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英语初级听力Lesson 16最新.docx

1、英语初级听力Lesson 16最新Lesson 16 Section 1 Dialogue 1: How shall I do it, sir? Just tidy it up a bit, please. Do you want some spray? No, nothing at all. Thank you very much. Dialogue 2: Is anybody looking after you? No. Im after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey. The best I can do is a 36. Could you orde

2、r me one? I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your address, Ill contact you. Dialogue 3: How much is this greetings telegram to Germany, please? Ill just make sure. Anything else? Yes. Half a dozen air mail labels and a book of stamps. Seventy-five pence exactly, please. Dialogue 4: I keep feelin

3、g dizzy, and Ive got a headache. How long has this been going on? It came on yesterday. I should say youre generally run down. What ought I to do? Its nothing serious, but youd better stay in bed for a day or two.Dialogue 5: Mrs. Hughes, this is Peter Brown. How do you do? How do you do? How do you

4、find things over here? If it wasnt for the climate, Id like it very much. It wont take you long to settle down. Dialogue 6: If youll excuse me, I really should be off now. Not yet surely. Have another drink at least. No, thank you all the same. Oh dear! What a pity! Thank you very much indeed for th

5、e delicious meal. Thank you for coming.Dialogue 7: Im afraid I didnt quite hear what you said. I said, Theres no rush. I can take you in the car. Wont it make you late? No, Im going right past your place. Dialogue 8: That radios terribly loud. Could you turn it down a fraction? Sorry! Is it disturbi

6、ng you? Yes, and something elsewouldnt it be an idea to buy your own soap? Sorry! I didnt realize you felt so strongly about it. Section 2 A. The Snack Bar. (Two customers are at the Happy Hamburger.) Waiter: Can I take your orders, please? 1st Man: Yes. A Maxi Quarterpounder for me, please. With ch

7、ips. Waiter: Anything else, sir? 1st Man: A banana long boat, I think. Waiter: What would you like to drink with your meal? 1st Man: Can I have a beer? Waiter: Im sorry sir, we are not licensed to sell alcohol. 1st Man: A cold milk then, please. Waiter: And for you, sir? 2nd Man: Ill have the cheese

8、burger with a green salad, please. Waiter: And to follow? 2nd Man: Ill decide later. Waiter: And to drink? 2nd Man: Cola, please. B. Hotel English.Dialogue 1: Can I get breakfast in my room? Certainly, sir. Its served in your room from 8 until 10. How do I order it? Just ask for Room Service on the

9、phone, or I can make a note of it if you like, sir. Yes, Id like it at 8.30 tomorrow morningthats the continental breakfast. Very good, sir. Dialogue 2: Ive just spilled some soup on my best dress, and were leaving first thing the day after tomorrow. How on earth can I get it cleaned? If you hand it

10、 in for dry cleaning before 9 tomorrow morning, itll be returned to you the same day. I can get you Room Service and arrange it now if you like, madam. Oh, could you really? That would be wonderful.Dialogue 3: Ill be needing an early call tomorrowcan you fix that for me? Theres an automatic waking d

11、evice in the panel at the head of your bed. You just set it to the time you want. Dialogue 4: I thought you had TV in all your rooms here. Im afraid not, sir, but we can install one in your room. Will that be extra? Yes, sir. Our charge for a color TV is four Finnish marks per day. Well, Ill have to

12、 ask my wife what she thinks. Very good, sir, and if you decide to rent one, would you please call Room Service? Dialogue 5: (Sarcastically) Are you free to answer my question at last? Yes, of course, madamas you see, weve been rather busy today. So it seems. I tried to find a maid this morning, but

13、 there wasnt anyone there. When you want Room Service, madam, just lift the phone in your room and ask for Room Service. Oh, thats how you do itand how was I supposed to know?C. Parties. (Background sound of voices / glasses clinking / ice. Interrupted by doorbell.) Mrs. Phillips: How nice to see yo

14、u, Mrs. Adams. Do come in. Ill take your coat. Henry . Henry . Mr. and Mrs. Adams are here. Mrs. Adams: Its very kind of you to invite us. Is it a special occasion? Mr. Phillips: Good evening, Mrs. Adams. Good evening, sir. What would you like to drink? Mr. Adams: My wife is driving tonight so Ill n

15、eed something strong. Mr. Phillips: Follow me. Everyones in the sitting room. (Background sounds of subdued merriment, voices, glasses, interrupted by the sound of metal on glass. Pause while noises stop.) Mr. Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to tell you the reason for this party. Of course,

16、were always delighted to see all of you but . what I want to say is . Helen has just won a prize. She entered a competition and were going to Bermuda on a free holiday. (Background sounds of congratulations. Well done, Helen. Congratulations. What a surprise. When are you leaving?) Mr. Phillips: Now

17、 Id like to ask my wife to tell you about her success. Helen? Mrs. Phillips: Well, all I can say is: what a surprise! I had no idea I was going to win. I didnt even know I was going to enter the competition. Henry did all the work, didnt you, Henry? He told me how to fill in the form, how to answer

18、the questions and how to write one sentence about Fluorex Toothpaste. The strange thing is . weve never used it.D. Discussion: James and Patrick were alone in the office. Patrick: Youre not looking very cheerful. Whats the matter with you? James: Oh, nothing special. Im just a bit fed up. Patrick: W

19、ith the job? James: With everything, with catching the same train every morning, sitting in the same office all day, watching the same television programs . Patrick: You need a holiday. James: It wasnt always like this, you know. Patrick: How do you mean? James: Well, our great-great-grandfathers ha

20、d more fun, didnt they? I mean, they hunted for their food and grew their own vegetables and did things for themselves. We do the same sort of job for years and years. Theres no variety in our lives. Patrick: You need a holiday. Thats whats the matter with you. Section 3 Dictation. Imagine you are b

21、eing interviewed for a job you really want. How would you answer these questions? 1. What was the worst problem you encountered in your present job? 2. How did you handle it? 3. Why do you want to leave your present job? 4. What are you most proud of having done in your present job? 5. Why do you th

22、ink you are qualified for this job? 6. What sort of boss would you most like to work for? 7. Supposing a member of your staff was frequently away from work, claiming to be ill, what action would you take? 8. If you were working as a part of the team, what unspoken rules of behavior would you observe

23、? 9. How long do you plan to stay in this job?Lesson 17 Section 1 Dialogue 1: Whats the postage on these letters to Thailand, please? Ill have to check. Do you need anything else? Yes. A three pence stamp, please. Thatll be eighty-five pence in all. Dialogue 2: I wish you wouldnt have your TV so lou

24、d. Sorry! Were you trying to sleep? Yes, and while I think of itplease ask when you borrow the iron. I really ought to have known better. Sorry! Dialogue 3: Wendy, Id like you to meet my brother, Sam. How do you do? How do you do? What do you think of life in England? Im still feeling pretty homesic

25、k. Its bound to be strange at first. Dialogue 4: Its time we were off. So soon? Cant you stay a little longer? I wish I could, but Im late already. What a shame! Thank you for a wonderful meal. Im glad you enjoyed it.Dialogue 5: Sorry, but I didnt quite catch that. I said, Can I give you a lift? Isn

26、t it out of your way? No, its on my way home. Dialogue 6: I feel shivery and Ive got a pain in my stomach. How long have you had it? The best part of a week. By the sound of it, youve caught a chill. What should I do? Ill give you something for it, and come to see you in a couple of days. Section 2

27、A. Restaurant English. Dialogue l: Woman: Id like the continental breakfast, please. Waiter: Yes, madam. What sort of fruit juice would you like to start with? Woman: The pineapple juice. Waiter: Would you prefer honey, marmalade or jam? Woman: Oh, marmalade, please. Waiter: And what would you like

28、to drink, madam? Woman: Coffee, please, black coffee. Dialogue 2: Head Waiter: Deep Sea Restaurant. Head Waiter. Good morning. Woman: Id like to reserve a table for five. Head Waiter: And was that today, madam? Woman: Of course. Head Waiter: At what time, madam? Woman: Oh, about three oclock, I supp

29、ose.Head Waiter: Im afraid we only serve lunch until 3 pm, madam. Woman: Oh well, two oclock then, and it must be by a window. Head Waiter: Very good, and what name, please? Woman: Bellington, Mrs. Martha Bellington. Head Waiter: Very good, Mrs. Bellington. A table for five at 2 pm today. Dialogue 3

30、: Head Waiter: Deep Sea Restaurant. Good morning. Man: Do you have a table for two this evening? Head Waiter: Certainly, sir. At what time was it? Man: What time does the band start playing? Head Waiter: At 8 pm, sir. Man: Right. Make it 7:30 then, and near the dance floor if possible. Head Waiter:

31、Very good, sir. And what name, please? Man: Kryzkoviak. Head Waiter: Could you just repeat that, please? Man: Kryzkoviak, thats Polish, you know. K-R-Y-Z-K-O-V-I-A-K. Head Waiter: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Kryzkoviak. We look forward to seeing you. B. In the Cinema. What shall we do tonight? How about the cinema? Thats a good idea. We havent been for

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