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1、定语从句重难点范文定语从句重难点范文 定语从句的重难点有哪些?大家知道吗?下面为大家带来定语从句重难点,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。 定语从句重难点 1. 做定语从句试题的基本方法 In fact the man didnt understand the three questions _ were asked in French. A. where B. who C. in which D. which 此题应选 D。从句子成分看, 修饰 questions 的定语从句缺主语, 所以不能选 A(where), C(inwhich)。又因为这里的先行词(questions)是指事不是指人, 所

2、以只能选D(which)不能选B(who)。 考生在做定语从句试题时, 大体上要分清以下几点: 1. 是定语从句还是其它从句( 从句意和句法 功能等方面去考虑)。 2. 是用关系代词还是关系副词。关系代词和关系副词的选择主要看关系词在句中的句法 功能。一般说来, 关系代词(that, which, who, whom 等)主要用作主语和宾语;关系副词(when, where, why)主要用作状语;作定语时用whose。 3. 受定语从句修饰的先行词是指人(who, whom, that) 还是指物(that, which);是作主语(who, that, which)还是作宾语(which,

3、 whom, who)等。 4. 关系代词可否省略(在通常情况下, 只有限制性定语从句中用作宾语的关系代词才能省略)。 5. 是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句 (关系代词that以及关系副词why等均不能引导非限制性定语从句)。 6. 在“介词+which”结构中, 介词的正确选择(主要看相关名词和动词的习惯搭配)。 2. 能用what引导定语从句吗 He told me all _ he had seen there. A. that B. which C. what D. when 此题应选A。容易误选C。这里的B(which), D(when)比较好排除。 选项B错, 因为当先行词为

4、不定代词 all, little, much等时, 要用关系代词 that, 不用which。 选项D错, 因为它是关系副词, 只能在定语从句中作状语, 而这里的定语从句缺宾语(即seen缺宾语), 所以不能选D。 至于选项C(what), 是考生最容易出错的, 这是因为考生在平时的阅读中, 经常可以见到类似这样的句子: He told me all he had seen there. He told me what he had seen there. 由于没有完全理解, 结果将以上两类句型混在一起。 选项C错的原因在于what不是关系词, 所以它不能引导定语从句。但值得注意的是:what

5、有时相当于“名词(先行词)+关系代词”: 他把一切都给了我。 正:He gave me what he had. 正:He gave me everything that he had. 这就是你要的东西。 正:This is what you want. 正:This is the thing that you want. 以上实例告诉我们, what 有时相当于“先行词+关系代词”, 同时这也告诉我们, 这样用的 what 前不能再有先行词(即:what不能引导定语从句)。 3. 不要一见到时间或地点名词就用where, when a. I will never forget the da

6、ys _ I lived in the country. b. I will never forget the days _ I spent in the country. A. that, that B. when, when C. that, when D. when, that 此题应选D。容易误选B。考生往往错误地认为, 时间或地点名词后的定语从句就一定要用关系副词when或where 来引导。注意在选择关系副词when 时, 考生要明确两个问题:一是先行词是否是指时间或地点的名词, 二是when, where在定语从句中是否用作状语。 a句中的定语从句主语和宾语齐全, 所以可用表时间

7、的状语(when), 而b句中的定语从句, 显然 spent缺宾语, 所以选关系代词that。 考生从以上分析中应明确这样一点:选择关系词时一定要看它在定语从句中充当什么成分。尤其是当先行词为表时间或地点的名词时, 千万不要想当然地认为一定要用关系副词when和where来引导定语从句。再如: 1. a. This is the school _ I studied last year. b. This is the school _ I visited last year. A. that, that B. where, where C. that, where D. where, that

8、 2. a. I still remember the time _ he was born. b. I still remember the time _ he told me. A. that, that B. when, when C. that, when D. when, that 答案:1. D 2. D 4. that与which a. Those are the very words _ he used. b. This is the question about _ weve had so much discussion. A. that, that B. which, wh

9、ich C. that, which D. which, that 此题应选C。关于先行词是指物的名词时, 其定语从句是用that还是用which来引导, 情况比较复杂:在通常情况下, 两者有时可换用;但有时只用which(主要是引导非限制性定语从句和直接放在介词后作宾语);而有时则只用that 而不用which, 主要有以下情况: 1. 先行词是下列不定代词或受其修饰时 all, much, few, little, none, every(thing), any(thing), no(thing)等: All Everything that can be done must be done

10、. 凡能做的事都必须做。 2. 先行词有the very, the only, the same等修饰时: This is the only example that I know. 我知道的例子只有这一个。 3. 先行词有最高级或序数词(包括last, next)等修饰时: This is the best dictionary that Ive ever used. 这是我用过的最好的词典。 4. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时: China is not the country (that) it was. 中国已不是过去的中国了。 5. 先行词是一个既指人又指物的并列词组时: We ta

11、lked about the persons and things that most impressed us. 他们谈论了我们印象最深的人和事。 5. who 与 that Who _ has seen him do not like him? A. that B. who C. he D. she 此题应选A。其余几项均有可能被选。当先行词指人时, 引导定语从句是用who还是用that, 主要应注意以下几点: 1. 在通常情况下, 两者常可换用。 2. 在下列情况, 两者都可用, 但用that比who更常见: (1) 先行词是all, nobody, no one, someone, a

12、nyone等时: All that heard him were delighted. 所有听了他讲 话的人都很高兴。 Have you met anybody that has been to Paris? 你 遇见过去过巴黎的人吗? (2) 先行词受序数词, 最高级以及only, same等修饰时: Hes the only one among us that knows French. 他是我们中间唯一懂法语的人。 3. 在下列情况通常只用that: (1) 当先行词是一既指人又指物的并列词组时: He made a speech on the men and things that h

13、ed seen abroad. 他就在国外见到的人和事作了报告。 (2) 当先行词是who时: Who that has sympathy can laugh on that oasion? 有同情心的人谁会在那个时候发笑呢? (3) 当关系代词在定语从句中作表语时: Tom is not the boy (that) he was. 汤姆这孩子已不是以前那个样子了。 6. 是非限制性定语从句还是并列句 He wrote a lot of novels, none of _ were popular. Its the same with his wife. She wrote some pla

14、ys, but none of _ was a suess. A. these, them B. which, which C. those, which D. which, them 此题应选 D。很容易误选A, B。选对该题的关键是:要注意前面一句的 none of.没有并列连词(说明它才是非限制性定语从句, 所以其后填which), 而后面一句的none of.前有一并列连词but(说明它与前面一句构成并列句, 所以其后填them)。请做以下类似题(注意and, but等的有无): 1. a. He has two sons, but neither of _is clever. b.

15、He has two sons, neither of _ is clever. A. them, them B. whom, whom C. them, whom D. whom, them 2. a. Mr Smith made a lot of money, most of_ was spent helping the poor. b. Mr Smith made a lot of money, and most of_ was spent helping the poor. A. it, it B. which, which C. it, which D. which, it 类似地,

16、 以下一题也与but, and这类词的有无相关: 3. _many times, but he still couldnt remember. A. Having been told B. Being told C. Having told D. He was told 答案:1. C 2. D 3. D 7. 你会用关系代词as吗 Dont make friends with such young men _ dont work hard. A. that B. as C. who D. they 此题应选B。容易误选A, C。句中的as是关系代词, 句意为:不要跟工作不努力的人交朋友。此句

17、也可换成: 正:Dont make friends with young men who that dont work hard. 正:Dont make friends with those young men who that dont work hard. as用作关系代词(用作主语或宾语), 主要用法如下: 1. 用在such, same, as等之后, 引导限制性定语从句: Dont talk about such things as you dont under-stant. 不要谈你不懂的东西。 Such men as (= Those men who) heard him pr

18、aisedhim. 听过他谈话的人都称赞他。 I told him the same story as you told me. 我给他讲的故事与你给我讲的故事一样。 2. 单独用作关系代词, 引导非限制性定语从句, 可放在主句之前(常译为“正如”)或之后(常译为“这一点”): As has been said before, grammar is not a set ofdead rules. 正如前面所说, 语法不是一套死规则。 He was a foreigner, as (=which) I knew from hisaent. 他是个外国人, 这从他的口音可以得知。 If he es

19、 late, as is usual, for another time, wewill not receive him. 如果他再像以往那样迟到, 我们就不接待他了。 8. the way后可接how引导的定语从句吗 That is _ the boy spoke to the teacher. A. how B. the way how C. that D. which 此题应选 A。容易误选B。误认为the way(表方式)后应接how引导的定语从句(因为how可用来表方式)。 其实考生只要回忆一下我们学过的关系副词便知道:在现代英语中关系副词只有when(表时间), where(表地点

20、), why(表原因)等几个, 根本没有how这个关系副词, 所以它自然就不能引导定语从句。要表示类似本题的意思, 可用以下句型: 那就是他说话的样子。 正:Thats how he spoke. (表语从句) 正:Thats the way he spoke. 正:Thats the way (that) he spoke. 正:Thats the way (in which) he spoke. 误:Thats the way how he spoke. 我不喜欢他那样笑她。 正:I dont like the way he laughs at her. 正:I dont like the

21、 way(that) he laughs at her. 正:I dont like the way (in which) he laughs at her. 误:I dont like the way how he laughs at her. 他同我们说话的方式值得怀疑。 正:The way he spoke to us was suspicious. 正:The way (that) he spoke to us was suspicious. 正:The way (in which) he spoke to us was suspicious. 误:The way how he spo

22、ke to us was suspicious. 9. whose可以指物吗 I saw some trees _ leaves were black with disease. A. its B. whose C. his D. the 此题应选B。容易误选A。许多考生认为, 关系代词whose和who, whom一样, 只能指人, 不能指物。 事实上, 用作关系代词的 whose 与 who, whom不一样, 它不仅可以指人也可以指物(用作定语): There are some students whose questions I cantanswer. 有些学生的问题我不能回答。 Ca

23、n you see the mountain whose top is coveredwith snow? 你看得见山顶上覆盖着雪的那座山吗? Here is a word whose meaning escapes me. 这里有一个词, 我一下想不起它是什么意思了。 当先行词为物时, 其后引导定语从句的 whose+n. 也可换成 the+n. +of which / ofwhich+the+n. : 窗户破了的那座房子是空的。 正:The house whose windows are broken is empty. 正:The house the windows of which a

24、re broken is empty. 正:The house of which the windows are broken is empty. 但是如果 whose所修饰的名词中心词之前有数词或其它限定词, 则不用 whose, 而用of which: There I saw a large talbe, two legs of which were broken. 在那里我看见有一张大桌子, 其中有两条腿断了。 10. 不要在定语从句使用与关系代词同义的人称代词 This is the book that I have read _ dozens of times. But I have

25、 never read _. A. it, B. , it C. it, it D. , 此题应选B。容易误选C。本题第二句填代词it, 这容易理解。而第一句不能填 it, 则是考生很容易忽视的。显然第一句中的 that I have read dozens of times 是修饰 thebook 的定语从句, 此句中的动词read不能再接用 it作宾语, 因为它已有宾语that(也可省略)。 在做有关定语从句的试题时, 考生千万不要在定语从句中重复使用与关系词(或先行词)指代相同的人称代词: 我们昨晚看的电影很精彩。 误:The film we saw it last night was

26、wonderful. 正:The film we saw last night was wonderful. 刚才同你讲话的那个人是谁? 误:Whos the man you just talked to him? 正:Whos the man you just talked to? 你昨天借给我的书很有趣。 误:The book you lent it me yesterday was very interesting. 正:The book you lent me yesterday was very interesting. 他就是去年死了妻子的那个人。 误:He is the man

27、whose his wife died last year. 正:He is the man whose wife died last year. 11. 要分清是定语从句还是其它从句 Is this room _ he lived in last year? Is this the room _ he lived in last year? A. that, that B. the one, the one C. that, the one D. the one, that 此题应选D。容易误选A。为了便于分析, 我们先将以上两句还原成陈述句(注意is的位置): (1) This room

28、is _ he lived in last year. (2) This is the room _he lived in last year. 第1)句填the one, 用作表语, 其后的 (that) he livedin last year是用以修饰the one 的定语从句。此句若直接填that, 则不是定语从句(因为没有先行词), 而是表语从句。 但是由于引导表语从句的that不能充当句了成分, 而其后的介词in又缺宾语, 所以导致错误。 第2)句填 that, 它是关系代词, 用以引导定语从句(he lived in last year)修饰the room。 请做以下类例试题:

29、 (1) Is this the book _ you want to buy? Is this book _ you want to buy? A. that, that B. the one, the one C. that, the one D. the one, that (2) Is this room _ he lived in 5 years ago? Is this the room _ he lived in 5 years ago? A. that, that B. the one, the one C. that, the one D. the one, that 答案:1. C 2. D

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