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1、初一入学新生英语检测题目XXXX教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号 学员编号: 年 级:小六 课时数:学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师:学科组长签名及日期教务长签名及日期课 题句型巩固、09年天河省实初一入学新生检测,小升初模拟测试(三)授课时间:备课时间: 教学目标1 句型变换巩固2 09年天河省实初一入学新生检测重点、难点1 句型变换巩固2 09年天河省实初一入学新生检测考点及考试要求1 灵活掌握句型变化规则2 通过09年真题了解自身欠缺部分教学内容Step 1: 作业评讲Step 2: 09年天河省实初一新生入学检测一、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(5)1. A food B

2、school C room D foot2. A wanted B closed C played D listened3. A many B animal C apple D man4. A knife B thank C night D funny5. A boxes B oranges C shoes D watches二、单项选择。(20)1. Of all the girls, Mary spent _ time and made _ mistakes.A much, many B the least, the fewest C more, most D the fewest, th

3、e least2. _ name is Tom. Whats _ name?AI, you B My, you C My, your D I, your3. The word “fish” has _ “f”.A an B a C the D/4. I walk _the park with Jenny.A at B / C with D to5. This is the _ we play a game.A colour B way C draw D ball6. We have five _.A apple tree B apples tree C apple trees D apples

4、 trees7. -_ dress is this? - Its my dress.A Whoes B Whos C Whose D Where8. I _ the blackboard, but I cant _ a word.A look, see B look at, see C see, look D see, look at9. -_ will you come back? -In an hour.A How long B How often C How D How soon10. -_ did she go to Beijing? -You wont believe it! On

5、foot.A What B Where C When D How11. There are twenty _ in our school. Some of them are _.A women teachers, Germans B woman teachers, Germans C woman teachers, Germen D women teachers, Germen12. -May I _your bike? -Sorry.A ride B riding C rode D to ride13. - What does your father do? -He _.A am a stu

6、dent B is a policeman C works hard D is a good man14. Its time _ to school. We must _ now.A to go, goes B going, go C to go, go D going, goes15. The supermarket is _ at this time of day.A closed B opened C opens D closes16. There _ a football game on TV this afternoon and Im going to _ it.A is going

7、 to have, watch B has, see C is going to be, look at D is going to be, watch17. My mum is _ in our family.A busier B the busiest C busiest D the most busy18. -_ come to have supper? -Thank you! Id love to.A Would like to B Are you like C Shall we love to D Could you like19. -Im sorry I cant do it. -

8、 _.A Not at all. B Youre welcome. C It doesnt matter D Well done.20. I get up _ in a quarter to six _ a hot morning.A at, in B at, at C on, on D at, on三、完型填空(10)When Mary Smith was a student, she wanted to be a _1_ _2_ liked children. When she was twenty _3_, she taught in a small school. She was a

9、good teacher, and she _4_ a lot with her children in her class. They loved her very much.One day, a girl in her class _5_ to her, “Miss Smith, why does a mans hair become grey before beard(胡子) does?”Mary laughed and said, “I dont know. Helen, do you know?”“Sorry, but it happened _6_ my father.”The o

10、ther _7_ laughed when they heard this.Then a boy said, “I _8_, Miss Smith! A mans hair becomes grey _9_ because its sixteen years older _10_ his beard!”1. A doctor B teacher C worker D farmer2. A so B but C that D because3. A years old B days C metres D year old4. A cried B learned C laughted D stud

11、ied5. A says B asks C asked D said6. A down B to C for D from7. A children B classes C boys D girls8. A think B know C sure D say9. A fast B slowly C first D quickly10. A than B same C with D as四、阅读理解(30)AAn old man is well known in his country because he can predict the futuree. He knows what is go

12、ing to happen.One day, the king goes to visit him with his son. The king asks the old man to answer some questions. “Am I going to live a long time? What is my future?”The old man looks at the king. And he says slowly, “You are going to die in three days.”The king becomes very worried. Three days la

13、ter he dies. Everybody is sad. But life must continue, the kings son becomes the new king. After some days, the new king goes to see the old man again with two soldiers. He looks at the old man and says, “You are very clever. Tell me, what is your future?”The old man looks at the new king and says,

14、“When are you going to die?”The new king laughs and asks him, “When are you going to die?”The old man replies, “Im going to die three days before you.”True or false.1. The old man can predict the futrue.2. Five days later, the old king dies.3. The kings son is going to kill the old man.4. The old ma

15、n is very clever.5. The old kings grandson becomes the new king.BFor most people, the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. These are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in m

16、ovies and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs and in languages. Nowadays, middle school students are very interested in basketball. Most teenagers like watching Korean soap operas and wearing Korean clothes.Fashion changes as time goes. An English house of 1750 was different from

17、 one of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860. Mobile phone is a fashion now, but maybe it will be out of fashion later on. Today fashions change very quickly. Newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions send information from one country to another in a f

18、ew hours. New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.1. From the passage we know that “fashion” means _.A clothes B many things C most of the popular things D a lot of things.2. Which of the following things is in fashion among schoolboys today?A Watching

19、 Korean films B Playing basketball C Wearing different clothes D Having an interesting subject in school3. Which group of people like to go after fashion most?A Many people B Most house wives C Young people D Old people4. Today fashions change very quickly because _A people quickly learn what is hap

20、pening in the worldB new things that people like are often shown on TXC people like to chang the fashionsD people read newspapers every day5. “There is mone in fashion.” means _.A there are no fashions without money B people like new things C money comes from fashion D fashion affords moneyCNO BOATI

21、NG IN ANY PART OF THE LAKECough Medicine.Shake well before use. Take three times a day after meals.Each time: Adults: 2 teapoonfuls Children: 8-14 1.5 teaspoonfuls 4-7 0.5 teaspoonfulsNot for children below the age of 4.Keep in a cold place. Use before October, 2008.FAST FOODOPEN HOURSWEEKDAY 8:00 A

22、.M.-8:00P.M.WEEKEND 10:00A.M.-11:00P.M.1. From the first sign we know we can not _ in the lake.A stay for long B boat C fish D swim2. Helen is six years old, and shes got a bad cough. She should take _ a day.A 1.5 teaspoonfuls B 0.5 teaspoonfuls C 2 teaspoonfuls D 3 teaspoonfuls3. The cough medicine

23、 cant be taken by _.A a four-year-old child B a three-year-old child C a seven-year-old child D an eight-year-old child4. You can put the medicne _.A on a TV set B in a fridge C near a stove D by the window5. The fast food shop isnt open _.A at 9:00 PM on Thursday B at 10:00 AM on Friday C at 9:00 P

24、M on Saturday D at 10:00 AM on Sunday五、根据句意以及首字母提示,把句子所缺单词补充完整。(15)1. Liu Li is from China. He is a C_ boy.2. This cup is empty. Give me a f_ one.3. Mr Black looks old but Mrs Black looks y_.4. Dont take this heavy bike. Take this l_ one.5. Its dark in the room, t_ o_ the light.6. Look! Who _(talk)

25、in the classroom?7. Mary _ (go) to school early 10 days ago.8. My sister _(be) happy yesterday.9. Where is my bike? I c_ find it.10. Jias f_ are on the windows, they are very nice and sell good. Many bees and butterflies fly around them.11. Which is your bull? The black o_.12. May is the _ month of

26、the year.13. Do they like f_ kites in the afternoon?14. This kind of trees l_ turn yellow in autumn.六、用五个句子,说一说你的暑假计划。(10)七、综合填空。(10)It is time t_ go home now. Im in a bus o_ a rainy day, and a woman w_ a dog gets on the bus. Its a big dog and his f are not clean.I dont want the dog to sit near me.

27、B_ the woman says to the conductor, “Oh, I p_ for my dog. C_ he sit here like the o_ people?”The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, madam. But l_ the other people, he m_ not put his feel on the chair.”Homework2010广州市小升初英语模拟试题(三)I、词汇(5分)1._(Japan)come from Japan.2.We teach _ (they)English.3.M

28、y cousin _ (have)a new dictionary.4.There are four _ (tomato)on the table.5.My mother often_ (buy)some nice food on weekends.II、选择填空(20分)1.I dont like _ thrillers _ playing baseball.A. watching; or B. watching;and C. to watch;or2.I like you, Tom. Lets _ good friends。A. do B. be C. have3. -Who are yo

29、ur parents talking _? -I dont know.A. forB. to C. on4.Can Lily _ French?A. say B. speak C. talk5. _! Tom. Its 7: 00 oclock。A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up6.Classes are over. The students are _ now.A. having breakfast B. leaving school C. sitting down7. - _? -Its six oclock。A. What time is it B. What day is it C. How old are you8. -Where does the man _? -In a room near he

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