are youWhat chu doin?e hereCmere!e onCmon over here!cnicomeq.can I comeCnicome witchu?couldac.adv.v.could haveI coulda done it.couldna / couldntvec.adv.v.could not haveI couldna noticed that.couldneverc.adv.v.could not everI couldnever make it.cou

7、ldnitq.could it not?Couldnit be a good idea?couldntc.adv.v.could notI couldnt see it.couldvec.adv.v.could haveI couldve eaten it.couldjaq.could youCouldja splain it for me?couplas.p.couple ofI have a coupla shoes.crects.correctIve gotta crect some papers.cuzs.becauseCuz I want to.Dds.theIm in d hous

8、e.dnv. would - or - . hadn/adas.theIts da best hotel here.dairc.n.the airCan you feel dair?dats.thatDat is fine.deckq.the heckWhat deck?dems.themDem flies are huge!dentc.adv.v.did notI dent do it.didja / didjaq.did youDidja catch anythin?didntc.adv.v.did notIt didnt hurt.diffrnts.differentThats diff

9、rnt than the other one.diss.thisIs dis fo me?djeatq.did you eatDjeat yet?djyavaq.did you have aDjyava car last year?drothernv.Id ratherDrother be watchin a movie.drothers / drutherss.p.What Id ratherIf I had my drothers, I wouldnt be doin, dadWhat will you dodad?doins.doingHow are

10、ya doin?dontcha / you notPretty cool, dontcha think?dunnitnv.has done it - or - done itThat shoulda not knowI dunno.dvenv. would haven/ you have aDyava car?Eers.herLet er drift.ems.themGet em!Ffigroutc.adv.v.figure outIll figrout this puzzle soon.fullas.p.ful

11、l ofYoure fulla beans!fos.forIs dis fo me?forumc.p.p.for themI was just lookin forum.forwardsc.n.four wordsThat sentence is only forwards.fynos.p.if you know (also: if I know)Fyno how to do that, then do it.Ggbye / gbyi.s.good byeGbye!gdayi.s.good dayGday!gimmenv.give meGimme it!getcha /

12、t youIm gunna gitchu fo dat!gnighti.s.good nightGnight everybody!goffs.p.get offGoff that!gons.p.go onCan I gon the ride?gotcha / youI gotcha now! yourVue gotcher new car yet?gottas.p.have got toGotta go!gtoffs.p.get offGtoff that!gunna / gonnas.p.going toAre you gunna ea

13、t that?Hhadnednednyetc.adv.v.had not even eaten yetYou hadnednednyet?haftas.p.have toI hafta go soon.hasnednednyetc.adv.v.has not even eaten yetHe hasnednednyet?havas.p.have aI hava car.havitnv.have itDya havit here yet?havnednednyetc.adv.v.have not even eaten yetYou havnednednyet?heckas.p.heck of a

14、Thats one hecka good car!heckalotas.p.heck of a lot ofThats a heckalota pizza!hednv.he wouldHed like that.hedvenv.he would haveHedve done better if he had the isHeres, seeThe cars heresy.hesnv.he isHes fine.hesntnv.he is notHesnt very good, Izzy?holde

15、mnv.hold themHoldem here for a are youHowaya doin? areHowre they all gonna fit in that truck? is thatHowzat gonna work?IIcannv.I canIcan do betteran that!icynv.I seeIcy, thats how it works.Idnv.I wouldId have done better.Idvenv.I would haveIdve done better.Ilaf

16、tabes.p.I will have to beIlaftabe quickeran you!Illnv.I willIll do betteran you!ims.himAint gunna do any good for im.Imnv.I amIm fine.Imntnv.I am notImnt here!Imanv.I am going toIma see the dentist tomorrow.Imananv.I am going toImana go mow the lawn now.ins.ingn/ a (also: in the)Look inna

17、 shop for it.initiates.p.and then she ateFirst, she ate the corn, initiate the notThat isnt willItll be a sunny heIzzy good?Jjaskq.did you askWhy jask?jinq.are you inJin the bathroom?jlikeq.did you likeJlike the movie?juq.did youWhat ju want?Kks.o.k.k

18、kindac.p.kind ofIm feelin kinda hungry.Llemmenadv.let meLemme use that!letchanadv.let youWhy should I letcha borrow my car?leternv.let herLeter drift.llnv. willn/alottanp.lot ofI have a lotta fish.Mms.myYeah, this is m car.mas.momIm home ma!, there isMayonnaise alotta people here!mb

19、 boyCmere, mboy.melpuq.may I help youMelpu with this?mightac.adv.v.might haveI mighta been able to do that.mups.p.I am upMup now.mustntc.adv.v.must notI mustnt do that.Nns.andWe need eggs n you know what I mean?Narmean bout not touching that wire?nets.internetThis is some c

20、heap net access.nevers.wheneverNever.neverythingnj.and everythingWell do, yknow, stuff neverything.nighti.s.good nightNight.nkui.s.thank youNku for the gift.nothers.AnotherTheres nother rock.ntc.adv.v. notn/anuffs.enoughThats nuff.Oos.ofThats a big bag o ofGet offa me!oicynv.Oh, I

21、seeOicy, thats how it works.ominanv.Im going toOmina tell you somethin.ords.p.or didHe went right, ord he go left?oughtas.p.ought toI oughta leave.outta / outac.p.out ofGet im outta here!Ppas.pop (dad)Im home pa.pastas.p.pass thePasta pasta.phis.p.if IPhi were to help you, what would I get?pickinese

22、nv.picking theseSo, youll be pickinese.pleasoyi.s.please enjoyPleasoy the show.polarons.p.pull her onJust polaron the ride, will ya?posts.supposedWhat am I post to do?prapss.perhapsPraps that might work. prollys.probablyItll prolly happen.Qquickerans.p.quicker thanYoulaftabe quickeran that!R.renv. a

23、ren/areadingnv.we are eatingCmon - reading now.robins.robbingAre ya robin me?S.snv. isn/asafternoonnadj.this afternoonLets go sometime almostThat salmost enough.scuses.excuseScuse me.seati.s.Let us eatSeat now!shednv.she wouldShed like that.shedvenv.she would haveShedve

24、done better if she had the chance.shesnv.she isShes fine.shesntnv.she is notShesnt very good, is she?shouldac.adv.v.should haveI shoulda bought it.shouldna / shouldntvec.adv.v.should not haveI shouldna bought it.shouldneverc.adv.v.should not everYou shouldnever play with matches.shouldnitq.should it

25、 notShouldnit be fun?shouldntc.adv.v.should notI shouldnt eat too much.shouldvec.adv.v.should haveI shouldve seen it.shouldjaq.should youShouldja go now?skoi.s.let us goSko to the store!smailnadj.somemailJust sending off smail here.smlunchnadj.some lunchLets have smlunch.smorninnadj.this morningLets go sometime

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