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中考完形填空实战演练 三.docx

1、中考完形填空实战演练 三中考完形填空实战演练 (三)(1)Its very interesting to study names of different countries. Chinese names are different (1)_ foreign names. Once an English lady came to (2)_ me. When I was introduced to her she said, “Glad to meet you, Miss Ping.” Then she gave me her name card with three words on it:

2、“Betty J. Black”. So I said, “Thank you, Miss Betty, “We looked at each other and laughed heartily. Later I found that the English people (3)_ their family names last and the given names (4)_, while their middles are (5)_ used very much. I explained to her that the Chinese family name (6)_ first, th

3、e given name last, so she (7)_ never call me Miss Ping. She asked if we Chinese had a middle name. I told her we didnt. (8)_ people may often find three words on a Chinese name card. In this case the family name still comes first, the other words after it (9)_ a two-word given name. It is quite usua

4、l an China. My sister is Li Xiaofang. She has two words in her given name instead of just one (10)_ mine.( )1. A. with B. from C. for D. in( )2. A. find B. look at C. visit D. meet( )3. A. put B. placed C. took D. brought( )4. A. at the first B. at first C. in the front D. first( )5. A. never B. not

5、 C. / D. often( )6. A. came B. comes C. put D. puts( )7. A. would B. could C. should D. must( )8. A. But B. Or C. While D. And( )9. A. is B. was C. are D. were( )10.A. as B. with C. to D. like题解与分析:这是一篇记叙文,文章以作者与一位外国人的谈话为背景介绍了中国名字和英国名字的区别。1.B. 这是一个固定短语,be different from,意思是“与不同”。2.C. 根据所给的词语的词义,这里用v

6、isit最合理,它在这里的意思是”拜访”。3.A. 英国人是把姓放在名字之后的,此处用put很生动形象。4.D. 这里用first做状语,表示”前面”的意思。5.B. 英国人的middle names 是不经常使用的,但不是不使用,所以用not 较合理。如用never的话就完全否定了。6.B. 这里用comes 很形象化,如用put的话,则应该使用被动语态了。7.C. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。8.A. 根据前句“She asked if we Chinese had a middle name, I told her we didnt.”我们可以看出后面的句子很显然是一个转折。9.C. 这

7、句话的主语是the other words,因此后面的系词应该用复数。并且这里是一般现在时态。10.D. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。(2)Children use their parents as models, whether the model is good or bad. My neighbours are very good (1)_.Mrs Roodhouse is a careful housekeeper. (2)_ she went to work yesterday, her children cleaned the rooms. The eldest daughter

8、took all the carpets (3)_ and shook them. The middle daughter did all the dishes, and the youngest daughter put the toys (4)_ good order. The only boy in the family cleaned the furniture. When the children (5)_ their work, they put beautiful flowers on the table for their mother.Mrs Frowzier is a te

9、rrible housekeeper. When she went to work, her children made a big mess. One of (6)_ drank some coke and threw the bottle. The glass wasnt swept up, and the carpet was made (7)_. The rubbish in the kitchen grew (8)_ because the children ate bananas and oranges and threw the peels on the floor. One c

10、hild drew pictures on the wall and rode his bike in the rooms. Both mothers (9)_ home, but (10)_ of them was glad of that.( )1. A. facts B. stories C. examples D. friends( )2. A. Before B. Until C. Since D. When( )3. A. outside B. inside C. upstairs D. downstairs( )4. A. at B. in C. for D. with( )5.

11、 A. began B. finished C. prepared D. wanted( )6. A. us B. them C. you D. him( )7. A. clean B. dry C. dirty D. neat( )8. A. smaller B. more useful C. lighter D. larger( )9. A. came B. come C. comes D. were coming( )10.A. neither B. both C. only one D. all题解与分析:这是一篇记叙文,文章通过介绍两个不同的家庭,反映了他们不同的教育方式和不同的结果

12、。1.C. 下面所给出的是两个不同的例子。2.D. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。3.A. 若要清扫地毯就要把它弄到外面去,这是一般的常识。4.B. in good order是一个固定短语。5.B. 孩子们在做完扫除之后才把花摆在桌子上的。6.B. 这里应用第三人称复数指Mrs Frowzier 家的孩子们。7.C. 由于“the glass wasnt swept up”所以地毯上应该是很脏的。8.D. 根据下句可知房间里的垃圾是越来越多。9.A. 全文的动作都使用的一般过去时态。10.C. 两个家庭的孩子们由于在母亲不在家时的行为的不同,一个好,一个不好。所以肯定只有一家的母亲会感到高兴。

13、(3)Water is the most important of all the things we eat and (1)_. Not many people understand this, but its quite (2)_. The human body can go without (3)_ for a long time, yet two or three days (4)_ water can usually make people die.Many people dont know how (5)_ water the human body needs (6)_ work

14、well, and many people do not drink enough, (7)_ in hot weather. Our body is mostly water about 67%-75%. (8)_ we dont have enough, well feel (9)_ and many will get ill. So, you (10)_, how important the water is to us all.( )1. A. have B. drink C. take D. cook( )2. A. wrong B. difficult C. easy D. tru

15、e( )3. A. food B. water C. drink D. air( )4. A. in B. through C. with D. without( )5. A. many B. much C. widely D. a bit( )6. A. and B. its C. to D. or( )7. A. even B. ever C. almost D. still( )8. A. Because B. If C. Since D. For( )9. A. worried B. angry C. tired D. afraid( )10.A. hear B. look C. gu

16、ess D. know题解与分析:这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍的是水对人体的重要性。1.B. eat和drink 是相互对应的。2.D. 水对人体的重要性是不容质疑的,这是一个很多人都知道的事实。3.A. 根据常例,人一段时间不吃东西是不会影响身体健康的。4.D. 人两三天不喝水通常会致人死亡。5.B. 水是不可数名词,所以应该用how much才询问它的多少。6.C. 这里很明显是”to+动词原形”构成的动词不定式。7.A. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。8.B. 这里的“we dont have enough”是后面结果的前提。9.C. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。10.D. 水的重要性只有

17、在被人了解之后才能体现出来。(4)There are many people in the world now. There will (1)_ a lot more people next century. (2)_ earth will be very crowded (3)_ there will be a little room (4)_ each person. Maybe there will be (5)_ room only on the earth 600 years (6)_. That will be a very serious problem.So man is (7

18、)_ of a way to solve the (8)_.The moon is the (9)_ of the earth. Maybe man will go to (10)_ on the moon one day. But there (11)_ no air, no plants, no life there. So (12)_ are doing experiment (13)_ many ways. They (14)_ solve many problems (15)_ man can live on the moon. Im sure our dream will come

19、 true in the next century.( )1. A. be B. are C. has D. have( )2. A. / B. The C. An D. A( )3. A. but B. or C. and D. so( )4. A. to B. at C. with D. for( )5. A. standing B. sitting C. sleeping D. doing( )6. A. faster B. later C. earlier D. sooner( )7. A. saying B. telling C. thinking D. knowing( )8. A

20、. matter B. accident C. question D. problem( )9. A. satellite B. sun C. star D. sky( )10.A. see B. stay C. look D. lives( )11.A. are B. is C. am D. was( )12.A. farmers B. teachers C. workers D. scientists( )13. A. in B. with C. on D. of( )14. A. may B. have to C. can D. will( )15. A. before B. after

21、 C. since D. till题解与分析:这是一篇科普文,主要介绍了地球上的人口爆炸的问题,同时将科学家的移居月球的想法展现给了我们。1.A. 这是一句there be句式的将来时态。2.B. 在表示世界上独一无二的词语前面应该加上冠词the 。3.C. 这是一个前后衔接的句子,用and连接即可。4.D. 由于地球上的人口越来越多,所以留给每个人的生存空间越来越小了。介词for 的意思就是“为”。5.A. 由于人口增多,在地球上人们恐怕只有站着的地方(立足之地)了。6.B. 这里所指的时间是六百年之后,later就表示这一含义。7.C. think of 是一个固定短语,意思是”思考,考虑

22、”。8.D. 人口问题是一个很难解决的难题,所以用problem最佳。9.A. 月球是地球的卫星。10.B. 将来人类或许会到月球上居住。但选项中的lives 是第三人称单数,因此选stay即可。11.B. 这是there be 结构,主语为不可数名词,因此系词应该用单数,并且月球上没有空气,水和生命是一个客观事实,因此应该用一般现在时态。12.D. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。13.A. 表示“在方面”应用介词in。14.B. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案15.A. 只有先解决好去月球居住的各种问题,人类才能到月球上居住。(5)It was getting dark. Some childre

23、n and two Canadian women were still (1)_ on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.Suddenly the ice (2)_. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didnt know (3)_ to so. The two Canadian friends heard (4)_ and skated over to get the boy out of the

24、 water.The ice was (5)_. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to (6)_ the little boy. They knew they must be (7)_. If they didnt push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.Many people ran over to (8)_. Some of them had ropes and poles. A young man jumped into the wa

25、ter to save the (9)_ people.The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didnt feel well. She was sent to the (10)_ at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.( )1. A. boating B. skating C. planting D. swimming( )2. A. broke B. shone C. closed D. flew

26、( )3. A. who B. when C. what D. where( )4. A. one B. him C. them D. her( )5. A. big B. small C. thick D. thin( )6. A. save B. wake C. see D. tell( )7. A. slow B. quick C. sorry D. wrong( )8. A. play B. shout C. push D. help( )9. A. two B. three C. four D. five( )10.A. hospital B. school C. library D

27、. garden题解与分析:这是一篇记叙文,文章给大家描述了一个互相帮助,舍己救人的故事。1.B. 在冰面上一定是在滑冰。2.A. 根据下句“One of the boys fell into the water.”可知冰面肯定是断开了。3.C. 这里用what to do(该怎么办)比较合理,因为孩子们只是在喊”Help”,他们也不知道怎么办好。4.C. 由于是孩子们在喊,所以这里的代词为复数形式。5.D. “The two Canadians fell into the water. ”的原因一定是冰面太薄。6.A. 两个加拿大人跳入水中的目的就是要救那个孩子。7.B. 根据下句“If t

28、hey didnt push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.”可知他们的行动必须要迅速。8.D. 在当时的情况下,人们过来就是来帮忙的。9.B. 当时落的有a boy, 还有two Canadians,一共三个人。10.A. 由于“one of the women didnt feel well”,所以the woman 肯定被送到医院的。(6)When someone asks me what business I am in. My face feels (1)_. I envy(嫉妒) people who can say that the

29、y are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these jobs speak for themselves.I really do make a living by (2)_ , and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like a schoolboy. It is a skill that I have learned, (3)_ the skill of mending shoes. Whenever and however laugher is needed I am asked t o

30、do (4)_. I laugh like a bus driver or a shopkeeper. I laugh (5)_, kindly and happily.I need (6)_ point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evenings in nightclubs. My job is to laugh during the (7)_ part of the show. My loud, hearty laugher must be timed carefully. It must not come too soon, (8)_neither must be too late.I go through life quietly. I can (9)_ the laugher of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But Im not sure that I have ever heard the sound of (10)_ own laugher.( )1. A. warm B. cool C

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