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1、届甘肃省兰州市高考三诊断考试考试英语试题含答案解析2021届甘肃省兰州市高考三诊断考试考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读选择Museums for Summer Fun and LearningChildrens Museum of Oak RidgeLocated in a historic Manhattan Project-era building, this museum is the place for visitors to earn about art, science, history, culture, and healthy living. With ov

2、er 20 child-friendly exhibits to explore, it provides something of interest for everyone.Address: 461 W. Outer Dr. Oak Ridge, TN 37830Admission: Adults: $ 8.00; Seniors: $ 7.00; Children 3 & Up: $ 6.00; Children under 3: FreeChildrens Museum of Science and TechnologyFounded in 1954, CMOST is the reg

3、ions only science center. CMOST provides an engaging, child-directed learning environment which enables children to learn and grow through play. Designed for children aged 18 months through the tween years, the museum enables children to observe, think, and learn in a pressure-free environment by pa

4、iring creative educational tools and techniques with engaging exhibits to support active learning.Address: 250 Jordan Road Troy, NY 12180Admission: $ 8.00 per person aged 2 and upAfrican American Museum of IowaThe AAMI is a statewide museum aimed at keeping and teaching Iowas African American histor

5、y. As Iowas leading educational resource on the topic, it educates more than 30,000 people each year through museum tours, travelling exhibits, research services, youth and adult education programs, and community and fundraising events.Address: 5512th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401Admission: Adul

6、ts: $ 6.00; Seniors: $ 5.00; Students / Youth: $ 3.50; Children under 5: FreeKingman MuseumKingman Museum is a hidden treasure in Southwest Michigan housing an extensive (大量的) natural history collection. As a local landmark in Battle Creek for over 80 years, Kingman Museum works to provide a univers

7、al place of hands-on learning for the community.Address: 175 Limit St. Battle Creek, MI 49037Admission: Free1Which museum charges a child aged 5 $ 6.00?AKingman Museum.BChildrens Museum of Oak Ridge.CAfrican American Museum of Iowa.DChildrens Museum of Science and Technology.2What can we know about

8、CMOST?AIt is a statewide museum.BIt used to be a science lab.CIt uses creative educational tools.DIt is designed for children to play.3Whats the goal of African American Museum of Iowa?AExhibiting artworks.BRaising funds for programs.CProviding learning sites for communities.DProtecting the African

9、American history. What do you want to be when you grow up? My answer has always been a vet.We didnt have pets growing up because my mother was scared of animals. She transferred(转移) some of this fear to me. Its not common you find someone whos scared of animals but wants to be a vet. Still, I knew t

10、his is what I wanted.Vet school was nothing like I had imagined. Within the first few weeks, any fears I had about being a vet vanished. In the fourth year, we were introduced to surgery. I loved it. Stitching(缝) wounds was like a satisfying game of Tetris(俄罗斯方块), where all the pieces fit beautifull

11、y together to make something broken whole again. It solidified(使坚固) my belief that this was the right fit for me.These were the most challenging and rewarding two years of my life, and before I knew it, they were over. I was officially a veterinary surgeon(兽医). Surprisingly, I felt empty after I fin

12、ished. Why wasnt I excited to move on? I had completely forgotten to think about what comes next. I felt as if I had spent the last decade of my life writing exams and working crazy hours only to come out on the other side, completely clueless.There were so many options to choose from. I could start

13、 a clinic, work at another practice or even pursue further studies. It was my father who suggested I travel to gain some perspective. I hesitantly decided to spend some time in New Zealand with my aunt who also happens to be a vet.New Zealand was beautiful! I finally had a chance to think about what

14、 I wanted. One of the vets there allowed me to observe their practice. Working with vet nurses really stood out for me. We dont have vet nurses in India! It is a blessing to have such experienced and dedicated individuals as a part of your support system. After a whole year of what felt like aimless

15、 wandering, this experience helped me decide I wanted to work overseas.So, to all the other confused vets out there who havent figured things out: Its completely okay to feel confused! Most people feel the same way at some point in their careers. Dont be afraid to try new things even if you feel dif

16、ficult or impossible.4Why didnt the author consider raising a pet of her own before?ABecause she had been wounded by a pet.BBecause she was not interested in animals.CBecause her family couldnt afford to buy her one.DBecause her mother passed on her fear of animals to her.5What does the underlined w

17、ord “vanished” in paragraph 3 probably mean?AErupted. BDisappeared CIncreased. DRealized.6How did the author feel after she graduated as a real vet?ALost. BAshamed. CConfident. DExcited.7What does the text mainly tell us?ADifferent people have different dream jobs.BHow the author became a vet with t

18、he help of her aunt.CBy traveling abroad, people can broaden their knowledge circles.DPeople will find what they really want if they are brave enough to try. The worlds largest iceberg is floating toward South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean. Scientists fear the iceberg could crash into the i

19、sland and block major feeding areas for a large population of penguins and seals. If the iceberg hits the island, it could prevent the penguins and seals from reaching food supplies.The huge iceberg is named A68a. It broke away from Antarcticas Larsen C Ice Shelf in 2017. Satellite images show the i

20、ceberg has remained in one piece. It is estimated to be about 150 kilometers long and 48 kilometers wide. It is traveling at one kilometer per hour and is on a path to hit South Georgia in around 30 days.This is the time of year when seals and penguins spend a lot of time caring for their young. The

21、 distance that parents have to travel to find food is crucial. That means they have to go a lot further or go around the iceberg to find sources of food.Ecologists say an iceberg crash would also disturb materials settled on the seabed, possibly polluting the surrounding seas. As the iceberg melts,

22、it would also release large amounts of fresh water into the ocean. This could affect krill (磷虾)populations that are a major source of food for the islands wildlife. The iceberg could remain for up to 10 years and change the areas whole ecosystem. These are globally significant populations of these s

23、pecies. If these species fail in this particular area, then the numbers globally are going to go down quite dramatically.Professor Geraint Tarling, an ecologist at the British Antarctic Survey, said, The breaking off of icebergs from Antarctica is a natural process. But the process is changing with

24、climate change. What were seeing with models and some observations now is that this is happening at an increasing rate. And so, this might become more of a usual thing in the future.8Why are the scientists worried about the coming iceberg crash?AIt will bring extremely cold weather.BIt will destroy

25、the feeding areas of the animals.CIt will put wildlife on the island at risk of starving.DIt will prevent animals from moving to other places.9What is paragraph 2 mainly about?AThe characteristic of the iceberg.BThe importance of the iceberg.CThe traveling speed of the iceberg.DThe forming process o

26、f the iceberg.10What damage can an iceberg crash bring according to paragraph 4?AUsing up much fresh water.BPolluting the surrounding farms.CChanging the worlds ecosystem.DAffecting the number of certain species.11How does Tarling think of the breaking off of icebergs from Antarctica?AIt may slow do

27、wn in the near future.BIt may become common in the future.CIt has a great influence on the climate.DIt helps scientists conduct a sea study. The sea could be the food bowl of the future. In Jervis Bay, south of Sydney, seaweed, which is rich in fibre and omega 3, is grown and harvested.Pia Winberg i

28、s a marine scientist who runs Australias first food-grade fanned seaweed company. Her crop is grown alongside mussels (贻贝)and is used as an additive in pasta (意大利面)and other products.Seaweed is also raised in large tanks, where it absorbs carbon dioxide waste from a wheat processing factory. The bus

29、iness is small, but could help to reduce the ecological footprint of traditional farming.“We used ten percent of seaweed instead of wheat in breads and pastas, weve eliminated a million hectares of land, weve eliminated all of the carbon dioxide emissions associated with that, and weve also reduced

30、the pressures on very precious fresh water.” said Pia Winberg.Spiny sea urchins (多刺海胆虫)are another blue economy resource. They can destroy marine habitats, but a recent competition for environmental start-ups in Australia, saw them not as a pest but a delicacy (美味).Martina Doblin, CEO of Sydney Inst

31、itute of Marine Science, said, “By 2050 we will have some ten billion people on the planet, and about half the food they eat will come from the ocean. So, we really do need to pay attention to the way that we manage the blue economy-generating wealth from the ocean but in a sustainable (可持续的)way.”Fa

32、rming at sea has its challenges. Infrastructure (基础设施)has to be sound, as do supply chains and biosecurity. But get these things right, and the ocean might just be the next great economic frontier.12What is the function of the first paragraph?ATo lead to the main topic.BTo describe a new kind of seaweed.CTell how important the food safety is.DTo explain the meaning of blue economy.

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