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1、国际贸易专有名词及翻译1.Uneven distribution2. comparative advantage 3. absolute advantage. 4 cost advantage 5 market share6 economies of scale7 labor /capital /tech/resourceintensive economy 8 supplying /demanding country1. 2.比较优势3绝对优势 4.成本优势 5.市场份额6 规模经济7劳动/资金/技术/资源密集型经济 8供给/需求国9. Foreign/local currency10. Ex

2、change rate11. Target market 12.Export license 13.Quota14. Cargo flow : import/export /transit trade 9. 外/本币10. 汇率11. 目标市场12.出口许可证13. 定量、配额14: (进、出口、过境)贸易15.Credit reference 16.Commodity inspection 17.Customs clearance 18.Direct /indirect/ Entrepot trade19.International/Domestic trade20.Export licen

3、se15.资信证明 16.商检 17. 清关、结关18. 直接、间接、 转口贸易19.国际、国内贸易20 出口许可证21.General/Special trade 22.Direct / Indirect trade23.Forms of good: Visible/ Invisible Goods trade 24.:settlement instrument: Barter/ free-liquidation trade21. 一般贸易/特殊贸易 22.直接/间接贸易23.有形、无形产品贸易24.易货、自由结算贸易mates receipt收货单、大副收据shipping note装货通

4、知单 the bill of lading提单shipping advice 发货通知书1. consumer durables2. quote a price3. cross-border transactions4. customary practice5. loading fee6. dividing line 7. actual delivery1.耐用消费品 2. 报价 3. 跨境(国界)交易4. 惯例5. 装载费6. 分界线7. 实际交货 arrival contract11. Customs clearance12. Customs formalities13. delivery

5、14. inspection15. Means of transport. 到达合同1. 清关、结关1. 报关手续1. 交货1. 检验1. 运输工具16.Mode of transport 17. Shipment contract18. Symbolic delivery19. Transfer of risks 16. 运输方式装运合同19. 象征交货 20. 风险转移 1: INCOTERMS 2010(Rules for the interpretation of Trade Terms 2010)2:ICC3:RAFD(Revised American Foreign Trade D

6、efinitions)4: QC 1.2010年国际贸易术语(通则)2.国际商会3.美国对外贸易定义修正本4.质量控制、质量管理 1. EXW (EX works) 工厂交货 2. FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 3. CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至 4. CIP (Carriage and lnsurance Paid to) 运费、保险费付至 5. DAT (Delivered At Terminal) 运输终端交货 6. DAP (Delivered At Place) 目的地交货 7. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后

7、交货8. FAS (Free Along Side) 船边交货 9. FOB (Free On Board) 船上交货 10. CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 11. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险加运费 ? 1:FOB liner terms (FOB班轮条件) : ? buyer for all ? 2:FOB under tackle(FOB吊钩下交货): ? buyer pays from the moment goods under the tackle? 3:FOB -stowed(FOB包括理舱费):? s

8、eller loading and stowing ? 4:FOB Trimmed (FOB包括平舱费): seller loading、 trimming? 5:FOB stowed and trimmed (FOB包括理、平舱费? seller loading stowing and trimming1、 firm offers2、 offeror3、 offeree4、 terminate5. acceptance6 Counter-offer 7. enquiry 8. irrevocable offer9 withdraw of an offer1. 实盘 2. 发盘方(人) 3.

9、受盘方(人) 4. 终止5. 接受6. 还盘7. 询价 8. 不可撤销发盘9. 撤回发盘9 Validity period 10 quotation of an offer11 Quote 12 CISG(UnitedNations Convention on Contracts of International Sales of Goods) 有效期 10 报盘 12 国际货物销售合同公约形式发票(Proforma Invoice)报价单(Quotation)订单(Order)Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Live

10、rpool. 报价应包括到利物浦的保险费和运费? 执事先生:? ? 从澳大利亚大使馆得悉贵公司在澳大利亚是出口羊毛材料的一家大公司。? 由于本地市场对羊毛材料的需求一直在增长,因此我公司愿在本地区成为第一个销售这种产品的公司。? 请邮寄贵方目录本、价目表以及能提供的各种样品,同时也请告知贵公司与其它公司做贸易所采用的付款方式。? 盼速复。? 谨启? Dear Sirs,? We learn with pleasure from the Australian Embassy in Beijing that you are producing for export wool sweater .?

11、There is a steady demand here for high-class goods of this type, especially in brighter colors.? We would appreciate receiving your catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with any samples you can let us have. ? We look forward to hearing from you.? Yours fait

12、hfully,? 敬启者:? 贵方九月五日关于羊毛材料的询盘已收悉。应要求,我方已另航邮去带有图解的说明书,价目表及样品本。? 有关付款方式,我们贸易的一贯做法是采用保兑的不可撤销的信用证。? 由于质地优良,价格合理,我们的羊毛材料多年来在世界市场享有盛誉。我们相信我们的产品一定会帮助你们扩大市场销路。? 盼早复。谨启Dear Sirs: Thank you for your inquiry of Sept. 5 on wool material As requested, we have already sent you the illustrated brochures, price li

13、st and sample by airmail.? Concerning the terms of payment , our usual practice is confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit(L/C).Over the years, our wool material has the high reputation of good quality and reasonable prices in the world market. We believe that our products will help you to expand ma

14、rket .We look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully, ? Four components in a standard format of a price: ? A code of currency: USD, CAD,CNY, EUR, GBP(货币代码)? A number indicating(表示) the price unit? A unit for measuring quantity: kg, gr, m/t, yd, set? A certain trade term: FOB, CFR, CIF? Example

15、s:? USD225.30/piece CIF New York? FOB Guangzhou EUR12.80/set? Cost of production(生产成本)? Direct cost(直接成本): material costs, labour costs, allocation of fixed costs, packing costs, etc.? Administrative costs: overhead经常费用? Cost of sales? Marketing costs: advertising, sales trip expenses, commissions ,

16、intermediary services ? Cost of delivery? Warehousing and transporting charge, insurance premium保险费, taxes税收and tariffs征收关税, customs duties (进口税)? Anticipated profit margin(预期利润率)? in an absolute number? in a percentage profit margin? Capability of target market(目标市场潜力)? Referring to the consumption

17、 power(消费能力), income level, supply and demand relationship需求关系The higher the capital income of the target market, the higher the price? Payment terms(付款条件)? The lower the financing charges, the higher the risk of payment? Other factors to be considered ? foreign exchange rates ? international market

18、 price for similar productspolicies and regulations规章制度 in a particular? If FOB price is available - CFR = FOB + Ocean Freight? Ocean freight(海洋运费)- Provided by shipping lines(航运公司)- Quoted as packaged price(组合价格)- Others like additionals and surcharges(附加费)- CIF If FOB price is available = FOB + Oc

19、ean Freight + Insurance Premium? If CFR price is available- CIF = CFR + Insurance Premium ? Calculation of Insurance Premium (I)- Based on contract value/invoice value +- A markup(上浮,涨价幅度) (normally 10%) to cover incidental costs(杂费)- Formula: I = CIF x (1+10%) x Premium Rate (R)(保险费率)? Therefore- C

20、IF = CFR + CIF x (1+10%) x Premium Rate (R) or - CIF = CFR / (1 - 110% x R)? Conversion of FOB to other prices? CFR = FOB + F- CIF = (FOB + F) / 1 - (1+markup) x R? Conversion of CFR to other prices- FOB = CFR - F- CIF = CFR / 1 - (1+markup) x R? Conversion of CIF to other prices- FOB = CIF x 1 - (1

21、+markup) x R - F- CFR = CIF x 1 - (1+markup) x R? Net price(净价,实价) = basic costs + profit? Commission- An incentive payment made to the middlepersons for their intermediary services- Expressed in a fixed figure or in a percentage - Examples? CFR London GBP100 per doz, including 2% commission ? USD20

22、0 per M/T CIFC2% London ? CIFC3 Hamburg USD100/set ? Two ways of calculating计算 commission- based on invoice/contract value ? C = contract value x C rate- based on FOB or FCA: ? Under such terms as CFR, CIF, C is calculated before F(freight) and I( insurance) are deducted? Formula:- C = price includi

23、ng C (FOB/FCA) x C rate- Net price = price including C (FOB/FCA) - C = price including C x (1- C rate)- Price including C (FOB/FCA) = net price / (1-C rate)- allocation cost 分摊成本 - fixed cost 固定成本- overhead 管理经费 - insurance premium保险费- tariff 关税- outlet 甩卖,工厂清仓- Factory price 出厂价- Consumption power

24、消费能力 - Per capita income 个人平均收入- segment 市场细分- Production cost 生产成本- Marketing strategy 营销策略- Sales cost 销售成本- Delivery cost 运送成本 - Financing cost 融资成本- anticipated profit 预期利润 - terms of payment 付款方式- cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价法- marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价法- buyer based pricing 买方价值定价法competition b

25、ased pricing 竞争定价法export profit margin28 出口盈亏率 export cost for foreign exchang出口换汇成本? break-even point 盈亏平衡点 ? Local currency 本币 ? markup 加价,上浮 ? Face value 票面值,表面价值? premium rate 保险率? net price净价? commission 佣金? discount折扣? Exchange rate 汇率 ? Final price 最终价格? total price总价? unfixed price 非固定价? mon

26、ey of account 计价货币? initial pric 最初价格 ? Money of payment支付货币? Unit price 单价 ? Price adjustment clause 价格调整条款 ? Price including commission 含佣价? rebate 减免、退款 ? wage index 工资指数? 出现下列一类的词句者,皆为虚盘:? - Without engagement. 不负任何责任。? - Subject to prior sale. 有权先售。? - All quotations are subject to our final co

27、nfirmation unless otherwise stated.? 所作报价,除特别注明外,须经我方确认后方能生效。- Our offer is subject to approval of export license. 出口许可证准许签证,我方报价才有效卖方发盘,或称售货发盘(Selling Offer) 买方发盘,或称购货发盘(Buying Offer),习称递盘(Bid)? offer 报盘,报价 ? to offer for 对.报价 ? to make an offer for 对.报盘(报价) ? firm offer 实盘 ? non-firm offer 虚盘 ? to

28、 forward an offer (or to send an offer) 寄送报盘 to get an offer(or to obtain an offer) 获得.报盘 ? to cable an offer (or to telegraph an offer) 电报(进行)报价 ? offer and acceptance by post 通过邮政报价及接受 ? to accept an offer 接受报盘 ? to entertain an offer 考虑报盘 ? to give an offer 给.报盘 ? to submit an offer 提交报盘 official

29、 offer 正式报价(报盘)? 指示性价格 price indication ? 速复 reply immediately ? 参考价 reference price ? 习惯做法 usual practice ? 交易磋商 business negotiation ? 不受约束 without engagement ? 业务洽谈 business discussion ? 限*复 subject to reply * ? 限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here * 有效期限 time of validity ? 有效至*: valid till * ?

30、购货合同 purchase contract ? 销售合同 sales contract ? 购货确认书 purchase confirmation ? 销售确认书 sales confirmation? 一般交易条件 general terms and conditions ? 以未售出为准 subject to prior sale? 需经卖方确认 subject to sellers confirmation ? 需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation ? 凭规格买卖 sale by specification ? 凭等级买卖 sale by grade ? 凭标准买卖 sale by standard? 凭说明书买卖 sale by illustration? 凭品牌或商标买卖 sale by brand or trade mark ? 凭产地名称买卖 sale by name of origin? 凭说明书和图样买卖sale by description and illustration? F.A.Q.(fair average quality)良好平均品质 ? G.M.Q.(good merchantable qu

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