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1、广州版八年级下U4复习U4 巩固复习一、三合一检测直接引语变间接引语专项练习题三1. Our teacher asked us _ our dictionaries to school. A. bring B. brought C. bring D. to bring2. The teacher told the boy students _ football on the grass. A. not play B. not to play C. played D. playing3. Betty asked her sister _ to the railway station to see

2、 her off. A. not to come B. not to go C. to not come D. to not go4. The pupil asked his teacher _ round the earth.A. weather the moon goes B. that the moon wentC. whether the moon goes D. whether the moon went5. Mr. Li _ Wang Ling _ a taxi to the airport.A. asked; take B. asked; taking C. told; take

3、 D. told; to take6. Marys mother asked her _.A. that whether she had finished her homework B. if she has finished her homeworkC. if she had finished her homework D. that if she had finished her homework7. He asked _ for the computer. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D.

4、how much I paid8. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. He asked me _. A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the film C. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film9. “Please close the window,” he said to me. He _ me _ the window. A. said to; to close B. told to; closing C. asked ; to cl

5、ose D. said to; please close10. “I am a teacher,” Jack said. He said _. A. that I am a teacher B. I was a teacher C. that he is a teacher D. he was a teacher2)将下列直接引语变成间接引语1He said: “Ive left my book in my room.”2She said: “He will be busy.”3She said to Tom, “Can you help me?”4She asked, “Is this bo

6、ok yours or his?”5The teacher asked, “how did you repair it?”6The teacher said to the students, “Dont waste your time.”7The mother said, “Tom, get up early, please.”8The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”9My father said, “Practice makes perfect.”10The boy said to us, “ I usually get up at

7、 six every day.”2、U4知识讲解巩固【词汇讲解】1. They are often quite loud in class and like to give their opinions to the teacher.give ones opinion:提出某人的观点,opinion既是可数名词,也是不可数名词。1) 作可数名词时,强调某人的意见,看法,主张。Whats your opinion of the news? 你对这条新闻有什么看法?2) 作不可数名词时,强调集体的意见或看法;舆论。Opinion is turning to Obama. 舆论逐渐开始支持奥巴马。文

8、章中的opinion强调的是学生各自的观点,所以是可数名词。2. At first I felt a bit shy about speaking English in front of so many people.a bit; 一点点,相当于a little,通常修饰后面的形容词或副词。但如果修饰不可数名词时,得用短语a bit of. 请比较:We have only a little water now. = We have only a bit of water now.想想:a bit 可以修饰可数名词么?3.They dont think that it is polite to

9、 disturb the teacher or to shout out answers to questions. (p. 54)他们认为打断老师的讲课或者是大声回答问题是不礼貌的做法。they dont think: 这是英语中常用的否定前置的句型。英语中某些动词如:think, believe后面所带出的宾语从句要求是一个肯定句,如果遇到否定句时,也得把否定词前移到主句中去。所以上述这个句子应理解为:他们认为是不礼貌的。又如: I dont think he is right. 我认为他是错的。(这个句子不能用I think he is not right来表示。) I dont bel

10、ieve he is your brother.句型:It is polite(+形容词)to do sth 做是+形容词。shout out 喊叫 answer to the questions key to the door front of 与in the front of 的区别_5.start a conversation with sb 开始和某人对话 make a conversation with sb 和某人交谈(对话)6.ask sb for advice 向某人询问意见7. Did you do much sightseeing? (p. 58)do much

11、sightseeing:四处观光旅游。sightseeing是不可数名词,故用much来修饰。8. The teacher took some pictures of us with a guard in traditional clothes. (p. 58)take pictures of sb: 给某人拍照。介词in +衣服,表示穿着的衣服。9.If you want to go to someone elses room, always knock at the door and wait before you go in. (p. 58)knock at the door: 敲门,区

12、别:knock into sb与某人撞了个满怀10.Most people are worried about food and meals. (p.59)be worried about.:对感到忧虑,这里worried是形容词,表示状态。动词是worry, 常用于短语worry aboutPlease dont worry about me, I can take care of myself. 11.I could hardly understand anything for the first few weeks,but after a while , I got used to it

13、. (p.60) after a while :过了一会儿,get used to (doing) sth.:习惯于(做)某事。I get used to going jogging in the morning. 注意区别:used to do something过去常常做某事e. g. I used to have a bath in the morning, but I dont do that any more. 我以前常常早上泡澡,不过现在不再这样做了。12.The food eaten in Indiana was quite different to the kind of Am

14、erican food I eat in Guangzhou. (p.61)be different to: 与 不同,相当于be different from.13.The countryside, compared to Guangzhou,is completely flat. (p.61)be compared to something: 与 相比,在本句是充当 countryside 的定语,起补充说明作用。同步练习:1. 单词拼写(1) I took part in an e_exchange programme and learnt a lot.(2) A_he got up e

15、arly this morning, he still missed the first bus.(3) Nowadays, many people prefer to c_online.(4) The f_exam of this term usually comes in January.(5) Different people have different t_.2.完成句子(1) Jack回国后还经常和他的朋友保持联系。When Jack came back, he still _ _ _ _his friends. (2)作为一名教育交流生,我应要求介绍了自己国家的文化。 As an

16、 _ _ student, I _ _ _ introduce our own culture. (3)家长应该告诉孩子如何与他人交朋友。Parents should tell children how to _ _ _others.(4)我想去澳大利亚进行交流。I would like to _ _ _ _in Australia.(5)在离家的这些日子里,你要好好照顾自己。You should take good care of yourself when you are _ _the family.3.选择填空( )1. He asked me to give him_advice on

17、 his project. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )2. In Australia, you are allowed to shout_in the class. A. at B. to C. out D. about( )3. My sister is _ shy in front of us. A.a lot of B.a lot C.many D.a bit( )4. Her _ make me feel uncomfortable. A.opinion B.opinions C.think D.thinks( )5. Later, she _ the lif

18、e in a foreign country. A.was used to live used to living C.used to live D.used to 3、although/though 的区别用法不同点:although和though同义,在一般情况下,可以互换使用。只是though较普遍,常用于非正式的口语或书面语中,而although则较为正式。另外although语气比though重,常用以强调让步概念。 e.g. Though/Although my car is very old, I dont want to buy a new one. 虽然我的汽车很

19、旧,但我不想买一辆新的。 He insisted on doing it although I warned him not to. 虽然我警告他不要做,但他仍然坚持要做。 even能和though组合表示强调,但even不能和although组合。因此,不能说even although, 在这里even though=even if(no matter if; though即使也) e.g. Even if/ though we could afford it, we wouldnt go abroad for our vocation. 即使我们付得起这笔钱,也不出国度假。 当让步状语从句

20、指某种假设情况时,通常用though,而不用although。 e.g. Though all the world were against me, I should still hold to my opinion. 就算全世界都反对我,我还是坚持我的立场。 Though everybody deserts you, I will not. 即使所有人都抛弃你,我也不会的。 though可以独立用作副词,常放在句末,意为all the same (还是;仍然)或however(可是;然而),而although无此用法。 e.g. She didnt tell me what she had

21、done, but I know it though. 她没有告诉我她所做的事情,但我还是知道了。 Its hard work. I enjoy it, though. 工作很苦,可是我喜欢。 though引导让步状语从句时可以倒装,而although从句则不能。 e.g. Bravely though they fought, they had no chance of winning. 虽然他们打得很勇敢,但还是没有机会获胜。 相同点: 在although和though引导的让步状语从句中,主句里不可用but,若要强调前后两部分的对比意义,可在主句前加yet或still。 e.g. Alt

22、hough/Though he has a lot of money, yet/still he is unhappy. 他虽然有很多钱,但并不幸福。 although和though引导让步状语从句时,常采用省略形式。例如: Although tired (=Although he was tired), he kept on working. 虽然很疲劳,但他继续工作。 The problem, though complicated(=though it is complicated), can be solved without much difficulty. 这个问题虽然复杂,但解决起

23、来不会有很大困难。 Young though she is, yet she is fit for the job. (=Young as she is, yet she is fit for the job.)尽管她很年轻,可她还是胜任这项工作的。 although和though引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。如: He often helps me with my English (al)though he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。 Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are

24、determined to make greater success. 尽管在前面的道路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就。同步练习:一、用although或though填空。1. _ everybody desert you, I will not.2. He is dangerous element, there is no reason, _, to shoot him3. Poor _ he is, he lives happily.4. Child _ he was, he did it quite well.二、选择。1) _she is young, she know

25、s quite a lot.A. When B. However C. Although D. Unless2) _she is young, she knows quite a lot.A. When B. However C. Although D. Unless3)Wehadtowaithalfanhour_wehadalreadybookedatable. A.since B.Although C.until D.before4) _mostoftheearthssurfaceiscoveredbywater,freshwaterisveryrareand precious. A.As

26、 B.Once C.If D.Although5)_hehaslimitedtechnicalknowledge,theoldworkerhasalotofexperience.A.Since B.Unless C.As D.Although6)Althoughheisconsideredagreatwriter,_.A.hisworksarenotwidelyread B.buthisworksarenotwidelyread C.howeverhisworksarenotwidelyreadD.stillhisworksarenotwidelyread7) Allowchildrenthe

27、spacetovoicetheiropinions,_theyaredifferentfrom yourown.A.until B.though C.unless D.but8)_he said he wasnt hungry,_he ate up all the food. A. Although, but B. Although, / C. But , / D. Though, but Mike.9)_Mum had asked Mike to close the windows before he went out,_Mike forgot to do so. A. Though, /

28、B. Though, but C. Till, / D. Until, then10)_hes very young,_he knows several languages. A. Though ; but B. Because ; so C. Though ; / D. Because ;/ 三、选择下列适当的连接词填空until, before, so that, because, while, so.that, if, though, when, asas1 . You cant go into the room_they are having a lesson.2. _they arrived at the theatre, the performance had begun already.3. We will come to see you we have a holiday.4. Tliey kept on working_it was vrry hot.5. Zhang Lin speaks English _well an Englishman.6. She was careless she

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