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B 英语学科教案.docx

1、B 英语学科教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)厦门市X英语学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.02.23教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module 1一 教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词一般现在时:This is Xiaoyong. Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet. 2、能掌握句型听懂对他人的介绍(如:This is Maomao. Shes very nice. She always helps people. But shes a bit shy.)。并进行扩展,在实际中灵活运用。3. 会用This i

2、s Maomao介绍他人;会用nice 、clever、shy、quiet、loud、naughty等形容词介绍他人的性格特点,如:Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet.。二教学重点、难点 教学重点:能够认读 nice, always, but, a bit, shy, quiet, loud学会用This is 来介绍, 用Shes Hes 来介绍他人的性格教学难点:学会This is 来介绍他人,并结合所学的形容词来描述他们的性格特点。三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。五、教学反思厦门市X学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写

3、时间: 2010.02.18教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module 2一教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写会介绍风景名胜的名称和特点 (如: This is Big Ben. Its very tall.)或会描述某一场景 (如: This river is very wide. And its very long.)。2、能掌握句型能够看图读出课文中带有黑体单词的句子以及活动2中的本课主要句式。.二教学重点、难点1 教学重点:1学习描述英国名胜的单词:London Eye, Big Ben, River Thames 及描述场所的形容词: tall, old, long, wi

4、de, high, new, round学会用这些句型:This is +地点名词, Its +形容词教学难点:学会用:This is +地点名词, Its +形容词来介绍英国名胜。三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm up:Ss: Sing songs. T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Hong.Step 2: Revision;Say as I do, not as I sayT: Im tall and do the opposite acti

5、on.Ss: Youre not tall, Youre short.T: Im fat and do the opposite action.Ss: Youre not fat, Youre thin. Etc.Step3. Presentation Well done! Now, look at these picture.T: show a picture of the Yangtze River. This is the Yangtze River. Teach “river”. Eg. River, river, this is the Yangtze river. Its very

6、 long and wide. Teach “wide”. Then show some pictures. For example: a television tower, a new pencile-box, an old book, a round clock in turn. Teach these adjective words. High,New, old, round.Step4: T: Today Amy and Lingling will introduce a city to us. Can you introduce a city to us?Step5: Listen

7、to the tape and answer the question. Which city are they introducing? Then teach“London”Step6: Show three pictures and some adjective words.The River Thames, Big Ben, the London Eye.Listen again and find out the answers.1. What are the symbols in London?What is it like respectively?Step7: Listen and

8、 MatchT: river, long, wideS1s going to pick out the picture.S2s going to pick out the words.Ss say the whole sentence. This river is very long and wide. Etc.Step8: write down these words; river show the pictur五、教学反思厦门市X学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.02.23教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第五册Module 3一 教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写听懂他人的周

9、末计划(如: What will you do the this weekend? I dont know. Maybe well go to the zoo. Ill visit my grandpa in the countryside.)。1. 2、能掌握句型能够正确抄写黑体单词和带有黑体单词的句子。2. 引导学有余力的学生能够结合本课主要句式进行知识运用的练习活动,例如选出正确的单词填空.二 教学重点、难点一、 教学重点:复习动物的的单词:tiger, panda, lion, pig学习主要语言结构:用Well , Will you ? Yes, I will. No, I wont

10、.描述将要做的事并会询问他人的打算。三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm up:Ss: Sing songs. T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Hong.Step 2: Revision;复习由所展示的两幅图来谈论它们的不同。然后玩“Simon says”的游戏Step3. Presentation T: OK, today we are going to learn Module 3, Unit 1. Maybe well go to the zo

11、o. Read after me.Ss: Step4: T:你们知道吗?Amy and Daming are talking about their weekend.Ss: Listen to the tape.Step5: T: Now listen again and think about what will Amy go at the weekend?What will she see? Will Sam go?Step6: T: Now listen to the tape and repeat.Ss: Listen and repeat.Step7: T: Listen and s

12、ay the sentences in activity 2.Ss: Listen and say.Step8: Homework:1. Listen and repeat the text.*2Recite M3U1五、教学反思本模块主要学习动词的一般将来时,课文虽然短,但学生对will的朗读似乎有点拗口,课文无法朗朗上口。动词的一般将来时学生不理解,对他的使用方法更是一窍不通。虽然课堂上反复的强调,但他们仍然理解不透。时态的使用和朗读方面有待加强和提高。 厦门市X学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.02.18教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module 4一 教学目标1、能

13、听懂、会读、会说、会写单词听懂他人关于未来职业的问答(如:What will you be in the future? Maybe Ill be a writer.)2、能掌握会用“What will you be?”询问他人的理想;会用“Maybe Ill be a ”表达自己未来可能从事的职业.二 .教学重点、难点1. 教学重点:学习有关职业的词汇:writer, policeman, footballer, 及future, police station2. 学会谈论职业的句型:What will you be? Maybe Ill be a Hell Shell教学难点:能够询问及表

14、达自己或他人将来想要从事的职业。三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm up:Ss: Sing songs. T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Hong.Step 2: Revision;Present the task:This is Ms smart.Shes a nice teacher. Talking aboutYour friends or your familys members.Step3. Presentation 1. Introdu

15、ce individual studentsto the rest of the class.This is name.Example: This is Tom.Hes Shes a nice teacher.Step4: Teach the words: writer, future, policemanStep5: Make a list . Daming, Lingling, Amy, SamA footballer, film star, policeman, writer2. Say about each ones ones ideal。3. Using Maybe Ill be a

16、 writer.e.p I am Ill be a Pair workWhat will you be in the future?Maybe Ill be aStep6: 1.Listen to the tape recorder and repeat.2Say about your ideal using the “Maybe Ill be a3.Activity Book P14 Step7: Homework:1. Listen and repeat 3 times(M4,Unit1).*2.Talk about your ideal.Step8:Step9:五、教学反思 本模块主要学

17、习动词的一般将来时。谈论长大后想当的职业。学习在经过M3将来时的学习后,对将来时有一定的了解,他们对将来时的用法和读音都有一定的基础,所以学习起来比M3来有很大的进步。学习对职业名称也很感兴趣。但对astronaut读起来拗口,学生掌握得较差。学生对What will you be? Maybe Ill be a的句型操练得较到位,总体来说,课文掌握得不错。厦门市X学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.04.26教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module 5一.教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词thousand, kilometer, might, million, pl

18、ace, building.2、能掌握句型会用“Will you pick?”询问他人想摘什么水果并能用“Yes, we will. No, we wont.”作出相应的回答.二.教学重点、难点 教学重点:会用“Will you pick?”询问他人想摘什么水果并能用“Yes, we will. No, we wont.”作出相应的回答。教学难点:使用一般将来时谈论将来发生的事情:Will we pick oranges?No, we wont.But we will pick peaches.。三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。四、教学过程Step 1:

19、 Warm up:Ss: Sing songs. T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Hong.Step 2: Revision;Present the task:教师出示一张果园的图片T: Whats this ? .It is a fruit farm Lets go to the fruitfarm .Look there ae so many fruit treesStep3. Presentation复习以前学过的几种水果Step4: T: Look at the trees . Will you pick app

20、les ?What will you pick ? 以此引导学生使用Yes , I will No, I wont .Ill pick .”回答Step5: 1. Listen to the tape recorder and answerSome questions :“what will they pick ? Will they pick apples?Will they pick pears ?Will they pick oranges ?Will they pick peaches ?2. .Activity Book P19 Ex 32Listen and repeatStep6

21、: Homework:1. Listen and repeat 3 times(M5 Unit1).2. Activity Book P18 Ex 1*Recite M5U1五、教学反思 本模块主要学习动词的一般将来时和数词1310。对于将来时,相信在理解概念、规则和运用上几乎一窍不通,他们只会死记硬背,生硬的套用句型Will we pick_? Yes, we will. No,we wont.但即使是生硬的套用,在发音上仍然十分的拗口,而且十分的不熟练。因此此句型有待进一步训练和加强,同时在句型的运用上也需要花更多的时间。而数词学生掌握较好,只是在四会掌握时,记忆方面有待提高。厦门市X学科

22、教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.02.18教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module6一.教学目标1、听懂人的工作、平常学习表现情况及询问他人情况的表达。2. 能看图读出课文中带有黑体单词的句子以及活动2中的例句。二.教学重点、难点 教学重点:1.一般进行时第三人称单数,例:He works , are的用法3.四会单词的掌握4听懂人的工作、平常学习表现情况及询问他人情况的表达。能询问和介绍某人的学习情况。能看图读出课文中带有黑体单词的句子以及活动2中的例句。三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm up:S

23、s: Sing songs. T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Hong.Step 2: Revision;Review some adj.:good, bad, naughty, clever, nice, shy, loud, quiet, T ask, Ss answer.Is t.Step4: Pair work and practice.2. Is to the tape recorder and answer Some questions .2. Listen and repeat 5 times.3. Rea

24、d M6U1 3 times.4. Read again and raise some questions you dont know.Step6: Homework:3. Listen and repeat 3 times(M6Unit1).4. Recite the new words.*Recite M61五、教学反思 本模块的形容词good, bad, naughty, clever, nice, shy, loud, quiet, helpful,lazy等学生掌握不错,特别是句型Is he?yesno.学生均能套用句型并灵活运用。而且他们对运用句型描述同学很感兴趣。课文的朗读有点拗

25、口,不是很流利,但基本上还能较通顺的朗读下来。四会单词的记忆仍然是一个需要解决的问题。厦门市X学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.02.18教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module 7一.教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词会说short, long, fat, thin, tall, old, young以及相关的表达,如:He was fat then. Now .2.能够说出课文中带有黑体单词的句子以及活动2中的例句。二.教学重点、难点听懂介绍别人的特征和状况(如:short、long、fat、thin、tall、old、young)。会说short, long,

26、 fat, thin, tall, old, young以及相关的表达,如:He was fat then. Now .能够说出课文中带有黑体单词的句子以及活动2中的例句三、教学准备:1.教具:学生用书,课堂活动用书,CDRom, 教学卡片。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm up:Ss: Sing songs. T: Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Miss Hong.Step 2: Revision;T: First, lets play a “please” game. If teacher say please, studen

27、ts do the action . If T do not say ,then Ss keep quiet.Step3. Presentation T: I prepare some pictures of famous men or cartoon , and let the students describe. For example : He is very tall. She is very thin. The cat is very fat.Step4: T: show the picture of little Lingling, Do you know who is she?S

28、tep5: T: OK, today we are going to learn Module 7, Unit 1. They were very young. Read after me.Ss: Step6: Now Amy is talking with Lingling. Lets listen to the tape and see who is she.Ss: Listen to the tape.T: So who is she?S1: She is Lingling.Step7: T: Now listen again and think : Are Linglings gran

29、dparents young now? Is Linglings to the tape.T: So are Linglings grandparents young now?S1: No.T: Is Linglings t young now, so they were very young. 引出“were”S1:.wereSs:. They were very youngT: teaching “was , werent , wasntStep9:Listen to the tape again and find out the sentences with “were , werent

30、 , was , wasnt” : review some antonyms ,for example :”long-short” “tall-short” “fat-thin” “young-old”Ss: Memory.T: pass the cards to studentsSs: find out the partners in the short time.then change the cards五、教学反思 本模块主要学习动词的一般将来时,课文虽然短,但学生对will的朗读似乎有点拗口,课文无法朗朗上口。动词的一般将来时学生不理解,对他的使用方法更是一窍不通。虽然课堂上反复的强调,但他们仍然理解不透。时态的使用和朗读方面有待加强和提高。厦门市X学科教案教师姓名: 陈 编写时间: 2010.02.18教学内容新标准英语(一年级起点)第二册Module 8一.教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词thousand, kilometer, might, million, place, building.2、能掌握句型Tell me more about the Great

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