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1、英语六级高频词汇1大学英语六级考试大纲高频词汇(1) effective a.有效的,有影响的例句The world fell in love with the effective, fascinatingly fast technology. (2007年6月阅读A)译文这个世界与有效且非常快速的科技一见钟情。executive a.执行的;行政的n.执行者例句Well, there are many undeserving richoverpaid chief executives, for instance.(2007年6月阅读1)译文那么,例如这里存在很多不应有的富足工资过高的行政主管

2、。inspire vt.鼓舞;给以灵感例句But the promise is so extravagant that it predestines many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti-social consequences, including family breakdown and obesity (肥胖症). (2007年6月阅读1)译文但前景如此奢侈以至于它注定令许多人失望,有时还会激发反社会后果的选择,包括家庭破裂和肥胖症。 investigate v.调查,调查研究例句If you

3、love the social aspects of your job, but are stuck inside an office or “chained to your desk” most of the time, vow to follow your instinct and investigate alternative careers and work that allow you more time to interact with others. (2007年6月快速阅读)译文如果你爱你的工作的社交方面,但大部分时间都滞留在一个办公室里或“拴在你的办公桌上”,你发誓要遵照你的

4、本性并且开始调查其他替代的职业和工作,可以有更多的时间与其他人交流。persist vi.坚持,持续例句Intriguingly,the effect persists for two or three generations. (2008年12月快速阅读)译文有趣的是,这种影响持续存在两三代人。recognize vt.认出,识别;承认,确认;赏识;报偿例句Miller encourages job seekers and those dissatisfied with work or life to examine their beliefs about work and recogniz

5、e that “in many cases your beliefs are what brought you to where you are today.” (2007年6月快速阅读)译文米勒鼓励求职者和那些不满意的工作或生活的人研究他们对工作的信念,并认识到“在许多情况下,是你的信念成就了现在的你”。responsible a.承担责任的;有责任感的;责任重大的,重要的例句The amygdala receives input from many parts of the brain, including regions responsible for retrieving memori

6、es. (2006年1月阅读1)译文扁桃体收到来自大脑很多部分的输入,其中包括负责检索回忆的区域。similar a.相似的,类似的例句Copyrights are similar to patents except that they are applied to artistic works. (2008年12月完形)译文版权与专利类似,只是它们是适用于艺术作品的概念。reflect re-flect v.反映,显示;反射;深思,考虑,反省例句 No form of government in the world is dominant; each system reflects the

7、history and present needs of the region or the nation. (2005年6月词汇37)译文 没有任何形式的政府在世界上占主导地位;每个系统都反映了这个地区或国家历史的以及当前的需要。appropriate ap-pro-pri-ate a.适当的,恰当的vt.私吞;拨款供专用例句 Appropriate risk. Some philosophers believe that the way to enlightenment comes through facing obstacles and difficulties. (2007年6月快速阅

8、读)译文 适当的冒险。有些哲学家认为教化就是通过面对障碍和困难来完成的。attempt at-tempt vt./n.尝试,试图;努力例句 Bowerman was also known for experimenting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock absorbent. (2008年12月阅读A)译文 鲍尔曼也因试验设计跑鞋而出名,试图使跑鞋变得更轻并且更加防震。用法 in an attempt to do 力图, 试图;in ones attempt t

9、o do 力图, 试图;make an attempt to do 打算; 试图concept con-cept n.概念,观念;设想例句 Those would be executives had, says Etzioni, little interest in concept of ethics and morality in the boardroom. (2006年1月阅读2)译文 伊兹奥尼说那些准业务主管对董事会的伦理道德概念没有多大兴趣。conduct con-duct n.举止,行为;指导;管理(方式),实施(方式)例句 It has been designed for con

10、ducting research, not entertainment. (2006年1月快速阅读)译文 设计它是为了用来进行研究,而不是为了娱乐。conflict con-flict n.冲突,抵触;争论;战斗 vt.冲突,抵触例句 Because so much previous suffering and social conflict stemmed from poverty, the arrival of widespread affluence suggested utopian possibilities. (2007年6月阅读1)译文 因为这么多以前的痛苦和社会冲突源于贫穷,普

11、遍富裕的到来暗示乌托邦(乌托邦式的)的可能性。critical cri-ti-cal a.决定性的;批评的例句 It also tallied (统计) and ranked a host of other critical factors like how websites link to one another. (2007年6月阅读A)译文 它还统计和排名一系列其他重要的因素,例如网站如何链接到另一个上。decade de-cade n.十年,十年期例句 There is no denying that ambient temperatures(环境温度) have changed in

12、 the past few decades. (2008年12月快速阅读)译文 无可否认,环境温度在过去几十年里已经改变了。survive sur-vive v.活下来,继续存在;从(困境等)中挺过来;比活得长;幸免于 例句 Nobel Prize for Medicine and says that if there is a global disaster some humans will survive and evolution will favour small people with bodies large enough to support the required amoun

13、t of brain power. (2008年6月快速阅读) 译文 诺贝尔医学奖表示,如果有一些人在一个全球性的灾难幸存下来,那么进化就会倾向于那些有足够庞大的身体来支撑所需脑功率数量的人。 temper tem-per n.心情;情绪;韧度 vt.调和,使缓和;(冶金)回火 例句 The girl gathered her temper and spoke her mind. 译文 那女孩鼓起勇气说出了自己的想法。 afford af-ford vt.担负得起;提供 例句 Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Am

14、ericans view Mexico as a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals cant afford to join the merrymaking. (2008年6月阅读1) 译文 现在显然许多欧洲人看待美国的方式,如同许多美国人认为墨西哥那样是度假,购物,聚会廉价的地方那样;然而却忽略了贫穷当地人不能参加欢宴的事实。 constant cons-tant a.经常的,连续发生的;永恒的;忠实的n.常数,恒量 例句 We humans,

15、like all warm blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of whats going on in the world around us. (2008年12月快速阅读) 译文 我们人类,像所有温血动物一样,能够保持我们的核心体温相当恒定,无论在我们周围的世界是什么样子。 consumer con-su-mer n.消费者,消耗者 例句 Through advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy

16、things they didnt really want or need. (2007年6月阅读1) 译文 通过广告,公司使消费者买了他们并不真正想要或需要的东西。 essential e-ssen-tial a.必要的;本质的 n. 常pl.要素;必需品 例句 How do propagandists argue for the U.S. drug pricing policy? High prices are essential to funding research on new drugs. (2006年6月阅读2) 译文 宣传员如何为美国药品价格政策辩解?高昂的药价是研究新的药物必

17、不可少的资金。 inventory in-ven-to-ry n.详细目录,存货清单 例句 The store was closed for inventory all week. 译文 那家商店因盘货暂停营业一星期。current cur-rent a.当前的;通用的;流行的n.潮流,趋势;电流例句 How does the current dollar affect the life of ordinary Americans? (2008年6月阅读1)译文 当前美元是如何影响普通美国人的生活? factor fac-tor n.因素,因子;系数例句 This would be neith

18、er here nor there if it weret for the observation that having an older mother seems to be an independent risk factor for obesity. (2008年12月快速阅读)译文 要不是“有一个年老的母亲似乎是肥胖症的一个独立危险因素”言论的存在,那么这种将是毫不相干的。 financial fi-nan-cial a.财政的,金融的例句 The financial blows rain, instead, on the uninsured, especially the chro

19、nically ill who need expensive drugs to live. (2006年6月阅读2)译文 相反,却给那些没有保险的人带来了经济打击,特别是需要昂贵的药物维持生活的慢性病患者。 function func-tion n.功能;职务;函数vi.工作,运行,起作用例句 He designed the first suspension bridge, which made a perfect combination of beauty and function. (2008年12月翻译)译文 他设计了第一个吊桥,使美感和功能完美地结合在了一起。 literature l

20、i-te-ra-ture n.文学,文学作品;文献,图书资料例句 The National Endowment for the Arts recently released the the results of its “Reading at Risk”survey, which described movement of the American public away from books and literature and toward television and electronic media. (2006年1月改错)译文 美国国家艺术基金会最近公布“阅读正处在危险之中”的调查结

21、果,这个调查描述了美国公众远离书籍和文学却接近电视和电子媒体的趋势。 potential po-ten-tial a.潜在的,可能的n.潜力,潜能例句 Knight convinced the companys officials of the potential for its product in the U.S. (2008年12月阅读A)译文 奈特使公司的官员相信这种产品在美国的潜力。辨析 potential,latent这是一组意思相近的形容词。potential可能性的,有可能的;有潜在能力的(已察觉)其英文释义为“that can come into existence;poss

22、ible;in existence and capable of being developed or used”。latent潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的,有时用于贬义,其英语释义为“existing but not yet active,developed or visible”。另外可以表示医学上的潜伏期(latent period)和物理上的潜热(latent heat)。 project pro-ject n.方案,计划;课题;项目;工程例句 Other 9/11 projects are on the way as the fifth anniversary of the attac

23、ks approaches, most notably Oliver Stones “ World Trade Center.”but as the forerunner, “United 93”will take most of the heat, whether it deserves it or not. (2008年6月阅读A)译文 五周年袭击的邻近,其他911项目正在进行中,最主要的是奥利弗斯通的“世贸中心。 但作为先导, “93号航班”将带走大部分的热情,不管它值得与否。 relative re-la-tive a.有关系的;相对的 n.亲属,亲戚例句 in terms of en

24、ergy use and the nutrients captured in the product it was relatively inefficient. (2008年12月阅读1)译文 就能源使用和养分捕获方面而言,这种产品是相对低效的。 significant sig-ni-fi-cant a.相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的,意味深长的例句 Katherine Flegal and colleagues at the US National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland, have calculated

25、that people kicking the habit have been responsible for a small but significant portion of the US epidemic of fatness. (2008年12月快速阅读)译文 凯瑟琳福来阁和他的同事们在马里兰州Hyattsville美国国家卫生统计中心已经计算出,人们的戒烟行为是美国流行的肥胖症的一个很小的但是却很重要的原因。approach ap-proach vt.向靠近n.靠近;途径,方式例句 Different approaches to coping with stress. (2008年

26、12月听力35)译文 处理压力的不同方式。用法 approach to 接近, 近似, 约等于; (做某事)的方法/途径; at the approach of 在快到的时候;approach a problem from different angles 由不同的角度研究一个问题; approach sb. with a suggestion 向某人提出建议define de-fine vt.给下定义,限定例句Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are theyll say, “Success.” (2

27、005年12月阅读1)译文 问问大多数人他们是如何定义美国梦的,很可能他们会说, “成功”。involve in-volve vt.使卷入,牵涉;包含,含有例句 She felt frustrated and longed to be involved with nature and the outdoors. (2007年6月快速阅读)译文他感到很受挫,渴望投入到自然和户外的生活中。maintain main-tain vt.维持;维修,保养;主张;赡养例句 The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of

28、 sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage. (2008年12月阅读1)译文 关键是放弃主要关注在不增加损害的情况下保持产量需求的简单的、静态的可持续发展的措施。worthy wor-thy a.有价值的,值得的例句 Sensing their parents disappointment, children come to believe that they are, indeed, lacking something, and that this mak

29、es them less worthy of admiration and respect.(1999年1月简答)译文 意识到他们父母的失望,孩子们开始相信他们的确缺少些什么,这使他们不太值得那么钦佩和尊敬。用法 be worthy of sth./doing sth.值得某物/做某事; e.g. The novel is worthy of praise. 这本小说值得称赞。chief a.主要的,为首的;总的n.首领,长官;长,族长例句 Well, there are many undeserving richoverpaid chief executives, for instance. (2007年6月阅读1)译文 例如这里存在很多不应得到的财富报酬过高的执行主管。辨析 main, major ,chief这是一组表示“主要的”的形容词。main主要的,强调事物的某一部分、分支的重要性,大小及潜力优于其他部分,或表示该部分在整个事物中占有显赫的地位;e.g. the main reason主要原因。major重大的,主要的,指在规模、数量、重要性方面超出同类的其他事物;e.g. play a major part起较大的作用。chief主要的,首要的,强调在顺序,等级,重要性,价值方面高于其他所有同类事物;e.g. the chief engineer总工程师

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