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1、美国文学史及选读History And Anthology of American Literature (Volume)美国文学史及选读1PartThe Literature of Colonial America殖民主义时期的文学1.17世纪早期European explorers开始登陆美洲。在他们之前100多年Caribbean Islands, Mexico and other Parts of South America已被the Spanish占领。2.17th早期English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts(弗吉尼亚和马萨诸

2、塞)开始了美国历史。3.美国最早殖民者(earliest settlers)included Dutch ,Swedes ,Germans ,French ,Spaniards ,Italians and Portuguese (荷兰人,瑞典人,德国人,法国人,西班牙人,意大利人及葡萄牙人等)。4.美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and

3、rich soil.5.第一批美国永久居民:the first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown,Virginia in 1607(北美弗吉尼亚詹姆斯顿)。6.船长约翰史密斯Captain John Smith他的作品(reports of exploration)17th早期出版,被认为是美国第一部真正意义上的文学作品in the early 1600s,have been described as the first distinctly American literatur

4、e written in English.他讲述的内容filled with themes, myths, images, scenes, character and events,吸引了朝圣者和清教徒前往lure the Pilgrims and the Puritans.7.美国第一位作家:1608年Captain John Smith写了封信自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍“A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the

5、 First Planting of That Colony”.8.他的第二本书1612年弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述“A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country”.9.他一共出版了八本书,其中有关于新英格兰的历史及描述。其破产后做为向导sought a post as guide to the Pilgrims.他的1624年弗吉尼亚通史“The General History of Virginia”,讲述了传奇故事how the Indian princess Pocahontas( 波卡洪特斯)saved him.10.

6、他保存了殖民者在Jamestown早期开荒史及explored the rivers and bays around the Chesapeake region(切萨皮克地区),最重要的是he saw from the beginning what was eventually to be a basic principle of American history, the need of “workers”instead of “gentlemen”for the tough job of planting colonies and pushing the frontiers westwar

7、d.11.早期新英格兰文学主要关于theological, moral, historical and political.12.清教徒坚韧耐劳,严格遵守教义the Puritans in New England embraced hardships, together with the discipline of a harsh church想建立神权社会found a theocracy,他们生活简朴,意志坚定,我行我素,不屈不挠地斗争they had toughness, purpose and character, they grappled strongly with challen

8、ges they set themselves.他们的基本价值观;注重勤劳,节俭,虔诚和节制hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety这些也成了早期美国作品主导思想。一、William Bradford and John Winthrop威廉布拉德福德和约翰温思罗普普利茅斯第一任首长:William Bradford;波斯顿第一任首长: John Winthrop.1William Bradford:普利茅斯开发历史“The History of Plymouth Plantation”文章从1630年开始写起an account of the small gr

9、oup of Puritans who migrated from England to Amsterdam and then to the New Wold.文字简洁,认真负责,直接叙述,可读性强simplicity and earnestness of the book, with its direct reporting, make it readable and moving.1657年他用简单的律诗对自己一生写了个总结,后来科登马瑟Cotton Mather写道:他是众人之福,也是众人之父“a common blessing and father to them all”2John

10、Winthrop:新英格兰历史“The History of New England”.1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal and to the rest of his life.1826年正式出版is notable for its candid simplicity and honesty.3他们并不出于创作需要而是记录历史,但却运用了直接生动的散文格式使文章成为了好的文学作品 the need to record important events in permanent form. Yet, through

11、 a direct and vigorous prose style, each account literary excellence.4清教徒(Puritan):就是要净化他们的宗教信仰和行为方式,要纯洁自己信仰的人Puritans wanted to make pure their religious beliefs and practices, The Puritan was “Would-be purifier”. 总认为自己是上帝选民looked upon themselves as a chosen people.对他们的生活方式提出异议就是反对上帝旨意anyone who ch

12、allenged their way of life was opposing Gods Will and was not to be accepted.对自己的信仰视之如命,对别人信仰不能容忍they were zealous in defense of their own beliefs but often intolerant of the beliefs of others. 制定法律限制个人生活行为made laws about private morality as well as public behavior霍桑称他们为“黑眉毛的古板的清教徒”“stern and black-

13、browed Puritans”.二、John Cotton and Roger Williams约翰科登和罗杰威廉姆斯1John Cotton第一批知识分子代言人,称为“新英格兰教父”the Patriarch of New England”. 1633年到Boston开始一直是这社区精神导师,他所宣讲的由宗教来统治国家的神权思想直接影响了当时人们的行为 he was the “teacher”(spiritual leader) of the community and its guiding influence toward the ideal of theocracy(a state

14、ruled by the church)他的影响主要通过教堂讲坛来完成his primary influence was through the pulpit.听众对他深信不疑。他们清教徒强调权威,忽视民主they were much more concerned with authority than with democracy.2Roger Williams:1631年came to the Massachusetts后被放逐到现罗德岛Rhode Island。对不同意见者并不赞同对其迫害而是屈服与容忍,他认为行为上的德,信仰上的诚并没有给任何人强迫别人该如何行事的权力,没有任何政治秩序

15、和教会体制能够直接体现神本身的意旨the idea that simply to be virtuous in conduct and devout in belief did not give anyone the right to force belief on others. He also felt that no political order or church system could identify itself directly with God. 他对印第安语言非常感兴趣Indian language.他写过开启美国语言的钥匙或也叫做美洲新英格兰部分土著居民语言指南“A

16、Key into the Language of America” or “A Help to the language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England”三、Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor安妮布莱德斯特和爱德华泰勒这两位清教徒写的诗达到相当高水平,真正能称得上是诗作。1Anne Dudley Bradstreet是第一个用英语写作的女诗人the first woman poet in the English language早期诗人中最风趣的诗人之一one of the mo

17、st interesting of the early poets. 1630年乘“Arbella”到Massachusetts.她的文学创作在抚养八个子女家庭劳作繁重劳动下进行的。2她的第一部作品由她的姐夫交给伦敦出版商,the title of this collection of poems, in classical allusion(用比喻的方法)即在美洲诞生的第十个谬斯“The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America”诗歌中传奇故事有点言过其实,但对日常琐事叙述相当高超poetic ventures were overambitious but

18、 wrote well when dealt with the simple events of her daily life.3Edward Taylor:清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of Taylors work trea

19、ted religious themes, with many poems based directly on the Psalms.在世时没出版过作品,1937年发现手稿,1960年泰勒诗歌全集。Part The Literature of Reason And Revolution理性和革命时期文学1托马斯佩因常识 Thomas Paine“Common Sense”; 托马斯杰弗逊独立宣言 Thomas Jefferson “Declaration of Independence”2在经济方面,英国要求美出口原材料,后从英国购回高成本的机器they hampered colonial e

20、conomy by requiring Americans to ship raw materials abroad and to import finished goods at prices higher than the cost of making them in this country.3在政治方面,要求他们归英国政府统一管理,交各种税收但在议会中却没有代表by ruling the colonies from overseas and by taxing the colonies without giving them representation in Parliament.4

21、美独立战争持续了八年(1776-1783)The War for Independence.诺亚韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)说:文化上的独立,艺术上的著名。5文学上独立的代表作:1785年杰弗逊:弗吉尼亚洲的声明Jeffersons “Notes on the State of Virginia”; 1791年巴特姆:旅行笔记 “Travels” by Bartram一、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明富兰克林1706-1790殖民地时期作家。独立战争前惟一的杰出的美国作家in the colonial period, the only good American autho

22、r before the Revolutionary War.1出生于波士顿Boston,曾创办半岛公报。1732-1758出版穷人理查德的年鉴“Poor Richards Almanac” an annual collocation of proverbs.2建立一秘密俱乐部the Junto, informal discussion of scientific, economic and political ideals.建立可借图书馆,创办宾夕法尼亚大学。商业上成功,科学上贡献卓越,政治上的贡献也不可磨灭successful in business, renowned in scienc

23、e also served his nation brilliantly.协助杰弗逊起草“独立宣言”aided Jefferson in writing “The Declaration of Independence”.同法国谈判获得援助,后作为议会代表起草美国宪法Constitution.3其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.4他

24、最好作品收录在自传“Autobiography”。编辑了美国第一份殖民地杂志“General Magazine”“对这个年青的国家来说,他的损失比其它任何人的都要大“his shadow lies heavier than any other mans on this young nation.5教材作品自传”The Autobiography” 二、Thomas Paine 托马斯潘恩(1737-1809)1被称为“人类最平凡的人“(Great Commoner of Mankind).美国著名政治小册子作家pamphleteer.21762年税务官职务employed as an exci

25、se officer. 1772年收税官的案子“The Case of the Officers of the Excise”第一部政治性小册子。 1774年富兰克林给他写介绍信“an ingenious worthy young man”去美国费城Philadelphia, edited the “Pennsylvania Magazine” and contributed to the “Pennsylvania Journal” 是政治讽刺的天才a political satirist of genius.31776年1月10日his famous pamphlet “Common Se

26、nse” appeared 常识,署名“By an Englishman”.书中大胆拥护“独立宣言”各主张it boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”.成了美国独立革命思想的代言人became forthwith the most articulate spokesman of the American Revolution.41776-1783美国危机“American Crisis” signed “Common Sense” was a series of sixteen pamphlets.第一篇于1776年黑色12月出版,这

27、些册子在部队中被广泛传阅,极大恢复士气鼓舞民兵斗志,增强胜利信心was read at once to all regiments, it restored the morale and inspired the success of that citizens army。 最后一篇1783年12月9日出版。5战争结束后perfecting the model of an iron bridge without piers。(1791-1792)人权“Rights of Man”。拥护卢梭自由理念,号召推翻英国君主制not only championed Rousseaus doctrines

28、 of freedom, but also suggested the overthrow of the British monarchy.6在法国他因反对绞死路易十六和反对恐怖统治入狱, he opposed the execution of Louis XVI and the Reign of Terror, was imprisoned. 理性的时代“The Age of Reason”1794-1795,这部自然神论的作品主张宗教观念的理性:a deistic treatise advocating a rationalistic view of religion. 他最后一部作品17

29、97土地公平“Agrarian Justice”.7教材作品:美国危机:“The American Crisis”.三、Thomas Jefferson托马斯杰弗逊(1743-1826)1美国历史上最为广泛影响人物his thought and personality have influenced his countryman more deeply and remained more effectively alive.同富兰克林一样具人道主义精神vigorous humanitarian sympathies.启蒙运动的产物a product of the Enlightenment,对

30、各领域都有兴趣:law, philosophy, education, science, mechanics.2尽全力为美国寻找一条自由、自我之路:where the people might have a fresh start toward liberty, selfhood. 作为人文主义都他注重人本身的德行和能力,不看重世俗中特权a humanist looked to merit and ability alone, not to privilege法律保障每个人与生俱来的权利the natural rights of man must be secured by law inali

31、enably for all, irrespective of station 政府是一个必要的魔鬼,政府在普遍赞同下才合法,其目的是为个人谋福利,而不是压榨与剥削人民。政府须为民提供言论、思想、结社、出版、信仰、教育和创业等自由.government, a necessary evil, found sanction only in the common consent of a social contract, its purpose was the benefit of the individual, not his exploitation; it must provide freed

32、om of speech, thought, association, press, worship, education, and enterprise.31776年同约翰亚当斯、本杰明富兰克林、罗杰谢尔曼、罗伯特R利文斯顿一起起草独立宣言with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R Livingston, he drafted the Declaration of Independence.41790-1793任华盛顿内阁中第一任国务卿,as the first American secretary of state. 1800起担任两届美国总统。5把自己收藏的一万册书卖给政府,建立了国会图书馆(the Library of Congress).1819 年开始创建弗吉尼亚大学并担任第一任校长。61826年去世,正值独立宣言签署50周年the fiftieth anniversary of “The

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