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1、新编剑桥商务英语课本辅导1.1 World of work 工作领域Focus 学习重点:1. Familiar with the vocabulary in the fields of work.2. Talk about training courses, job duties, and know how to keep work-life balance.3. Catch the information on the practices of listening and reading.4. The present simple and the expressions of freque

2、ncy1. -Warming up-Expressions on Job: Do you like your job? Do you often travel abroad? I work for a company that I work as What does your job involve? 这份工作涉及哪些内容? The job involves a lot of travel. 这份工作涉及到很多出差。 My job involves doing What do you do? Im between jobs right now. (unemployed) 失业的婉转说法 Wha

3、t exactly do you do in the company? 你在公司确切来说是做什么工作的? I deal with Who is your MD? 注意:The differences of Job titles between British and American English:董事长(British English) chairman / (American English ) President总裁 managing director / CEO财务经理 Finance Director / Vice-president of Finance I am based i

4、n .我上班的地方在,或者我家在,我老家在. Whats your job title? 你的工作头衔是什么? Hows the new job? 新工作怎么样? Im responsible for the development of the new products. 我负责新产品开发。 Hes in charge of the IT service. 他负责信息技术服务。 Its a very challenging job. 这是一份很有挑战性的工作。 I take care of everyday office procedures. 我负责办公室日常事务。 Are the hou

5、rs flexible? 你的工作时间灵活吗? Im on flexi-time. 我属于弹性工作制。 Would you mind working on weekends? 你介意周末加班吗? How many hours do you work a week? 你一周工作几小时?2. READING- Training and workshops Definitions:Workshop: (1) small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done 车间,工场,作坊。 e.g. I will have to send the

6、 broken chair away to the workshop.我得把那张坏了的椅子送到车间去。 (2) a brief intensive course for a small group that focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field 研讨会,讲习班 (有时候等同于seminar). e.g. He runs a two-day workshop on management techniques. 他开办了一个为期两天的管理技术专题研讨会。Question: if you ever atte

7、nd any training courses? Language training courses / computer training courses / leadership training course / management improvement training courses / School entrance examination training升学考试培训 / IELTS or TOFEL training courses 雅思/托福培训补充知识complementary knowledgeBackground of training courses 依据培训地点

8、不同通常有:1. 内部培训(Internal training或称in-house- training )是一种在工作场所进行的在职培训,因此也称为on-the-job training,其特点是经济实惠。2. 外部培训 (external training),是一种将员工送往专门培训机构的离岗培训,因此也称为 off-the-job training。3. 网上培训 (web-based training)是一种基于网络环境下的培训尤其受到那些公司员工分布地域广的公司的青睐。 依据培训内容不同通常有:1. 新员工岗前培训 (New employee orientation training)

9、2. 领导才能培训 (Leadership training)3. 实施绩效评价培训 (Performance appraisal training)4. 个人电脑培训 (Personal computer training)5. 团队精神培训 (Team building training)6. 招聘培训 (Hiring process training)7. 培训师培训 (Training the trainer)8. 新设备操作培训 (Operating new equipment training)9. 防止性骚扰培训 (Sexual harassment training)Part

10、1 On page 6, J&C Training is a company that provides training services for businesses, what do you think of what type of training this company might provide? J&C培训公司简介 J&C是一家为个人和职业发展提供咨询服务的培训咨询公司。总部设在牛津,由Janet Coyte,珍妮特.考约特掌管。珍妮特是一位经验丰富的教师和咨询师.她为公司和大学开设各种课程和讲习班.作为培训师,她的工作是帮助商业人士摆脱困境 。有时她也提供一对一的电话咨询或

11、电子邮件咨询。她著有两三本书,也写些关于演讲技巧和口头报告技巧的文章。同时,她还是国际著名的演说家,在世界各地发表鼓舞人心的演讲。Website: “对感兴趣”的常用表达法:1) Sb. is interested in sth. / sth. Interests sb. / sb. finds sth. Interesting2) Sth. appeals to sb. / sth. is appealing to sb. / sb. finds sth. appealing (吸引人的,引起兴趣的)3) Sb. is attracted by sth. / sth. attracts sb

12、. / sth. is attractive to sb. Part 2 Match the jobs with their definitions.1) Public event 公共事件2) Improve at a sport, skill or school subject 提高运动成绩、技能或学习成绩3) Advise sb. on sth. 给某人就某事提供建议。如:she advises the President on foreign affairs.她就外交事务给总统提供建议。Part 3 Complementary knowledge: how to write a com

13、pany profile?Part 4 which requests J & C can help with and give reasons.3. LISTENING- What does your job involve?Background: company structure the typical structure of Semling Photo graphics (英国塞姆宁摄影器材公司) Job titlesExecutive & ManagerialChairman of the Board of Directions 董事长Managing Director/ Gener

14、al Manager 总经理CEO: Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官CFO: Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官Financial Director 财务总管Marketing Director 营销总管Production Director 生产主管Director of Operations 运营总监Vice-President 副总裁Branch Manager 部门经理District Manager 市区经理General Manager 总经理Pers

15、onnel Manager/Human Resources Manager 人事经理Chief Accountant 总会计师Sales Manager 销售经理Marketing Manager 营销经理Public Relations Manager 公关经理Advertising Manager 广告经理Works/Factory/Production Manager 生产经理Purchasing Manager 采购经理After-sales Manager 售后经理Communication/ Information Manager 信息经理Quality Manager 质检经理R

16、. & D. Manager 研发经理Management consultant 管理咨询师Personal assistant 个人助理,私人助理Consultant 顾问In Marketing & SalesVice-President of Sales 销售副总裁Customer Manager 客户经理/ Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理Sales Manager 销售经理/ Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Merchandising Manager 采购经理/ Retail Buyer 零售采购员Marketing and Sa

17、les Director 市场与销售总监/ Marketing Director 市场总监Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员Sales Representative 销售代表Sales Administrator 销售主管Telemarketer 电话销售员/ Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监Customer Representative 客户代表Computer & MathematicsProject Manager 项目经理Systems Programmer 系统程序员Systems Engineer 系统工程师Informatio

18、n Analyst 信息分析Statistician 统计员Human ResourceDirector of Human Resources 人力资源总监Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员Recruiter 招聘人员Personnel Manager 人事经理中国特有的职位:Office manager办公室主任 Party secretary党委书记 Chairman of trade union工会主席Company departments:Business office营业部Personnel Department人事部Human Resources D

19、epartment (人力资源部)General Affairs Department总务部General Accounting Department财务部Sales Department销售部Sales Promotion Department促销部International Department国际部Export Department出口部Import Department进口部Public Relations Department公共关系Planning Department企划部Product Development Department产品开发部 Research and Devel

20、opment Department(R&D) 研发部 Secretarial Pool秘书室 Grammar:1) The present simple 一般现在时In detail: 1. 表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频率的时间状语连用:always, usually, regularly, every morning/night/evening/day/week, often, sometimes, occasionally, from time to time, twice a week, rarely, seldom, once a month, hardly, ever, ne

21、ver.e.g. I leave home for school at 7:00 every morning.2. 表示主语具备的性格、能力、特征和状态。 e.g. I dont want so much. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.3. 表示客观事实和普遍真理。e.g. The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China.4. 一般现在时表将来 1)下列动词:come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin

22、, return, live, fly的一般现在时表将来。这主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情(即按照固定时间表将来发生的动作)。 The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. / When does the bus start? / It starts in ten minutes. 2)倒装句,表示动作正在进行,如: Here comes the bus. = The bus is coming. There goes the bell. = The bell is ringing. 3)在时间或条件句中。 When Bill comes (不是

23、will come), ask him to wait for me. Ill write to you as soon as I arrive there. 4)在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等后。 I hope they have a nice time next week. Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room. 5).表示按规定、计划或时间表将要发生的事。 He starts next week. 他下个星期出发。 We leave very soo

24、n. 我们很快就离开。 The train starts at 10 oclock in the morning. 火车将在早上10点开出。 这类用法限于表示“移动”的动词:go去,come来,leave离开,start出发,begin开始,arrive到达,take off起飞,等。2) Adverbs and expressions of frequency1. Adverbs of frequency: Words such as always, usually, often, sometime, occasionally, rarely, seldom, and never usual

25、ly come before the verbs.2. Expressions of frequency: once a week, twice a month, every Monday, on Thursdays. These usually go at the end of the sentence.3. 频率副词在句子中的位置:动词前be 动词后3) Frequency: Adverb Frequency always100%usually90%often75%sometimes30%rarely10%never04. SPEAKING-: Work-life balance工作与生活

26、的平衡Discussion1. Do you work or study too much?2. Do you know how to balance your work with you life?3. What kind of life do you prefer, love the life you live or live the life you love?Answer: 1. I dont think I work or study too much, cause I think I know how to, and try to balance my work and life,

27、 just like I will get together with my friends at least once a week, I spend at least 1 or 2 hours a day to play with my daughter, and also I always prepare my work beforehand so I can manage my time well. 2. But the thing is the balance seems to be broken easily by our social aspects, such as, in C

28、hinese culture, we care too much about the opinions of others, so we have to satisfy the others from self-sacrifice, for example, you may have to work overtime to gain the positive view from your boss, you may have to entertain your clients even you dont really want to, you may have to dine with the

29、 other just for the avoidance of offensive, and so on, in one word, it is very hard to balance our work and life just due to our complicated culture and social environment. 3. As for the last question, there is no simple answer, people definitely prefer to live the life they love, but thing is life

30、is not always the one people love, neither the one can be changed to be the one people love, so people have to learn to love the life they live. Because I think survival goes first, the change is the secondary, and improvement should be the last. So I will learn to love the life I live, and then put

31、 all my efforts to try to create and live the life I love. Part 4. Complementary knowledge: Ways of work-life balance(保持工作与生活平衡的途径)1. Prioritize tasks(区分任务的优先次序)2. Set aside one night each week for recreation(每周留出一个晚上放松娱乐)3. Seek professional help(寻求专业帮助)5. -New words and Expressions:-business n. 工商企业;商行;商业/公司technique n. 技巧,技能cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的Internet n. 英特网,国际互联网presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述public speaking 演说,演讲cons

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