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本文(百师联盟届高三新高考一轮复习联考三英语试题含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、百师联盟届高三新高考一轮复习联考三英语试题含答案解析英语试卷注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选岀每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。冋答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。 写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。考试时间120分钟,满分150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小題;每小題1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B. C三个选项中选岀最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小

2、题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。例:HOW much is the shirt?第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分22.5分)听下面3段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。6 HoW does the man SOUnd at first?A.C. Disappointed.C. Red.NerVoUS B. Thrilled.7.What COlOr ClOeS the WOman think OId t

3、rains were?A.Black. B. Green.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What does the man Want the WOman to do?A.HelP him SlOP smoking.B.GOjOgging With him.C.HaVe a IaIk With his friends.9.Why does the man PIan to StOP smoking?A.The WOman asks him to give UP SmOking.B.HiS ParentS ask him to do so.C.He SUfferS from bad breat

4、h10.Whafs the womans attitude towards Ihe man?A.SUPPOrtiVe B. Doubtful.听笫8段材料,回答笫11至13题。11.What is the COnVerSatiOn mainly about?A.AjOb POSitiOn. B. A WOrk PrOjeCt12.What did the WOman do in Japan?A.She Went to COlIegeB.She traveled aroundC.She WOrked for a company.13.What does the WOman think is he

5、r advantage?A.That She has WOrked in EaSt ASiaB.That She Can SPeak more than One IangUageC.That She has much WOrk experience in top COmPanieS 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.NeighbOrS B Roommates.15.What did Diane See the Cat do?A.GO OUtSide B. RUn PaSt her quickl

6、y.16.Where WaS the Cat hiding?A.In the bedroOrrL B In the IiVing room.17.What does the man imply about the cat?A.She never tries to go OUtSideB.She is afraid Of the OUtSide world.C.She always COmeS back by herself. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.HoW did PUrintOn and MOUltrOUP reconnect each other?A.ThrOUgh a

7、TV PrOgram.B.ThrOUgh an OrganiZatiOnC.ThrOUgh a DNA tool.19.Where did the daughter MOUltrOUP grow up?A.InFlorida. B. InCalifoniia.20.What Can We know about the reunion?A.It happened during the ChnStmaS holiday.B.It WaS a big family get-together.C.PUrintOn and MOUltrOUP hugged With tears.第二部分阅读(共两节,满

8、分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)AChiIdren FJlmS for InternatiOnal Children,s DayC. SymPathetiCC. CUItUral differences.C. HOSt and guest.C. Get behind the bookcase.C. In Ihe IaUndry roomC. In Vermont.have SeIeCted SOme childrensInternatiOnai ChiIdTeIfS Day is around the COrner and We movies for you to

9、 enjoy this SPeCial day With your kids. Free OnIine access to these films Wlll be available for a IinIited PeriOd Of time ( from JUne ISt-JUne 7th ) , and feel free to PiCk them up. TIle films are all PrOVided by Www. .A JOUrney to the SeaSide ( 2019 )A ClriVert Shen TOngl PIayed by actor Sha Yi, re

10、ceives an Order Sending an 8-year-old boy and his dog from Beijing to ZhOUShan in Zhejiang PrOVinCe Shen reluctantly accepts the Order just for the payment. On Ihe Wayt he and the boy go through many experiences together, WhiCh ChangeS their attitudes At the end Of the journey, Shen finds there migh

11、t be SOme relations between hi in and the boy. ThiS is a journey that heals IWO IOnely hearts One Of an adult, the Other a child.LittIe TigerS (2013)Winning many awards; the film features SOnIe Children helping to deliver important messages during Ihe War Of ReSiStanCe against JaPaneSe AggreSSiOn (

12、193145 ) The main actors, ChOSen from about 30,000 ChiIdren in auditions, had IittIe acting experience but SUCCeSSfUny POrtray the CharaCterS With natural and ViVid PerfOrmanCeSAnimaI ReSCUe SqUad ( 2019 )A ShiP Carrying highly POiSOnOUS raw material is robbed by PirateS BeSideS a parrot, all CreW m

13、embers mysteriously died. DeSPite this, the ShiP is StilI heading to POrt at a full speed, WhiCh Wiil CaUSe a huge disaster. A girl WhO Can talk to animals happens to Iearn about the accident and tries to SaVe the sea, the POrt and the PeOPle With her animal friendsCIiCk here to WatCh the films hups

14、:/wwwA905xom/vod/play/1458180.shtml.21 FOr WhOm is the PaSSage written?A ChiIdren B. Teachers. C. Parents. D SChOOL22.In WhiCh film are the Ieading actors not PrOfeSSiOna1?A. A JOUrney to the Seaside. B. LittIe Tigers.C. Animal ReSCUe SqUad D NODe Of the films.23.Where is the PaSSage PrObably from?A

15、. A brochure. B. A magazine. C. A textbook D. A WebSiteJ BChiIdren from three COmmUnitieS affected by the IateSt IilaSS ShOOtings in the United StateS are Starting a new SChOOI year. Singer Lady Gaga is trying to make their return to SChOOl a Iittie happier and easierThe Grammy-Winning Singer recent

16、ly announced She WOUId Pay for SeVeral schlroom ProjeCtS in the CitieS Of El PaSOt Texas, Dayton, Ohio, and Gilroy, California. In El Paso, there are new books for third-grade StUdentSi many Of WhOm do not have any books at home In Dayton, StUdentS With disabilities Will have SPeCial ChairS to help

17、them Stay Calm In Gilroy, fifth-graders are getting fun new tools for their SCienCe lessons.Gaga,s aim is to bring a measure Of hope to PIaCeS affected by an especially ViOIent Week Of mass killings. She WrOte On her FaCebOOk page, I Want to Channel my COnfUSion, frustration, and anger into hope,The

18、 money for the PrOjeCtS Came from the Singer,s BOrn ThiS Way Foundation, in PartnerShiP With the nonprofit group DOnOrS ChOOSe The DOnOrS ChOOSe WebSite SayS it HCOnneCtS teachers in high-needs COmmUnitieS With donors WhO Want to help.,A PUbIiC SChOOl teacher from NeW YOrk City Started the OrganiZat

19、iOn in 2000. He had Wanted his StUdentS to read the famous AmeriCan book LittIe HOUSe On the Prairie. But, he Only had enough money to buy a SingIe COPy Of the book for Ihe ClaSSrOOm.Gaga ChOSe to fully finance is a $462 request for books at EI Paso,s Whitaker Elementary School. RebeCa BlanCO-GrijaI

20、Va WrOle in her appeal On DOnOrS ChOOSe Ihat She teaches Ihird grade at a POOr SChOOL She (IeSCribed her StUdentS as MVOraCiOUS readers,BUt many Of them do not have any books Of Iheir OWn to read at home.Gaga WrOte On FaCebOOk that the money for these and Other ProjeCtS Will give IeaCherS Mthe SUPPO

21、rt they need to inspire Iheir StUdentS to WOrk together and bring their dreams to life, rr24.HOW did Gaga help the SIUdentS in Dayion?A.PrOViding new books for StUdentS.B.Getting fun new IOolSC Changing her annoyance into hopeD.SUPPlying disabled StU(JentS With SPeCial ChairS25.WhiCh information abo

22、ut Gaga is wrong?A.Gaga has WOn the Grammy AWard.B.Gaga,s goal is to bring hope to the StUdentS affected by mass ShOOtingS.C.Gaga Carried OUt the PrqjeCt Only by herself.D Gaga is a famous Singer in AmeriCa.26.What does the UnderIined WOrd voracious mean?A. Dull. B. CUriOUs C. Strict. D, Desired.27.

23、HOW do you Iike Gaga in the passage?A. TaIented and SWeet B. Determined and responsible.C.BraVe and kind. D. COUrageOUS and wise.CHUmanS have favoured red apples for generations, but rising temperatures COUId mean the end Of a rosy red appleThe ancestors Of Ihe modem apple Were WiICI trees growing i

24、n What is now KaZakhStan. Today, VViId apple trees SIill grow there, PerfUming Ihe air with fallen fruit and feeding Ihe bears that move SlOWIy through Ihe forest, although Ihe Wild apples, numbers have become SmaJler by 90% in Ihe IaSt 50 years due to human development and their future is UnCertain

25、APPIe COIOUr arises from Ihe expression IeVel Of Certain genes in the skin, SCientiStS have found. Interestingly, COIOUr also depends OrI temperature TO get an apple IhafS fully red, IemPeratUreS must Stay cool, DaVid Chagne, an expert at PIant and FOOd ReSearCh in NeW Zealand, explains. AS temperat

26、ures warm, he suggests, it COUld become more difficult for apples to turn red.COIOUr PrObabIy didn,t Win Other features Of an apple When growers Were evaluating a new tree, however. Instead, Ihey focused On the taste and USe for Ihe apple: SOme are good for CiCleG Some for pies, SOme for sauce, and

27、SOme for eating I【didn,t much matter exactly What Ihe fruit IOOked Iike and Whether it IOOked the Same from tree to tree, because farmers Were growing fruit for themselves and for their IOCal market, and function mattered more Ihan IOOkSBUnker SayS that all Changed about a hundred years ago. The red

28、der apples might not be better than the yellower OneSin fact they might be WOrSebut, FFred sells; that,s the problem”.,It happens to every SingIe apple On the market/ SayS BedfOrd. HThafS just the nature Of OUr desire to have apples the Way We Want them to look.ever SinCe man has been making ChOiCeS

29、 they,ve been making Ihem redder and reticle匚28.WhaCs Ihe main idea Of Ihe passage?A. HUmanS have been Preferring red apples.B.RiSing IemPeratUreS make apples no IOnger redC.The ancestors Of modern apple StiIl exist.D.GrOWerS Pay IeSS attention to Change the COlOUr Of apples29.What Can be inferred f

30、rom ParagraPh 3?A.SCientiStS have found WayS to Change the COIOUr Of applesB.APPleS Wiil become red in Winter because Of the IOW temperature.C.APPIe COlOUr is greatly influenced by temperatureD The higher the temperature is , the redder apples Wiil be.30.WhiCh Of the following StatementS WilI NOT Wi

31、n Ihe favor Of growers?A.The COlOUr Of the apple B The taste Of Ihe appleC. The USe Of the apple D. The function Of Ihe apple31.What does Bedford5S WOrdS mean?A EVery SingIe apple On the market IOOkS nice.B.We humans desire to Change the appearance Of apples.C.HUmanS have been ChOOSing VariOUS apple

32、s.D HUmanS in fact Prefer Ihe apples WhiCh IOOk redder.DEVery three decades, Or roughly OnCe a generation, HOnyWOOd experiences a great shift: The transition from Silent films to SOUnd OneS in the 1920s. The rise Of broadcast television in the 1950s. The , 1 Want My MTVn CabIe boom Of the 1980s.It is happening again. The IO

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