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Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood.docx

1、Module 4 A Social Survey My NeighbourhoodModule 4 A Social Survey- My Neighbourhood课标导航: 七级词汇:neighborhood, local, suburb, hometown, attractive, fortunate, pretty, sound, tourist, bother, rent, district, approach, harbor, park, traffic, committee, organization, unemployed, employment, exchange, affo

2、rd, survive八级词汇:architecture, starve, occupation, gallery知识网络:词汇:attractive, fortunate, pretty, sound, bother, approach, employment, exchange, afford, survive短语:put up, go up, get away from, a number of, afford to do, on the committee, in employment, so far, up to now, enjoy doing sth.重点句型:Its/ has

3、been years since sb. did sth.This/Its the first/ second time that sb. has/have done sth.There are times when 语法:现在完成时交际用语:Sounds OK to me. Congratulations! Am I all right in thinking that ? Its fascinating! We make it!名师导学:Reading and Vocabulary1. It has been six years since we last saw each other,

4、you know. 我们已经6年没见面了。由since, ever since引导的副词从句该组副词从句表示主句动作的开始时间,从句中谓语动词通常用一般过去时态,而主句中谓语动词通常用现在完成时态。I havent seen John since he returned from Paris.自从约翰从巴黎回来后我就再没见过他。It has been raining ever since I came home. 自从我回家后一直在下雨。当主句是表示一段时间时也可以用一般现在时替代现在完成时。例如:It is five years since he joined the army.= It h

5、as been five years since he joined the army. 他参军5年了。 2. This is the first time Ive visited your hometown.这是我第一次来拜访你的家乡。It is was will be the + 序数词 + time that 从句。该句型意为“这是那是这将是某人第某某次做某事了”。主句谓语动词用is时,从句用现在完成时;主句的谓语动词用was时,从句用过去完成时;主句的谓语动词用will be时,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时表示将来。如: 1)She understood what I was talki

6、ng about, even though it was the first time we had spoken together. 尽管这是我们第一次在一起谈话,但是她明白我们在谈些什么。注意:句型中 it 可以用this 或 that,time 可以用成 week,year,month 等表示时间的名词。如:This is the first month that/ year I have been here. 这是我在这儿的地一个月/第一个年头。3. This is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.这是我去过的的最迷人的地方之

7、一。attractive: adj. 有吸引力的,有着吸引能力的引申:attract v. 吸引The fire attracted significant coverage from the media. 大火引起传播媒介的重视We were attracted by the display of lights.我们被灯展吸引4.Its so lively and everyone seems so friendly.如此的生气勃勃,人们如此友好。lively(生气勃勃的), friendly 均为形容词。英语当中有一些以ly结尾的形容词,如:lovely, friendly, lively

8、, brotherly(亲兄弟般的)等。lively adj. 活泼的,有精神的;(讨论等)热烈的;(色彩等)鲜明的;(描述等)生动的,逼真的He is a very lively boy. 他是一个很活泼的小男孩。The question set off a lively discussion. 那个问题引发了一场热烈的讨论。She likes lively colors. 她喜欢鲜明的色彩。The boy gave a lively description of what happened just now. 那个小男孩对刚才发生的一切做了生动的描述。辨析: alive; live; li

9、vely; lovely alive意为“活着的(有时含有虽有死的可能,但仍然还活着的意思); 有活力的,活泼的”。通常用在系动词之后作表语,有时也用作定语,但要放在所修饰的名词之后,而不能放在其前。He has been missing for a long time. No one knows whether he is dead or alive. 他已经失踪很久了。没有人知道他是生是死。I am the happiest man alive. 我是世上最幸福的人。My grandfather is still very much alive, more alive than many

10、young people.我的祖父还很有活力,比很多年轻人更活跃。live用作形容词时,意为“活着的(多修饰动植物);(节目等)现场直播的”,用作副词时,意为“现场直播地”。Many people are against doing experiments on live animals. 很多人反对用活着的动物做实验。There will be a live broadcast of the football match tonight. Dont miss it.今晚将会有这场足球赛的现场直播。不要错过哦。The Presidents speech was broadcast live t

11、o the country. 总统的演讲向全国观众现场直播。living表示“活着的”,修饰人,物皆可。He is considered as the greatest living artist. 他被认为是当代最伟大的艺术家。living things生物(通指所有有生命的物体)5I feel very fortunate living here.我觉得住在这很幸运。fortunate: adj. 幸运的Hes fortunate having a good job, since business is bad nowadays. 他有一份好工作真幸运,因为近来生意不好做。I was fo

12、rtunate to catch todays last bus to the county at the last minute. 我在最后一分钟赶上了今天最后一班去县城的长途车,真是幸运。引申:fortune n. 1)运气He decided to go home for the holidays, and his fortune turned for the worse. 他决定回家度假,没想到他的运气变坏了She had the good fortune to be free from illness.她运气好,没得病。2)财产,财富 常用搭配make a fortune赚钱,发财H

13、e made a fortune by selling houses.他靠卖房子发了财。fortunately: adv. luckily 幸运地Fortunately this has not happened.幸运的是,这一情况并未发生。6.Whats the climate like?=How is the climate? 气侯怎么样?句型Whats sth. like?= How is sth.? “怎么样?”7.Pretty hot and wet in the summer. 夏天很热也很潮湿。Pretty: adv. 相当;颇Youve done pretty well.你做的

14、相当好It was a pretty serious accident.这是一次相当严重的事故。此外,pretty: 还可以用做形容词表示“漂亮的;迷人的;可爱的”a pretty girl漂亮的女孩What a pretty dress your sister is wearing today! 你妹妹今天穿的衣服多漂亮!引申:fairly -quite-rather/pretty-very 同做副词的区别:弱fairly -quite-rather/pretty-very强共同点:都可修饰形容词原级不同点: rather 1)还用于比较级之前 2)用于too/like之前(相当。) qui

15、te (1)表示“完全”,常与perfect, impossible, dead等不分等级的词连用 (2)quite a(some)+n.指某人或某物不同寻常 (3)quite a few; quite a lot (of):很多(4) quite some time相当长的时间 fairly一般修饰表积极意义的词汇 .The book is rather too difficult for me. 这本书对于我来说太难了。The weather was rather worse than I expected. 天气比我想象的糟糕的多。 Its quite impossible for th

16、em to come. 他们不可能来。The two are pretty much the same. 这两个基本是一样的。8.There are a lot of tourists around.附近有很多游客。round: adv.在附近Why is there never a policeman around when you need one? 怎么当你需要警察帮助时,附近从没有警察?Jake went down to the bar, but there was no-one around that he knew. Jake到了酒吧,却没有一个认识的人。9.Dont they b

17、other you? 难道他们没打扰你吗?bother: v. 1)打扰;烦扰Will it bother you if I turn the television on? 我开电视会不会吵着你?Im sorry to bother you, but can you direct me to the railway station? 劳驾,你能不能告诉我到火车站怎么走?2)(常与about, with, to连用)麻烦bother sb. (for sth.) (为某事)麻烦某人 bother to do/doing 麻烦去做某事 bother about/with sth.为某事而麻烦/费心

18、Dont bother about answering his letter.你不必回复他的信。n.麻烦;焦虑We had a lot of bother finding our way.我们经过很多麻烦才找到这里。引申:bothersome: adj.引起麻烦的, 令人烦恼的10. They can be a nuisance in the summer. 在夏天,他们是很令人讨厌的。nuisance: n. 讨厌的人;讨厌的事What a nuisance! Ive forgotten my ticket.真讨厌,我忘记带票了。Setting off firecrackers is see

19、n not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to mans life and property.燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。11.They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.最近他们建起很多高楼。put up:1)建立;建造Theyre planning to put a hotel up where the museum used to be. 2)举起;抬起;张开(伞)to put up a tent架起帐篷Why don

20、t you put up your umbrella? 为什么不打开伞呢?Put up your hands if you have any question. 有问题请举手。3) to put up a notice张贴布告4) 高价格I see theyve put up the price of fuel again.他们又一次提高燃料价格。12.Now we are leaving the business district and approaching the harbour. 现在我们正离开商业区前往港口。approach: v. 走近;靠近We approached the m

21、useum.我们走近博物馆。The time is approaching when we must be on board.我们上船的时间快到了。The total cost is approaching 5 million.总成本接近500万n. 1)走近; 靠近The approach of winter brings cold weather.冬天快到了,天气要转冷了。2)途径;通路All approaches were blocked.所有道路都堵塞了。3) 方法;步骤The school has decided to adopt a different approach to di

22、scipline. 学校决定采用另一种方式解决纪律问题。 She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. 她用错误的手段和他们打交道。13. That sounds great!太好了!sound 在此句中是连系动词,后加形容词构成系表结构,类似的连系动词还有:appear(显得), be(是), become(变得), seem(似乎), fall (变得), feel(摸起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来), get(变得), stay(保持), turn(变得)等。 如:She app

23、ear very tired.她显得很疲劳。The sky turned to pink at dawn.天空在黎明时分变成了粉红色。How can you stay so cool, and calm after such a hot argument?这样一场激烈的争论过后,你怎么还能保持如此心平气和,镇静自若?14A friends told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here. 一个朋友曾经告诉过我这附近有一个很好的小鱼馆。该句中的s是has的缩写。还要注意英语中几个形容词共同修饰一个名词时的顺序。多个形容词并列一般按照如下

24、顺序:冠词+限定词+描绘性adj+大小,长短高低-形状-年龄,新旧-颜色-国籍,地区,出处物质材料用途,类别+n.限定,描绘,大,长,高 形状,年龄和新老, 颜色,国籍,出材料, 作用,类别别挨着如:another three English books另外三本英语书 all these last few days最近的这些日子 some beautiful little red flowers一些美丽的小红花 a high red brick wall一堵高高的红砖墙 a beautiful white Japanese military car一辆漂亮的白色日本军用吉普车15.Im sta

25、rving!我饿了!Starve: v.(使)挨饿Lots of people starved to death during the long drought.长期的干旱,许多人饿死了。Its obvious that he has been starved.很明显,他饱受饥饿之苦。starve 常用搭配:starve to death 饿死;starve for sth 渴望得到某物;be starved of 非常需要,没有如:The engine was starved of petrol and wouldnt start. 发动机没有油了,启动不了。In recent years

26、the Department has been starved of financial resources. 在近来几年部里非常需要金融方面的资源。starving: adj. 非常饥饿:The cats were neglected and starving.这只猫没人照顾正在挨饿。Isnt lunch ready yet? Im starving. 饭还没好吗?我太饿了。引申:starvation un. 挨饿;饿死Twenty million people face starvation unless a vast emergency aid programme is launched

27、.除非启动一个大的紧急援助项目,否则2千万人将面临饥饿。The animals had died of starvation.动物们饿死了。Listening and vocabulary:16. occupation: n.1)工作;职业What is his occupation?他的职业是什么?2)占领;占有He is in occupation of a large house. 他拥有一个大房子。引申:Occupy: v. To fill up (time or space):占用:占用(时间或空间):a lecture that occupied three hours.长达三个小

28、时的讲座17Number of adults in employment.有工作的成年人人数。employment: n. 被雇用 be in employment: to have a job有工作He left his home to look for employment.他离家去找工作。引申:employ: vt. 雇用How many people does your company employ?你公司有多少人?employer n. 雇主employee n. 雇员unemployed adj. 失业的unemployment n. 失业He was unemployed for

29、 two months after leaving college.他离开大学后已有两个月没有工作了。18Would you like to be on the committee when you are older ? 当你年老时,你愿意成为委员会的一员吗?介词on的用法表示“是。 的成员” 如:How many people are on your staff? 你们有多少工作人员?Shes a researcher on a womens magazine。她是这个妇女杂志的研究员。Writing:19.I have always enjoyed living in them.我很喜欢

30、住在城市里。enjoy doing sth.英语中有一些动词只能接ing作宾语,如:avoid(避免), admit(承认), appreciate(欣赏,感激), excuse(原谅), imagine(想象), finish(完成), deny(否认), keep(一直做), mind(介意), miss(错过), prevent(阻止), suggest(建议), stand(忍受)例句:I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了

31、我,朝我跑过来。I really appreciate your helping me.我真的很感激你的帮助20. People can meet and exchange ideas.人们聚在一起交换意见观点。Exchange: v. (常与for, with连用)交换,互换exchange sth. (with sb.) (与某人) 交换某物 exchange sth. for sth. 用某物交换某物John exchanged gifts with Mary.约翰与玛丽交换礼物。May I exchange seats with you?我和你调一个座位好吗?The deputy manager exchanged the companys interest for his personal honour. 这个副经理为了个人荣誉而出卖了公司的利益。The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries are daily on the increase.两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。n. 交换,互换He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.他

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