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2、有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听两遍。( )1. What does the girl like about the novel?A. The story. B. The pictures. C. The cover.( )2. What do they need to buy for the party?A. Some fruit. B. Some cola. C. Some cake.( )3. How many times has the girl been to Bangkok?A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.( )4.

3、Why does Maria look so happy?A. Because there was a fashion show at her school today.B. Because there was a lantern show at her school today.C. Because there was a magic show at her school today.( )5. What festival is coming?A. The Spring Festival. B. Easter. C. Christmas第二节听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

4、从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两道小题。( )6. What does Peter think of Paris?A. Its big. B. Its old. C. Its beautiful.( )7. What color is Peters jacket?A. Blue. B. Yellow. C. Red.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三道小题。( )8. How long did the festi

5、val last?A. For 25 days. B. For 28 days. C. For 30 days.( )9. Whats Uri Caine?A. Hes a writer. B. Hes a pianist. C. Hes a doctor.( )10. What did Uri Caine do during the festival?A. He played the violin. B. He took some photos. C. He gave a speech.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第12两道小题。( )11. Whats the date today?A.

6、June 10. B. June 12. C. June 20.( )12. What will Anna buy for her father?A. A baseball ticket. B. A jacket. C. A tie.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三道小题。( )13. What did May dress up as?A. A rabbit. B. A ghost. C. A nurse.( )14. What did May do at the party?A She played the piano. B. She danced. C. She sang with f

7、riends.( )15. What does May think of the party?A. It was stupid. B. It was great. C. It was terrible.听下面一段独白回答第16至第20 五道小题,听独白前你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。( )16. Who saved the dragon?A. A farmer. B. A doctor. C. A businessman.( )17. What did the old man and his neighbors want?A. Food. B. Rain. C.

8、 Money.( )18. What did the dragon ask the old man to do in the dream? A. Put him into the river. B. Sell him to others. C. Give him to the god. ( )19. What did people pour into the river to thank the dragon?A.Some corns. B. Some rice. C. Some vegetables.( )20. What happened to the dragon at last?A.H

9、e became a god. B. He flew away. C.He died.第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节 满分30分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的一个最佳选项。( ) 21. Jack is from _ European country. We all think he is _ honest boy.A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an D. an; a( ) 22. Thats _ brothers shirt. It isnt _ .A. my, your B. yours; mine

10、C. hers; his D. his; yours( ) 23. I think Mr. Zhang may be in his office. No, he _ be there. I saw him _ just now.A. neednt; left B. mustnt; leaving C. cant; leave D. shouldnt; leave( ) 24. It is reported that _ people were killed in nuclear(核) accident in Japan. A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of C

11、. hundred of D. hundreds of( ) 25. Its clever _ her to work out _ many difficult math problems. A. for; so B. of; such C. of; so D. for; such( ) 26. What a heavy rain! So it is. I prefer_ rather than _on such a rainy day.A. to go out; stay at home B. to stay at home; go out C. going out; stay at hom

12、e D. staying at home; go out( ) 27. Happy Teachers Day! Here are some flowers for you. _ beautiful flowers they are! Thank you!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a( ) 28. She has been away from her hometown since she was 18 years old.She told me _.A. she will return soon B. she would return soon C. she

13、 returns soon D. will she return soon ( ) 29. _see the film about Lost in Thailand with me? Great idea! Its said to be_ film of the year.A. What about; the funniest B. Why not; the funniestC. Why dont you; funnier D. Would you; funnier( ) 30. If the Browns go to visit the Summer Palace, _ if it _ ra

14、in tomorrow.A. so we will; doesnt B. so will we; doesnt C. so do we; doesnt D. so will we; wont( ) 31. Lily with her parents_ the Greener China since two years ago.A. have joined B. has joined C. has been in D. have been in( ) 32. I went to see you yesterday evening. But you werent in. Where were yo

15、u then? I _ a walk by the lake with my husband . A. was having B. am having C. have had D. have( ) 33. The town_ we visited last month is the one _ the famous artist was born.A. where; which B. where; where C. that; which D. that; where( ) 34. There is nothing wrong with the television, _ there? Yes

16、. It must _as soon as possible.A. is; repair B. is; be repaired C. isnt; repair D. isnt; be repaired( ) 35. Just before the English class, I suddenly realized that I _ my English textbook at home.A. forgot B. had forgotten C. left D. had left 第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A,B,C,D四个选项

17、中选出最佳选项。Every child has a dream of what they want to be, right? When Renee Butts was 36 , her dream was to become a volunteer firefighter because her father was one. Sadly, when she was 14, her father died and she was 37 able to volunteer with him. Renees story doesnt 38 there, however, which is why

18、 I think of her as a true 39 . She was strong-minded and never 40 , which makes her a good firefighter.Some days she must be ready to deal with any emergency, like 41 a fire, dealing with a car accident or helping someone 42 is sick. Other days she is in the drivers seat. Sometimes Renee works nine

19、or eleven hours a month on 24-hour shifts. She also has a 43 to take care of. Her husband is a firefighter, too.Renee remembers the 44 time she fought a fire. She was awoken early in the morning by the alarm. She said she was very 45 but did what she had to do. 46 I asked Renee what the best part of

20、 her job is, she replied, “Helping people and saving their lives.”I think that 47 signs of being a true hero. Shes always glad to do 48 for anyone in need. With 140 people in her station, Renee is one of the only three women.I think shes great. We could never live 49 people like Renee who is glad to

21、 help others. Renees deed helps me believe that 50 can do anything. Someday I hope to be just her: to wake up and help people every day. ( ) 36. A. young B. strong C. old D. tall( ) 37. A. always B. never C. almost D. usually( ) 38. A. change B. start C. end D. continue( ) 39. A. girl B. fool C. vol

22、unteer D. hero( ) 40. A. give up B. try out C. go over D. give out( ) 41. A. getting B. making C. catching D. fighting( ) 42. A. who B. which C. whom D. what( ) 43. A. home B. house C. family D. room( ) 44. A. first B. second C. last D. next( ) 45. A. unhappy B. excited C. sad D. nervous( ) 46. A. W

23、hen B. Until C. before D. Unless( ) 47. A. finds B. sees C. writes D. shows( ) 48. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. what( ) 49. A. without B. around C. with D. besides( ) 50. A. you B. she C. I D. he第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面A,B,C三篇短文, 从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AYoure g

24、oing to high school, arent you? Maybe you dont know what to do. Well, heres a list of the top six things to do when youre in high school. These things will give you ideas of what your high school life could be like. Here you go!Find your passion(激情) and what kind of person you are: Whether its dance

25、, basketball, or drawing, the important thing is that you have found something you are interested in.Talk to people you wouldnt usually talk to: Meet new people, find new friends and even talk to the people you dont like. It will show what a great person you are. You never know what will happen afte

26、r high school.Take part in at least one contest: This will give you tears of laughter, happiness and memories.Get a job: This will help you see what its like to have responsibility(责任).It can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself.Take a trip with your friends: It doesnt matter where

27、 you go or what you do, the memories will happen on the way and go on till the final place.Do your best at school: Dont ever get lazy. Working hard now will help you in the future.( ) 51. The writer mainly tells you six things you should do . .A. in your high school years B. at the beginning of your

28、 high school yearsC. before your high school begins D. after you finish your high school( ) 52. The writer gives you advice that you should talk to the people you dont like because . A. you will feel sorry if not B. it will show how great you areC. you can show how clever you are D. you can make you

29、r study better( ) 53. From Point , we know that you can in a contest.A. get lots of tears B. have a strong bodyC. get good grades in high school D. have different feelings and memories( ) 54. Which of the following youd better not do according to the passage?A. Find your interest. B. Get a job.C. Ta

30、ke a trip with your friends. D. Get lazy.( ) 55. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Have a happy school life. B. How to get along with your schoolmates.C. Ideas of successful high school life. D. Make your school life easy.BI left home for New Zealand to start my new life on my 15th birthday. My

31、father and mother took me to Hong Kong, where we had to say goodbye. When we were saying goodbye, I suddenly felt afraid that I had never had before.This was the first time I had traveled so far by myself. And going to a far-away place I have never been before made me feel terrible. I held back my tears until I could no longer see my parents. As I was wiping away my tears, I realized that, from that moment on, I would have to do everything by myself.After

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