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1、人教版英语七年级上册所有单元知识点总结七年级各单元知识点汇总Unit1 My names Gina.重点短语1. your/his/her/my name你的 / 他的 / 她的 / 我的名词2. first name 名字3.middle school 中学4.telephone number 电话号码5. last name 姓6. in China 在中国重点句型1.What syour name? 你叫什么名字? Alan 艾伦2.Im Jenny. Nice to meet you. 我是珍妮。见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。3.Goo

2、d morning! I m Cindy. 早上好!我是辛迪。 Hello, Cindy! I m Dale.你好,辛迪!我是戴尔。4.My name sLinda. Are you Helen? 我是琳达。你是海伦吗?5.What sher name? 她叫什么名字? ShesJane. 她是简。6.Is he Jack? 他是杰克吗? No, he isn t. His namesMike.不,他不是。他的名字是迈克。7. What syour phone number? 你的电话号码是多少? It s587-6275. 它是 587-6275。8. My friend is in Chi

3、na. 我的朋友在中国。重点语法1. 形容词性物主代词人称代词第一人称第二人称主格Iyouhe形容词性物myyourhis主代词2. Be 动词的一般现在时形式: am, is, areI 用 am You 用 areIs 用于他他它Unit2 This is my sister.重点短语1. family name 全家福2. have a good day (表示祝愿)过得愉快!3. a picture of 一张 的照片4. in the first phone 在第一张照片里5. family tree 家庭关系图第三人称she ither its6. the name of 的名字重

4、点句型1. Thats my family. Those are my parents. 那是我的家人,那是我的妹妹。2. Who sshe? 她是谁?Shesmy sister.她是我的妹妹。3. Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate.哦,简,这是我的妹妹凯特。4. Are those your parents 那些是你的父母吗?Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。5. Well, have a good day! 好吧,祝你玩得愉快! Thanks!谢谢!6.Thats my mother. 那是我的妈妈。7.Here are two nice phot

5、os of my family. 这儿有两张关于我家人的漂亮照片。8. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen.这两个女孩是我的妹妹辛迪和我的表姐 / 妹海伦。9. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. 我的爷爷和奶奶都在第一张照片里。重点语法1. 指示代词 this, that, these, those单数复数近指代词thisthese远指代词thatthose2. 名词复数可数名词单数变复数规则(1) 一般情况下直接加 s.如: sisters

6、brothers(2) 以 s,x,sh,ch 结尾的加 es.如: box-boxesbus-buses watch-watches(3) 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的将 y 变 i 再加 es.如:Boy-boys注意 以元音字母加 y 结尾的要直接加 s.如: boy-boys(4) 以 o 结尾的加 s 或 es。 (有生命 +es 物生命加 s)如: potato - potatoestomato-tomatoesphoto-photoszoo-zoos(5) 以 f/fe 结尾的名词,先将 f/fv 变成 v 再加 es。如:Knife-knives life-lives3. 人称代词

7、 I, he, she, it 和 they.人称代词第一人第二第三人称(单数)第三人称 (复数 )称人称主格Iyouhesheitthey形容词性myyourhisheritstheir物主代词Unit3 Is this your pencil?重点短语1.excuse me 打扰了2.thank you 谢谢你 English 用英语puter games 电子游戏 the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里 sb. at 请拨打电话 找某人7school ID card 学生证8a set of 一套;一副;一组重点句型1.Is that

8、your school-bag? 那是你的书包吗? No, it isn t. It shis.不,不是。是他的。2.Is this your pencil ? 这是你的铅笔吗? Yes, it is. Itsmine. 是的,是我的。3.Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗? No,they aren t. Theyre hers. 不 ,不是的。这些是她的。4.Excuse me, Grace. Is this your pencil? 打扰了,格雷斯,这是你的铅笔吗? Yes, thank you.是的,谢谢你!5.What sthis? 它是什么? It s a

9、watch. 它是一块手表。 How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它? W-A-T-C-H6. I lost my school ID card. 我弄丢了我的学生卡。7. Call me at 685-6034. 拨打 685-6034 找我。重点语法1. 指示代词 this, that2. 含 this, that 的一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答含 Be 动词( am is are)的肯定句变一般疑问句Be 动词提前 -首字母大写 - 加问号This is your pencil.Is this your pencil?Yes, it is.No, it isn t系动词

10、be的一般现在时( am is are)单数人称代词第一第二第三第一人称人称人称人称主格Iyouhesheitwe形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsour复数第二 第三人称 人称you theyyour their名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirsUnit4 Wheres my schoolbag?重点短语1. come on 快点儿2. tape player 录音机3. model plane 飞机模型4. under the table 在桌子下面5. on the bed 在床上6. in the school

11、bag 在书包里7. talk about 谈论重点句型1 Where are my books? 我的书在哪儿?They re on the sofa. 它们在沙发上。2.The English books are under the radio. 英语书在收音机底下3. Are the keys on the sofa? 钥匙在沙发上吗?No, they aren t. Theyre on the table. 不,它们不在。它们在桌子上。4. Is it on your desk? 在你的桌子上吗 ?5. It snot under the chair. 它不在你的椅子下面。6. It

12、sin your grandparents room. 它在你祖父母的房间。7. I have a clock.我有一个钟8. The white model plane is hers. 这个白色的飞机模型是她的。9. Where are my keys ? 我的钥匙在哪儿?重点语法1. Where 引导的特殊疑问句2. 介词 on,in,under 的用法3. 连词 and/but 的用法Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?重点短语1. ping-pong ball/bat 乒乓球2. soccer ball 英式足球3. play basketball 打篮

13、球4. watch TV 看电视5. play sports 参加体育运动或比赛6. after class 下课后重点句型1 Do you have a ping-pong bat? 你有乒乓球拍吗?2 Yes, I do.是的,我有。3 And where s our baseball bat?你有棒球吗?4 Do you have your jacket? 你有夹克吗?5 Let me get it. 让我来拿它6 We go to the same school and we love soccer. 我们去了同一所学校而且我们都热爱足球。7 I only watch them on

14、TV. 我只在电视里看它们。8 I play ping-pong with my classmates. 我和我的同学们打乒乓球。9 My brother has a soccer ball, but I don t. 我的哥哥有一个足球,但是我没有。10 Do they have a baseball? 他们有棒球吗?重点语法1.一般现在时态的各种用法2.have 的用法 的用法肯定句变一般疑问句(1) 含 Be 动词( am,is,are) -Be 动词提前 -首字母大写 Am/Is/Are- 加问号回答肯定 / 否定You are Mike. Are you Mike?

15、 Yes, I am. No, Im not.(2)含实义动词 / 不含 Be 动词 -借助助动词 do/does- 首字母大写 Do/Does- 动词还原 -加问号 He has a soccer ball.Does he have a soccer ball?Yes, he does. No, he doesntUnit6 Do you like bananas?重点短语1 ice-cream 冰激凌2 birthday dinner 生日宴会3 next week 下周4 think about 考虑5 volleyball star 排球明星6 have.for breakfast 早

16、饭吃7 sports star 体育明星重点句型1.Do you/they like salad? 你(你们) / 他们喜欢沙拉吗? Yes, I/we/they don t.是的,我 / 我们 / 他们喜欢。 No, I/we/they don t.不,我 / 我们 / 他们不喜欢。2.Does he/she like pears?他 / 她喜欢梨吗? Yes, he/she doesnt.是的,他 / 她喜欢。 No, he/she/doesn t.不,他 / 她不喜欢。3.I like oranges.我喜欢橙子。4.I love fruit. I think it s healthy.

17、我爱吃水果。我认为它有益健康。5.I don twant to be fat. 我不想长胖。6.What/How about the fruit? 水果怎么样?7.Sounds good.听起来很好。8.Let shave strawberries and apples. 让我们吃一些草莓和苹果吧。9Do you eat ice-cream after dinner? 你在晚餐后吃冰激凌吗?重点语法可数名词和不可数名词变化规律:1一般情况 +s 如: cake cakes day days student students sister sisters2以 s,x, sh, ch 等结尾的词,

18、如: busbuses boxboxes watch watches3以辅音字母 +y 结尾的词, 如: baby babies city cities country countries lady ladies4以 f/fe 结尾的词,如: leaf leaves wolf wolves life lives shelfshelves5单复数同形 ,如 sheep sheep fish fish deer deerChineseChinese Japanese Japanese6特殊:man menwoman womenfoot feettooth teethmouse micechild

19、childrenUnit7 How much are these socks?重点短语1 how much (价钱)多少2 on sale 廉价出售,出售3 at very good prices 价格优惠4 a pair of 一双5 Look nice 看起来不错6 in red 是红色的7 on big sale 大减价重点句型1.How much are these socks? 这些短袜多少钱? Theyre six dollars.6 美元2.Can I help you?您需要什么帮助吗? Yes, please. 嗯,是的。3 How about this one? 这个怎么样

20、? It looks nice. 它看起来很好。4. Illtake it/them 我买了。5. Here you are. 给您。6. Do you like sweaters?你喜欢毛衣吗?7. What color do you want? 你想要什么颜色?Blue. 蓝色8. Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. 一双两美元,两双三美元。9. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 快来买我们的折价衣服。10. We have skirts in purpl

21、e for only $20. 我们有 20 美元一件的紫色裙子。重点语法1. 基数词的用法2 How much 的用法Unit8 When is your birthday?重点短语1. how old 多大?2. happy birthday 生日快乐3. in August 在八月4. an English test 英语测试5. a school trip 学校旅游6. an art festival 艺术节7. have a good time 玩得高兴8. on October 22 nd 在十月二十二日9. Sports Day 运动日10. a basketball game

22、一场篮球比赛重点句型1.When is your birthday ? 你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is on May 2 nd 我的生日在五月二号。2.When is Alice s birthday party? 艾丽斯的生日聚会是什么时候? Her birthday party is on September 5 th 她的生日聚会在九月五日。3.Well, do you want to come to my birthday party? 那么,你想来我的生日聚会吗?4.Next month, we have an art festival. 下个月,我们会有艺术节。

23、5.We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.这学期我们准备了有趣又好玩的东西给你们。6.This is a really busy term. 这真的是一个忙碌的学期。重点语法1. 序数词的用法2. 名词所有格的用法Unit9 My favorite subject is science.重点短语1. for sure 无疑;肯定2. from to 从 到3. play with 和一起玩4. art lesson 艺术课5. favorite subject 最喜爱的学科6. be busy 忙碌7. for tw

24、o hours 两个小时8. Thanks you for为 感谢你9. the next day 第二天重点句型1 What syour favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么? My favorite subject is Chinese. 我最喜欢的科目是语文?2. How syour day?你过得怎么样? It s OK. 很好。3.Why do you like P.E.?你为什么喜欢体育? Because its fun. 因为它很有趣。4.Who is your music teacher? 谁是你的音乐老师? My music teacher is Mr.

25、Li. 我的音乐老师是李老师。5.When is your geography class ? 地理课是什么时候? It s at 3:00.它在 3 点钟6.My class finishes at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.我的课程 1 :50 结束,但是在那之后我有一节两小时长的美术课。重点语法1 特殊疑问句就划线部分提问My school bag is on the desk.(1) (2)(3)(1)Whose school bag is on the desk?(2)Where is my scho

26、ol bag?(3)What is on the desk?He has three balls.(1) (2)_(3)(1)Who has three balls?(2)How many balls does he have?(3)What does he have?She likes bananas.(1) (2)(1)Who likes bananas?(2)What does she like?The soccer ball is 6 dollars.(1) (2)(1)What is 6 dollars?(2)How much is the soccer ball?rdMy birt

27、hday is on June 3 .(1) (2)(1) Whose birthday is on June 3 rd?(2) When is your birthday ?Bobs favorite subject is art.(1) (2)(1)Whose favorite subject is art?(2)What s your favorite subject?特殊疑问句两种构成A.当疑问词/ 疑问词修饰的词作主语作主语, “疑问词+一般疑问句 ”Where is my schoolbag?Who does he have?B.不做主语,用疑问词+陈述语序Who likes ba


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