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1、每日一句Its dogged that does it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。My success is based on persistence, not luck. 我的成功基于坚持,而非运气。I have a crush on you. 我对你有一点动心。Love when you are ready, not when you are lonely. 不要因为寂寞而爱错人。Nobody gets to write your destiny but you. 除了你自己,没有人能书写你的命运。Whether you fail or fly, at least you tried. 不

2、管是一飞冲天还是跌入谷底,至少,你尝试过!What goes around comes around. 出来混迟早要还的。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。The Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of Chinese territory. 钓鱼岛是中国的!Whats the big deal? 多大点事啊?!People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck. 没有糟糕的运气,只有糟糕的决定。There will be no forgetting September the 11t

3、h.人们不会忘记9.11这一天A teacher affects eternity. 老师的影响力是永恒的。Every man dies,not every man really lives. 每个人都会死,但不是每个人都曾真正的活过。Opportunity seldom knocks twice. 机不可失,时不再来。Its almost here. 它,不日而至!The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment. 享受每时每刻才是生活的真谛。Im cheerful and outgoing. 我乐观开朗。After a hurricane comes

4、 a rainbow. 风雨之后总会见彩虹。Our attitude defines life. 态度决定命运。Live to learn, not learn to live. 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。8月每日一句You have to be empty in order to be full. 空杯心态,才能容纳更多。Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。Do one thing at a time, and do it well. 一次只做一件事,并做到最好!Its just a storm in a teacup. 没什么可

5、大惊小怪的。We dont know what weve got until we lose it. 人们总在失去后才懂得珍惜。Tomorrow is another day. 明天又是全新的一天。Go with the flow. 顺其自然。Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. 爱所有人,相信一些人,不负任何人。Catch ones heart,never be apart. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true. 幸福就是每一个微小愿望的达成We have n

6、othing in common. 我们没有共同语言。Always bring your own sunshine. 时刻带着自己的阳光。When we are speaking about love,its never too late. 当我们说爱你的时候,永远都不会晚。Look before you leap. 三思而后行。To be is to do! 活着就是奋斗!Youre in here because of me. 你在这里,是因为有我。Take the moment and make it perfect. 抓住当下,让它成为完美时刻。Youre in the pink! 你

7、的气色真好!Take a sad song and make it better. 找一首哀伤的歌,把它唱得更快乐Time is racing toward us. 时不我待。Over-thinking ruins you. 想得太多会毁了你。It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.我们要征服的不是高山,而是自己。Its worth a shot. 值得一试。Always wear your invisible crown. 永远戴着属于你的隐形王冠。Lin Dan won the championship in a stunning t

8、urnaround. 林丹惊天逆转夺得冠军。His persistence gained him victory. 他一拼到底,赢得胜利!True love conquers all. 真爱无敌!A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. 天才能赢得比赛,但是团队合作才能取得冠军。This wasnt how it was supposed to happen. 事情本不该是这样。Inspire a generation. 激励一代人。7月份每日一句Y

9、oure the boss. 听你的!Nothing stands in my way. 没有什么能够阻挡我He who laughs last,laughs best. 谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最好。Keep trying!Dont give up the ship. 继续努力! 别放弃!The opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games is coming. 2012奥运会开幕式即将开始Love makes man grow up or sink down. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。Sometimes you have to be your

10、own hero. 有时候,你必须做自己的英雄Im at a loss for words. 我很无语。All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast!早餐决定一天的幸福指数!Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. 有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才能怒放。Yesterdays sun cant dry todays clothes. 好汉不提当年勇。One who frequently looks back cant go far. 频频回头的人,是走不了远路的

11、。We need to take some precautions. 我们要提前做好准备。I will love you till the end of time. 我会爱你到海枯石烂。How thick could you get? 你能再“二”一点吗?Have the faith for a better tomorrow. 要相信明天会更好!You got a dream.You gotta protect it. 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。Thats as easy as pie. 这事易如反掌。I can accept failure,but I cant accept not

12、 trying.我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不去尝试。You dont think that crosses a line? 你不觉得太过分了吗?I am behind you. 我挺你!We have good chemistry. 我们一见如故。Dreams are made possible if you try. 只要努力,梦想就会实现。All life is a game of luck. 生活本来就全靠运气。Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。What Im doing right now, Im chasing perfec

13、tion.我现在所做的,是为了追求更加完美。I dont have the strength to stay away from you anymore. 我再也离不开你了。Independence Day is one of Americas principal legal holidays. 独立日是美国主要法定节日之一。Nothing really matters except to live or die. 世上除了生死,其他都是小事。Miracles happen to those who believe in them.相信奇迹的人,才能创造奇迹。Hi,July, please g

14、o easy on me! 你好,七月!希望这个月好过点!6月份每日一句Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇会惹祸。Chance favors the prepared mind. 机会是为有准备的人准备的。This cell phone sure is hot stuff. 这款手机真够棒的!Youll always have next year. 将来机会多得是。I dont want the dead-end job. 我不想做没有前途的工作。One today is worth two tomorrows. 今日之时最珍贵,明日之时不可待。I am pretty u

15、seless at everything except music.我除了音乐一无所能。I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival! 端午节快乐!The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前是最黑暗的There are no accidents. 存在即合理。Smile while you still have teeth. 趁年轻还有一口好牙,多笑笑吧!You have the ball at your feet. 我看好你哦Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.

16、君子和而不同。Dad,one day,Ill make you proud of me. 爸爸,总有一天,我会成为你的骄傲!The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。Goals determine what youre going to be. 奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。Its you and your scent like a drug to me. 你和你的味道,让我如此着迷。Any time spent being unhappy is wasted. 任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。She really takes a sh

17、ine to you. 她真喜欢上你了哦。Its written. 命中注定。The devil is always in the details. 细节决定成败。More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信,我会成功。An eye finds more truth than two ears. 百闻不如一见。She is an ace dancer. 她是个王牌舞蹈演员。Always b

18、e a first-rate version of yourself. 做最好的自己!God helps those who help themselves. 自助者,天助。They are really childhood sweethearts. 他们真是青梅竹马。Be innocent just like a Child. 保持一颗童心。5月份每日一句Smoking is harmful to your health. 吸烟有害健康!Each moment of your life is a picture. 生命中的每一刻都是一幅画。Life isnt always a bowl of

19、 cherries. 生活并不总是美好的。NO victory comes out without price. 没有人能随随便便成功。Get busy living or get busy dying. 要么好好活着,要么赶紧去死。All things are obedient to money. 有钱能使鬼推磨。Think big goals and win big success. 目标远大则成就伟大。You make your own luck. 命运由你自己把握。Even without the sun, sunflower can still smile.没有太阳,向日葵依然可以微

20、笑。Keep your shirt on. 要淡定!Those who cant lose will never win either. 输不起的人,往往也赢不了。My love for you will never die. 我对你的爱,爱,爱不完Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。Victory belongs to the most persevering. 坚持到底就是胜利Life was suddenly full of possibilities, not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命突然充满了无限可

21、能,更有一些意外惊喜Life is short and time is swift. 人生短暂,时光飞逝。All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 有情人终成眷属。Dreams are necessary to life. 梦想是生活的必需品。Mama,thank you for who I am. 妈妈,谢谢你成就了我。Heal the world,make it a better place. 拯救这世界,让它成为更美好的家园。Being silent is the perfect way to show contempt.沉默是表示轻蔑的最好方式。

22、Failure shows you have reasons to start again.失败表明你有理由重新开始Hang in there,everything will be fine. 坚持住,一切都会好起来的!Never give up your dreams.Miracles happen everyday. 别放弃梦想,奇迹每天都在上演。Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful.努力让每一天都开心有意义!Never too late for a fresh start. 重新开始从不太迟。Every cloud has a silver lining. 守得云开见月明。Youth comes but once in a lifetime. 人生不过一次少年。I want to see john. 我想去厕所。The best things in life arent things. 生活中最美好的事情是无形的。Labor vanquishes all. 劳动征服一切。4月份每日一句

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