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考研英语语法 非谓语动词6.docx

1、考研英语语法 非谓语动词6LECTURE 6 非谓语动词本堂目标 熟悉非谓语动词的四种基本形式有其基本用法,重点掌握一些固定句型与结构中的动名词、同一动词(短语)后不定式和动名词比较、现在分词与动名词的区别。基础预习 非谓语动词是指那些在句中不能单独充当句子谓语成分的动词形式。基本形式有四种:不定式(infinitive)、动名词(gerund)、分词(participle)和独立主格结构。一、不定式动词不定式是非谓语动词中使用最广泛的一种,在句子中,它除了不能作谓语外,可以担当其他任何成分,可以作主语、宾语、表语、状语、定语和宾语补足语。它在句子中起名词、形容词和副词的作用。 1不定式的时态

2、与语态动词不定式由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,但有时to也可以省略。动词不定式不仅具有主动与被动的形式,而且还有一般、进行和完成三种时态形式。一般时具有较鲜明的将来意义,所以常用来表示尚未发生的动作,这一点非常重要。进行式和完成式则分别表示正在进行的动作和先于谓语动词发生的动作。一般时进行时完成时主动to doto be doingto have done被动to be doneto be being doneto have been done【例1】It isnt cold enough for there to be a frost tonight, so I can leave Jim

3、s car out quite safely.【点睛】从句子的意思来看,是今天夜里有霜冻,用不定式的一般式来表示将来的状态。【译文】今夜不会冷到上冻的程度,所以我可以放心地把吉姆的车停在外面。【例2】He seems to be eating something. 他好像在吃东西。According to your market report, demand seems to be returning.根据你方市场报道,需求似乎正在恢复。【例3】(93-语法)The local health organization is reported to have been set up twenty

4、-five years ago when Dr. Audio became its first president.【点睛】本句中,set up的动作发生在report之前,这里表示过去的时间状语twenty-five years ago是修饰不定式,而不是修饰is reported。所以,用不定式完成时表示先于谓语动词发生的动作。【译文】据说,这家当地的健康卫生组织是在25年前成立的,当时Audio医生担任其首任主席。2不定式的语法功能 动词不定式具备名词、形容词和副词三种词性,所以能充当的句子成分也很多。1)作主语不定式结构作主语时,为避免头重脚轻,一般用it作形式主语。【例】(05-Te

5、xt 2)Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that its OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. 【点睛】在第二个that后的句子中,it作形式主语,不定式结构to keep pouring作真正的主语。【译文】就像发生在吸烟的事情上一样,现在有来自很多地区的人的呼吁声坚持有关全球变暖的科学研究不充分,他们坚

6、持认为向大气中继续排放气体没有大碍,直到我们知道确切的原因。2)作宾语以不定式直接作宾语的动词多为“同意、决定、试图、安排、保证、拒绝、喜欢、害怕、假装、申请”等含义的词。【例】Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard templates (patterns) into which they plug each days events.【点睛】此处不定式to see作谓语动词learn的宾语。【译文】很多新闻记者学会了用一套标准的模板(模式)去看待世界,并把每天发生的事件插入这种模板。用it作形式宾语,而

7、将其真实宾语不定式后置的动词多属“认为、判定、感觉”等含义的词,如consider,feel,find,judge,make,think等。【例】We consider it necessary to combine theory with practice. 我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。He feels it his duty to help others. 他觉得帮助别人是他的责任.She finds it difficult to contrive now that prices are rising every month. 因为物价每月上涨,所以使她觉得难以持家。Even when

8、 we forgive an enemy, we are very slow to trust him; we judge it to be imprudent to do so. 我们即使原谅自己的敌人人,却不容易再信任他;因我们以为这样做是不明智的。3)作表语 不定式结构作表语,跟在系动词后面,说明主语的状态。【例】(04-Text 1)Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when y

9、ou get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. 【点睛】此处不定式to use. a particular database作表语。【译文】因此,最好的办法就是将这个代理看作是一种提示器,使你手头总是有几个工作机会;收到电子邮件的时候,就当它是提醒你再去资料库里看一看。4)作定语在下列名词/代词后常接动词不定式作定语:名词例示倾向:tendency His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roommates.他老是说话尖刻,使同寝室的人和

10、他疏远了。能力:ability, capabilityWe are not sure that he has the ability to pay.我们不确定塔有支付能力。同意:agreement,consentShe was chosen by common consent to speak for the group.大家一致同意她作选举人决心、决定:decision, determination, resolutionTom made up the decision to go around world in three year all alone. 汤姆下定决心三年独自一人周游世界。

11、安排、意图:ambition, desire, arrangement, attempt, plan, promise, wishShe has the ambition to learn other peoples language. 她怀有学习其他民族语言的抱负。不定代词:something, anything, nothingI want something to eat.我想要点吃的。其他:failure, need, reason, right, pressureThe pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic, but

12、 it also puts them under a constant emotional strain. 竞争的压力使美国人精力充沛,但也常令他们处于精神紧张的状态中。【例】(02-翻译)Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems. 【点睛】此处不定式结构to solve.作the only way的定语。【译文】(如果)这些问题得不到解决,研究行为的

13、技术手段就会继续受到排斥,解决问题的唯一方式可能也随之继续受到排斥。5)作状语不定式结构可以单独作状语,表示目的,经常以in order to,so as to,suchas to等形式出现。不定式结构单独作状语,还可表示结果。【例】(08-Text 3)The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing n

14、umbers of bigger, longer frames. 【点睛】不定式to fit .作adjust team uniforms的目的状语。【译文】随着时间的推移,这些参加了主要的职业联赛的运动员的身体发生了巨变,管理层更愿意调整队服来适应日益增多的更高、更壮的运动员的需要。此外,only + to do这一结构表示一种出乎意料或非主观愿望所希望的结果,该结构常常用逗号与前部分句子隔开。【例】1) He hurried to that house, only to find a empty house. 他急忙赶到那所房子,却发现空无一人。2)A sad thing about li

15、fe is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to find out in the end that you have wasted years on someone who wasnt worth it .生活中一件悲哀的事情是,你遇见某人并陷入情网,到头来却发现你在某个根本不值得你爱的人身上浪费了数年的光阴。6)作补语不定式结构作补语时需要注意,在使役动词与感观动词后,不定式符号to要省去,但在被动语态中to要补充出来。使役动词如make, let, have等,感观动词如hear, see, feel, watch, notice等

16、。【例】The man was seen to fall heavy to the ground and never come up again.【点睛】此句中,fall前的不定式符号to不能省略,因为该不定式位于被动语态结构中。【译文】只见那人重重地摔在地上,再也没有起来。3不带to的动词不定式情况例示在do.but/except结构中:当but或except前有do的某种形式时,后接不带to的动词不定式。The train is late, and I can do nothing but wait. 火车晚点了,我只能等。在 do far more than 后面不定式省略toIn th

17、e course of a day students do far more than just attend classes. 一天之中学生们要做的不仅是上课。在had better, would rather/sooner than , ratherthan, would just as soon, might just as well, cannot (help) but 等之后都必须接动词原形。Tim cannot but ask his supervisor to help him solve the difficulty he has in doing the project. 蒂

18、姆不得不请他的导师帮他解决在项目研究中碰到的困难。在感观动词或使役动词,如hear, listen to, feel, see, look at, watch, notice, observe, perceive, let, make, bid, have, note, leave等后,动词不定式作宾语补足语时不带to。She felt someone pat her on the head.她感到有人轻轻地拍了拍她的头。【补充拓展】在there is no choice/alternative but 或have no choice/alternative but 两句型中,but后接带to

19、的动词不定式。例如:1)We will eventually have no choice but to make significant structural adjustments in the major retirement programs. 我们最终别无选择,必须对几大退休制度做出重大的结构调整。2)That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but to call in the police. 此事如此严重,我别无选择,只有报警。4“for+名(代)词+不定式”结构由for加名词或代词宾格加不定式构成的复合结构,在句中可以用

20、作主语、表语、定语和目的状语。语法功能例示作主语For a child to do that job is just inconceivable.让一个孩子做这项工作真是不可思议。=Its just inconceivable for a child to do that job. 作表语That is for you to decide. 那个由你决定。作定语Its time for us to go.我们该走了。作目的状语He stood aside for her to pass.他靠边站让她过去。二、动名词1动名词的时态与语态动名词具有某些动词的特征,因而有时态和语态的变化。时态有一般

21、式和完成式,语态有一般被动式和完成被动式,列表如下:时态 语态主动语态被动语态一般式doingbeing done完成式having donehaving been done【例】(04-Text 1)Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you. 【点睛】句中的working和having为动名词一般式的主动语态。【译文】有一个个人搜索代理就等于有另外一双眼睛帮你巡视着外面的世界。【例】There was no sign that Mr Jospin, who

22、 keeps a firm control on the party despite having resigned from leadership of it, would intervene personally. 【点睛】在that引导的宾语从句中,despite为介词,其后要用动名词形式;而resign这一动作发生在would intervene之前。故应使用动名词的完成式having resigned。【译文】没有迹象表明,尽管已经从领导岗位上退下来但仍然牢牢控制着该党的乔斯潘先生将会亲自出面干涉。【补充拓展】动名词在deserve, need, require, want, bea

23、r, take(需要), stand(需要、忍受)等动词及形容词worth后时,常以主动语态来表示被动意义。除take, stand, worth外,以上动词后也可加不定式被动式,意思不变。例如:1)Your hair wants cutting.=Your hair wants to be cut.你的头发需要理了。2)This method deserves recommending.=This method deserves to be recommended.这个方法值得推荐。3)That novel is not worth reading.那部小说不值得一读。2动名词的语法功能1)

24、作主语有时动名词直接放在主语的位置,有时用it作形式主语,真正的主语动名词放在谓语之后,这种用法一般出现在It is no use (good) doing sth.或It is worthwhile doing sth.这样的习惯表达法中。【例】(01-翻译)And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder kitchen rage. 【点睛】that引导结果状

25、语从句,从句的主语为动名词短语controlling and operating them。【译文】家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们将会引发一种新的心理疾病厨房狂躁症。2)作动词宾语 表示“承认、否认、喜欢、厌恶、禁止、赞成、反对、继续、停止、完成、错过、容忍、延缓、考虑、建议”等含义的动词,常要求动名词作宾语。【例】(08-Text 3)The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing. 【点睛】动名词g

26、rowing作stopped的宾语。【译文】然而,体育领域的这种趋势或许掩盖了这样一个没有被认识的事实:总的来说,美国人的身高已经停止了增长。3)作介词宾语【例】(03-Text 3)Its a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. 【点睛】动名词determining.作介词of的宾语。【译文】经济学

27、家对这种理论表示同意,但实际上常常要由铁路部门去决定哪些公司赢利,哪些公司亏损。4)作表语作为名词性的表语,动名词总是与主语存在对等关系,即说明主语的具体内容。实际上,有两种不同性质的表语,一种说明主语“是什么”,往往用名词或名词性结构表示;另一种说明主语“怎么样”,通常用形容词性的词语充当。【例】1)Wasting time is robbing oneself. 浪费时间就是掠夺自己。2)The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. 原料费用昂贵使得产品价格居高不下.3)Our work is serving the people

28、我们的工作是为人民服务。4)His victory in the final was no more convincing than I had expected.他最后的胜利正如我当初预料的那样。5)作定语动名词作定语是一种特殊的定语,只说明所修饰名词的用途。如:dining hall(餐厅),teaching facilities (教学设施)等。【例】(98-翻译)Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing i

29、n on such structures, and may report their findings soon. 【点睛】动名词短语working with.作定语,修饰Astrophysicists。【译文】天体物理学家使用南极陆基探测器及球载仪器,正越来越近地观测这些云系,也许不久会报告他们的观测结果。3动名词的逻辑主语动名词用物主代词或名词所有格表示它的逻辑主语,一般有如下规则:具体情况例示逻辑主语是有生命名词时,用名词或代词所有格(作主语时,其逻辑主语只用所有格,若作宾语,逻辑主语也可用通格)。1)Marys coming home is a great pleasure to he

30、r family, especially to her parents. 玛丽的归来使她家人尤其是她父母非常高兴。2)Mother disliked me (/my) working late.母亲不喜欢我工作到很晚。逻辑主语是无生命名词或抽象概念名词时,只用通格。1)She is fond of coffee being served after dinner.她喜欢饭后喝点咖啡。2)Is there any hope of our team winning the match?我们队有希望获胜吗?逻辑主语是以s结尾的名词或是一个以上名词构成的词组,只用通格。1)The glory of t

31、he marshal counts on many soldiers dying on the battlefield.一将成名万骨枯。2)It is quite unexpected the students finishing the exam so soon.学生们这么快就答完考卷,是十分出乎意料的。逻辑主语是数词、指示代词或不定代词this, that, somebody, someone, nobody, none, anybody, anyone时,一般用通格。He was awakened by somebody shouting outside.他被外边吵闹的人唤醒。【补充拓展】1)excuse, forgive, pardon, prevent之后不能直接跟动名词作宾语,只能跟带有逻辑主语的动名词结构。例如:“Excuse my troubling you again,” he said, “May I walk along with you a little way?” 他说:“抱歉又来麻烦你,我可以和你一起走一段路吗?”2)动

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