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创新设计学年高中英语同步精练必修5 Unit 5 单元测试人教版课标通用.docx

1、创新设计学年高中英语同步精练必修5 Unit 5 单元测试人教版课标通用Unit 5 First aid 单元测试(人教版必修5,课标通用)(满分:150分,时间:120分钟)第卷(共115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What will the man do during the vacation?ATravel to the north.BStay with his

2、 grandparents.CStudy at school.2Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a street.BIn the downtown.CAt the subway station.3What is the man probably doing recently?AHe is designing an ad.BHe is looking for a job.CHe is advertising a product.4Why does the woman want to meet Betty Sue?ATo gi

3、ve her a message.BTo inform her of a meeting.CTo give her a document.5What is the man?AA waiter. BA singer. CA seller.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What is the probable relationship

4、 between the two speakers?ADoctor and patient.BBoss and employee.CFriends or relatives.7Why does the man work so hard?ATo be promoted.BTo get a pay rise.CTo pay off his debts.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8Where will the transfer students go?ATo the USA. BTo Britain. CTo Germany.9Whose English is good?AThe womans.

5、 BThe mans. CNeither A nor B.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What doesnt the snack bar have?ABanana pies.BSpicy chicken set meal.CPineapple pies.11How much is the payment?A20.5 RMB. B25.5 RMB. C25.15 RMB.12Where will the man have it?AAt the snack bar.BNot at the snack bar.CAt the office.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What t

6、ime is Bruce Cobbers flight?AAt 9:25. BAt 18:25. CAt 19:25.14Which gate did Mr.Bruce Cobber leave from?AGate 2. BGate 12. CGate 20.15What kind of ticket does the man want to buy?AFirst class,nonsmoker.BEconomic class,nonsmoker.CEconomic class,smoker.16Which statement of the following is TRUE accordi

7、ng to the text?ACobbers plane took off 15 minutes ago.BThe man missed Cobber again.CThe man bought a ticket to Sydney.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Why did Ted go to the bank?AHe wanted to get some money.BHe wanted to apply for a job.CHe wanted to report something to the bank.18What did the man at the bank as

8、k Ted to do first?AWrite answers under the questions on a piece of paper.BAnswer his questions orally.CWrite some questions.19Which of the following was one of the questions?AHave you ever worked in the prison?BHave you ever been in prison?CWhy have you been in prison?20What do you think of Ted?AHe

9、was clever. BHe was friendly. CHe was stupid.听力材料Text 1W:Do you have any idea for your winter vacation?M:I had planned to go to the north,but Ive changed my mind.Ill stay with my grandparents.Text 2M:Excuse me!Whats the best way to get downtown?W:Take the subway.Its $1.50 per ride.You can buy a metr

10、o card at the station.M:Youve been very helpful.W:My pleasure.Text 3W:Hey,Ted!I saw this ad in the paper.You should take a look.M:What is it?W:Its for a job.It looks perfect for you.Text 4W:Is Betty Sue in her office?M:Im sorry.Shes in a meeting right now.W:I see.Could you give her this document for

11、 me?M:Certainly.Text 5M:Can I help you?W:Have you got a VCD by SH.E.?I want a copy for my daughter.M:Sorry,we havent got that at the moment.But we could order it for you.听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。Text 6W:You look tired.M:Yeah,Ive been working so much overtime lately.W:Really?How come?M:My boss gave me a big pr

12、oject.I had to have it finished by this morning.It was so difficult!W:You shouldnt work so hard.M:I know.But hard work pays off,you know.W:What do you mean?M:Maybe Ill get that promotion I was hoping for.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。Text 7M:Our school is going to send transfer students to Germany.Did you know tha

13、t?W:Yes.And they said only two will get a chance.Its very competitive.M:Youre right.It also requires excellent English.W:English isnt one of my advantages.Id rather not try.M:Well,Id like to give it shot.Its once in a blue moon,after all.W:Im with you.You speak English well.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。Text 8W:

14、Hello,may I help you?M:A spicy chicken set meal and 2 pineapple pies,please.W:Sorry.We dont have any pineapple pies right now.Would you like to order something else?M:Yeah,2 banana pies.W:OK.Thats 25.5 RMB.M:Here you are.W:Thank you.Would you like it for here or to go?M:To go.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。Text 9

15、M:Excuse me.Miss!W:Yes,sir?Can I help you?M:I want to know if a Mr.Bruce Cobber has checked in for the 7:25 pm.flight to Sydney.W:Wait a moment,sir.Ill just find out.Yes,sir.Mr.Cobber has checked in already.M:Which gate is the flight leaving from?W:Gate 12.But its already left,Im afraid,sir.The plan

16、e took off 10 minutes ago.M:Oh,no!Ive missed him again!I dont believe it!Can I have a single ticket to London,please?Firstclass,nonsmoker.W:Here is your ticket,sir.M:OK.Thank you.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。Text 10Ted worked in a factory,but he wasnt a very good worker,so he lost his job one day.His wife look

17、ed in the newspaper and said,“One of the banks wants a guard.”“Im going there tomorrow,”Ted said,“and Im going to ask for that job.Its quite an easy one,and Im quite strong.”The next morning he went to the bank at half past nine and said,“I want that job here.The guards job.”A man gave him a piece o

18、f paper.There were a lot of questions on it.“Write your answers under the questions,”the man said to Ted.One of the questions was“Have you ever been in prison?”Ted smiled happily and wrote“No”under this question.Then he looked at the next question.It was“Why?”He thought for a moment and then he wrot

19、e,“Because the police have never caught me.”答案1.B2.A3.B4.C5.C6.C7.A8.C9.B 10C11.B12.B13.C14.B15.A16.B17.B18.A19.B20.C第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21_number of important persons have been here to attend the opening ceremony.I think it surely make

20、s_difference for that country.AThe;the BThe;a CA;a DA;the答案C句意:很多重要人士已经来这里参加开幕式了。我想这肯定对那个国家意义重大。a number of许多,若干;make a difference有影响,有意义。故选C。22Though_with the present situation,the local government could not find effective measures to reduce the risk of coal mine accidents. Aunsatisfied Bbeing unsa

21、tisfied Csatisfying Dto be unsatisfied 答案A句意:尽管对当前的局面不满意,但当地政府却找不到有效的措施来降低矿难事件的风险。本题考查省略句。though后面的完整形式为it was unsatisfied with the present situation。故选A。23Although the entrance to the cave was very narrow,those visitors managed to_through it.Apress Bsqueeze Cbreak Dcut 答案Bsqueeze与through连用表示“挤入;挤过;

22、通过狭小的空间”。句意:尽管这个洞穴的入口很狭窄,那些游客还是设法挤了进去。press意为“推,挤”,不与through连用;break through意为“突破”;cut through意为“穿透;穿过”。24If a person develops the A/H1Nl,it is_to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.Aserious Banxious Cvital Dprevious答案C考查词义辨析。serious严重的;anxious不安的;vital至关重要的;previous在先的。句意:如果一个人患上了甲型H1

23、N1流感,马上送患者去看医生或去医院是至关重要的。只有C项符合题意。25Have you got any particular plans for the summer holiday?Yes._,I am going to take a course of Crazy English.AIf possible BIf only CIf anything DIf ever答案A考查省略句的用法。If possible是“If it is possible”的省略形式。答语的意思为:如果可能的话我打算去上疯狂英语的课程。 26Tom,please dont put your things eve

24、rywhere in the room. You should have everything_.Ain truth Bin advance Cin case Din place 答案Din place意为“在适当的位置”,句中是说应该把每样东西都放在适当的位置上。in truth意为“事实上;的确”;in advance 意为“提前;预先”;in case意为“假使;万一”。27There are a(n) _of plants in the old mans yard,such as trees,flowers and grass.Agroup Bkind Camount Dvariety

25、答案Da variety of种种,各种各样的。句意:在这老人的院子里有各种各样的植物,比如树木、鲜花和草。a group of一组(群,伙);a kind of一种;an amount of许多, 大量,只修饰不可数名词。28Some researchers believe that there is no doubt_a cure for AIDS will be found.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhether答案C考查同位语从句。there is no doubt that从句意为“毫无疑问”。句意:一些研究人员相信,毫无疑问治愈艾滋病的方法将会被发现。故选C。29W

26、ith the help of my classmates,I put my hands_the missing pen in the corner of the classroom.Aat Bon Cfor Dto 答案Bput ones hands on为固定短语,意为“找到”。句意:在同学们的帮助下,我在教室的角落里找到了丢失的钢笔。30Why did you do the same thing_? It was so boring.Dont you know “practice makes perfect”?Aon purpose Bover and over again Cby ac

27、cident Dafter all 答案Bover and over again意为“反复;多次”。由答语中的“熟能生巧”可知是说反复做同样的事情。on purpose意为“故意,有意”;by accident意为“偶然”;after all意为“毕竟;到底”。31What made us angry was that he_that serious matter as a joke.Acured Bconcluded Ctreated Dthrilled 答案意为“以态度对待;把看作”, 句中是说把那件严重的事情看作玩笑。cure意为“治愈:治疗”; conclude意为

28、“结束;推断出”;thrill意为“使激动”。32I think you had better rewrite your composition before handing it in.Oh,dear!_.AWho cares? BNo problem. CGood idea! DIs it as bad as that? 答案D句意:“我认为你最好在上交作文之前再重新把它写一遍。“哎呀!它有那么糟糕吗?Oh,Dear ! 常用来表示惊奇、害怕以及其它强烈的感情,其他三项均与语境不符。33In which bookshop is it_you have bought the novel po

29、pular among children now?Awhich Bhow Cthat Dwhere 答案C本题是对强调句型的特殊疑问句的考查,结构为“特殊疑问词is/wasitthat十句子的其他部分”。34Once the new rules are made,what matters much next is how they will be_to all the members of the club.Adevoted Breferred Capplied Ddirected 答案Cbe applied to在句中意为“适用于”,句中是说把新规定适用于俱乐部所有成员的身上。be devo

30、ted to意为“专心于;致力于”;refer to意为“提到”;direct to意为“指向”。35She_dish up when some guests came. Which of the following is NOT true?Awas about to Bwas just going to Cwas on the point of Dwas to答案C句意:她刚要上菜开饭,这时来了一些客人。表示“正要做某事这时”的句型有be about to/be just going to /be to do sth和be on the point of doing sth等。原句中的动词dish为原形,故选C,其余三项都正确。 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In the morning,Slim got up and prepare

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