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沪教牛津版七年级上册unit 4复习.docx

1、沪教牛津版七年级上册unit 4复习Unit 4一、重点词汇梳理1.Australia 澳大利亚 【考点】Australian 澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的2.wet 湿的【考点】同义词 = not dry3.everything 所有的事情【考点】1. 同义词 = all the things 2. 谓语动词视作单数例:Everything _ (go) well.4.blow v. 吹 ;吹风 ;【考点】 过去式为blew 例:The wind _ strongly last night.5. 表心情、感觉的形容词有: interested , excited, surprised ,-ed结尾

2、的,通常“人”作主语。当以-ing结尾 的形容词:interesting, exciting, surprising 常是修饰事物或事物作主语。 例:Mary is _ (interest) in the _(interest) story.6. snowy adj. 下雪的; snow v 下雪; n. 雪;【拓展】表天气的词有: cloud n. 云 -cloudy adj. 多云的 wind v/ n 风- windy adj 刮风的 rain v/ n 雨- rainy adj 下雨的 sun n 太阳-sunny adj 晴朗的1.spend v. 花费(时间、金钱) , 度过; 【

3、考点】spend.on sth 表示“某一方面花”; spend .(in) doing sth 表示“做某事花了.时间或金钱”。 【拓展】词汇辨析:“四个”花费,spend, pay, cost, take,四个词用法不同,请观察: 1)I spend 2 yuan on my pen./ I spend one hour (in) reading this story. 2)I pay 2 yuan for my pen. 3)This pen costs me two yuan. 4)It takes me half an hour to go to school.归纳:spend, p

4、ay主语是人;cost主语是物;take形式主语it; spendon/ spend(in) doing; payfor; 8. brightly adv 明亮地 ; 【考点】 bright adj. 例:The sun is shining _(bright).9.have a good time 过得开心,玩得愉快【考点】 同义词组 = enjoy oneself / have fun 10 relative 亲戚 【考点】同义词 = family member11. go on a picnic 去野餐【考点】同义词组 = have a picnic12. make snowmen 堆雪

5、人【考点】常见搭配 make a snowman / make snowmen13. go swimming 去游泳【考点】同类型考点:go fishing / go shopping / go boating等。14. it is exciting to take a trip in Spring. It is nice to eat ice-cream in the hot summer. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year. It is interesting to make snowmen.【考点】重要句型:it is +

6、 形容词 + to do sth表示做某事是怎么样的,动词需用to do 形式。【同步习题】一单选题 ( )1. Look! Your skirt is wet. Dont play in water.Sorry, I wont.A. not clean B. not dry C. not nice( )2. It is snowy. Lets get back home.But l want to make snowmen.A. rains B. blows C. snows( )3. How do you spend your time during the summer holidays

7、?I often stay at home reading or doing my homework.A. use B. save C. watch( )4. Would you like to take a trip with me this weekend? Id love to, but I have to visit my grandpa with my parents.A. play B. travel C. walk( )5. How is your life going? It is OK. I enjoy everything.A. a few things B. many t

8、hings C. all the things ( )6. A persons_ are the people in ones family, such as uncles, aunts and grandparents.A. friends B. relatives C. classmates( )7. When we say the wind _, we mean it makes the air move.A. blows B. leaves C. kicks( )8. Its too hot. Lets _.Sounds good. But we cant find a swimmin

9、g pool.A. go to work B. go swimming C. get up( )9. Its sunny today. The Sun _ brightly in the sky.Its a good day to do outdoor activities. A. moves B. stays C. shines( )10 ._I like spring best.A. Which season do you like best? B. Why do you like spring? C. How is spring?二、填空题1. Everything _ (be) fun

10、. I am happy about it.2. She spends a lot of time_ (do) her homework.3. The Sun shines_ (bright) today.4. I am interested in watching_ (interest) movies. Most of them make me laugh.5. It is exciting_ (climb) the mountain on a sunny day.6. My sister spends a lot of money _ her clothes.7. We will go _

11、 a picnic this Sunday.8. I like going _(shop) with my mum on weekends.二、重点语法点梳理考点一:1. 形容词作定语、表语、宾语补足语的用法1)作定语 例:Its a beautiful day today. We are building our country into a powerful one. 注:形容词的位置:形容词名词。例:a beautiful girl 2)作表语 例: He is honest. The English story is very interesting. 注:形容词作表语,放在连系动词后

12、面。连系动词有:be, become, come, fall, get, go, grow, 3). 表心情、感觉的形容词有: interested ,excited, surprised ,-ed结尾的,通常“人”作主语; 当以-ing结尾的形容词:interesting,exciting, surprising 常是修饰事物或事物作主语。考点二: 名词变形容词的方法: 1)在名词后面加-y 可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词。)若名词是以重读闭音节结尾,且 词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y. 2)少数以不发音的e 结尾的名词变形容词时, 应去掉e再加-y. w

13、ind (n.) windy (adj) 刮风的 rain (n.) rainy (adj) 下雨的 sun (n) sunny (adj) 晴朗的 fog (n.) foggy (adj) 多雾的 cloud (n.) cloudy (adj) 多云的 snow (n.) snowy (adj) 下雪的,多雪的 noise (n.) noisy (adj.) 吵闹的 ice (n.) icy (adj) 冰冷的考点三:it引导的形式主语句式 It is +形容词 +(for sb) +to do sth 这是一个形式主语的句式,真正的主语是to do sth 【练习】听到这个好消息真是很令人

14、兴奋。 :It is exciting to hear the good news.考点四:辨析:get, become, turn, go的用法; become; go; get;turn都有“变得”之意。 become 从一个状态变为另一个状态;比get更为正式;如:become/get angry生气,get tired 变累. go 多指变为不好的状态,如:go bad 变坏; go mad 变疯; go wrong出故障. turn 指变为什么颜色, 如: turn red, turn dark. 【同步练习】1. Its a _(snow) day, I want to make

15、some snowmen.2 Its not easy us _(learn) a foreign language. 3. Is _ necessary to complete the homework before Friday? 4. Tim is _(exciting) about the sports meeting.5. It is _(interested) to play soccer on the beach.6. Taking a talk in the park on a _(sun) is very wonderful for us7. _ is nice to go

16、fishing with our family on weekends.三、重点句型梳理1.在春天,天气开始变暖,风轻轻地吹 In spring, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows gently.2. 在春天,去旅行是很有趣的In spring, it is exciting to take a trip.3. 在炎热的夏天吃冰淇凌是很有趣的It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.5.在一年的这个时候去野餐是很好的因为天气很凉爽和干燥 It is nice to go on a p

17、icnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry.6.堆雪人是很有趣的It is interesting to make snowmen.7.在春节期间,人们和他们的亲戚待在一起。People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.四、综合题型练习 AThe girl gets up on the horse. It is a brown and white horse. It is a big horse. She 11

18、on the horses back. She is taller than her father. She 12 her father. “Daddy, you are shorter than me,” she says. Her daddy says, “Yes, you are so 13. You are taller than your mother and me.” The horse starts 14 around in a circle. The girl holds on the reins (缰绳).Her daddy holds on the 15. She has

19、fun. She 16 to ride the horse in a circle. “Someday I can ride the horse 17,” says the girl. Her daddy 18 her to be patient (有耐心的).“You must 19 to walk before you run. First, 20 a slow horse, and then ride a fast one.” She agrees (同意)with her daddy.( )11. A. stands B. sits C. runs( )12. A. looks for

20、 B. looks around C. looks at( )13. A. short B. tall C. fast( )14. A. seeing B. eating C. walking( )15. A. dog B. horse C. car( )16. A. like B. stops C. thinks( )17. A. slowly B. fast C. badly( )18. A. tells B. lets C. makes( )19. A. forget B. ask C. learn( )20. A. ride B. buy C. borrowBThere are fou

21、r seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring it often rains. Everything begins to grow. The trees are green and the flowers come out. The field and the hills arc beautiful. People like to go hiking in spring. It is a good time to go on a picnic. In summer, it is hot but its the

22、best time to go swimming. Children like summer because Childrens Day and summer holidays are in summer. Autumn is a harvest (收获)season. The weather is cool. And the leaves on the trees begin to fall. The weather in winter is too cold. Some people dont like it. But winter is the best time to go skati

23、ng or skiing. It has so much fun. When it snows, we can also make snowmen. My favorite season is summer because I like swimming best. And I like summer holidays because I can play with my friends in these days.()26. What do people like to do in spring?A. To go hiking. B. To go swimming.C. To go skii

24、ng. D. To go skating.()27. In which season is Childrens Day?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.()28. Why does the writer like summer holidays?A. Because he / she can swim during the holidays.B. Because he / she can play with his / her friends.C. Because he / she doesnt need to go to school.D

25、. Because he / she can go on a picnic during the holidays.()29. What can we learn from the passage?A. The writers favorite sport is swimming.B. The writer doesnt like winter.C. The writer likes spring best.D. Everyone likes autumn very much.()30. What is the best title for the passage?A. Four season

26、sB. Spring and winterC. Summer and autumnD. I like summerCSeasons have colors. What arc the four seasons colors like? Different people have differnt ideas. Here is my idea about the colors of four seasons.I think the color of spring is green. When spring comes, trees begin to bud and the grass begin

27、s to grow. It is really a green world, and it is also the color of hope. What about summer? When I look at flowers of almost all kinds, I know that the color of summer is red. Autumn has a different color,especially (尤其)in the north of our country. The rice in the fields and fruits on the trees are

28、the symbols (象征)of autumn. It is the color of ripeness. Gold is the color of harvest. Winter is the world of snow. So, white is the color of winter.What is your idea about colors of four seasons? Could you tell me?()31. What does the writer think of peopled ideas about colors of four seasons?A. Diff

29、icult. B. The same. C. Different. D. Boring.()32. What does the underlined word “bud” mean?A. Grow new leaves. B. Stop growing.C. Have new fruit. D. Turn old.()33. What is the color of hope?A. Green. B. Red. C. Gold. D. White.()34. Why is white the color of winter?A. Because it is the color of hope.

30、B. Because winter is the world of snow.C. Because it is the color of harvest.D. Because it is the symbol of trees.()35. What does the writer mainly tell us?A. Four seasons.B. Spring is green.C. The colors of four seasons.D. Winter is white.DDifferent kinds of weather make people feel different. The weather influences (影响) health, intelligence (智力) and feelings. In the southern part of the United States, it is very hot at some time and very cold at other time. People in those places have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence inte

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