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高二英语unit 1知识讲解新人教版选修7.docx

1、高二英语unit 1知识讲解新人教版选修7人教版课程标准实验教材(英语 选修7第1单元)知识讲解第一单元考点预览: 1词汇:ambition, adapt , beneficial , similar, absence , including , ignore, encouragement 2 短语: make fun of, set up, even though , dream about , at least , as well as , as well , deal with, in other words, out of breath, all in all live a life,

2、 get annoyed , be different from语言点:1.try (v, n) (1) 试图,设法,努力 I dont know if I can come , but Ill try.(2) 试,试用, 试验 Have you tried this new coffee? Its very good . 尝过(3) try 后可接名词,动名词,不定式,what 从句等 a John isnt here. Try phoning his home number. b What are you trying to do ? c Try the suit on to see wh

3、ether it fits you .(4) try to do sth 努力做某事; try doing sth 尝试做某事 为什么不尝试乘火车去那里呢?_? 他努力地要把箱子搬到楼上,但失败了。_ 如果前门没有人开,你可以敲后门试试。_(5) 词组: try sth on 试穿 try out 试验,尝试 try ones best (to do sth) 尽某人最大的努力类似用法: stop to do sth , mean to do sth forget to do sth remember to do sth stop doing sth mean doing sth forget

4、 doing sth remember doing sth2. achieve (1) (凭努力) 达到(目标等) He had finally achieved success. (2) 成功 Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school.词组:achieve success/victory/purpose 获得成功/取得胜利/达到目的 achievement (n) 成就,伟绩 achievable (adj)能完成的, 能达到的3 proud 骄傲的,自豪的。 常用于以下结构:be proud of be

5、 proud to do sth be proud that Your achievements are something to be proud of. I feel proud to be a part of the team. He is very proud that he is a scientist. I do admit Im rather proud of my progress. pride (n) take pride in = be proud of proudly (adv) 4 represent (1) 代表,象征,标志 The rose represents E

6、ngland. Our firm is represented in India by Mr Hall.我公司驻印度 He represented China in the conference .他代表中国参加了这个会议。The trade union represents over 200000 workers. (2) 描绘,描述,塑造 The picture represents the battle of Waterloo. The picture represents a hunting scene. representative (n, adj) 代表(人), 有代表性的, 典型

7、的; representation (n)代表, 表现,描绘(指事物);近义词辨析: represent 强调代表(官方,政府),代言人,stand for 代表(含义,符号) UN _the United States . Wen Jiabao _our government to give a talk at the congress.5 set up (1) 摆放,竖起(某物) Police set up roadblocks on routes leading out of the city. (2) 建立 They want to set up a state of their ow

8、n. 近义词辨析: set up 指建立组织机构等抽象事物, 也可指竖起,搭起,此时等于put up A new school has been set up in my hometown. build 多指建立房屋,桥梁,道路等 The house was built in 1960s. put up 多指建立临时性的房屋,帐篷等They put up a tent by the riverside for the night.(过夜) found 指创建(组织,国家); 把基于之上 The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949.For

9、all these years , I have been working for others . Im hoping Ill _my own business someday. A turn up B fix up C set up D make up 相关短语: (1)set about (doing sth)/ set out to do sth 着手做(2)set off 出发,动身(3)set fire to 点燃,生火 (4) set down 记下,写下,放下 (5)set on 攻击(6)set an example 树立榜样 (7)set aside 把放在一边,省出,留出

10、 She tries to set aside some money every month. (8) set back 使推迟,耽误,使延误 The bad weather set back the building programme by several weeks. (9) set apart 留出,拨出(专用) Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries . (10) set forward 提出,拨快(钟表),促进6 ambition (c, u) (1) 雄心,野心,志气,抱负,志向 A boy who is filled ambi

11、tion usually works hard. His ambition to become the Prime Minister is likely to be realized.(2) 目标,夙愿(c) He has great ambitions . 胸怀大志 He has realized his ambitions .(抱负) be ambitious to do sth ambitious (adj)有雄心的,有志气的be ambitious of sth/ have the ambition for sth渴望得到某物full of ambition 野心勃勃 7 simila

12、r (adj) 相似的,类似的 be similar to (to为介词)与相似 be similar in 在方面相似 similarity (n)类似点 Shanghai is similar to Shenzhen in many ways. There are many similarities between the two.8 take a lesson/lessons 上课,学习课程,修课程 He prefers to take English lessons rather than take Chinese ones. give sb a lesson/lessons 给某人上

13、课 teach sb a lesson 教训某人 The accident taught me a lesson Ill never forget.9 in other words 换句话说(做插入语) Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical compositions. In other words, he was a great musician.Im not used to the way you speak to me. In other words, I dont want to continue our conversations (1)i

14、n word 口头上 I dont want you to tell me in word that you will study hard. (2)in words 用语言(来表达)一般置于句末 You dont know how wonderful it is . It cant be described in words.(3) in a /one word 一句话,简言之,总之 In a word, we must try our best to do the work. (4)get in a word插话(5)leave word留言(6)have a word with sb与谈

15、谈 (7)break ones word失信,食言(8)keep ones word遵守诺言 (9)word by word 逐字地,一字不变地10 as (1) conj 用作连词可引导时间,原因,让步,比较,方式等状语从句 As he looked at her, she made a face. As he didnt know much English, he got out his dictionary and looked up . He doesnt speak as the other people do . You must do as I told you. He is n

16、ot so diligent as you. Young as he is , he knows a lot. Child/Student as he is, he has a good knowledge of history.As a young boy , he lost his parents in the war. I watched her as she combed her hair. I have changed it as you suggested.I read the letter as I walked along the river. As you werent th

17、ere , I left a message. As he has been ill , perhaps he needs help.Try as he would , he couldnt open the door. Tired as they were, they walked on. Leave the table as it is. (2) 作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,先行词前常有such, the same, as, so 与之呼应,构成suchas, soas,等 Well make such computers as are needed in different bran

18、ches of science. I want to buy the same shoes as were advertised. (3) 作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,as 指前或后面整个句子的内容。 As you can see in the map, the two cities are far away from each other. As everybody knows ,all that glitters is not gold. (4) prep 作为 You will be welcomed as a hero tomorrow morning . She treats

19、him as her brother. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot in Canada, _this was a memory she especially treasured. A as B if C when D where 11 adapt (1) 使适应;使适合,适应。一般与to 连用adapt (oneself ) to,相当于adjust to Can you adapt yourself to the new job? Youd better adapt to the new enviro

20、nment as soon as possible. She adapted herself quickly to the new climate. He could not adapt his way of life to the company. (2) 改编,改写(rewrite) adapt A for B 把A 改编为B The story was adapted for a TV play. Difficult books are sometimes adapted for use in schools . 以适应学校之用。 adapt from 从选取/改编 The play i

21、s adapted from a novel. This novel has been adapted for radio from Russian original. adapter/adaptor (n) 改编者 adaptation (n) 适应,改编 adaptable (adj) 能适应的,可改编的 近义词辨析: adjust强调调整或调节以适应 adapt指修改或改变,使某人或某物做些改变以适应新条件,此意时可互换。 You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes .把望远镜调节到适合你的目光

22、之后,你才能看见。 It took her a while to adjust to living alone after the divorce. It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark. Youll quickly adjust yourself to student life. Im afraid he cant adapt to the idea of having a woman as his boss.12 at a time 一次 Hand me two at a time. 相关词组: (1) all

23、 the time一直,始终 (2) many a time 屡次,许多次(3) several times (4) at one time以前,曾经(5) ahead of time 提前 (6) once upon a time 从前 (7) have a good time 过得愉快 (8) in no time 立刻 (9) from time to time 有时,不时的 (10) in time 及时 (11) on time 按时,准时(12) at any time 随时,在任何时候 (13)for the first time第一次 (14) out of time 不合时宜

24、 (15) kill time消遣,消磨时光 13 including (prep) 包括,包含在内,一般用于名词或代词之前; included一般用于名词或代词之后 We all went including me . We all went , me included. Six people were killed in the accident , a driver _. 近义词辨析: contain “包含,含有,装着,盛着 ” , 通常指在一个整体中所包含含有的全部内容,或在一个容器中容纳的全部东西,强调包含的整体内容。 include “包含,包括” 指在一个整体中包括了其中一部分

25、内容项目等, 强调包含部分。常用的两种表达方式: including sb/ sth = sb/sth included Sea water contains salt. Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. The price includes both the house and furniture. The atlas contains all the information.14 absence (n) 不在,缺席,缺少 absence of mind 心不在焉,精神恍惚 in ones abse

26、nce /in the absence of sb 在背地里,在某人不在时 absent (adj) 缺席的 absent-minded 心不在焉的 be absent from 不在,缺席 They spoke ill of the captain in his absence/ in the absence of him.15 until 直到为止, not until 用于句首时后面的主句要用倒装语序(1) conj 后接时间状语从句, 也可用于强调结构。 People dont know the value of health until they lose it.Not until

27、you told me did I know his death. Not until his mother came back, did the little boy go to bed. It was not until the government took measures that the spread of AIDS was controlled . (2) prep 在肯定句中,与延续性动词连用,意为“直到为止” ; 在否定句中与瞬间动词连用, 意为“在之前, 不到就”Ill stay here until /till next Monday. He didnt come unt

28、il late in the afternoon. (傍晚)16 used to 表示过去经常或持续性的行为, 现在已经不再发生。 常用did 帮助构成疑问句和否定句,也可用used You used to drink , usednt you/didnt you? There used to be some trees in this field, usednt there/ didnt there? I used to swim in this river. Used you to swim in this river? Did you use to smoke a pipe? (烟斗)

29、近义词辨析: used to 过去常常,指过去的状况,也可指习惯,现在已经停止了,可与be连用。 would 多指过去的动作反复,与现在无关。不与be 连用。 He used to be a quiet boy . He would sit on the river bank fishing when he was a young child. 相关短语:(1) be used to do 被用来做 Bamboo can be used to make paper. Stamps are used to send letters. (2) be/get used to doing sth习惯于

30、 He is not used to getting up early. Im not used to eating the same food every day. (3)be used for doing sth Stamps are used for sending letters. (4) use up 用光,用尽 used up 筋疲力尽17 tooto (1) 用来表示否定意义,可用notenough to 和sothat 来进行句式转换。The child is too young to go to school.= The child is not old enough to

31、go to school.=The child is so young that he cant go to school. (2) tooto 句式中,too 后接ready, glad, willing, pleased, delighted 等形容词时,无否定意义。He is too willing to help others. Im only too glad to go home. (3) tooto 句式中,too前用否定词(never,not) 时,表示肯定意义。His courage is never too much to be praised.他的勇气再表扬也不为过。 (4) too not to .句式表示肯定意义。 He is too wise not to solve this problem.他非常聪明,必能解决这个问题。 (5) cant too 表示“无论怎么样也不过分” You cant be too care

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