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1、死亡诗社中英对白完整版 Low Murmuring 记住,要挺胸 Now remember, keep your shoulders back. 手臂环抱你弟弟 Okay, put your arm around your brother. Thats it. Thats it. Right, and breathe in. Okay, one more. 好,再来一次 People Chattering 片名:春风化雨 现在,再复习一次 Now, just to review, 你要随着行列前进 youre going to follow along the procession. 直到校长

2、面前为止 until you get to the headmaster. 在那儿 At that point, he will indicate to you. 他会指示你为孩子们点燃蜡烛 to light the candles of the boys. 好了 ,孩子们,安静下来 Man All right, boys, lets settle down. 主演:罗宾威廉斯 Banners up! 举旗 # Bagpipes Ladies and gentlemen, boys. 女士先生们 孩子们 the Light of Knowledge. 知识之光 # Organ # Contin

3、ues Crowd Applauding One hundred years ago, in 1 859, 一百年前,在1859年 41 boys sat in this room. 41个男孩坐在这个房间中 被问及的问题 and were asked the same question. 现在在学期开始时同样要问你们 that now greets you at the start of each semester. 各位先生,何谓四大信念 Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars? 传统,荣誉,纪律,卓越 Tradition. Honour. Discipl

4、ine. Excellence. In her first year, 在第一年 Welton Academy graduated five students. 威尔顿学院有5位毕业生 去年,我们则有51人毕业 Last year we graduated 5 1. 其中,超过75的毕业生 And more than 7 5 percent of those. 申请到了长春藤联盟的大学 went on to the Ivy League. This-This kind of accomplishment. 这种成就 便是积极力行 is the result. 本校所教授的信念的结果 of fe

5、rvent dedication to the principles taught here. 这便是各位家长 This is why you parents have been sending us your sons. 送贵子弟来本校就读的原因 This is why we are the best. 这也是我们成为全美国 最好的大学预备学校的原因 preparatory school in the United States. Applause Continues As you know, 各位都知道 our beloved Mr Portius of the English Depar

6、tment retired last term. 我们敬爱的英文老师波提斯先生 上学期退休了 稍后你们将有机会见到接任者 You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr John Keating, 约翰基廷先生 他也是本校的荣誉毕业生 himself an honours graduate of this school. 过去数年来 And who, for the past several years, has been teaching. 他都在伦敦一所倍受赞誉的学校 at the highly regarde

7、d Chester School in London. 却斯特学院任教 Applause 雷杰,你忘了拿你的行李 Man Richard, you forgot your bag! 强尼,你好吗? Boy Hi, Johnny! Hey, how you doin? Man Dont worry. I got your room assignment. Crowd Continues Chattering Continues Honking Chattering Continues They havent moved the dining area. 很高兴你能拨冗前来 Glad you co

8、uld come by. 和往前的致词一样精采 - Thrilling ceremony, as usual, Dr Nolan. - Youve been away too long. 你们离开太久了 哈啰!诺伦博士 - Hello, Dr Nolan. - Good to have you back. 真高兴你们再度回来 这是我们的小儿子,陶德 - This is our youngest, Todd. - Mr Anderson. 安德森先生,你的责任重大 You have some big shoes to fill. Your brother was one of our fines

9、t. 令兄是我们最杰出的学生之一 Thank you. 谢谢 迷人的讲词 - Lovely ceremony. - Thank you. Glad you liked it. 谢谢,很高兴你喜欢 盖尔 史考特 - Gale. - Tom. 很高兴能再见到你 - Good to see you again. - Hello, Mr Nolan. 哈啰!诺伦先生 尼尔,今年我们对你的期望很高 - We expect great things from you this year. - Thank you, sir. 谢谢你 他不会令我们失望的 Well, he wont disappoint us

10、. Right, Neil? 对吧?尼尔 我会尽力而为 Ill do my best, sir. - Bell Tolling - Father Hey, come on, son. 好了 ,儿子 抬起头 - Chin up. - Okay. 别哭了 - No tears now. - Chin up. 我不要来这儿 - Crying I dont want to go here. - Honey, I love you. 我陪你走过去 - Father Ill walk you over. - You be a good boy. Do your lessons. 好了 ,好了 ,要用功 T

11、olling Continues Hey! I hear were gonna be roommates. 听说我们要成为室友 我是尼尔培瑞 - Im Neil Perry. - Im Todd Anderson. 我是陶德安德森 Whyd you leave Balincrest? 你为何离开贝林葵斯特? 我哥哥上这所学校 My brother went here. 原来你是那个安德森 Oh, so youre that Anderson. 这是鼻炎的药 - This is for his sinuses. - Yes. I see. 如果他吞不下去,就让他吃这个 Oh, and if he

12、 cant swallow, you give him one of these. 如果他的呼吸困难 好 And if he has trouble breathing, you can give him some of those. 记得你的喷雾器吗? 是的 - Did you remember your vaporizer? - Yes, I put it in my room. 喷雾器 Boys Laughing, Chattering 你好吗?尼尔 刚到 - Hey, hows it going, Neil? - Hey, Knox. - Chattering Continues -

13、Neil, study group tonight? 尼尔,参加今晚的读书小组吗? 当然了 - Yeah, sure. - Business as usual, huh? 和以前一样,对吧? 听说你有个新室友,看来很古板 Hey, I heard you got the new kid. Looks like a stiff! Laughing, Stops Oops. Listen, dont mind Cameron. 别介意卡麦隆的话 He was born with his foot in his mouth. You know what I mean? 他天生拙于言词 了解我的意思吗

14、? 据谣传,你上了暑期学校 Rumour has it. you did summer school. 对,是化学 Yep. Chemistry. My father thought I should get ahead. 我爸爸认为我该超前进度 How was your summer, slick? 暑假过得如何?滑头小子 棒透了 - Keen. - Laughs Meeks. Door. Closed. 米克,关上门 Yes, sir. 是,长官 各位先生,何谓四大信念? Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars? 模仿,恐怖,颓废,污秽 Hushed Tr

15、avesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement. - Meeks Cheering - Okay. Study group. 好,读书小组 米克的拉丁文得了A Meeks aced Latin. I didnt quite flunk English. 我的英文也没当掉 因此,如果你愿意 - If you want, we got our study group. - Sure. 我们就有个读书小组了 卡麦隆也问过我了 Cameron asked me too. Anyone mind including him? 有谁介意让他参加吗? Hmm, whats his

16、specialty? Bootlicking? 他有何特长?拍马屁吗? - Come on, hes your roommate. - Thats not my fault. 他是你的室友 那不是我的错 - Boys Chuckling - Im sorry. My name is Stephen Meeks. 抱歉,我叫史提芬米克 这位是陶德安德森 Oh! This is Todd Anderson. 幸会 幸会 - Meeks Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. 查理达顿 Charlie Dalton. Knox Overstreet. 纳克斯奥佛史

17、区 陶德的哥哥是杰佛瑞安德森 Todds brother was Jeffrey Anderson. 真的啊! - Oh, yeah, sure. - What do you know? 代表毕业生致词的人 - Valedictorian. National Merit Scholar. - Oh, well. 全国最优秀的学生 欢迎到地狱学院来 welcome to Hell-ton. Its every bit as tough as they say unless youre a genius like Meeks. 这儿和他们宣称的一样严格 除非你像米克一样聪明 他奉承我,因此我才教他

18、拉丁文 He flatters me. Thats why I help him with Latin. 还有英文及三角 - And English. And trig. - Coughing - Knocking - Its open. 门没关 爸爸,我以为你已经走了 Voice Cracking Father, I thought youd gone. 培瑞先生 请坐,各位,请坐 - Mr Perry. - Keep your seats, fellows. Neil, Ive just spoken to Mr Nolan. 尼尔,我刚刚和诺伦先生谈过 我认为这学期你的课外活动过多 Yo

19、ure taking too many extracurricular activities this semester, 我决定要你辞去校刊社 and Ive decided that you should drop the school annual. 可是今年我是助理编辑 But Im the assistant editor this year. 我很遗憾 - Well, Im sorry, Neil. - But, Father, I cant. 爸爸,我不能辞职,那不公平 - It wouldnt be fair. - Would you excuse us for a momen

20、t? 各位,请恕我们失陪片刻 Dont you ever dispute me in public. Do you understand? 别在公开场合与我争辩,知道吗 爸爸,我不是 -Father, I wasnt disputing- -After youve finished medical school. 等你由医学院毕业,能独立自主 and youre on your own, then you can do as you damn well please. 便可以任意而为 但在那之前,你得照我的话做 But until then, you do as I tell you. Is

21、that clear? 清楚了吗? 是,对不起 Yes, sir. Im sorry. Clears Throat 你知道这对你母亲的意义很重大 You know how much this means to your mother, dont you? 是的 Yes, sir. You know me: always taking on too much. 你了解我,总是太贪心 Well, thats my boy. 那才是我的好儿子 需要任何东西便通知我们 - You need anything, you let us know. - Yes, sir. 是 Charlie Why doe

22、snt he let you do what you want? 他为何不让你做想做的事 是啊!尼尔,叫他少管闲事 Yeah, Neil. Tell him off. Couldnt get any worse. 情况不可能更糟 说得好 Oh, thats rich. Like you guys tell your parents off? 像你们叫父母少管闲事一样吗? 未来的律师与银行家? Mr Future Lawyer and Mr Future Banker? 好,我也和你一样不情愿 Okay, so I dont like it any more than you do. Well,

23、 just dont tell me how to talk to my father. 那就别告诉我该如何与父亲说话 你们和我一样 - You guys are the same way. -All right, all right.Jesus. 好,好,老天,那你要怎么办? - So what are you gonna do then? - Neil What I have to do. 怎么办?辞去校刊社的工作 - Drop the annual. - I wouldnt lose much sleep over it. 我不会为此难过的 不过是一群笨蛋想取悦诺伦 Its just a

24、 bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan. 我才不在乎这种事 I dont care. I dont give a damn about any of it. 好了 ,拉丁文?八点到我房间? - Well, uh. Latin, 8:00 in my room? - Yes. 好 - That sounds okay. - Todd, youre welcome to join us. 陶德,欢迎你加入我们 是啊!一起去,兄弟 - Knox Yeah, come along, pal. - Thanks. 谢了 # Bells Chiming # Chim

25、ing Continues Bell Tolling Birds Squawking Tolling Continues Squawking Continues Chattering Chattering Continues Teacher Slow down, boys! 慢慢走,孩子们 Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence! 慢慢走,你们这些可怕的青少年 由研究目录中选三项实验 Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list. 每隔五周交出一份报告 and report o

26、n them every five weeks. 第一章末的前20道问题 The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow. 明天要交出来 Boys Groaning (拉丁文) -Agricolam. - Class Repeating Agricolam. -Agricola. - Agricola. -Agricolae. - Agricolae. -Agricolarum. - Agricolarum. -Agricolis. - Agricolis. -Agricolas. - Agricolas. -

27、Agricolis. - Agricolis. 再来一次 - Again, please. Agricola. - Agricola. 学习三角,需要绝对的精确性 Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision. Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment. 任何人若未交出任何指定作业 将由总成绩中扣一分 will be penalized one point off their final grade. 现在我先警告各位别让我如此做 Let me urge you now n

28、ot to test me on this point. Chattering Chattering Continues Knox Hey, Spaz. Spaz. 史派兹!史派兹! - Laughing - Cameron Brain damage! - # Whistling 1 8 1 2 Overture - Shh! # Continues Whistling Well, come on. 来啊! Boys Murmuring - Lets go. - Lets go, guys. 咱们走 - Lets go. - Boys Chattering 去哪里? # Whistling - # Continues Whistling - Murmuring, Chattering # Continues “啊!船长!我的船长! ” O Captain, my Captain. Who knows where that comes from? 谁知道这句话的出处? 有人知道吗? Anybody? Coughing, Blowing Nose 毫无头绪? Not a clue? 是华特惠特曼 Its from a poem by Walt

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