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1、托福综合写作前言Preface有人说合肥这几年长高了、变美了、发展更快了,只要您在这个城市住上几天,你就能感受得到这个城市不断向上的冲动和日新月异的变化,正如图片中的那些细节和面孔,总有一股跳动的激情,一种向上的活力,要无法遏制地舒展开来。 People sayHefeihas grown taller, more beautiful and faster in recent years. Staying here for a few days,you canfeel the strong aspirationsandrapid changes of the city. The scenes

2、and the faces in the photos display a throbbingpassion,anupbeatvitalitythat is spreading dynamically. 于是,有了这样一次特殊的“采访”。全国新华社的百名签约摄影师,用两天两夜的时间,不知疲倦地用镜头、用眼睛、用心灵,展现这个城市一个个微小而独到的细节、鲜活而生动的面孔、幸福而温润的美好。 Therefore, a special “photo shoot” was arranged here. About 100photographersfromXinhua News Agency and i

3、ts local offices all overChina spenttwo days in the city. They used their cameras, their eyes and their hearts to reveal the unique details of the city in its development, and share the lively faces and happy moments of the people.美国城市学家雅各布斯说,“一个城市,它承载了所有创造者与见证者的梦想、渴望和骄傲。”作为见证者,他们用自己的方式分享创造者们的梦想、渴望与

4、骄傲,这个城市无处不在的活力、巨变与美好,洋溢在一张张图片的精彩光影之中。 Americanurbanologist Jane Jacobsis said to have remarked that acity bears the dreams, aspirations and pride of everyone who built and witnessed it. As witnesses, thesephotographerscame tosharethedreams,aspirationsand prideofthe local peopleand they incorporated

5、the ubiquitous vitality, great changes and charm of the city into colorful and inspiringpictures. 如今,环拥巢湖的合肥,又有了大湖靓市的梦想,按照“科学发展新跨越、主要指标进十强”的美好愿景,努力建设泛长三角地区继沪宁杭之后的现代化新兴中心城市,朝着区域性特大城市不断前行. Today, with Chaohu Lake now in its embrace, Hefeihas anewdream to become a more enchanting lakeside city. With th

6、e vision of “making new strides in scientific development and elbowing into the Top10 interms of major economic indicators”, Hefei spares no effort to build itself into a modern, prosperous and central city next only to Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou in the Pan-Yangtze River Delta, and continue its

7、advancement to be a regionalsuper city. “一个城市的未来是它过去合乎逻辑的延伸。”今天,当我们一起阅读新华社百名摄影师记录的惊美瞬间的同时,留住的则是明天的历史,打开的则是一个城市的远大理想! A citys future is but a logical extension of its past.Whenappreciating the stunning moments shot by the photographers, we feel what the photos have recorded are the history of tomorro

8、w andthe lofty ideas to be realized in the future!大湖靓市温泉之都 中国合肥欢迎您WelcometoHefei,a beautiful city home to Chaohu Lake and hot springsinChina这是一座巢湖岸边美丽的山水城市,气候宜人、园林如画。This isabeautiful cityby Chaohu Lake with pleasant climateandpicturesquegardens.这是一座充溢着筑造梦想的创新城市,人才辈出、理想辉煌。This isaninnovativecitythat

9、 makes dreams come true with talented people andbrilliantideas.千年文明,湖光山色。Thousand years of civilization and beautiful lakes and mountains 合肥,位于中国中部,居安徽之中,处江淮之间,因东淝河、南淝河在此交汇而得名,并因隋唐明清时为庐州路、郡、府治所在而别称“庐州”,是全国唯一环拥五大淡水湖之一巢湖的省会城市。 Located in theCentral Region of China,Hefeiis in the center ofAnhuiProvince

10、between the Yangtze River and theHuaiheRiver,the only provincial capital city that embraces one of the five largest freshwater lakes (ChaohuLake) inChina.Geographically, the name ofHefeimeans the converging point of theDongfeiRiverand theNanfeiRiver. As it was made prefecture seat of Luzhou in the S

11、ui, Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties, it is also known as Luzhou.现辖肥东、肥西、长丰、庐江4个县,巢湖市,瑶海、庐阳、蜀山、包河4个区和合肥高新技术产业开发区、合肥经济技术开发区、合肥新站综合开发试验区、合肥巢湖经济开发区4大开发区,市域总面积万平方公里,常住人口752万人。 Under itsjurisdiction, there are four counties (Feidong,Feixi,Changfengand Lujiang), one sub-city (Chaohu) and four urban districts

12、 (Yaohai, Luyang, Shushan and Baohe). The city also possesses 4 development zones, namely, Hefei Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, HefeiEconomic & TechnologicalDevelopmentArea,Hefei XinzhanComprehensive DevelopmentPilot Zoneand Hefei ChaohuEconomic Development Zone.The total area of Hefei is11,40

13、0 square kilometersandthe permanent resident populationismillion. 作为国家级皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的核心城市,合肥承东启西、连南接北,正因为其全国重要的区域性综合交通枢纽之地位,勾连起半径500公里范围内7省1市、近102万平方公里、5亿人口这一中国经济实力最强、消费群体最多、发展活力最大的经济区域。As thecore city of thenationalWanjiang city-cluster demonstration area for industrial relocation, Hefei stands in

14、 the crossroads, linkingeast and west, connectingsouthand north.It is its position as a nationally important regional comprehensive transportation hub city that has made it possible to link 7 neighboring provinces and Shanghai within a 500 km radius of Hefei and form a new powerful economic area, co

15、vering almost million square kilometers with a population of half a billion. This area has become the strongest economy in China with the largest number of consumer groups and greatest potential for development.山水合肥一城串联万千美景Hefei, a city unfolding countless enchanting views 合肥,是中国优秀旅游城市,以“包公故里”、“三国故地

16、”、“科教基地”、“淮军摇篮”、“温泉之乡”、“环湖新城”名扬天下。 Hefeiis an excellent tourist city inChina, known to the world as the hometown of Lord Bao, a famous battlefield during the Three Kingdoms period, a national science and education base, the birthplace of the Huai Army, a hot spring resort and an emerging lakeside ci

17、ty. 合肥,是中国唯一环抱五大淡水湖之一巢湖的省会城市,800里巢湖烟波浩淼,湖光、奇花、温泉、溶洞被称之为“四绝”,银鱼、白米虾和大闸蟹被誉为“三珍”;半汤温泉是安徽休闲疗养的主要区域,富含30多种活性元素;素有“温泉之都、风情小镇”之美誉的庐江县汤池温泉则享有“华东第一泉”的美誉,4A级金孔雀温泉旅游度假村已逐步成为华东著名的旅游度假疗养胜地。Hefeiis the onlyprovincialcapital city inChinathat embraces one of the biggest freshwater lakes.ChaohuLake,avast expanse of

18、water stretching about 800 square kilometers, is endowed with wonderful scenery and delicious aquatic products. Four wonders to see includewaterscape,rare flowers,hotspringsandKarstCaves; three local specialties are whitebait, white shrimp and hairy crab. Bantang is a major spa resort for leisure an

19、d rehabilitation inAnhui, for the water from thehot springsis rich in more than 30 kinds of active mineral elements. Tangchi, a small beautiful town inLujiangCounty, is another spa resort known as the place with the No. 1 hot spring inEast China. Golden Peacock Spa Resort, a4Arated holiday village,

20、is now a famous health resort for tourists inEast China. 合肥,群山相拥,层峦叠翠,是全国首批3个“全国园林城市”之一,两次荣膺“中国人居环境示范奖”。 With green hills nestling into each other, Hefei is one of the first three national garden cities. It won the China Best Habitat Environment Award twice. 合肥以“园在城中、城在园中”而独负盛名。敞开式环城公园,构成了环绕老城、连接新城、

21、水陆相依的独特景致,宛如一条翡翠项链镶嵌于城市之中。合肥是全国生态旅游城市,巢湖是国家级重点风景名胜区,包公文化园、紫蓬山、岱山湖、三河古镇等14个国家级4A景区风光旖旎。 The harmonious pattern of gardens intermingling with the city makesHefeiremarkably unique in the whole country. The open around-the-city park is just like a jadeite necklace around the old urban area, forming a di

22、stinctive and pleasant view of lands and waters.Hefeiis a national ecological tourist city, withChaohuLakeas a national key scenic spot. It also owns 14 national4Atourist attractions, likeLordBaoCulturePark,Mt.Zipeng,Daishan LakeandSanheAncientTown.文化合肥徽风和韵兼容南北风情Hefei, a cultural integration ofAnhui

23、style with both northern and southern flavors 合肥,自秦置县,合肥至今已有2200多年历史。三国时期,魏吴交兵长达32年之久,在此留下了逍遥津、教弩台、三国新城等众多历史遗迹。1949年合肥解放,同年2月建市,1952年成为安徽省省会。 More than 2,200 years have passed sinceHefeiwas made a county seat dating back to the Qin Dynasty. During the Three Kingdomsperiod (220-280), the forces of We

24、i and Wu had battles here for 32 years, leaving many historical remains like the Leisure Ferry (nowXiaoyaojin Park), the crossbowmen training terrace (now a temple on Jiaonutai) and the ancient garrison of theWeiKingdom(also called Sanguo Xincheng). Hefeiwas liberated in 1949, made a city in Februar

25、y the same year and became the provincial capital in 1952. 合肥人杰地灵,自古名人辈出。三国名将周瑜,五代十国的吴王杨行密,宋代清官包拯,晚晴重臣李鸿章,首任台湾巡抚刘铭传,世界著名科学家杨振宁,著名将军冯玉祥、张治中、李克农等,均出自合肥。 Reputed historical figures makeHefeimore famous. Influential ones born here include, to name but a few, Zhou Yu, a famous general in the Three Kingdo

26、ms period, Yang Xingmi, the King of the Wu State in the Five Dynasties and Ten States period (907-960), Bao Zheng (999-1062), an upright official in the Song Dynasty, Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), a leading official in the late Qing Dynasty, Liu Mingchuan (1836-1896), the first governor of Taiwan in the

27、 Qing Dynasty and Dr. Chen Ning Yang, a world famous scientist, as well as famous modern generals Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Zhizhong and Li Kenong. 今天,周瑜墓、包公祠、李鸿章故居、刘铭传故居、杨振宁故居等历史景观,串联起城市绵延千年的记忆。渡江战役纪念馆、安徽名人馆、合肥大剧院、国际会展中心、塘西河水街、世博安徽馆、中国(合肥)非遗园和安徽省博物馆等一批标志性文化设施的建成开放,成为中外客人钟情眷顾所在。 Today, the historical site

28、s like Zhou Yu Tomb,LordBaoTemple, former residences of Li Hongzhang, Liu Mingchuan and Chen Ning Yang respectively outline the history of the city with lingering memories of thousands of years. In addition, a number of symbolic cultural facilities were built and open to the public, such as theYangt

29、ze-crossingCampaignMemorialMuseum, Anhui Hall of Fame,Hefei Grand Theatre,AnhuiInternational Convention andExhibitionCenter,TangxiheWater Street,AnhuiPavilion of Expo 2010,China(Hefei)IntangibleCulturalHeritageParkandAnhui Museum, attracting numerous visitors at home and abroad. 合肥,文化鼎盛,韵味悠长的庐剧、巢湖民歌

30、,是合肥独特的文化符号。 Hefeiis culturally flourishing; the appealing Luju Opera and Chaohu folk songs are unique cultural symbols of the city. 合肥,美食荟萃。传统的四大名点历千年而不衰,曹操鸡、包公鱼、庐州烤鸭、吴山贡鹅、李鸿章大杂烩等传统名菜回味绵长,遍布食肆的小龙虾则成就“中国淡水龙虾之都”,并与星巴克、俏江南、马克西姆等丰富多元的中外美食一起,让每个来到合肥的人,都能真切的感受到“舌尖上的惬意中国”。Hefeiis a desirable place for gas

31、tronomes. The 1,000-year time-honored Four Local Pastries, namely, Honggao (baked cake), Mabing (sesame cake), Baiqie (white sesame slices), Cunjin (sesame cookie) remain appealing today. Traditional dishes likeCao Cao Chicken, Lord Bao Fish, Luzhou Roast Duck, Wushan Tribute Goose, and Li Hongzhang

32、 Hotchpotch give diners endless aftertaste, and the popularcrawfishin restaurants make Hefei a nice place to enjoy the so-called freshwater “lobster. All those above make every visitor truly feel a bite of agreeableChina. In addition, you can enjoy famous domestic and foreign food and drinks in Starbucks, South Beauty and Maxims.枢纽合肥承东启西连南北通江达海Hefei, a land tra

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