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1、我最重要的英语演讲稿我最重要的,英语演讲稿篇一:我最重要的英语演讲稿最激励我的英语演讲稿英语演讲稿:我最喜爱的明星hello!every classmate! i am very glad that i can stand here today, my englishisnt very well, but i have participated in this speech , the reason is that thistopic attracts me very much my most favorite star! as everyone knows, it is jay that i

2、 am the most favorite! i mention more than once , i believe all classmates know now . why do i like himwhy am i fascinated for him in fact the reason is very simple, his music makes memove!i remember listening to his song for the first time, it is the summer vacationof grade one at the junior middle

3、 school . i have bought a tape of his, write thehomework while listening to every night. like this, day after day. slowly, i findhis music really very good, really have appeal very much! his pop has a kind of characteristic that can not say, the person of he has a kind of glamour that cannot say too

4、!the fact proves i am correct, jay is red all over china, red all over asia. seemore and more persons like him , appreciate him , i am really very glad ! thank you!篇三:我的英语演讲稿范文大学英语演讲稿范文大学生英语演讲稿i believe in our future honorable judges,fellow students: recently, ther is a heated debate in our society.

5、 the collegestudents are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional educationat extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and supportourselves against all odds will we be able to better the lives of others will webe able to accept the responsibility of build

6、ing the future of our country the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the needfor character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for eachother, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week,thousands of my fellow students h

7、ad their blood type tested in order to make acontribution for the children who suffer from blood college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives.we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact ourfuture, or even the future of our count

8、ry. i believe in all my fellow classmates.though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. i believe that wehave the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.we are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the educationwe have re

9、ceived to make our world a better place. i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心尊敬的评委,各位同学: 最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。大学生是一种稀有特权的享有者,在很棒的地方接受高等教育。但是,我们能面对挑战而无所畏惧吗?我们能够改善他人的生活吗?我们能够承担建设祖国未来的重任吗? 怀疑论者说大学生是被宠坏的一代,一丁点挫折都受不了。但是他们错了,我所看到的大学生正在努力的学习独立生活。我们互相帮助打扫卫生,一起上街砍价购物,一起参加兼职工作来赚零花钱。 怀疑论者说我们除了成绩什么都不关心,从而忽略了性格的培养。但是,他们

10、又错了。我们彼此关心,我们向往自由,我们珍惜公正,我们追求真理。上个星期,很多我的同学去验血,为了给患血癌的孩子贡献自己的力量。 作为大学生,我们是处在人生分水岭的青年。我们都面临一个重要的选择:怀疑人生还是相信自己,每一种都会给我们的人生带来重大的影响,甚至影响我们祖国的未来。我相信我们的同学们,虽然我们依然缺乏经验,甚至有些志气,但是我相信我们有勇气和自信来面对生活的挑战并承担我们的责任。我们正努力准备接受新的任务,用我们所学习的知识将世界变得更美好。我对我们的未来充满信心。大学生英语演讲稿17 change the ingredients of your life if kindness

11、 is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility isadded, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will havea home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life,

12、 youwill find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. andhopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest. 改变生活的味道 这是一杯白开水,平淡无味,对吧?可是加上点糖呢,他尝起来会有甜味;如果加的是苏打水,味道就会变苦。人生同样如此个中滋味在于我们的选择。善待他人,你会拥有朋友;但如果充满恶意,则会多个敌人。将爱赋予一堆红砖,你会拥有一个家;用仇恨来浇铸这堆红砖,就会铸成一座

13、集中营。 因此亲爱的朋友们,不要抱怨人生乏味,世间无望。不喜欢生活的味道,那就换一换生活的调料吧!三年前,我重达100多公斤,这给我带来了很多尴尬和挫折:体育课老是不及格,总被女孩们嘲笑,更不敢当众发表意见。幸而由于祖母的鼓励,我不在消极人生,而是充满自信。她曾经说过:孩子,如果体形无法改变,为什么不把它看做自己独特的风格呢? 我开始这样来审视人生,通过改变生活的视角,我信心大增地去改变我的人生,很快就发现一个崭新的世界。kipling said:east is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!but now, a

14、century later, they have met. when two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit intothe tradition of the other. when this happens, we need to learn to understand andrespect the customs of another culture. then there are certain things some peoplemay not like. to this, i wi

15、ll say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate learn to tolerate w hat you personally dont like is a great virtue at a time when different culturesmix and merge. before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western cultures. atpresent, they may run in different courses. but eventually,

16、they will converge intothe vast sea of human now, i can see peoples of eastern and western cultures, standing side byside, singing the olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart to heart, togetherwe will shape a beautiful tomorrow! thank you! 让我们共同感受东西方的融合吉卜林说过:东方是东方,西方是西方,二者永不相聚。但是一个世纪后的今天,东西方相

17、汇了! 它们相聚在经济领域,它们相聚在教育领域,它们相聚在艺术的殿堂。有人争论说:这种融合需要我们在东方和西方之间做出选择,但我却坚信最美好的未来在于东方和西方创造性的融合。我们可以将西方的思想,观念和技术变为我们自己所用的东西。我喜爱京剧和河南豫剧,因为它们经常使我想起自己是谁。但我也热衷于流行音乐,特别是英文歌曲。于是我将东方的旋律和西方的语言结合到了一起,它叫做西方版的河南豫剧。当两种文化相结合的时候,也许一方的文化中的某些东西不适应另一方的传统文化。当此种情况出现时,我们需要试着理解并接受另一种文化中的风俗习惯。然而,也许有些东西你并不喜欢,对于此,我可以说,如果你不喜欢它,请试着去容

18、忍它。当两种文化融合的时候,试着去容忍你个人不喜欢的东西是一种美德。在我们面前有两条河流,东方文化和西方文化。现在,它们也许正朝着不同的方向流去。但是最终它们将汇合到人类文化的海洋里。就在此时此刻,我看见东方和西方的人肩并肩的站在一起,高唱奥林匹克主题曲:我们手拉手,心靠着心,共同创造美好的明天!十五、 farewell, indifference who was the most well-known figure in china last month its ma jiajuethecollege student who murdered 4 of his roommates. many

19、 people attributed his crimeto his poverty and deficient education. in my opinion, his crime also has much todo with his classmates is a terrible disease in todays colleges and the whole society.its not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have neverspoken to each other. its

20、not rare that a student who has been absent from classfor several days is not noticed at all. its also not rare that a student who hassevere psychological problems is not cared about at people may say what the students with psychological problems like ma jiajueneed is not care but psychotherapy. how

21、ever, when people are ill, what they needmost is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them. every smileand every caring word will bring sunshine to their can we do to prevent the tragedy of ma jiajue from happening again somepeople may say lets open more psychological courses

22、 in schools. and other peoplemay say lets donate more money for the poor students. but ill say my fellowstudent, lets give more love and care to our roommates, our classmates and everyperson around us!走出冷漠谁是中国上个月最有名的人物 这当然要数马加爵了这个杀害了四名同学的大学生。很多人将他的犯罪归结于他的贫穷和不全面的教育。但我觉得他的犯罪还跟他周围同学的冷漠有很大关系。冷漠是流行于当今校园及

23、整个社会中的一种可怕的疾病。有的同学在一起学习了4年却从未说过话,有的同学几天没去上课却无人知晓,还有的同学有了严重的心理问题却得不到关心。有人说:像马加爵那样有心理问题的人需要的不是关心而是心理治疗。但在一个人生病的时候,除了医生的治疗,他需要的还有周围人的关心。一个微笑,一声问候都能为他们的生活带来阳光。有一天半夜,我碰巧听见寝室里一个平时很内向的女孩在轻声抽泣。为了不惊动她,我给她发了一条短信来安慰她。第二天,他告诉我那晚她哭了是因为她的一位好朋友开生日篇四:我的英文演讲稿ladies and gentlemen , good morning! im very glad to stand

24、 here and give you ashort speech. today my topic is youth. i hope you will like it , and found theimportance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you somequestions: 1、 do you know what is youth 2、 how do you master your youth youthyouth is not a time of life, it is a state of m

25、ind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lipsand supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is thefreshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominanceof courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. thisoften exists in

26、a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a numberof years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to giveup enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self distrust bows the heart andturns the spirit back to dust . whether 60 of 16 , there is in e

27、very human beings heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and thejoy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wirelessstation : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and powerfrom men and from the infinite,

28、 so long as you are young . when the aerials are down ,and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then youare grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves ofoptimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you!青春青春不是指岁月,而是指心态。粉嫩的脸


30、能传达勇气的讯号,总能表现出青春的活力一旦青春的天线倒下,你的灵魂即为玩世不恭之雪、悲观厌世之冰覆盖;即使你年方20.其实你已垂垂老也。而只要你青春的天线高高耸起,就可以随时接收到乐观的电波-即使你年过八旬,行将就木,而你却仍然拥有青春,你仍然年轻。谢谢!推荐这篇,下面有其中文大意:) the games of the 29th olympiad in XX are awarded to the city ofthe motto new beijing, great olympics, beijing promises to host a green olympics,a hi-tech ol

31、ympics and the peoples people always appreciate the purposes and principles of olympic ideal,support the efforts of olympic games to promote world peace. the chinese governmentand people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the XX olympic games inbeijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating olympic ideal, sparkplugingworld peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. olympic spirit are go

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