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1、四大网申参考答案四大网申答案第一部分四大OPEN QUESTIONS情况简介 KPMGKPMG的网站是四大里面做得最好的,内容丰富,有中文版,网速飞快。KPMG网申的开放式问题有代表性,建议大家认真写。写完一次之后,再申请后面三家就方便了1)Please give abrief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, includingsports and hobbies. (热身问题)2)What clubsand societies are you a member of and in what capaci

2、ty? (团队合作经历的引子)3)What factorshave influenced your career choice? (重要问题,答案最好跟申请的工作有关)4)Outline yourcareer ambitions and objectives. (重要问题,“N年内做经理 + 我的CICPA考试计划”)5)Describe yourgreatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations. (看性格,四大挺喜欢完美主义者的)PwC1) Why are you applying for thi

3、s position? (工作性质,职业生涯目标,公司声望等)2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and workingexperience will help you to be successful in the position for which you areapplying. (关键问题,见“准备篇”)3) What community or students clubs do you belong to and to what extent areyou involved?4) Any

4、additional information? (把KPMG其余的答案写上去吧:)EY1)Pleasedescribe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it.(Maximum 100 English words)2)Please includeany other information which you may consider relevant to your application.(Maximum 100 English words)有了前两家的经验,会写了吧。DTTDTT的网申是无OPEN

5、 Q的,页数也特别少,只有两页。但DTT的网站速度比较慢,所以如果宿舍的教育网不好用,大家就去办个ADSL吧,在找工的过程中很有用。DTT的网申筛选是北京中聘网做的,今年有点混乱,很多人不明不白就被刷下来了。后来有部分人去投诉,然后又进了。第一部分四大OPEN QUESTIONS答案参考1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisureactivities, including sports and hobbies.Mycurrent recreational and leisure activities

6、 are as follows:Reading: I am fond ofreading detective novels, thrillers (e.g. Alfred Hitchcocks);Moviesand TV play series: I am a moviegoer and recently I saw Schindlers List, whichis directed by Steven Spielberg. My favorite TV play series are Americansitcoms (e.g. Friends);Dancing:I am learning b

7、allroom dance as an elective course;Sports:I always go jogging and rope skipping to keep fit;Drawing:I enjoy doodling and Im very good at facsimile. You can find my graffito on mysketch paper or the blank places of my textbooks.2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in whatcapacity?I wor

8、ked asa team player on the student team belonging to Market Research Section in BeijingNewOrientalSchool last year (Jan. 2008-Sep.2008). New Oriental Education & Technology Group focuses on foreignlanguage education and training. The group was listed on the New York StockExchange on September 7, 200

9、6, the first private education company to achievethis feat in China.Main goal ofour team: Collect and analyze useful data from activities of other educationand training companies and then transfer the data into information, which willmake considerable contribution to managers decisions.My dutiesand

10、responsibilities: Collect data from activities of our competitors (e.g. NewChannel International Education Group Ltd.), including the number of students,the location of teaching building, the date of courses, new training projects,etc. Obtain the data and information by visiting their official websi

11、te orconsulting directly through phone call. Input and save the data in Excel in anorganized way. Participate in lectures and campaigns held by our competitorsand record information such as date, place, lecturer and content in Word.Analyze merits and defects of these activities. Take part in meeting

12、s everyother week to discuss difficulties we met and bring up constructive measures tosolve these problems.Results andlearning: Last summer holiday I received an individual prize for excellentperformance of the last half years hard work. This experience cultivates mystrong team spirits and the abili

13、ty to work well under pressure.3)What factors have influenced your career choice?Subjective factors:1)Personality: Cautious, patient, responsible; sensitive and accurate withnumbers; look at challenges as opportunities; a quick learner;2) Ability:Good interpersonal skills, leadership potentials, str

14、ong team spirits, abilityto work well under pressure, ability to work efficiently and pay attention todetail;3) Skills:Language Skill: Understand most articles in English, engage in an extendedconversation with English-speaking foreigners, write a report or essay thatcommunicates the desired message

15、s;ComputerSkill: Collect and analyze data with Excel, confident with other MicrosoftOffice applications, email and the web;ProfessionalSkill: Attain the knowledge of accounting and financial management; analyze thefinancial reports basically;Objective factors:1) Family:My father is a computer teache

16、r and my mother is an engineer. They are bothintelligent. I am the only child so that I have to take the financial burdenand take care of them when they are old;2)Educational background: My major is financial management and I have learnt acombination of courses in financial accounting, management ac

17、counting,Financial Management and Financial Statement Analysis. Other relevant coursesinclude Accounting Computerization, Assets Appraisal and Internal Control.3) Socialbackground and economic trends: In the recent twelve years, China activelyparticipates in globalization, especially the economic gl

18、obalization, which hasobviously affected the career choices of Chinese young people.4)Outline your career ambitions andobjectives.Short-term objective: Be involved in adynamic and fast growing company, which provides me with great opportunities toimprove my skills and accumulate experiences;Mid-term

19、 objective: After the effortsand study for a couple of years, I could be a qualified professional such as anexcellent accountant or auditor, who can be a considerable leader striving forthe prosperity of the company;Long-term objective: Set up a companyof my own. To be the chairman as well as CFO;Be

20、sides, I have to attain professionalqualifications such as CPA, ACCA during the pursuit of my career ambitions.KPMG 2008 open questions解答示例 1、Please give abrief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, includingsports and hobbies.My hobbies and interests are as follows:1,Reading:

21、I stay hunger for knowledge.I like reading BusinessWeek,The New YorkTimes and so on;2,Dancing:I am full of passion and really enjoy Lunba;3:Writting: I built up my Blog and kept my daily writting;4,Sport: I am good at basketball and I participate in School Team as a keyplayer.2、What clubs and societ

22、ies are you a member of and in what capacity?Microsoft Technology Club Founder and Vice President Mar 2006-Mar 2007-The largest local student-run organization registered in Microsoft-Operated as liaison between local chapter and national headquarters-Maintained daily operations while organizing week

23、ly chapter events3、What factorshave influenced your career choice?On the one hand, all the qualifications I have cultivated on campus, such asoutstanding English ability, demonstrated leadership and collaborationpotential, excellent interpersonal skill are the essential points to meet theneed of the

24、 job.On the other hand, arising from my interests to choose the functional job Ilike, I am sure I would play my talents and capacity as much as possible.Meanwhile, KPMG definitely will offer me a good training class and careercultivation to transform my potential to be professional.Though I am not p

25、rofessional, I have the enthusiasm and potentiality to beevolved in KPMG to cultivate myself to be a qualified staff.After the long-termefforts and study, I can be a considerable manager striving for the prosperityof the company.4、Outline yourcareer ambitions and objectives.My short-term career obje

26、ctive is to be involved in a dynamic and fast growingcompany, which provides me with a great opportunity to permanently grow as muchas possible through the challenging work.Meanwhile, my long-term objective is continuously to be familiar with my joband grow with the development of the company. After

27、 the long-term efforts andstudy, I want to be a qualified professional, who can be a considerable managerstriving for the prosperity of the company.5、Describe yourgreatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations.PWC open questions 回答示例 1) Why are you applying for this positio

28、n?1点写会计领域的忠诚度2点写 PWC在会计领域里面哪方面最好,有突出贡献,3点写有个师姐在里面,听到很多奇闻异事,有兴趣4点写自己曾经过过一些会计数据方面知识,加深了对于PWC了解例一PwC is one of the leading global professional service firm with goodreputation.I wish I could implement my acquired knowledge to the firm and continueexpansion and growth with PwC. The chances to access to

29、different industiesattracts me too,In my opinion,it could bring me a brand new sight and make megrow and succeed in the career path.The audit and assurance services aims enhance the degree of confidence of theintended users,It not only beneficial to the shareholder,but also the wholeorganization and

30、 the society.The job fits my qualification,therefore, I applythe audit and assurance services in PwC and willing to be a valuable asset.例二As it isuniversally accepted that accounting is the only language in commercial world,I suppose that it would be easier for me to grow to a professional manager f

31、roma fresh graduate and to be close to the core of the commercial world if Ichoose accountant as my first profession. After all, accounting is the commonvalue of industries, government, and individuals in modern society.Assurance is the longest established business in PwC and is also dynamic andfast

32、 growing, It will truly provide me with a great opportunity to work with adynamic group of well-trained professionals and I am so eager to develop mytalents and knowledge into this area.2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and workingexperience will help you to be successful in the position for which you areapplying(这个是关键问题!所以多给大家几个例子). ( via: )例一Therere 3 things in my life I excelled: English learning; badminton; painting.So I think its fair to say Ive got

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