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1、xyyutj新托福1000个高频词汇词组、| !_一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了. 托福考试高频词汇Aa pivotal figure a pivotal figure (关键)人物 pivot 轴心premium premium n.保险金 a.高级的,高价的a premium student a premium student 优秀学生a range of a range of 一系列的东西(有顺序)a range from sth. to sth. 从.到.范围,排列不等abandon aban

2、don 抛弃,放纵 abandonment n.abbreviate abbreviate v. 缩短,缩写 abbreviation n.abrasion abrasion n.磨损abstract abstract (ab-去掉,stract 拉)a.抽象的 n.概要absurd absurd a.荒谬的abundance abundance (und-波浪) n.丰富,多麦浪翻滚undulate/fluctuate 波动accelerate accelerate (celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长 celerity速度decelerate v.减速have access to hav

3、e access to 能够接触,靠近 you have access to the libraryaccessible accessible a.可靠近的acclaim acclaim v.欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a.受人欢迎的accommodate accommodate v.给人提供食宿;与.相符,适应 (commod- 方便 commodity 商品accommodating accommodating a.乐于助人的accompany accompany v.陪伴,伴奏 accompanist 伴奏者 accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏accord accord v

4、.和谐一致 (-ion琴)accordion 手风琴accumulate accumulate(cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积 cumulus 积云accustom accustom v.使习惯 get accustomed to sth. 海关custom 关税 tariffacquaintance acquaintance n.熟悉,认识acronym acronym(acr-高,-onym词)n.首字母缩略词acute acute a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic慢性病adapt adapt v.适应环境 adaptable 能适应的 adaptation 适应,改写本addicti

5、ve addictive a.(吸毒)上瘾的 addict (dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷additive additive (add-加)添加剂,附加的adept adept a.老练的adjoining/adjacent adjoining/ adjacent a.邻近的,毗邻的adjust adjust (just-正确)v.调整,校准 adjustment n.adobe adobe n.土坯,印第安人造房原料abode abode n.住所,住房adopt adopt (opt-选择)v.收养,采纳 adoption n.adornment adornment (orn-饰)n

6、. 装饰 ornamentation 饰品advent advent n.来到 adventure n.冒险 with the advent of 21 century 随着21世纪的到来adverse adverse(-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的 wind 逆风 influence 不利影响 adversity n.灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary n.对手,敌手advocate advocate v./n.支持,拥护(者)anesthetic esthetic a.感觉的 anesthetic (an-无)a.麻醉的 aesthetic a.美感的,美学的affect affec

7、t v.影响,假装 severe strom adversely affect our studyaffected affected a.装模作样的 affection n.友爱,友情affectation affectation n.假装affiliate affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成.的儿子,和.联合,加盟进去,附加 filiale 子公司 filial 子女的,孝顺的afflict afflict(flict-打击)v.折磨 conflict n.冲突affluent affluent(flu-流动) a.富有的,丰富的aggravating aggr

8、avating(grav-重)a.一再恶化的 gravity 重力 gravitation 万有引力aggregate aggregate (greg-团体,是group的变体)v.总计 aggregation n. 集合 gregarious a.群居的,社交的agitation agitation n.激动,煽动 agitate v. 鼓动akin to akin(-kin亲情关系) to 和.相近,关系密切alchemy alchemy(chem-化学)n. 炼金术 chemistry 化学alder alder 赤杨树 older 老人坐在赤杨树下sloth sloth 树懒algae

9、 algae n.海藻 algal a.alien alien n.外国人 alienate v.疏远all but all but + a. almost几乎 集合 +n. all except 除.之外所有的all inclusive all inclusive 无所不包的allocate allocate(loc-地方)v.分配(财富)alloy alloy n.合金ally ally n.联盟,盟军alternate alternate v.交替 alternative a.二中选一的altitude altitude (-alt高)n. 高度 exalt 晋升,赞扬latitude

10、latitude 纬度,自由空间 longitude 经度aluminium aluminium 铝ambiance ambiance(ambi-两边) n.周围,氛围amenable amenable a.负责任的,应服从的amiable amiable a.和蔼可亲的amplify amplify(ampl-大)v.放大 amplifier 扩音器ancestor ancestor(an-在前面ces-走)祖先annihilate annihilate(nihil-变成零)v.消灭,歼灭nihility虚无annual annual a.一年一度的anomaly anomaly (norm

11、-规范)n.异常的人或物anonymous anonymous(an-无onym-名字)a.匿名的antibiotics antibiotics(anti-抗bio-生理)a.抗生素的antiquate antiquate v.使古旧,废弃antique古董,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的 antiquity 古代apart from apart from 除.之外besides;aside fromappeal appeal v.上诉,呼吁,吸引力(to)appealing appealing有吸引力的apprentice apprentice n.学徒,一再锻炼的人(practis

12、e)approach approach v. 接近(to sb.),方法aptly aptly a.恰当的,得体的aquatic aquatic a.水的,水生的 aquarium 水族馆arch arch n.弧形,拱形门,主要的archaeology archaeology(archae-古代)n.考古学archipelago archipelago(archi-主要的)n.群岛, 以o结尾的词大量是意大利语,如:女高音-女中音-女低音 soprano-mezzo-altoarchitect architect n.建筑师arduous arduous(ard-热情-ous过多)a.费劲的

13、,劳累的 ardent n.热情arena arena n.斗牛场,竞技场arid arid a.干旱的armature armature n.盔甲armoraromatic aromatic a. 芬芳的 aroma n.芳香array array(ray光线)v. 排列arthritis arthritis(arth-关节-itis炎症)关节炎arthrosis arthrosis n.关节 hepatitis n.肝炎artificial artificial a.人造的artisan artisan(-san人)n.工匠,艺人 partisan游击队党徒as a rule as a r

14、ule 通常,总的来说as a whole/generallyas a rough thumb as a rough thumb(拇指)大概来说as far as as far as 就.来说;远到 Chinas border is as far north as Mohe.中国边界北部远达漠河。as such as such象这个样子做,就本身而论ascend ascend(a-向上-scend爬)v.攀登,上升 ascent n. descend(de-向下)v.下降 descendent n. 后代ascribe to ascribe to 把.归因于(a-上scribe-写)aspir

15、ing aspiring(spir-呼吸)a.有抱负的,积极的aspiration, respire v.呼吸 inspiration 灵感assemble assemble(-semble相像)v.集合,组装 lineassert assert v.断言,自我主张 assertion n. claim声称associate associate v.和.相关联 d press 美联社assorted assorted(sort种类)a.什锦的 assortment n.assume assume v.假定 assumption n.假说assure assure v.向某人保证,使某人放心as

16、surance assurance 担保,断言 insurance 保险astounding astounding令人震惊的astonishingastute astute a.(人做事)机敏的,机智的at interval at interval 断断续续,不时 interval n.间隔,距离at one session at one session 一下子通过 session 会议,开庭at the cutting age of at the cutting age of research在.关键时刻atomization atomization(atom-原子) n.分离成原子atta

17、ch attach(-ach接触)v.隶属,贴 ed school 附中attain attain(-tain拿到)v. 获得,拿到attainment n. detain v.拘留 retain v. 保留attire attire(tire劳累) n. 服装attribute attribute to 归因于 -tribute 贡品auditorium auditorium(audi-听-orium场地) n. 大讲堂auger auger n. 钻头,螺丝钻,尖钻automated/automatic automated/automatic自动的automation自装置availabl

18、e availabe a.可获得的,有用的 -vail 流行,到处有 prevail v. 到处流行 prevailing 占优势的,流行的aviation aviation(avi-鸟) n.航空 aviator 飞行员 avian鸟avocational avocational(vocation职业)a.非职业的,副业的 vacation n.假期aware aware v.(主动)意识到 of the dangerawkward awkward a.难使用的,笨拙的 Bbackdrop backdrop n.(电影)背景幕ballet ballet n.芭蕾舞balmy balmy a.

19、芳香的,止痛的,温和的 The weather is . -balm涂在人身上的香油,止痛,疗伤barb barb n.(鱼)倒刺 barbed wire 倒刺barge barge 驳船 tug boat 拖船bark bark 狗叫,树皮barn barn 谷仓bare bare 不毛之地的,荒芜的 arid 干旱的barrier barrier(bar棍子)n.障碍物,栅栏barter barter n./v.物品交换,以物易物 barter for以.做交换basement basement n. 地下室 cellar basen 盆地be characterized by be ch

20、aracterized by 以.为特征,典型代表了.be taken aback be taken aback被.吓住了,吃惊be taken by被.迷住be up to be up to 由.做某事,胜任,从事于its up to youbeak beak 鸟喙beam beam n. 光线,木结构大梁bequest bequest n. 遗产,遗赠 被后代请求留下来的东西besiege besiege 围攻,包围 siege 包围,围攻bestow bestow 授予,给予(遗产,奖金)bestow sth. to sb.bias bias 偏见bitterness bitternes

21、s 苦涩,辛酸bizarre bizarre 古怪的 strangeblanket blanket 毯子blast blast 突然性的一阵风,雨,闪光,热浪等blazing blazing 炽烧的,闪耀的blaze火焰ablaze着火的bleak bleak 荒凉的,寒冷的 leak 漏blend blend v. 混合bless bless 祝福block block阻挡,街区blocks建筑模块building s积木blossom blossom 鲜花,开花blues blues 布鲁斯音乐,抑郁Im in a blues today.bluff bluff n.悬崖v.诈骗,吓唬别人

22、blunt blunt (人)挨宰的,(刀)钝的,生硬的bolster bolster n.垫子,靠枕v.支持,支撑boom boom v.迅速发展n.繁荣boon boon n.恩惠,福利boost boost v. 促进,增加 boot靴子bored bored无聊的boundary boundary 边界,分界线 bound范围bow bow n.弓,乐弓v.弯腰breach breach n.裂开,v.破坏breach all ties withbreeze breeze 微风brilliant brilliant辉煌的,有才气的 a studentbriny briny/salty

23、海水的,盐的brine盐briskly briskly ad.轻快地,活泼地 brisk a.brittle brittle 易碎的bronze bronze青铜bubble bubble冒泡buckle buckle n.带扣v.扣住 buckle up 系安全带buggy buggy小马车 bug臭虫bulk bulk体积,大部分of the studentsbundle bundle v.捆成一包n.一捆东西burdensome burdensome繁重的,劳累的burgeon burgeon v.萌芽,茁壮成长 (bust out)burrow burrow 野兔打的洞bust bus

24、t 半身胸像 statue全身胸像bustle bustle v.喧闹,匆匆忙忙hustle and bustle of NY cityby a of by a of 2 翻了两番by far by far 迄今为止 Ccab cab 出租汽车cabinet cabinet橱柜,内阁cactus(pl.) cactus(pl.)仙人掌 cacti单数calibration calibration(caliber口径) 标度,校准campaign campaign 运动,战役,竞选运动election campaigncannibalism cannibalism(cannibal食人族)n.食

25、人,自相残杀canopy canopy天蓬,遮蓬,树盖canyon canyon峡谷,溪谷(宽深)the grant canyon科罗拉多 gorge (窄而急)峡谷 the three gorges三峡 valley(平窄)山谷,流域capability capability(capable能够的)能力capacity capacity人的能力,容量,身份in what do you know the student?carapace carapace(car-车pace步)甲壳carbohydrate carbohydrate碳水化合物cardiac cardiac(card-心的)心脏的

26、,强心剂cargo cargo(车船飞机运输的)货物carnival carnival狂欢节carnivore carnivore食肉动物carnivorous食肉类的carve carve 雕刻 carving雕刻品,雕花cast cast v.扔n.剧团,演员表cast off丢弃,摆脱casting casting n.铸造,铸件,扮演casting of Mao by Guyuecategory category 分类,范畴cater cater 准备食物cater to your wedding 投合(to)cater to your need/the popular tasteca

27、thedral cathedral 大教堂cavern cavern岩洞,洞穴cavity cavity洞,蛀牙洞cease cease v.停止celestial celestial 天上的,天空的 celestial body 天体cell cell细胞,单人牢房,电池cello cello大提琴cellist大提琴演奏家census census(cen调查标准)人口普查ceremony ceremony礼节,仪式ceremonious 讲究仪式的,隆重chafe chafe v.擦破,激怒chamber chamber室,会所,议院,协会chamber music室内音乐chamber

28、 of London commerce伦敦工商协会chaos chaos混乱charcoal charcoal/char木炭charter charter图表,营业执照license charter v.包租(飞机)chateau chateau城堡,城堡型的旅馆check check n.支票v.控制sb.美国政体check and balancechill chill n.寒冷 chilly a.寒冷的chimpanzee chimpanzee 黑猩猩chisel chisel n./v.凿子cavalry cavalry骑兵精神 cavalier骑士,对女士殷勤chop chop大块剁

29、chop rib排骨choppy choppy波涛汹涌 choppy wave ballast压舱物沙囊cord cord/chord(-ord弦)琴弦,心弦circulator circulate(circu-圆)v.循环,流通,图书发行,借还circulation desk circulation desk (图书馆)借还台circumscribe circumscribe vt.在.周围划线,限制(孙悟空)cite cite 引用civilian civilian平民,百姓,与army相对civility civility彬彬有礼 civil right公民权claim claim声称,

30、主张,认为clam clam 蛤,贝clamer clamer n. 喧闹clan clan宗族classification classification分类clay clay黏土cliff cliff 悬崖,绝壁cling to cling to 依靠,坚持clockwise clockwise顺时针,counterclockwise逆时针clumsy clumsy笨拙的awkwardcluster cluster 串,群code of law code of law 法典codify codify 编成法典,编辑成书coexist coexist 共同生存cohabit cohabit同居

31、cohabitation同居生活inhabit居民cohesion cohesion(hes粘在一起)凝聚,凝聚力coincide coincide巧合,符合coincident巧合的collaborate collaborate(labor劳动)合作collective collective集体的spirit集体主义精神collide collide碰撞collision n.colossus colossus巨人,巨石colossal巨大的combustible combustible易燃的combust v.消耗,燃烧cumbustion发动机燃烧 gasoline is et comet 彗星commision commision n./v.委托,授权,佣金sb. to mitted committed 效忠的 commit crime犯罪comm

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