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1、初中英语中考复习短语专项练习选择题64016500题初中英语中考复习短语专项练习(选择题)6401-6500题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1-I have a very lovely toy car.-Really? Can I _ ?Atake a looking Bhave a see Chave a seeing Dtake a look2_ they good at _ cakes ?ADo, make BIs, making CDoes, make DAre, making3The teacher asks us not to _the playground in cl

2、ass.Alook into Blook out for Clook out at Dlook out of4-Are the teachers having a discussion with the students?-No. The teachers dont play part in deciding the winner.Aa BanCthe D/5He always eats _meat for meals.Atoo many Btoo Ctoo much Dmuch too6I get up _. Im never late _ school.Alate; to Bearly;

3、to Clate; for Dearly; for7_ the meeting, the boss told us an interesting story .AWith the beginning BAt the beginning ofCWith the beginning of DAt the beginning8-_ the doctor, the little boy came back to life at last.AThanks of BThanks for CThank to DThanks to9When shall we go to our school trip? _.

4、Anot until next week BTill next weekCFor next week; DNearly a week10He failed in the exam again.His mother was _ him.Aproud of Binterested in Cfull of Dangry with11The newspaper is _ packing books.Aused to Bused for Cusing to D using for12When her parents werent at home, shetook care ofyour sister.A

5、look for Bcared forClook over Dlook after13Please remember _ the light when you leave the room.OK, I will.Ato turn off Bturning offCto turn on Dturning on14The children last near the river at 5 p. m. yesterday.Awere; seen playing Bdid; see playingCwere; seen play Ddid; see play15When I fail the exam

6、s, my parents always me to work harder and make more progress.Aencourage Bconsider Cachieve Dcheck16-Sorry, sir. But is this backpack yours?-Oh, sorry. I just took it _. It looks like mine.Aby accidentBby chanceCby mistake17What was your daughter searching ?Afor the Internet Bfor on the InternetCthe

7、 information for the Internet DInternet18The air is _ polluted and PM 2.5 pollution is really harmful _ childrens health.Abad; for Bbad; to Cbadly; for Dbadly; to19Could you tell me _ your parents have been away from home?About five days.Ahow far Bhow long Chow often Dhow soon20You must try your bes

8、t because you cant depend _ your parents all the life.Aof Bfor Con Dupon21Im if there are UFOs.(飞碟)Asure not Bnot sureCnot be sure Dsure that22Peter, please come here and help me _ the tent. OK, Im coming.Aput on Bcut up Ccut down Dput up23Children can enjoy success by _ the problems by themselves.A

9、working out Bcoming out Ctaking out Dbringing out24The music sounds_. It _ running water.Awell, sounds Bwell, sounds likeCnice, sounds Dnice, sounds like25After half an hour, other students began to in the schoolyard.Atake off Bget out of Ccome out of Dshow up26Do you often enjoy yourself _ computer

10、 games?Aplay Bto play Cplaying Dplays27Could I speak to Jim, please? _, please. I will see if he is in.AKeep on BHold on CPut on DNo28We were looking forward to seeing the three film stars in today s concert, but to our great disappointment, only one _.Agrew up Bshowed up Cwoke up29The foreigners en

11、joyed themselves in Jiuzhaigou and they were all _ with the tripApleased BamazingCpleasing Dsurprising30Ask Bob_ the key. He has it.Ain Bat Cfor Dto31 _have you been like this? Two days.AHow long BHow often CHow much32He never_ the train to work.Atake Bby Ctakes33 Wood, please hold out your hands an

12、d close your eyes, a big surprise for you! Oh, iPhone 7. Thank you, Dad.Arush outBreach outCfind out34What do you think a good friend can do for you? He or she can help to _ the best in me.Afind out Bbring out Cmake up Dput up35Why are you unhappy, John?I didnt finish my homework again. Im afraid Mi

13、ss Zhang will be me.Aangry with Bfriendly to Cproud of Dinterested in36My daughter usually spends the night with her best friend on Sundays.Auses the night to help her best friendBthinks of her best friend for a nightCstays with her best friend for a night37-What do you think of Simon?-Well, I find

14、it hard to him.Aget along with Bget through Cget to Dget across38 When did you _ writing as your hobby? When I was ten.Atake up Btake down Ctake off Dtake in39The plane to Chengdu _ just now. You have to wait until tomorrow.Atook out Btook after Ctook off Dtook away40-Its _ late now, Mary. Its time

15、to go to bed.-But I still have _ homework to do.Atoo much; too many Bmuch too; much tooCtoo many; too much Dmuch too; too much41My uncle is repairing some old bikes these days. He plans to to charity.Agive them away Bgive them up Ctake them away Dpick them up42 What do you think of my shirt? It cott

16、on.It looks nice on you.Ais made in Bis made forCis made by Dis made of43 Why did you _ the boys help just now?I cant ask others for help as long as I meet a difficulty. I need to learn to help myself out.Alook for Bhear fromCfeel like Dturn down44My best friend sits next _ me.Ato Bon Cin Dbeside45M

17、ike visited his teacher with his classmates_.Alast Sunday Bon Sunday Cevery Sunday Dnext Sunday46What does your sister _?She is tall and has short black hair.Alook at Blook for Clike Dlook like47 How does your mother like the apartment? She the price, but she says the community is dirty and noisy.Ai

18、s popular with Bis strict with Cis satisfied with48How much did you _ the coat? 100 yuan.Apay on Btake for Ccost to Dspend on49Do you prefer ?Askate Bskates Cskating50The traffic heavy the heavy snow.Awere; because Bwas; becauseCwere; because of Dwas; because of51Why are you so happy, Mike? Because

19、I have a bedroom _now.Ain my own Bon my own Cby my own Dof my own52She was unable _ at the age of eight.Aswim Bswam Cto swim Dswimming53一When she heard the sad news, she hardly wished to live.一I quite understand her situation. Anyway, everything will be OK as time .Agoes by Bruns out Cruns away54Rea

20、ding a lot is very useful. Im sure you can learn English well _.Ain a way Bin this way Con the way Dby the way55The old should _Abe talked politely Bbe talked to politelyCbe talked to polite Dtalked to polite56I think math is more useful than PE.I dont_you.They are both useful.Aget on with Bcatch up

21、 withCtalk with Dagree with57How could you get such a good idea?What my father said made me excited, and then I _ the idea.Aput up with Bcaught up withCkept up with Dcame up with58Tom is _ in the _ book.Ainterest, interestingBinterested, interestingCinteresting, interested59Why are you so busy?Oh, I

22、 have to too many things on business.Adoes with Bdo with Cdo in Ddid in60Im _ in the _ story.Ainteresting; interesting Binterested; interestingCinterested; interested Dinteresting; interested61By whom will the children be_.Alooked after Blooked at Clooked like Dlooked62Friends should _happiness and

23、sorrow _each other.Ashare, with Bsolve, withCshare, from Dshare, to63He _ all the money, so he had to go back home.Arun out of Bran out of Chas run out Druns out of64Mike Smith has been in China for fifteen years. He has made _ Chinese friends.Aa lot of Ba bit of CA set of .65If the fire _, anybody

24、should _ 119 at once and the firemen would come in no time.Abroke out, ring Bwas broken out, phoneCbroke out, dial Dwas broken out, talk66(2015南充中考)Everyone is born the ability to learn.Aat Bon Cwith Din67He asked me if I_ mad _him.Awas; at Bam; at Cwas; to Dam ; to68He_ much food_ the poor family d

25、uring the hard time.Aprovided; to Bprovides; withCprovided; with Dprovided; for69-Daniel, your books are in a terrible mess on your desk. -Really sorry. Ill _ at once.Aput them away Bput them out Cput them on Dput them down70The police have _ the thief for several days but they still couldnt find hi

26、m.Alooked up Blooked for Clooked after Dlooked at71His toys are all over, but he never_Atidy them up Btidies it up Ctidies up them Dtidies them up72You have nothing_ your work.Acomplaining of Bto complain Ccomplaining Dto complain about73 I cant believe my eyes. The town has changed _. Thats right.

27、The people here are always working hard.Aquite a few Bso much Cvery little Dtoo many74_, my brother passed the exam.ATo my great surprising BTo my great surpriseCWith my joy DWith my surprise75Lily, are you getting ready your birthday party?Afor Bto Cat76Ill _ my parents _ this evening.Acall , back

28、Btake , to Ctell, about Dask , for77She had her hair _.Acutting Bcut Cto cut Dcuts78Thanks for helping me _ my English. I am much better _ it now.You are welcome.Afor; with Babout; at Cwith; for Dwith; at79Will Marys mother _ this afternoon?Agoes to see a film Bgo to the film Csee a film Dgoes to the film80The mountain torrent (山洪) at night ,It killed about 300 personsAtake place Btook the place Cbroke out Dhappen81I think drinking milk ev

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