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牛津译林版版英语九年级下册Unit4Life on Mars单元检测题及答案.docx

1、牛津译林版版英语九年级下册Unit4Life on Mars单元检测题及答案Unit 4检测卷一、单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1分, 计15分) ( )1. I dont know _ she studies hard or not. _she does, she will get good marks.A. if; If B. whether; Whether C. whether; If D. if; Whether( )2. - Must I finish my homework today? - No, you _. You _ finish it tomorrow.A. cant;

2、 may B. mustnt; must C. neednt; may D. mustnt; can( )3. _ doctor in that hospital _ kind and friendly.A. Each of; is B. Each; are C. Every; is D. Every; are( )4. - I seem to be lost. Could you tell me _? - Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.A. where is the nearest hospital B. how long it w

3、ill take me to the airport C. how far is my trip to the Olympic Village D. how I can get to the National Museum ( )5.- Where is Lily? - She _ Shanghai for five months.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. has come to ( )6. Many people believe _ students can study, do their homework and tak

4、e exams at online schools.A. whether B. if C. how D. that( )7. - Could I use your car? - No, you _.A. couldnt B. cant C. may not D. mustnt( )8. I cant understand _ Apples iPad 2. A. why are they so mad about B. why they are so mad about C. how are they so mad about D. how they are so mad about( )9.

5、Could you tell us _ around the earth?A. if does the moon go B. if the moon goes C. that the moon went D. that does the moon go ( )10. Jack asked his friend _.A. where was he from B. that the earth is bigger than the moon C. when did he come back D. not to be so angry ( )11.The piece of music is wort

6、h_.A. listening to B. listening C. to listen D. listen to( )12.Our teacher told us _.A. what life on Mars is like B. how life on Mars is likeC. what life on Mars was like D. how life on Mars was like( )13.-_life on Mars? -I like it. A .What do you think of B. How do you think C. What do you like D.

7、How do you think of( )14.-Could I go shopping with you tomorrow? Yes, you_.A. could B. may C. can D. must( )15.They are afraid of _on the island alone because they think some dangerous animals may do harm _them.A. live; for B. living; for C. living; to D. live; to二、完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)Man has 16 f

8、our kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellites studies the 17 of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see 18 they can find oil or gold. The second kind of satellites is used to guide 19 and planes. A ship or a plane can 20 a message to the satellite, and the sate

9、llite can find out where it is. The third kind of satellites studies the 21 . These satellites watch clouds and strong winds 22 across the earth. They warn countries to make preparations when very 23 weather is coming. They take photos of the earth from miles above it and send the photos to weather

10、24 on the ground. The last kind is used for 25 . Telephone calls 26 countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of 27 at one time. The call is sent to the satellite and then the satellite send it to the station in the country 28 is being phoned. These satellites also carry 29

11、, they can send about eight programs 30 . ( )16. A. discovered B. found C. invented D. seen( )17. A. chemistry B. physics C. biology D. geography( )18. A. what B. which C. where D. who( )19. A. ships B. planes C. buses D. trains( )20. A. bring B. take C. write D. send( )21. A. history B. medicine C.

12、 weather D. whether( )22. A. moved B. moving C. to move D. movement( )23. A. bad B. good C. fine D. well( )24. A. stations B. shop C. report D. studio( )25. A. sports B. communication C. shopping D. hearing ( )26. A. of B. from C. between D. among( )27. A. notes B. signs C. messages D. calls( )28. A

13、. which B. what C. who D. where( )29. A. languages B. films C. pictures D. plays( )30. A. in time B. on time C. at a time D. over time 三、阅读理解 A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(计30分) AWhen man began to search the skies, he saw a lot of things. In the universe, the earth seemed to be just a small bi

14、t of dust. It is only a small planet, and travels around the sun. The sun together with its planets, travels in the Milky Way(银河), our galaxy(星系). The Milky way has about thirty billion stars like our sun, and is one of about a hundred million galaxies in the universe. Because the space is so great,

15、 it is difficult to work out how far away a star is. Instead of kilometers, we have light years. A light year means the distance light travels in one year. Our nearest neighbour galaxy is more than 9,000,000 light years away from the earth.( )31. A galaxy is the name of _ .A. the sun B. a large grou

16、p of starsC. the universe D. planets like the earth( )32. There are about 100,000,000 _ in the universe.A. skies B. galaxies C. planets D. stars like suns( )33. A light year is a unit of _ .A. time B. distance C. length D. width( )34. Man has known that _ .A. other galaxies are near ours B. the Milk

17、y Way is the only galaxyC. the earth is a small part of the universe D. the sun is a large star in the Milky Way( )35. The nearest neighbour galaxy is more than 9 million light years from _ .A. the sun B. the moon C. the earth D. the Milky WayBJohn went to the planet Mars for his holiday. This is hi

18、s holiday.MondayWe arrived in the Mars City at 4:30 in the afternoon (Mars time) by a space shuttle. We went to the Mars Hotel (five stars) for dinner before going to bed. I was very tired after the journey (it takes 72 hours to get there) , but I am looking forward to my holiday very much.Tuesday I

19、 didnt sleep well because of the weightlessness(), the gravity is only about three-eighths of that on Earth. I hit my head on the bedroom ceiling several times. After breakfast we spent the morning on the Mars farm. They dont use earth or chemicals to grow their food. We had lunch on the farm and th

20、en had a hoverbus ride over the Mars City. That was very exciting. In the evening we went shopping in the Mars City Shopping Mall. I bought some souvenirs for my family and my friends.( )36. This is Johns _ .A. homework B. message C. diary D. letter( )37. They got to the Mars City _ . A. in the afte

21、rnoon B. in the evening C. at night D. in the morning( )38. It took them _ to arrive in the Mars City. A. several weeks B. several months C. 24 hours D. several days( )39. John had lunch _ . A. in the restaurant B. on the farm C. in the Mars City Shopping Mall D. in the hotel( )40. John didnt _ beca

22、use of the weightlessness. A. enjoy himself B. buy anything C. have breakfast D. sleep wellCAmericans love cars. They go everywhere in them. 85% of people in the US go to and form work by car. And most adults have driving licenses. Why does this car culture exist?How it startedAmericas love of cars

23、started after the war when soldiers returned home from World War to rebuild their lives. They borrowed money from the government to buy houses and cars which became the symbols of status(地位). The more money they had, the bigger their cars were.Making of roadsDuring the war, President Eisenhower noti

24、ced what good roads Germany had. He decided to build new four-lane(四车道)roads in America. He said is something happened suddenly, the two-lane roads wouldnt be able to carry all the cars that would suddenly leave the cities. Car and oil companies liked his idea and building started.Car loversNot just

25、 teenagers are crazy about cars. Some Americans love their cars so much that they paint their cars beautifully. These are called Art Cars. Every April there is an activity in Houston, Texas, where they show their cars.Pollution Cars have polluted the environment. American President Bush refused a wo

26、rldwide law that is against pollution. Many countries were angry about it. Bush said he had to think of the American economy(经济)and all the American people that make money from cars. Factories say they want to make cars that pollute less. But others say making cars that pollute less will never be as

27、 good as having fewer cars.( ) 41. When did Americans begin to love cars?A.Before the new two-lane roads were built/ B After World War .C.During World War . D.Before World War .( ) 42. New four-lane roads were built _. A. in Germany B. by car and oil companies C. in America D. when something suddenl

28、y happened( ) 43. The underlined word “building” here means “the building of_”. A. companies B. soldiers lives C. houses D. roads( ) 44. What were other countries feeling about Bushs decision?A.They agree with him. B.They showed anger to it.C.They paid no attention to it. D.The passage doesnt tell u

29、s.( ) 45. The meaning of the last sentence is: “_”.A.Its better to have fewer cars. B.Its better to make cars that pollute less.C.Its easier to make cars that pollute less. D.Its easier to make people have fewer cars.B. 阅读下面的短文, 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)What is your favourite cartoon?

30、It may be difficult for you to decide. But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry is the best one.When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom playing the piano. This was his first time to enjoy Western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.His talent at the keyboard has taken him from Shenyang to the world.Lang became a good piano student at three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and better. In

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