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本文(英语大纲第2册 45分钟过关检测Unit7Warming upListening.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英语大纲第2册 45分钟过关检测Unit7Warming upListening.docx

1、英语大纲第2册 45分钟过关检测Unit7Warming upListening【英语】大纲第 2 册 45 分钟过关检测 Unit7:Warming up,Listening【英语】大纲第 2 册 45 分钟过关检测Unit7 Living with disease 课堂训练 Warming up,Listening & Speaking基础巩固:站起来,拿得到!.单词拼写1.We can send them a note v the internal mail system.2.We finally succeeded p him to give up that mad plan.

2、3.The laboratory animals had been_ (感染) with the bacteria.4.The World Cup Final is being_ (转播) live to over fifty countries.5.Although there were a great many_ (蚊子),he still slept like a log.答案:1.via 2.persuading 3.infected 4.transmitted 5.mosquitoes.情景交际1.(2004 天津高考,21) -How often do you eat out?-

3、_,but usually once a week.A.Have no idea B.It dependsC.As usual D.Generally speaking 答案:B 提示:本题考查交际用语。have no idea”不知道,没有想法、计划”。itdepends”根据实际情况而定”。as usual”跟往常一样”。generally speaking”一般说来”。根据语境 but usually once a week 应选 B 项。2.(广东高考,21) Tom:Mike,our team will play against the Rockets thisweekend.Im

4、sure we will win.Mike:_!A.Congratulations B.CheersC.Best wishes D.Good luck 答案:D提示:”Good luck.”是当对方参加某项活动,如考试、比赛等时,向对方表示祝福的话。3.(2004 江苏高考,28) -You havent lost the ticket,have you?-_.I know Its not easy to get another one at the moment.A.I hope not B.Yes,I haveC.I hope so D.Yes,Im afraid so 答案:A 提示:本

5、题考查交际用语。根据后面”I know Its not easy to get another oneat the moment”可知前面表达的应是说话人不希望它丢失的愿望。4.(2004 江苏高考,35) -How long are you staying?-I Dont know._.A.Thats OK B.Never mindC.It depends D.It doesnt matter 答案:C 提示:本题考查交际用语。It depends 具体情况具体对待。由 I dont know可得出此答案。5.(2004 全国高考,21) -Its getting late.Im afrai

6、d I must be going now.-OK._.A.Take it easy B.Go slowly C.Stay longerD.See you 答案:D 提示:本题考查交际用语。根据语境,这是要道别离开时的话。take it easy 是”放松,别紧张”的意思;stay longer 意思是”再待一会儿,再待久一些”。see you 是”再见”的意思。B 项属汉式英语。句子中的”OK”是关键词,表明同意。6.(重庆高考,35) -We missed you at this mornings meeting,Diana.-_,but if I hadnt had to meet a

7、friend,I would have been there.A.Me,too B.Im sorry C.Never mindD.Thank you 答案:B 提示:Im sorry 表示歉意,本句后面解释早上没去开会的原因。me too 指”我也是”,never mind 意为”不介意”。7.(2004 全国高考,21) -Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes beforeI decide?-Of course._,sir.A.Make yourself at home B.Enjoy yourselfC.It doesnt matter

8、 D.Take your time 答案:D 提示:本题考查交际用语。Make yourself at home 意思是”随便,别拘束”;Enjoy yourself 意思是”玩得愉快”;It doesnt matter 是”没关系”;Takeyour time 意思是”别急,把握好时间,慢慢来”。根据语境选项 D 符合语意。8.(2004 全国高考,34) -Susan,will you please go and empty that drawer?-_?A.What for B.What is it C.How is itD.How come 答案:A 提示:本题考查交际用语。根据语境,

9、答语中问的是目的。它其实是个省略句。补全后应为”I go and empty that drawer for what”,what提前构成疑问句就成了 what for 或 for what。9.(2004 全国高考,23) -Id like to take a weeks holiday.-_,were too busy.A.Dont worry B.Dont mention itC.Forget it D.Pardon me 答案:C 提示:本题考查交际用语。由 Were too busy 可看出说话人的态度-休假是不可能的。能力提升:踮起脚,抓得住!.单项选择1.-Who did it

10、_ like?Anyone you know?-Well,it _ be Mr Smith,but Thats not certain.I should have asked whowas calling,but I didnt.A.look;might B.seem;mustC.sound;may D.appear;should 答案:C 提示:尽管 call 可表示”拜访,大声喊叫,打电话”等含义,但是下句的who was calling 表示”谁在打电话?”,因此第一空用 sound,该句表示”电话听起来像谁的声音”。第二空句中有”我不肯定”,因此说”可能是 Smith”,表判断时 ma

11、y 与 might 不是时态而是语气的区别。2.The bell _ the end of the period rang,_ our heated discussion.A.indicating;interruptingB.indicated;interruptingC.indicating;interruptedD.indicated;interrupted 答案:B 提示:indicated 为谓语,interrupting 为状语。3.The students were standing by the West Lake,_ swimming suits.A.all of them w

12、ore B.all were wearingC.all of whom wearing D.all wearing 答案:D提示:A 和 B 项缺连词,C 项缺谓语,本小题后一部分有连词时用完整的句子,如果没有连词就要用非谓语动词作状语,故选 D。4.-So,Nancy,you had no difficulty finding your way here?-_.A.Yes,nodifficulty at all B.No,none at allC.Yes,no problem D.Nonsense 答案:B 提示:yes 后接肯定形式,no 后接否定形式(如 Yes,I do.No,I do

13、nt.),不要管如何翻译成汉语。本小题用 yes 作答表示有困难,no 作答是没有困难;none=no+前述名词,即 no difficulty。5.To my delight,there was my purse,in the back seat of the taxi,_ thedriver couldnt possibly see it before.A.that B.which C.whereD.when 答案:C 提示:where 引导非限制性定语从句,代替 in the back seat。6.-How is her condition now?-It has improved _

14、.A.better B.greatly C.hardD.so答案:B提示:improve 表示”改善,提高”,用作 vi.,vt.,一般用 greatly 修饰,表示”极大地改善”,不用 much,但可以说 How much you have improved!7.He was _ tired.As soon as he lay down,he feel _.A.not a little;asleep B.not a bit;asleepC.not a little;sleepy D.not a bit;sleepy 答案:A 提示:not a little 意为”非常”,not a bit 指”一点也不”。8.-Tom,why didnt you come to the meeting yesterday?-I_ ,but my car broke down.A.would B.had C.was going toD.did 答案:C 提示:I was going to 意为”我本打算来的”。9.We do meet now and then,but not _.A.freely Bmonly C.regularyD.presently 答案:C 提示:regularly 意为”经常地”;freely 指”自由地”,commonly

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