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1、常用词语归纳A matter of 关于、的问题Abide by 遵守;忠于Above all 首先,最重要的是According to 遵照,根据Acount for 解释,说明Accuse sb of sth 因事控告某人Act as 充当,扮演Act on对、起作用Adapt oneself to 使自己适应After all 毕竟,终究After the fashion of 模仿,按照Again and again 屡次,再三地Against time 争分夺秒,赶时间Agree on 达成共识Agree to 同意,Agree with ,与、一致Ahead of 在、前面,先于A

2、im at 瞄准,旨在All of a sudden 突然地,意外地Allow for 考虑,顾及Along with 与、一道Another day 改日Answer for 对、负责Anything but 绝不是Apart from 除、之外Appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁Apply for 请求,申请Approach to 接近Argue with sb about(over)sth 与某人争辩某事Around the corner 在拐弯处,即将来临Arrive at到达,得出结论As a matter of fact 事实上,实际上As a result(consequence)

3、of 由于As a whole 整体说来As above如上所述As far as 远到,同样远As follows如下As for(to)就、来说,至于As if(though)好像As long as 长达,只要As mentioned above如上文所说As well as也,还有Ask about打听,询问Ask for要求Ask for leave请假At hand 在手边At home and abroad 在国内外At length 终于,最后At ones service由某人安排,At present 目前At stake处于成败关头 At the cost of 以、为代

4、价,牺牲At the mercy of受、支配At the risk of冒、的险At times有时,偶尔At will 随便Attend to 专心于;照料Attract ones attention to 引起注意A variety of 种类繁多的Back off 穷困的Base 、on基于Be able to 能够Be about to 正准备Be absorbed in 专心于Be accompanied by在、陪伴下Be accustomed to 习惯于Be afraid of 害怕Be anxious about 担忧Be armed with装备于Be at a loss

5、不知所措Be aware of 意识到Be busy doing忙于Be composed of 由、组成Be divorced from 与、分开(离婚)Be engaged to 与、订婚Be engaged in 忙于Be filled with充满着Be fond of 喜欢Be free from(of)没有、的,Be friends with 和、友好Be in need of需要Be involved in被卷入Be lacking in缺乏,减少Be made of由、制成,(材料)Be made from由、制成(看不出)Be made to do强迫做Be made up

6、of由、组成Be obliged(appreciated )to 感激Be to blame 受责备Beat the record打破记录Believe in信仰,信赖Belong to 属于Bear(keep)sth in mind(memory)牢记某事Because of因为,由于Become of遭遇,结果成为Before long 不久Begin with以、开始Benefit(profit)from从、获益Block up阻挡,堵塞Bottom up屁股朝天,颠倒着Break down 破坏,分解,失败Break into闯入,强行进入Break out(战争,火灾)发生,逃脱Br

7、eak through突破,克服Break up破碎,分开,制止Bing back带回,使回忆Bing down使(飞机)降落,打落Bing in 使某人参加;赚钱Bing into effect使生效Bing out 显示出,发表,出版Bing to an end 使结束,使停止Bing to light 发现,揭发Bing up 养育,提出,呕吐Build up建立,树立Burn down烧毁,(火力)减弱 Burn out烧尽(燃料)Burn sb up使某人发怒Bury oneself in埋头于Burst into 突然发生But for 要不是,如果没有By accident偶然地

8、By and by不久By force通过暴力By means of通过、用、By mistake错误地(并非故意)By nature天性,生来By the name of名叫、的By the way顺便问一下By turns 轮流,交替Call at a place参观某地Call for叫(某人)来,要求Call in召来,收回Call off取消,放弃Call on sb 顺便拜访某人Call up打电话,使想起Calm down使镇静,使平静Care for喜欢,关怀,照顾Care about关心,在乎Carry away带走,使失去自控力Carry on继续下去,坚持下去Carry

9、out贯彻,执行,实施Carry through坚持到底Catch(a)cold患感冒Catch fire着火Catch up with赶上Center on以、为中心Change for将、换为Change into变为Change ones mind改变主意Change with随、而变化Charge sb with控告某人Check up检查,核对Cheer up使振奋Clear up放晴,整理Close down停业Close up关门,靠近Combine、with与、联合Come about发生Come across偶遇,偶然发生Come at袭击,获得Come by从旁走过,经过

10、Come into being开始存在,产生Come into power上台,掌握政权Come near走近,险些Come on加油,快点Come out出来,出版,长出Come to总计达,苏醒 Come to an end结束Come to life苏醒;活泼起来Come to terms with与、达成协议,妥协Come true实现Common sense常识Compare、with把、和、比较Complain of(about)抱怨Concentrate on专心致志于Concern oneself about关心Consist in在于,存在于Consist of由、组成Con

11、tribute to有助于;贡献给Cool down(off)冷却;冷静Count on指望,依靠Cry out大叫,大喊Cure of医治Cut down砍到,减少,说服Cut off切掉,切断,打断Cut up切碎Dash off匆忙完成Day and night日夜Deal(do)with处理,对付Depend on依靠Determined to do决定做Develop into发展成为Devote (oneself)to献身于,致力于Die away(down)渐渐消失,慢慢减弱Die of(from)因、而死Die out渐渐灭绝,消失Differ from和、不同Dig up挖掘

12、,开采Divide、into把、分开Do way with废除,杀死Do good deeds做好事Do good(damage)to对、有好处Do sbs a favour帮助某人Do sb justice公平对待某人Do up收拾,修缮Draw a conclusion得出结论Draw in收(网),引诱Draw up a contract 拟订合同Dream of(about)梦想Dress up盛装,打扮Drink to为、干杯Drive away赶走,开走Drive off驱散Drop out掉出,退学Drop sb a line给人写信Dry up使、干透,枯竭End in结果为、

13、End (up )with以、结束Equal to等于Escape from从、逃出Ever since自、以来Exist(live)on靠、生存Face the music勇敢担当责任Face to face面对面Face up to勇敢应付,大胆面对Fall(succeed)in在、方面失败Fall behind 落后Fall in love with爱上Fall short of 缺乏Feel like doing想要,欲Fight against与、作斗争Fight for为、而战Figure out算出,想出First of all首先Fix ones attention on专心于

14、Fit in(with)与、相适应、协调For certain肯定地For example例如For fear of恐怕For nothing白白地,徒然For ones life拼命For the sake of为、起见For the time being目前,暂时Form beginning to end自始至终From time to time时常,时时From top to bottom从上到下Generally(broadly)speaking一般说来Get(hang)about(around)到处走动,徘徊Get across(使)越过,(被)理解Get along(on)with

15、与、相处,有进展Get down on ones knees 跪下Get into trouble遇上麻烦,陷入困境Get off下车,脱下,动身Get over越过,恢复Get rid of摆脱,除去Get through完成,通过,接通电话Get(be)tired of对、厌倦Give away送掉,泄露,放弃Give birth to引起,产生Give in屈服,让步Give off放出,发出(气味,热)Get on ones feet站立起来Give out发出,公开宣布Give rise to引起,产生Give sb a hand给与帮助Give up放弃Give way(to)让路

16、,让步Go against违背,反对Go ahead前进,继续下去Go all out全力以赴Go between调停Go in for对、感兴趣,参加Go on with继续,发生Go on a journey去旅行Go over越过,检查,重复Go through通过,经历,完成Go wrong出毛病,出故障Grade up 分等级Grow up长大成人Guarantee sb against保证某人不受、Guard against提防,防止Hammer out苦心想出,推敲出Hand in上缴,上交Hand out 分发Hand over 移交,交出Have an ear for对、有欣

17、赏力Have an effect on对、有影响力Have confidence in sb信任某人Have faith in相信,信仰Have no choice but to do除、别无他法Have nothing to do with与、无关Have on穿,戴Have sth at heart将某事放在心上Head for朝、前进Hear from sb收到某人的来信Hear of(about)听说Heart and soul全心全意Help out救出,Help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人Hit on(upon)偶然发现Hold(keep)back阻止,抑制Hold

18、on坚持,抓住Hold together连在一起,团结一致Hold up举起,阻挡Hunt for搜寻,追求If only但愿,要是、多好Impress on留下深刻印象In addition to除、之外In advance预先,事前In all总计In all respects 在各方面In answer(reply)to回答,响应In bloom(花)盛开In brief(short)简而言之In case (of)假使,万一In charge(of)负责In common共同的In company with和、一起In confidence秘密地,暗地里In conflict with

19、与、发生冲突In confusion在混乱中In contrast with(to)与、形成对比In cooperation with与、合作In danger of有、的危险In detail详细地In disagreement with和、不一致In exchange for交换,互换In fact事实上In favour of支持赞同In general一般地,大体上In harmony with与、和谐In high spirits兴高采烈In honor of为、祝贺In no case绝不In no time马上,立刻In no way绝不In ones opinion据某人的意见

20、In order整齐,混乱In other words换言之In particular特别,尤其In place of 替代In preparation for为、准备rIn private秘密地In public公开地In pursuit of寻求,追求In return作为回报In revenge for为、报仇In reward for作为报答In ruins成为废墟In search of寻找,搜寻In store储存着,准备着In terms of用、的词语。按照In the absence of无、时,缺、时In the beginning起初In the center of在、的

21、中央In the direction of朝、的方向In the distanceIn the eyes ofIn the form ofIn (the)futureIn the hope ofIn the meantimeIn the name ofIn the open airIn the wayIn totalIn turnIn vainIn want(need)ofInform sb of sthInquire aboutInquire into调查,询问Insist on坚决要求,坚持Join hands联手,合作Join in参加Keep(break) ones promise守约

22、、失约Keep order维持秩序Keep the balance of保持、平衡Keep to遵守,不离开Keep track (of)知道Keep up继续,保持Keep up with跟上,赶上Kill time消磨时间Knock about漫游,连击Knock at敲打(门窗)Knock down打到,撞到Knock into相撞,敲进去Knock over打翻Know about(of)知道,了解Later on后来laugh at嘲笑Lay down放下,制定Lay emphasis on强调Lay the foundation of打下基础Lay off解雇,使。下岗Lead a

23、 live过、生活Lead to导致Learn by heart记住Learn from向、学习Leave behind留下,遗留Leave for动身前往Leave out省去,忽略Leave sb alone不干涉、打扰某人,Leave school中学毕业Leave sth as it is顺其自然Let out泄露,放掉Let sb down不支持某人Light up使、活跃Line up排队Link up连接Live through度过,经历Live up to按照、行事Live with与、住在一起Lock up上锁Long for渴望得到Look after照料Look down

24、 on瞧不起Look forward to期待,期盼Look into调查,向里看Look on旁观Look on、as把、看成Look out(for)提防,注意Look up查阅,抬头看Look up to尊敬Live with与、住在一起Lock up上锁Long for渴望得到Look after照料Look down on瞧不起Look forward to期待,盼望Look into调查,向里看Look on旁观Look on as把、看成Look out(for)堤防,注意Look up查阅Look up to尊敬Lose heart泄气,沮丧Lose ones heart to

25、倾心于,爱上Lose ones way迷路Lose oneself in迷路,着迷make a contribution to贡献给make a difference产生重大影响make a face做鬼脸make a living谋生make a mess把、弄糟make a plan for为、制定计划make a promise许下诺言make a sacrifice for为、献身make an effect努力,尽力make an impression on给人印象make ends meet使收支相抵,量入为出make for走向,有利于make fun of取笑,嘲笑make h

26、aste赶紧make no sense没有意义make out书写,辨认,设法应付make peace with与、和好make progress取得进步make room for让地方给、make sense有意义,有道理make sure确信make the best of充分利用make trouble引起麻烦make up弥补,起草make up ones mind决定,下定决心Make use of利用Manage without 没有、也能应付Map out 制定,安排Meet the needs of满足要求Meet with碰见,遭遇Miss out遗漏Mistake 、for

27、误认Mix up搅匀,混淆Name after以、命名Next to nothing几乎没有No wonder难怪No more 不在Nothing but只是Now and then 有时,时常Now that既然Object to反对,抗议Of late最近,近来Of ones own某人自己的Off colour精神不振On a large scale大规模地,大范围地On an average平均On behalf of代表On board在(船,飞机)上On business因事,因公On condition that以、为条件On display在展出On end直立,竖立On g

28、ood terms with友善,相处好On guard值班,警戒On duty上班、下班On no account决不On ones own 独立地On purpose故意地On sale出售,特价销售On the basis of根据,以、为基础On the contrary正相反On the eve of在、的前夕On the march 在行军On the other hand在另一方面On the skirts of在郊外On the spot在场,马上Once after another一个接一个Open up开发,打开Operate off对、起作用Or so大约Originat

29、e from起源于Out of breath上气不接下气Out of date过时Out of order紊乱,出毛病Out of question毫无疑问Out of time不合时宜Owe sth to sb把某事归功于某人Part from跟、分别Participate in 参加Pass by从、旁边经过Pass on传下来,传递Pave the way for为、铺平道路Pay attention to注意Pay back归还Pay off(up)还清Persist in坚持Pick out挑选,选拔Pick up拾起,听到,(开车)接Play a part in扮演,起作用Play tricks on开玩笑,捉弄Point out指出Prepare for为、做准备Pull down拆毁Pull through度过(难关)Put an end to结束Put aside放到一边,搁置

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