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高考外研版英语一轮第1部分 必修2 Module 2 No Drugs.docx

1、高考外研版英语一轮第1部分 必修2 Module 2 No DrugsModule 2No Drugs单词拼写应用核心单词1drug n毒品;药品2cancer n癌症3reduce vt.减少4nearby adj.附近的5likely adj.可能的6adult n成人7ban vt.禁止8affect vt.影响;对有坏影响语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1We all know that smoking affects(affect) our health.2New research finds smokers are 53% more likely(likely) to divorc

2、e than nonsmokers.3He was banned(ban) from driving for three years because of the accident he caused.4Many of the adults(adult) said they also felt addicted to their own phones.5The number of unemployment has been reduced (reduce) by 10 percent in the past few years.拓展单词1addict n对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 vt.使上

3、瘾addiction n瘾,入迷,嗜好addictive adj.(药物等)上瘾的2danger n危险dangerous adj.危险的endanger vt.危及3power n力量;权力powerful adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的4crime n罪行;犯罪行为criminal n罪犯5connect v联系;连接connection n联系;关系;关联6legal adj.合法的illegal adj.违法的;不合法的7treat vt.治疗;对待treatment n治疗8disagree vi.不同意;意见不合disagreement n不同意9participate v参加;

4、参与participant n参与者;参加者10recognise vt.认识;认知;认出recognition n认出;识别语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.So I told him driving fast was dangerous and if he didnt slow down,he would endanger our lives.(danger)2He liked playing online games so much that it didnt take h

5、im long to become addicted to them.The addiction to games is taking over his life.So he is really a game addict.(addict)3After he came to power,everyone said he was a powerful man.But now,everything has changed.(power)4He received a medical treatment in the hospital and was well treated by doctors a

6、nd nurses,so he recovered very quickly.(treat)5Although all people could participate in the activity,most of the participants were young people.(participate)6They said they disagreed with our view.As a matter of fact,their disagreement was due to a misunderstanding.(disagree)阅读单词1cigarette n 香烟2toba

7、cco n 烟草;烟丝3needle n (注射用的)针;针管4burglary n 盗窃;窃案5caf n 咖啡馆;餐馆6horrible adj. 令人不快的7leaflet n 传单8jogging n 慢跑9gymnastic adj. 体操的拓展联想1.后缀ful形容词大观园powerful 强有力的harmful 有害的hopeful 有希望的helpful 有益的;有帮助的fruitful 硕果累累的2.后缀ible形容词一览horrible 令人不快的terrible 可怕的accessible 易接近的sensible 明智的;意识到的flexible 易弯曲的3.后缀ant

8、名词全接触participant 参与者applicant 申请人assistant 助手accountant 会计servant 仆人短语多维运用高频短语1look up 向上看;查找2break into 破门而入;强行闯入3belong to 属于4become addicted to 对上瘾;沉迷于5put up 提高(价钱);举起6break the law 犯法语境运用选用上面短语的适当形式填空。Li Hua belongs to Class Two,and he became addicted to computer games last year.He broke into a

9、 house one day to get the money for games,and then he was arrested.Li Hua regretted having broken the law and decided to get rid of the bad habit.Now he is a good student in our school.7give up 戒除;放弃8set a date 定下一个日期9in pain 处于痛苦中10related to 有关系的;有关联的11in danger 处于危险之中12in order to/so as to 为了13ta

10、ke ones advice 听某人的意见语境运用选用上面短语的适当形式填空。Mr Smith suffers from a serious disease.His disease is related to smoking and his life is in danger.The doctor says if he doesnt stop smoking,he is likely to lose his life.In order to/So as to live a healthy life,he takes the doctors advice and decides to give

11、up smoking.拓展联想1.relate相关短语大盘点be related to 与有关联的relate .to . 把和联系起来relate to 有关,涉及in relation to关于;与相比2.无被动语态的动词短语小结belong to 属于consist of 由组成date from/back to 追溯到take place 发生break out 爆发3.“目的”表达大全in order to/so as to 为了in order that/ so that 为了,以便for/with the purpose of 为了,目的是with the aim of 目的是句

12、式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.现在分词短语作伴随状语。Now I work in a centre for drug addicts,helping others to stop taking drugs.玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,读着一本书。Mary sat by the window of the classroom,reading a book.2.“否定词比较级”表示最高级。I couldnt agree more.我再也找不到比这家更好的旅馆了。I cant find a better hotel than this one.3.whatever引导让步状语从句。Whatever

13、 youre doing when you want to smoke do something else! 无论遇到什么样的困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。Whatever difficulties he may meet with,he will carry on his plan.精讲5个考纲单词1addict n对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 vt.使上瘾(1)单句语法填空Teenagers who are addicted (addict) to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.Addicting himsel

14、f to playing(play) the violin,he didnt notice a thief walk into his house.(2)链接写作句式升级普通表达:The boy became addicted to computer games and didnt want to study.高级表达:Addicted to computer games,the boy didnt want to study.(过去分词短语作状语)高级表达:Addicting himself to computer games,the boy didnt want to study.(现在分

15、词短语作状语)先理解再牢记 (1)addict oneself to 沉溺于;醉心于be/become/get addicted to. 沉迷于;热爱;迷上(2)addiction to 对上瘾名师点津(1)addicted,addiction 常与介词to连用,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。(2)addicted常修饰人;addictive“使人上瘾的”,常修饰物。2reduce vt.减少;降低;使处于状态(1)单句语法填空Though the price of the house has been reduced by 10% since 2015,we cant afford it eithe

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